Legends of Belariath

Salina Kyle

Betrayal Part Two

In the next instant, Rebecca found herself standing before a dragon of immense size, bigger even then Landorin. This dragon shined in gold and silver tones radiant over his body even his wings. Golden eyes looked down at her from a face of wisdom smiling at her. Altier and Kycha appeared a moment later though the young woman noticed the female dragons didn’t join them. The sea dragon began snarling in dragon tongue with a rage so hot as to make her cringe in the emerald dragon’s grasp.

“This concerns the female we should speak in a tongue she understands,” Landorin growled setting Rebecca down to stand on her own.

“Grand Lord Albertal, you gave the three of us permission to take the female should we wish,” Altier snarled, his claws digging into the rocky floor. “This fool has refused my attempts to take what you gave me right to have...”

“Rebecca was never our true enemy... She is a honorable young woman willing to die to protect her kingdom,” Landorin growled back, standing protectively over the girl. “She doesn’t deserve to be dishonored in such a manner...”

“Did her sire care one bit for the honor of our eggs when he destroyed them? How can you give this female more respect then was shown our children?” They went back to growling at each other in dragon for several moments.

“Landorin, you agreed the female would be open for use should any of the three of you desire it,” Albertal rumbled. “You agreed to it...”

“That was before I met Rebecca,” the emerald dragon said, hanging his head a little. “I didn’t realize she’d be so honorable... so pure...”

“Honorable? Pure?” Altier hissed as energy crackled in the air around him. Before anything else could be said, Rebecca knew she had to act.

“Grand Lord Albertal, may I speak?” she said, near a shout to get the dragons’ attention. All their eyes came to bare on the young woman making her want to cringe but as a princess she knew what she had to do.

“You may speak, female,” the golden dragon said, smiling to reassure her.

“I appreciate that Lord Landorin wishes to protect me,” she said taking a small step forward, “but I believe he is in error. What my father did to Lord Altier is a far greater evil then anything that could be done to me. If Lord Altier wishes my maidenhood as some part of payment for what happen to his eggs then he should have it.” She stepped from Landorin’s protective presence to stand before the sea dragon with her head held high. “Do with me as you wish, Lord Altier...” Silence fell over the chamber for several moments. Rebecca looked deep into the eyes of Altier feeling tears of shame on her cheeks knowing what her father had done to these dragons. As they stared at one another, she saw the look in his eyes change to something like Landorin’s eyes that night he’d held her in his arms. Like the emerald dragon had done, Altier suddenly turned away from the young woman growling softly in dragon before disappearing. Confused, Rebecca looked to the other dragons but none offered to translate what the sea dragon had said.

“Do you understand the terms of your servitude, Rebecca?” the Grand Lord dragon asked as she returned to stand before him.

“I am to be the slave and serve two dragons who will guard the new laid eggs till hatching, Grand Lord,” she said, still feeling confused over Altier but not daring to ask as it wasn’t her place as a slave to question her masters. Albertal smiled down at her nodding his great head.

“The eggs have been laid in the rookery of Kildare as the destroyed eggs had. Should anything happen to these eggs the kingdom of Kildare will be destroyed,” he said as she nodded in understanding. “The two who have been chosen to guard these new eggs are Landorin and Jeltalina, both having lost their eggs to your father’s darkness.” A female dragon appeared at the emerald dragon’s side glaring at Rebecca with no little hate.

“I understand, Grand Lord,” the young woman said with a bow of her head. “I will serve Master Landorin and Mistress Jeltalina to the best of my ability... I won’t fail them, Grand Lord.” The female dragon snorted a little but said nothing to Rebecca though her eyes spoke of great pain and loathing. The female dragon glanced down at the princess for a moment hissing something full of pain. The golden dragon nodded his great head then glanced down at the young woman studying her face.

“Jeltalina has stated she doesn’t trust you, Rebecca.”

“I’ll protect those eggs with my life, Grand Lord,” Rebecca said in her strongest voice. The creamy white female dragon snorted something then fell quiet.


