Legends of Belariath

Quilain Dreamstrike

The Goblin Forests of Rak`Thar

Quilain glanced curiously at his surroundings as his long walk finally came to a stop. He found himself well out of his sphere of influence, and yet Gaea continued to lead him onward to some task he had yet to understand. This was nothing new to him however, as Gaea always seemed to be testing him to see if he could complete the task set before him. It had been three days since he left his home in the forests of Nanthalion. Neveah was asleep in his bed, quiet and content with a warm smile on her face after their nightly "activities". It was shortly afterward that Gaea called him to rise from his bed and his peaceful life for a journey she wished him to undertake.

He had slipped quietly out of bed afterward, dressing as silent as possible to not awaken his beloved pixie. As he was ready to leave however he slipped to her side and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before pulling a rose from a vase of flowers next to the bed and pressed it between the valley of her breasts before slipping away, heading out to the balcony where a well placed flight spell split his cloak in half and formed it into a pair of wings before taking flight toward the eastern horizon and flying toward the rising sun.

It was not soon after he stopped that he realized he began to hear the sounds of battle as well as the distinctive battle cries of goblins and the war songs of his own sylvan heritage. Curiously he crept closer, casting a camouflage spell as the forest seemed to wrap around his body, concealing it from onlookers until he was ready to reveal himself. He watched the battle unfold in a rather tell-tale fashion. The goblins were being beaten, and badly at that. Even as they attempted to run from their executioners they were quickly cut down by the precise shot of an archer or the swift blade of a concealed swordsman. He was about to join in on the battle. After all, it was always fun to slaughter goblins.

However as he prepared his first spell Gaea stopped him. It was not his place to join in the battle just yet, as there was more to the story than meets the eye. With this in mind he watched the battle continue to go in favor of the elves who eventually routed the goblin warriors and left not a single one alive to retreat back to the marshes. Their Hierophants came forward soon after, and with magic not too different from his own began to change the landscape around them. Swamp became clear green forest in a matter of hours.

As he watched this happen he felt a distinct anger from Gaea. It was as if she was angry they were using her powers in such a manner. He also realized that they were not asking permission to draw from her, but were ripping her gift from her and using it to their own ends. It was disturbing the balance of nature in the area, and he realized that he must put a stop to it. However Quilain was curious... Should he really go into open warfare against his own kin?

Gaea would give him no more answers, but she did lead him in the direction of the direction of the main goblin encampment. Keeping up the strength of his camouflage spell, he followed the direction of his goddess, as well as tracing the steps of the goblin warriors back to where they came from. What he saw as he stopped at the edge of the forest was not very surprising considering his experience with the goblinoid kind.

Most sat around the fireplace, speaking various stories in their guttural tongue while ripping meat from some tiny animals they had managed to catch in the harsh environment. Another group sat off in a tent, apparently the elders and leaders of the group apparently trying to discuss the next course of action against the sylvan elves.

It would be a hard introduction, but quietly he slipped into the camp and dispelled his camouflage spell. Some of the goblins jumped at the sight of him and fled screaming into the tents of the leaders. The other drew weapons and pointed crude spears and hammers at him, as if threatening to kill him should he step any closer. Moments later several goblin shamans emerged from the tents to look at the elf who had intruded upon their domain before Quilain spoke.

"Do any of you speak the common tongue?" He then switched to his other language, that of the sylvan elves. "Or perhaps you speak my native language since you combat them so frequently?" One of the shamans finally stepped forward and spoke in the common language. "My name is Rak`Thar, leader and shaman of this tribe. I speak the common language, so now you can tell us why you have come to our camp... Are you a spy from the sylvan warriors? Speak the truth, for I will be able to tell.."

With that he flickered his fingers about in the air, casting a quick Truth hear spell upon Quilain as he stood there. Quilain waited for the spell to take effect and finally began to speak. "Three days ago I received a calling from Gaea to come to this general location because there was a disturbance in the balance of nature and she wished to test me to see how I shall deal with the situation. I noticed that as your warriors were routed," This brought a few growls from some of the warriors near the campsite, now learning the fate of their comrades in arms, but Quilain continued. "that the elves brought forth their own hierophants. However while I call upon Gaea to grant me her power, they seemed to rip it from her. I do not know how they are able to manage such a feat, but they are destroying the balance of nature in the area.... and I must help to restore it in any way possible..."

The shaman nodded quietly, hearing no lies within the elf's voice that the spell would report to him, and took a step forward, motioning for the warriors to lower their weapons as he invited the elf into the tent with the other leaders. "The sylvan believe that they are to expand their forests and destroy those that impede that process. We believe that the druid leader has led them to believe this, and now they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. For years we have lived in peace with them. We have not intruded their lands and they left us alone. The balance has indeed shifted, and we must find a way to restore it. The other shamans and myself have started working on various alchemic potions and charms that will help hinder their forces when attempting to attack us... but we do not have the ingredients we need from the Sylvan forests nor do we have a way to place the charms upon the warriors of the sylvan forces..."

Quilain thought quietly for a moment before speaking, something sparking within his mind. "If you allow me to help you create these charms and alchemic potions, in exchange for this training I will help you gather the implements you need, and I will also deliver them to the sylvan forces." The other shamans glanced to the leader as he translated, and almost all at once they all nodded in agreement. The leader quietly spoke once more, a tone of happiness in his voice, "It seems Gaea has led you to us in our time of need elf... we agree to your terms and accept your help..."

The next three days passed quickly. Using his magic he slipped into the forest of the sylvan and gathered the ingredients they would need, hunting and killing several animals in the forest and harvesting organs and other body parts needed for the art of alchemy for potion bases and the like. On the fourth day he sat within the tents with the shamans, studying their skills in the arts of alchemy and learning a great deal from them. In time he had obtained a working knowledge on creating curses and protection from those curses using the herbs he had helped gather.

As he created the curse protection amulets consisting of nothing much more than a bundle of herbs tied together by the hair of a horse and dipped in a potion he distributed them among the remaining goblin warriors, setting aside the actual cursed amulets to distribute amongst the sylvan elves, cleverly disguised with markings of Gaea and symbols of power that held no magic within them. He then worked with the shamans to create charms that would grant the strength of the earth to their warriors, adding that power to the amulets as well along with a final bit of power of general protection that Gaea would look upon these warriors with favor in order to give them the edge in battle.

With preparations completed, he took the cursed items with him, concealing them within his cloak as he wandered quietly into the sylvan woods, and later still into their camp. He made no attempts to hide his presence, and his brethren greeted him openly. As they asked his business, he told them that he had come on behalf of Gaea to grant them blessings to aid them in the fight to restore balance to the world. They did not see the double meaning behind those words as he handed out the cursed charms.

As they were placed upon the warriors they felt nothing, and Quilain explained that their powers would become apparent during the battle. The leader, a druid by the name of Morath Silverdream stepped forward and smiled, thanking his brethren for the gifts that he has bestowed upon his warriors, and offered him a place within the temple they had built for the ceremony they were to hold this night in preparation for the final battle that would wipe the goblins off of the face of the realm.

He humbly accepted, and during the ceremony he was curious to note a totem of Gaea in the center of the temple. As he looked upon it he felt Gaea's displeasure, and during a brief lapse in the ceremony he managed to catch the druid alone, asking him about the statue. He told Quilain that the image had come to him in a dream from Gaea herself, that with this statue she would never deny her power to those that held it in their possession.

That night he sat in meditation, focusing on one single question. Why would Gaea grant a gift so powerful to those that would misuse it so horribly? He soon realized why, as the answer was delivered to him in a dream...

He saw the powers of the goblin shamans as they seemed to block Gaea from those she sought to protect. As the goblins won their battles they would retreat back into the swamps only to strike again at a later date. As time passed the balance grew too far in the reach of the Goblins, and so Gaea took drastic measures. By granting the sylvan's the statue, they had that direct link to her power which they could use at any time without having to contact her, and the balance shifted in the Sylvan's favor. However they began to abuse it, and that was when Quilain was summoned to find a way to fully restore the balance in the situation.