Time in the rookery seemed to stand still for Rebecca as she worked hard to please her master and mistress. While invisible servants would prepare meals, the young woman served the meals struggling with the large platters at first. Rebecca grew stronger the more she worked around the caves. It was her job to tend the eggs keeping dust from gathering on the four precious unborn dragons. She also kept the main chambers and the dragons’ dens clean as well. Jeltalina was hard to please demanding her den be cleaned in an exacting manner and accepting nothing less. In Rebecca’s eyes her dragon mistress was beautiful beyond compare. Jeltalina only came up to Landorin’s shoulder with a creamy white coloring over her back down her tail with a darker almost tan on her wings. Her tummy was silver with diamond like scales scattering about like gems on a silver platter. The lady dragon’s eyes were glowing sapphires spinning with silver and white trapping Rebecca’s eyes the moment she looked into them. Still, as hard as Rebecca tried, the female dragon never showed the young woman anything but scorn. Landorin would speak kindly to Rebecca even talking to her as she worked. His tankard was huge compared to the young woman but he made her fill it with wine and bring it to him. He was always very polite, even formal at times. Once in a while, Rebecca would catch him looking at her with that oddness in his eyes but when she approached him he’d turn away. Still, the once princess worked hard to please her dragons and took great pride in keeping the rookery clean and fresh.

On this day, Rebecca worked in the egg chamber tending the eggs as one would a newborn child, wiping the dust from their shells. She talked to the little ones, singing softly or telling them tales she’d been told as a child. The eggs had become dear to her, more then just the fate of Kildare. Rebecca had come to think of the four as ‘her’ eggs. From her cleaning, the once princess was called before the dragons bowing her head as befit a servant. Jeltalina glared down at the young woman looking decidedly unhappy.

“Grand Lord Albertal has called a meeting and requested that Jeltalina and I attend,” Landorin rumbled.

“I don’t like the idea of leaving these eggs alone with her,” the female dragon snarled glaring at Rebecca.

“We have to go to this meeting, Jeltalina,” the emerald dragon returned in a calm voice. “We won’t be gone for long, Rebecca...”

“I’ll defend the eggs with my life, Mistress... Master,” Rebecca said, holding her head high. The dragons spoke among themselves for several minutes before Jeltalina finally nodded her head. Landorin smiled to reassure the young woman then both vanished from the chamber. Sighing a little, Rebecca tended to her normal duties cleaning the main chamber. It was silent, even a little eerie to have the dragons gone. As she worked, the young woman heard a strange scratching sound. She stopped her work turning her head a little trying to decide if she heard the sound or it was a figment of her imagination. After a few moments of thought, Rebecca decided to follow the sound till she came to the chamber with the eggs. For one heart stopping moment, the princess thought the eggs were hatching but the scratching didn’t seem to be coming from the eggs. As she came closer, the young woman realized the sound was coming from the wall. In a few moments, some sort of horned creature came through the stone, dust falling away from its scaly head. Its beady little eyes looked from the princess to the four eggs.

“Stay away from my eggs,” Rebecca snarled moving to stand in front of the defenseless eggs. She raised her broom as one might a sword more concerned the dragons within the eggs couldn’t protect themselves. The creature hissed at her, his long tail slashing out to cut the front of her tunic. Rebecca dodged around bringing the broom to bear. With all her might, the young woman swung to strike it full on its back. Her eyes widened in horror as the broom shattered doing the thing little real harm. Desperately, she looked around for some sort of weapon. The thing came toward her with its tail slashing back and forth. It threw the princess against the wall of the chamber tearing her tunic open. Its tail snapped around to rip a cut across her chest. Rebecca cried out in pain seeing the thing turning back toward the eggs.

“No!” she shouted, her hand going out. Energy flowed over her trembling body from the very stones around the girl. A blast of energy streaked from her hand to strike the creature on its armored back. Rebecca watched as the beast withered for a moment. With a screech, it turned back toward the injured woman. The princess dragged herself to her knees, her hands out in front of her. She closed her eyes to pray and to concentrate. The energy flowed over her once more, stronger this time. Another blast of energy struck the invader sending it flying into the stone chamber. As the energy of her attack left, Rebecca felt a draining. The energy had come from around her. The young woman felt the power seeping out of her injured body back into the stones. She managed to see the eggs were no longer in danger before passing out.

Voices floated from around Rebecca, deep and familiar.

“She used raw magic to defeat the Drasis,” a male voice said, with a bit of awe.

“Yes, but it took almost all of her spirit,” said a feminine voice. “The little fool could’ve died if we hadn’t come back in time.”

“She did it to protect the eggs, Jeltalina.” A snort of irritation reached the young woman’s foggy mind.

“She did it to protect Kildare...”

“That’s not true,” Rebecca moaned, trying to focus on the strange human faces floating over her. The dragons had taken human forms to tend her wounds.

“Rebecca?” he said, stroking her sweaty forehead. “Don’t speak now... You need to regain your strength...” The young woman looked up at the two standing over her, one face showed compassion, the other scorn.