As he awoke he saw the clear answer to his dilemma. He would have to wait to carry out his plan however. In the morning he arose with his Sylvan brethren and prepared for the battle to come. Quietly he meditated in the chamber with the statue, feeling the power of his goddess flowing from it. It was an abomination and it needed to be destroyed. He knew once he took the statue that the magic from their hierophants would cease to work, and it would allow the shamans to gain the edge. However the shamans would also have to die in order to fully restore balance between the two warring factions.

It was not much longer before the sylvans came forth and aroused him from his rest. As he stepped out into the woods he spoke softly, whispering under his breath as he summoned his panther companion to his side. The black female panther glanced curiously at him, and Quilain only smiled as he patted her on the head, whispering softly, "Tonight you shall hunt to your heart's content. With our actions balance will be restored to this land and we will no longer be needed here." She growled softly in reply, and Quilain only nodded before quietly slipping away into the shadows of the forest, separating himself from the other sylvan troops.

In less than an hour he heard the sounds of battle. Quilain peeked from the trees to see what was going on, and it was obvious his alchemic work was doing its job. The elvish soldiers seemed to be moving slower, almost sluggish in their actions while the goblins struck fast and hard with far more weight behind their blows than their frail looking forms would seem to allow. Even when the goblins took a hit, they seemed to be more resistant to bodily harm than they usually were. The warriors were loosing so badly that they called forth the hierophants to aid their sylvan brothers. One stepped forth, wielding that damned statue. Quilain had found his target, and he slipped swiftly into the fray, short sword drawn as the forest continued to hide him. Plants sprung upward, entrapping and entwining around goblins as Gaea's power was ripped from her grasp from the elves that had scorned her. Quilain doubted they even felt her presence any longer.

Quickly he bade his panther to head off into the forest to get rid of a few shamans so he wouldn’t have so many to contend to once he had the statue in hand. He didn’t even hear her growl, but the very faint rustle of leaves did catch his attention briefly. Silently he used his old training as he stealth fully crept up behind the hierophant holding the statue. As he slipped up behind he drew his short blade of mythril, and quickly covered the elf's mouth before sliding the cold metal against his throat. "I am sorry misled one... but balance must be restored... and Gaea's anger dealt swiftly..."

The heirophant's eyes opened wide as he heard the words, but before he could call out to his allies the metal flashed off to the side, and his words escaped as noiseless air as Quilain caught the falling statue in his grasp. He would destroy it later, he would need it against the shamans when they would try to block his magic. Almost instantly the hierophants dropped to their knees and grasped their heads as their link of power was quickly severed, and Gaea's wrath poured into them instead of her power. The statue had also prevented such a thing from happening before hand, and now they had paid the price. The goblin warriors quickly overran the sylvan warriors without the aid of the heirophant's power, and drove them away from the swamp lands they had attempted to take over.

Even as the sylvan's retreated, the forest they had changed had begun to alter once more, Gaea herself taking her hand in restoring it to its original state. When it was all over and done with the land was once more in balance, yet one final task had to be dealt with. By the time Quilain and the goblins had returned to the campsite Quilain had encouraged them to give up their charms of protection because they no longer needed them, and also by telling them that they would no longer work once the sun had set. Of course the last part was a lie, with his skills with herbs the charms would have worked for months, but they didn’t need to know that...

The goblins returned only to find two of their five shamans still alive, the black panther standing protectively over her kills. A few dead goblins lay next to the shamans, apparently having attempted attacking the panther during her killing spree. As Quilain came into view the panther took a single look at him and bound off in a subtle movement of rippling muscles back into the growing shadows of the twilight splashed forest. The goblins mulled about but finally settled down, the death of a goblin, shaman or warrior was nothing new to them, they simply cleaned away the bodies and went along their business not too curious about the appearance of a black panther in their midst. They celebrated that night in victory, a roasted boar hunted from the sylvan forests before they were changed back into swamp by Gaea's hand was their prize and food that night.