“I fought to protect the eggs,” Rebecca said, her eyes going from one face to the other. “They are defenseless... I wasn’t going to let that thing hurt them... I protected the eggs for the eggs... I never even thought of the fate of Kildare if the eggs were destroyed... Please believe me, Landorin...” The two looked at one another for several moments. Jeltalina growled something in dragon as she left the chamber. Rebecca looked deep into Landorin’s glowing eyes. His hand came out to stroke her cheek.

“I believe you, Rebecca,” he said in a gentle voice. “Now you have to rest and regain your strength... We’ll talk more later...” He chanted softly, his hand on her forehead and the young woman fell into a healing sleep.


It turned out the drasis had been tunneling around the egg chamber for some time. It’d been waiting for the adult dragons to leave to attack the eggs. Once Rebecca had regained her strength, Landorin started training the young woman in the ways of magic. They had plenty of time in the rookery. The dragon taught her to speak and read dragon seeming somewhat amazed she could grasp the language. He even went so far as to teach the princess how to wield a sword. Jeltalina was as haughty as ever toward the young human but the female dragon came to admire Rebecca’s honor and selflessness. It was with some surprise, when the lady dragon called the princess and her mentor to the egg chamber.

“They’re hatching!” Rebecca dropped the dragon scroll she and Landorin had been studying together to race into the egg chamber. Sure enough, the eggs were rolling back and forth in the throws of hatching. Her eyes bright with excitement, the young woman went over to the large eggs watching as cracks formed over the smooth surface. The sounds of small cries filled the chamber. The head of a black hatchling pushed through the egg’s membrane and out into the open.

“Welcome, little one,” the human said in perfect dragon language as Landorin had taught her. The baby opened his mouth letting out a squawk before tumbling over and out of what was left of his shell. Without hesitation, Rebecca stepped forward to right the little fellow. Another egg split down the center to reveal a silvery white female with bright green eyes. The princess looked up to the two adult dragons, a wistful smile touching her lips.

“They’re so beautiful, Mistress... Master,” she said, running her hand down the silver neck of the little female. The third egg rocked back and forth nearly tipping over the edge of its nest. A red tail came out first, followed by black wings and the little dragonling tumbled out of his nest to land in Rebecca’s lap much to her delight.

“We need to clean them up,” said Jeltalina, a look of joy in her glowing eyes.

“I’ll fetch the water and towels, Mistress,” the girl said, carefully working her way out from under the little dragon. Getting to her feet, the chant was a simple one. Her hands glowing a little, Rebecca made several buckets of clean water and towels appeared in front of her.

“Well done, Rebecca,” Landorin said with a smile of pride.

“Thank you, Master,” she said, as she set to work with the nearest hatchling. With great care, Rebecca started washing away the egg goo from the black hatchling all the while watching the fourth egg, the largest of the group. She gave a little shout as the radiant blue dragonling popped out almost hitting her. Larger by half of the other hatchlings, the burnished sapphire eyes looked at her with more awareness then she would’ve felt possible for a baby, even a baby dragon.

“Beware, Princess Rebecca, the lands of Kildare are weeping,” he said, her eyes wide with shock.

“Kildare weeps?” she asked in a hushed tone of taken aback. The young woman looked up to Landorin in question, as the little dragon seemed to loose interest in her bumping heads with his hatch mates.

“Sometimes dragonlings will say something prophetic at the time of hatching,” he said, looking somewhat disturbed himself. “As to what he means, I can’t be sure... We’ll have to ask Albertal when we take the little ones to the valley.” Rebecca went about cleaning up the last hatchling wondering what his words could mean.


In the grand hall of the wise Albertal, the four hatchlings were presented to the leader of the dragons. Rebecca stood to the back and right of the dragonlings, her head held high in pride. The Grand Lord of the dragons looked over the little ones a moment then turned to look at her.

“Landorin told us of how you nearly gave your life in defense of the eggs, Rebecca,” he rumbled, a soft smile touching his long face. “For that I can’t thank you enough... You have fulfilled your duties to us and restored the honor your father destroyed...”

“Thank you, Grand Lord Albertal,” she said, with a slight bow. “Grand Lord... I must return to Kildare... The hatchling said Kildare weeps...” The huge dragon gave a sigh, his great head shaking in sorrow.

“I’m afraid evil times have befallen Kildare in your absence, Princess Rebecca,” he said, his gaze going to Landorin. “I don’t know that it is safe for Rebecca to return to her land...”