Quilain sat off to the side that night, working quietly on an herbal mixture which he had explained to those who asked that it would make the shamans stronger in their ability to defend against future attacks. This kept most of them from becoming suspicious except for a few who warned the shamans that Quilain might be up to something. By the time the feast had started the two surviving shamans had initiated three of the warrior goblins into their ranks to return their numbers back to five. This did not bother Quilain however, as they were new and would be extremely weak in their abilities. He had to take out the two oldest first before bothering with the others. Even then he would still have to escape alive.

Finally it was time for the feast. The shamans gathered first, and Quilain gifted them with his creation as "thanks" for teaching him. Quietly he sprinkled the concoction over their meat, and then over the meat for himself. However as everyone began to eat he pulled a flask of water which he had also treated while working on the special surprise for the goblins. Every few bites of meat he took, he took a sip of water to counteract the poison he had concocted. He hoped this would not end with a battle. For the most part everything seemed fine until one of the newer shamans began to stagger about and eventually passed out. Most thought he was drunk and left him alone, yet when the second and third started to do the same but not anyone else they grew suspicious and looked quietly to Quilain.

He just sighed and rose to his feet, downing the rest of the flask before pushing way the rest of the meat. "I had hoped it would not come to this... but balance must be fully restored... I know what you have done to the elves of the forest Rak`thar. I know you have the ability to keep them from calling to Gaea for her help and her power. You must die for balance to be restored."

With that he lifted his arms to the sky, calling out to Gaea as the other goblins began to scramble for weapons. The two shamans quickly began casting spells to counteract the poison they felt was flowing in their bodies, and then quickly began to work to block off Quilain's ability to call to Gaea. By the time Quilain had gathered enough strength to cast his spell, the shamans finished. They began to laugh because they knew that the elf would be defenseless now without his magic to help him. However as vines began to surge from the ground and rise into the sky to block the goblins off from the shamans they blinked in surprise. Quilain simply smiled as he finished, and pulled out a statue of the goddess he served. "Surprised I see... yes, I took this from the sylvans and after I am finished killing you both then I shall destroy it. Balance will be restored and I will leave this place for good."

They began to mutter incoherently as Quilain began to feel power rising from their calling, the darker side of nature surged forth to them. The power of the spirit gathered in their hand and they prepared to lash out at the elf who had helped them, then betrayed them. All the time they could hear the goblins outside hacking at the vines in an attempt to get through. Before the pair of shamans could cast, Quilain lifted his foot and stomped it down upon the dirt. A wave seemed to surge forth from the earth itself as a tremor rippled through the ground, tossing the goblins into the air and onto their back, their spells disrupted for the time being. Quilain took the initiative and ran forward, drawing his short sword as he quickly closed the gap. One of the goblins began to get back on his feet, drawing forth that gathered spirit energy and formed it into a spear, lunging at Quilain. He moved to block with his short sword and turn the spear aside, but it passed through and struck him square in the chest.

He winced as the power struck him, and felt the drain keenly upon his body as the spiritual weapon sucked at his very strength. He shuddered softly as he started to sink to the ground, his eyes beginning to close as he grew tired... so very tired. He called for help weakly to his goddess. However it was not his goddess that answered, but a mighty roar as the vines parted for a brief instant, a massive three-hundred pound black panther streaking into the battleground carrying a single sylvan warrior on her back while a bolt of lightning struck the ground just next to the panther and formed into a beautiful elvish woman as the knight leapt off and threw a dagger at the goblin, burying it in the side of his neck and causing the shaman draining the strength from Quilain's body to fall to the ground dead.

The elvish mage quickly began to cast as the spirit weapon faded into nothingness, a bright pulse of energy streaking toward Quilain's body and surging about him, slowly restoring him as he started to rise to his feet. He blinked and shook his head slightly, curious as to who came to his aid. He was very surprised at who he saw, as if they were ghosts of his past. The knight, Gabriel Silverwing quietly offered a hand to Quilain, helping him up to his feet with a warm smile as Valauralynv, the female elvish mage quietly tossed a bolt of energy at the still standing goblin, who smirked as it ripped into the protective barrier around his body and faded from sight. Quilain started to speak before Gabriel shook his head and put his finger to his lips. "Not now friend, we have business to finish. Be glad your panther found us on our patrol and brought us to your aid."