“Evil times?” she gasped, a look of horror darkening her face. “I must return to Kildare at once... Please Grand Lord... Lord Landorin swore he would return me to the high court.” The young woman knew she had to return and find out what had happen to the kingdom.

“I did speak an oath to her father, Grand Lord,” the emerald dragon said, looking down on the princess, that unreadable look coming over his face. Sighing heavily, the Grand Lord nodded his great head.

“You know you have earned a place among us, Princess,” he rumbled.

“I’m honored by your offer, Grand Lord,” she said, smiling up at the kind behemoth, “but my place is with the kingdom of Kildare.” He nodded his head in understanding.

“Landorin will see you back to the high court of Kildare,” said Albertal, his wings shifting a little as he rose. “As reward for your dedication, you have my blessing and this small gift.” A sword and sheath appeared before Rebecca. A look of awe coming over her, the princess reached out to take the offered blade. It was light as a feather in her hands.

“You have my sincere thanks, Grand Lord,” she said, as she put the sword on her belt at her lean hip.

“I also give you this advice, Princess,” he rumbled, his swirling eyes holding her attention. “Do not enter Kildare as Princess Rebecca but in disguise.” The hatchlings were taken away to be cared for. One hand resting lightly on her new blade, Rebecca turned to look at the emerald dragon.

“I’m ready to return to my kingdom, Lord Landorin,” she said, in a steady voice. With a nod of his head, the emerald dragon laid down long enough for the young woman to climb up on his back. She hung on tight as he jumped up into the air, his great wings tossing her braid from side to side. The two rose up into the bright blue sky headed toward Kildare.


Taking Albertal’s advice, Landorin landed a short way from the edge of the kingdom and took a normal human form, much to Rebecca’s surprise. If she didn’t know him, the young woman would never be able to tell he was a dragon in disguise. Chanting softly, the young woman gave herself plain leather armor, her auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail obscured by her hooded cloak. The two started walking down the road keeping their eyes alert for any danger. It was like walking from day to night. Rebecca stopped in sure horror at the sight before her. Her hand reached out to find Landorin’s strong arm. The land before her couldn’t be Kildare. The skies were grayish blue with black clouds swirling about. The trees were twisted into garish souls of torment, their leaves blacked with disease. The very soil was tinted with black and gray. There were no birds to be seen except for a group of dirty black crows sitting in the trees like malignant souls.

“By the Light, Landorin,” she whispered in great shock. “What has befallen the lands of Kildare?” In a moment, he tugged her hand and they started walking once more.

“I know not, your highness,” he whispered back, to speak higher then a whisper seeming out of place in the eerie silence and occasional calls of the crows. The two went forward following the path into the black forest that had once been the fruitful province of Syhn Tou. Rebecca couldn’t believe her eyes as they started passing wretched farms, the peasants looking at her and her dragon escort with eyes of fear. A mother held her little girl close to her dirty skirt, her gaze filled with hopelessness. Wearing little more then rags, the two were thin and pale like two skeletons with patchy skin. When Rebecca turned to speak to them, the pair looked horrified running into their shack and slamming the door behind them. Something about them and the look of the land turned the young woman’s stomach.

“Something or someone has been leaching the life from Kildare, land and people alike,” he said to her in a tight whisper. Looking around, tears flowed down Rebecca’s horrified face. The young woman took a gasp of air then swore to find out who had done this evil to her kingdom. She would bring the one to justice, a vow deep in her soul.

The two continued down the twisting road seeing little life in the black woods. A mangy bunny made a half attempt to spring away stumbling a little. It looked up at the two expecting death from its gaze. Rebecca knelt down next to the small creature to offer bread from her pack. She poured a little of her fresh water into the palm of her hand holding her hand out to it. Startled, the rabbit wiggled its nose licking at the water a couple of times before darting away into the dark woods. Wiping her hand on her tight, the princess looked up at Landorin.

“How could this have happen?” she said, a note of rage creeping into her voice.

“It would take a powerful death mage to cast a spell of soul drain that would infect the people, creatures and the very land of Kildare,” he said, as the two started walking. “A very powerful wizard...”

“I must get to the high court and find out who has done this to Kildare,” she hissed, her hand going to her sword hilt. “I will make the evil one pay dearly for doing this...” They’d come to a shrine of some sort. Looking at each other a moment, Rebecca stepped forward to open the small door revealing the stature within. Both looked open mouthed at a stone statue of the princess. At that moment, an elderly man came around the bend. Seeing the two, he looked ready to run.

“Please don’t run,” she said, a hand going out to him. “We mean you no harm...” In a moment, he took another step toward them.

“You are strangers here,” he said, his voice gruff and strained. “You should leave Kildare at once... Go back the way you came...”

“I need to know what happen here,” Rebecca said, seeing that the man looked weak. She offered him her water skin much to his surprise. He looked at Landorin a moment then over to the shrine.

“It all began when the dragons came to Kildare and captured the beloved Princess Rebecca... Her father, King Loubard tried to rescue her but he was to late... the dragons had killed and eaten her...” Rebecca felt her mouth falling open in horror but could do little to stop it. “The dragons killed the king and his knights... then flew away leaving the lands in ruin. Dark times came after that... Edward, son of Loubard, took control of the kingdom and ordered that shrines to his sister be placed around the land so no one would forget what had happen... the evil of the dragons...”

“The dragons ‘killed’ the king and his men?” the young woman asked, her gaze flitting over to her friend a moment.

“Yes... in ambush... the cowards,” said the old man. There was the sound of horses pounding on the dirt road. The man looked over his shoulder, his pale face dropping to an ashen color. “It’s the guard... You must hide or you will be taken to the high court... No one returns from there... Hide...” He jumped into the brush at the edge of the path. Looking at each other, Rebecca and Landorin followed the man’s example. Horror washed over the two as the riders came into view. Black as night, the horses had eyes of a bloody red, nostrils flaring out to show something that looked like fangs to the young woman. The riders where in black armor, eyes as red as their mounts. The pair of nightmares paused in front of the shrine a moment, their steeds neighing and pawing at the dirt.

“Death knights,” Landorin whispered in the young woman’s ear. Her eyes were wide as she remembered reading of such creatures in the scrolls she’d studied at the rookery. Creatures of dark magic created by a death mage. Loyal to him, the undead required no rest or had any of the weaknesses of living. One of the horses reared back kicking up some dirt. The two looked around for a moment before continuing down the road. The old man was holding his chest in a tight grip. Sweat dripped from his face as he dragged himself up onto the road once more.

“Do you see the danger?” he asked, looking at the two of them. “You must get out of Kildare... if you want to live...”

“I must know what has happen to this land,” Rebecca growled, her gaze going from the shrine to where the horsemen had gone.

“It was the dragons that brought this down on us,” he insisted, his eye as hard as the black rocks at his ratty boots.

“That’s not possible,” she said, a look fury growing in her eyes. “I will know the truth...” Looking at the two as one might a madman, the elder shook his head a little.

“Its your death you’re looking for,” he said, his step carrying him away from them. “I tried to tell you...” With a determined air, Rebecca and Landorin moved down the road keeping a sharp eye out for more guards.


The two traveled into the night unsure as to how safe it would be to make a camp. After some thought, the princess and her dragon escort left the path to seek out a better-protected place to make a cold camp. From somewhere in the black darkness, a howl sent a shiver down Rebecca’s back.

“How could a death mage take over the kingdom?” she said, the stars doing nothing to lighten the air about them. “He must’ve been watching what took place on the road when you confronted my father...”

“He killed your father and blamed it on the dragons,” Landorin said, a hand resting lightly on her thigh. “That would leave your brother as king...”

“Whoever he was, he probably killed my brother as well,” she said, tears running down her cheeks. “Then took control... This is almost to terrible to bare, Lord Landorin...”

“Please call me Landorin, Your highness,” he said, with a soft smile. Rebecca glanced up into his dark blue eyes seeing that strange look once more.

“Only if you will address me as Rebecca and not ‘your highness’,” Rebecca said, tossing her auburn braid over her slender shoulder.

“As you wish... Rebecca,” the human/dragon said, taking his gaze from her curious face to look into the darkness. The howling was getting louder and closer. The two looked at each other a moment then jumped to their feet drawing their weapons. From the black shadows, glowing yellow eyes glared at them. The young woman counted five sets of eyes, large from the look of them. The first large wolf stalked into the clearing, festering wounds on its body. It didn’t seem to slow him down at all. With another howl, ear shattering at this range, it dove forward at her. Slashing at the wolf’s side, Rebecca moved in a graceful arch to take off his head. The others plunged into the clearing, three going after Landorin while the last circled with the princess. The young woman moved with practiced skill blocking glistening fangs from her throat as she plunged her sword into his gut. Her blade tore open the belly of the beast, guts and blood splashing down her boots. Landorin made short work of the three he was facing then turned to her. More howls filled the forest around them

“Lets get out of here,” Rebecca growled, snatching up her back. They ran through the shadows ducking around trees, branches tearing at their clothes. From the howling and sounds of large bodies crashing through the brush, more than five wolves were following them. The two crashed out of the brush and onto the road only to be greeted with a terrible sight. Several death knights were waiting for them.