With that, Gabriel slid his long sword free of its sheath and rushed toward the sole remaining, and most powerful of the remaining shamans, Rak`thar. He struck twice with solid hits but found that something seemed to be absorbing the force behind the blows. Rak`thar merely laughed and lifted his hands, summoning bursts of spiritual power to lash out at the newly joined companions. Val (as she liked to be called) quickly threw up her own barriers against magical attacks, unleashing another burst of energy

Quilain only nodded, and as Gabriel and Val attacked Rak`thar with the ferocity he remembered from his old patrol he began to join in, yet this time his role was different than the battles they once faced together. Vines lashed out of the ground, battering at his magical barriers as he joined his considerable magical strength with Val's while Gabriel continued to hack and slash at the barrier that prevented his physical attacks from reaching. More than once he saw Gabriel fall away from the goblin, battered by a weapon or blast of spiritual energy. Every time Val would rush to his side, using her powerful healing magic upon him to allow him to re-join the fray. Quilain's panther joined in as well, leaping past and striking several times in quick succession in tune with Gabriel's attacks.

Eventually Rak'thar's defenses faltered. Vines from Quilain's magic wrapped around Rak`thar's ankles, spikes digging deep into the skin as they began to suck the strength from his body to prevent him from casting more spells. A sudden blast of energy struck the goblin from the side and dropped him to his knees as the vines further encircled his body. Eventually he passed out, and the vines pulled away as Gabriel walked over and lifted the goblin to his feet before slashing the long sword across in a quick motion, severing the head from the body and dropping it to the ground.

Finally the wall of vines lowered, and the goblins blinked as they saw the three elves still standing with their only leaders now dead and unable to initiate more into the position. They fled into the darkness of the swamp but would return to camp later once the elves were gone. Quilain smiled at the two that had come to his rescue, patting the panther on the head and ushered him off to go hunt to his hearts content.

He began to approach them for a greeting when Gabriel lifted his long sword and pointed it at Quilain, stopping him in his tracks. "Give us the statue Quilain, it belongs to the village you took it from. They informed us about it and asked us to retrieve it. I am sorry my friend... do not make me harm you..." Quilain blinked, then narrowed his eyes at both of them. "Have you both fallen so far from Gaea's grace that you no longer feel her will? Do you have any idea what power this statue holds? It disrupts the balance of nature and I have been charged by Gaea to destroy it... I will not return it Gabriel... do not let this turn friends into enemies..."

Val sighed quietly and gazed at the two men starting to argue before speaking. "Quilain... please...do not make this harder than it already is... Our patrol leader bade us find and confiscate the statue for use by the patrols." Quilain started to slowly back away, edging to the outline of the swamp. He felt Gaea's displeasure at the thought. She wanted the statue destroyed and he could not give up the statue until that had been done. Val quietly started to chant, summoning a bolt of flame to her fingertips as Gabriel began to approach. "I am sorry that this is the way it has to be my friend.." "As am I Gabriel.... this statue must be destroyed. Gaea's will demands it!"

Quilain growled softly, whispering his own words as he cast a spell. Power from the earth flowed into his body, increasing his strength to match that of Gabriel's and he withdrew his short sword, preparing a second spell as he rushed toward the elvish knight. He spun to the left as the bolt of flame was unleashed, streaking past him and barely touching his robes as his blade snapped upward to catch the overhead slash of the long sword and turn it aside. He continued with his movement, sweeping his leg against Gabriel's and knocking them out from under him, sending the knight crashing to the ground.

Quilain rose quickly, completing his spin as he tilted two fingers upward and sent vines bursting from the ground to encircle and entrap Val, forcing her to drop her spell and concentrate on getting free before she could do anything else. With Val out of the way for the time being he set his sights on Gabriel who was starting to get up, and rushed forward, holding the flat of his short sword in front of him to catch Gabriel's blade and push him up against a nearby tree. "Gabriel... please... I do not wish to harm either of you... but I will kill you if I must... Gaea's will must be upheld... balance must be restored.... I do not want to harm my old friends... you don’t deserve an end at my hands."