“I am Heltos,” one growled, hellfire burning in his bloody eyes. “You will surrender your weapons and accompany my men and me...”

“Never,” Rebecca hissed, her hands coming up in a quick dance. A ball of flame leapt from her hands to strike the evil creature in the center of his chest. The other knights were startled by her display of power. Landorin did his own chant casting lighting down at another. Two of the death knights dismounted stalking toward the human/dragon while their leader started chanting in their perverted language. Rebecca drew her sword and chanted at the same time. A ball of fire went at the knight that was chanting but bounced off invisible shields.

“Damn,” Landorin hissed, striking out at the two knights facing him. “He has a magic shield... Be cautious, Rebecca...” The death knight finished his chant pointing at the princess. Chains of black energy wrapped around the young woman’s body trapping her arms at her sides. They spread down her body to coil around her legs driving her to the ground.

“Landorin!” she cried, struggling against the bands holding her. Pain flashed over her body as energy flowed through the chains. The human/dragon was occupied with the two death knights. He managed the briefest glance over his shoulder at her.

“Rebecca!” he growled, as he tried to back away from the death knights to go to her. The two knights worked around till they were standing between him and the princess. With a roar of rage, Landorin let his sword drop to the ground as magic rippled over his body. In quick order, the two death knights found themselves facing a raging emerald dragon. His claws struck out to rip one open from shoulder to shoulder. Heltos left his steed to watch as the dragon drew in a deep breath to let out a great spout of flame. The leader of the death knights stood beside Rebecca as the last of his men fell to the ground. Rebecca screamed as pain flooded the chains tightly binding her.

“Surrender or the girl will die,” Heltos growled, his hands glowing with purple/black energy. Landorin looked from the leader of the death knights to where Rebecca withered on the ground. They stood looking at each other for a few moments. Heltos held his hand over the struggling young woman tearing another scream from her lips. Hanging his head a little, the dragon returned to his human form just as more death knights came charging up to the scene. His wrists were bound tight behind his back with black leather strips glowing with purple/black energy. The leader of the death knights knelt down at the princess’s side and tore her hood away to reveal her face.

“Princess Rebecca,” he said, a look of awe sweeping over his face. “This can not be... The dragons killed you... and yet you are here in the company of a dragon... Ashcar will pay well to have you, your highness.”

“Who is Ashcar?” she managed, as the death knight picked her up still wrapped in his dark power chains.

“You will find that out soon enough,” he said, tossing her over his horse. One of the larger knights caught Landorin by his shoulders and dragged him up onto his horse laying the dragon’s human form across his broad thighs. Nodding his head in satisfaction, the leader of the death knights mounted his horse, the beast rearing back a little. The death knights sped off into the black shadows of the night.


They traveled through the night, their mounts seeming not to require rest but thundered on down the road. Rebecca recognized the landmarks as marking the high road to the citadel of her father’s but the land itself seemed to be bent and warped into sick parodies of the rich memories she had. As they approached the main gates, Heltos pulled her hood over her face to hide it from the guards at the gate. The death knights walked their horses passed the men, amused at the shudders of the human guards. The leader of the death knights dismounted then pulled the princess off to sling over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Landorin was shoved from his holder’s lap to land hard on the stones of the courtyard stunning him for a moment. Two knights grabbed his shoulders and hair to drag him to his feet and after Heltos. They didn’t go toward the main audience hall but up the backstairs into one of the towers. Smoky black torches lit the way, the stairs wrapped around the walls spiraling ever upward into an abrupt chamber. No tower of this size had existed when Rebecca had grown up at the court. There were cages lining the outer wall, several of them with young women or men. Bloody glyphs on the floor and walls were glowing with dark energy. One young man managed to lift his head to look at the princess with despondent eyes. They were being life drained. A shudder of disgust played down Rebecca’s spine. She was forced to her knees in the center of the room, Landorin at her side. They glanced at each other a moment turning to look at a glassy black door, as it swung open. A small man, thin and a sickly white, came into the room, his black glowing eyes sparkling at the sight of the two captives.

“What have you brought me, Heltos?” he cackled as he crossed the room. The leader of the death knights bowed deeply.

“I found these two traveling the high road in the middle of DarkWood,” he said, his hand catching the back of Rebecca’s hood. “The male is a dragon in human form and this is the female...” He tore her cowl away to expose Rebecca. The mage took a step back, his gaze flitting from Landorin to the princess.

“Princess Rebecca... How interesting,” he said, a hand reaching out to touch her cheek. “How is it that you still live?”

“The dragons never meant to kill anyone,” she hissed, yanking her face away from his clammy touch. “They only sought justice for something my father had done... I know they didn’t kill him... Did you? Did you kill Edward the same way?” Dark laughter filled the chamber.

“Your father died at the hands of assassins, its true,” said the mage, moving to stand in front of Landorin for a moment. “As to your brother... He’s well and fine ruling Kildare with an iron hand...”

“Wh-What do you mean?” Rebecca gasped, the terrible thought of what had to be going on turning her stomach.

“Your brother came to me before the dragons even attacked, your highness,” Ashcar said, as he pointed to a nearby cage. Landorin found himself thrust into the cage, the dark power of the runes sending tendrils of dark energy over his body. “I told him I could make him whole... even prolong his life indefinitely with the right power... He’d been waiting for a chance to have your father killed... You can’t imagine his joy when the dragons came demanding your life. He had assassins follow your father to the meeting to kill him as soon as the dragons disappeared... I must admit I didn’t think you’d ever return and yet here you are.”

“My brother is alive... even after one hundred and fifty years...”

“He’s more then alive, your highness,” said the dark wizard, even as his hand reached out toward Landorin. The human/dragon clinched his teeth fighting his still bound hands as his life energy was torn from his body.

“No! Landorin!” Rebecca cried, struggling in the bonds holding her.

“You needn’t fear, Princess,” Ashcar gloated. “It will take quite some time to drain the soul of a dragon away completely... till then he will prove a tasty treat for your brother. Edward uses those in the cages to keep himself young and healthy... Now as to you... That’s a different matter all together... Heltos send a knight to advise King Edward that he needs to come to my chambers at once.” A knight hurried from the chamber as Ashcar caught the young woman’s chin in a tight grip. “You’ve learned the ways of magic... Taught by the dragons I assume... You’re still pure in body... they didn’t even bother to rape you... how pathetic...”

“The dragons are a just and honorable race,” she hissed, trying to free her face from his loathsome touch.

“Just and Honorable,” he laughed, his hand gliding down her neck to rest on her chest a moment. “I would like to know what the dragons did do with you... perhaps once King Edward is done with you you’ll be in the mood to talk to me...” His dark words turned Rebecca a ghostly white. She didn’t want to believe her little brother could turn so evil. Yet, looking at the poor captives, Landorin doing his best to fight the spell engulfing him, the princess couldn’t help but remember the resentment her brother had toward her and all of the high court. She struggled in her bonds much to the amusement of death mage and his creatures. Rebecca knelt on the ground trying to drawl up her powers. She had to find a way to break her bonds or she and Landorin and Kildare were doomed.

He arrived in a swirl of black and dirty red energy. His eyes were ablaze with hatred and dark power.

“You! How can you still be alive?” Edward hissed, going over to where she was being held on her knees. “The dragons took you away... I thought for sure they would kill you... How dare you come back to Kildare...” His icy hand grabbed dug into his sister’s hair to yank her head back. “You should be dead... You should be dead...” His grip tightened as he spit in her face.

“The dragons never meant to kill anyone, Eddie,” she said, trying to reach him through his childhood name. “They only sought justice for something daddy did when he was young... How could you let this evil man twist you... to do this to Kildare and our people...”

“Our people?” he snarled, his hand scalding her cheek. “Our people? ... They are my people and land... I’ll do as I wish with them... Look at me, Becca... I’m powerful and strong of body. I’m alive when I should’ve long been dead and more so I’m respected now. No one would dare to speak down to me...” He turned to look at Landorin in the draining cage. “You brought a dragon to the high court.” He walked over to where the human/dragon was held. Holding out his hand, Edward drank power from his captive reveling in the pain it was causing the dragon. Rebecca watched in horror seeing nothing of the younger brother she’d always loved and cherished in the ghoul before her.

“Edward, that’s enough,” she snapped, staggering to her feet under the power of the chains binding her. “You have let your soul turn into a festering wound of darkness in the heart of Kildare and for that I can never forgive you.” A calm came over the princess as silver/white power began to swirl around her. Somewhere deep inside, Rebecca felt a heartbeat, slow but steady, the true heart of Kildare. A pulse of power began flowing into her body.

“No!” growled Edward, his hand going out to strike out at his sister. Rebecca flew back into the wall stunned for a moment. Shaking her head, the young woman got to her feet.