"Quiet Quilain! You know as well as I do that the orders of the patrol must be followed! I can do nothing else..." Gabriel quickly shoved forward, sending Quilain stumbling backward before falling. However, as he felt himself loosing balance he tucked into a roll, coming back up to his feet as he caught Gabriel racing forward, sword out and to his side ready to strike. Val was still struggling with the vines that held her trapped, and held her helpless to watch her beloved Gabriel and her old partner Quilain battling to the death like this...

Gabriel slashed upward and to the right, forcing Quilain to back step and roll off to the right away from the swing. As Gabriel continued to move forward Quilain rolled around behind him and leapt to his feet, raking the sharp edge of the mythril blade across the knight's back, slashing open steel plating and cutting a deep gash into his back. Gabriel fell to his knees and his free hand slid to his back, wincing as he felt the blood running along his skin and dripping to the ground. He was too concerned with his wound to see Quilain stalking up behind him, sword raised and ready for the final blow... Val screamed as she saw it coming....

Three days later Val walked into the office of their commander while Gabriel leaned against her, one arm around her shoulder to support himself. A massive bruise on the back of his head was very visible, as well as several bumps and bruises from the fight. Val sported a single blackened eye and bruised arm. "Did you retrieve the statue?" They both shook their heads, taking out a torn cloak and tossing it to the elf's desk. As he opened it, he saw the shattered shards of the statue and shook his head. "I see... he must have destroyed it... Well, seeing you here I'm guessing you killed him?" Val nodded quietly while Gabriel said nothing. A sheer look of hatred on his face. "I cant believe you ordered us to kill our old partner..." The commander interrupted him in mid sentence, "Silence! You will not question my orders! Quilain Dreamstrike has turned against sylvan elves and used his skills to indirectly get them killed! Not only that but he sided with goblins of all creatures. He deserved to...."

The commander slumped to the floor a moment later as Gabriel's fist connected with his face. The pair said nothing more and quietly walked out of the office, leaving the commander to recover from the blow. The two didn’t care what happened after the way the commander had talked to them. For the time being they walked toward the healers guild located within the compound. They would get themselves healed and leave for their next patrol... or simply leave if they got fired for their actions within his office. A faint smirk was on Gabriel's lips as they walked however...

Quilain chuckled softly as he stepped upon the land that held his home, glancing up quietly at the tree branches that held his house. He quietly went over the final events of that battle in his mind as he walked toward the stairway that would take him up into his house and to his waiting lover. The hilt of the blade fell heavily against the back of Gabriel's skull and dropped the elf to the ground as a lump of flesh and completely unconscious before Val broke free of the vines. She ran to Gabriel's side, dropping to her knees and crying. She blinked only as Quilain walked up next to her and put away the blade, kneeling down beside Gabriel as he began to chant softly, drawing from Gaea's will the power to heal and restore as he flooded the fallen elf's body with healing magic.

Gabriel awoke a short time later to find Quilain and Val sitting a few feet away and catching up on things. Beside the two of them lay the statue and Gabriel quietly stood and walked toward them. Quilain glanced up and simply smirked, "Welcome back to the land of the living sleeping beauty... still cant beat me I see... I told you your end was not to be at my hands... Val and myself have been talking, and she too knows the danger this statue possesses. Help me destroy it... and we will think of some way to fool your commanders."

Val and Gabriel talked for some time, with Gabriel reaching the same conclusions as Val after said talk. Between the three of them, their combined strengths and power with Magic along with Gaea's blessings the statue was shattered and its magic lost to the ages for all eternity. Val and Gabriel then purposely fought with each other physically, but nothing major, a few blows back and forth to show that they had at least taken some damage from the battle. Once Val and Gabriel had gotten their stories straight they all said their farewells, with Quilain extending an invitation for Gabriel and Val to come visit some time should they feel the urge to visit the city of Nanthalion. Finally they parted ways, Gabriel and Val returning to the compound with the broken statue and their stories, and Quilain walking away to get back home to those he loved and with the elvish patrol now thinking he is dead.

Quilain could finally live in peace once again, and with a faint grin on his lips he slipped into his bedroom where he saw Neveah asleep. Quietly he crept forward....