“I loved you, Eddie,” she hissed, her brightly glowing hands dancing in the hot air around her. “I would’ve done anything to protect you...” He was drawing more power from the cages to wrap around his sister, though it was held back by an aura of hot white energy.

“You pitied me, Becca,” he growled back, as she threw a bolt of energy at him. “You... father... you all pitied me and treated me like an inferior... but I showed father... and now I’ll show you...” He threw a ball of fire that struck her shields knocking her back a little. The power was coming to her. The young woman knew she had to free Landorin or she’d loose the battle. With all her might, Rebecca dove forward startling her brother as she drove him to the ground.

“Landorin!” she cried, her hand going out to her friend. She struck him with a bolt of silver energy. His body began to shiver, black energy warring with silver light. Landorin flung his head back crying out in tremendous pain as he started to shimmer. Ashcar sent a bolt of lightening toward the dragon only to see it melt the cage away. His body shook in the throws of the two powers warring over him. The princess struggled to hold her brother to the ground, her aura flaring with white light.

“Ashcar, I need your soul,” he growled, his hand going out toward the death mage.

“I never pitied you, Eddie,” she hissed, out of the corner of her eye she could see the stunned look on the death mage’s face. Edward managed to throw his sister from his body turning to his mage. In a bare moment, the stunned look one the death mage’s face turned to one of pain.

“No,” he cried, but could do nothing to stop the leaching of his body. The death knights rushed into the room quick enough to see their maker reduced to nothing before shattering into a black mist.

“Rebecca!” Landorin shouted, his neck stretching out his head toward her. “Take my life force... Do it now before he drains the death mage... Do it!” The princess sprang forward to lay both her hands on the dragon’s neck feeling a sudden rush of heady energy ripping through her body. Stepping away from the husk that had been his death mage, Edward turned toward his sister, black energy crackling around his body.

“Ashcar didn’t know it but I’d bound his soul to me some years ago,” he said, as Rebecca moved away from the unmoving dragon. “I’d dreamt of a time when I might need the extra power and Kildare is feeding you, sister... I know the land is trying to help you... but it won’t work... there’s little left... I should know. I took the life from everything... and now I will take your life and become powerful enough to claim all the kingdoms, even the dragons...”

“Never,” she said, her eyes pure light. “You underestimate the strength of Kildare...” The two sent bolts of power streaking out at each other. The walls of the chamber rang with the loud booms of the battle. Rebecca put shields around Landorin and the other innocent humans even as she struck out at her brother. His next blow sent her crashing back into the wall and nearly through it.

“You will die now,” he said in a soft despise filled voice. Rebecca staggered to her feet blood dripping from her nose.

“For father and Kildare!” she cried, her hands coming forward in a slashing gesture, power flowed over her body like that day back in the rookery. Raw power tore out of her body to batter at her brother overwhelming his shields to bathe him in bright light. His body withered in the sphere of power, his darkness trying to fight back but loosing strength. Rebecca staggered forward seeing her sword on the floor. She looked over at her brother, his power fighting back the light. The young woman went over to her sword scooping it up to thrust into his body. Their eyes met for a moment then a blast of energy threw her back blinding her for a moment. Sure she’d lost, Rebecca was surprised when her vision returned to reveal the crumpled body of her brother. Power was swirling around him still in the form of souls. The souls swirled higher and higher filling the room with their light. She felt her pain fade into peace. Landorin stirred as silver light rippled over him.

“Rebecca?” he groaned, looking around in a bit of frantic concern.

“I’m here, Landorin,” she said, her legs regaining her strength to let her walk over to his side. Those in the cages were moaning and crying out as energy coursed over them restoring them all. The two watched as the souls streaked around the room then up through a hole in the ceiling. Rebecca could feel the heartbeat in her soul pulsing stronger as the life force returned to the land.

“Its over,” the dragon said. The young woman went over to open the cages.

“You’re safe now,” she said, smiling at them.

“A dragon!” one young woman cried cowering back in her cage.

“The dragons are friends and allies of Kildare,” the princess said, a sigh welling up in her soul. “You must believe me... I am Princess Rebecca and the dragons never killed my father.”

“Its going to take time for the truth to become known,” Landorin said, returning to his human form.

“But it will be made known,” Rebecca growled in determination. “I won’t have the dragons taking the blame for my brother’s evil... Come...” She led everyone down into the main halls of the castle to start putting things back in order. It would take time for Kildare to be returned to the state of beauty she remembered but with Landorin at her side, Rebecca had no doubts she would be able to do it.