Legends of Belariath

Salina Kyle

The Journey Home - Part One

Where is she, human?" a voice growled, bringing me from my sleep.

"I know not who you could want," my mentor said. "This is a simple shrine to the Lady of the Greenland. Nothing more."

"The abomination," the great voice growled, like thunder from a terrible storm. "Where is she, old man?"

"I know not of whom you speak," Mentor Jarel said, with a bit of a growl. "There's no abomination here." His voice sounded strange, as though he was in pain.

"Search the place," the voice snarled, "Find the abomination. Leave nothing standing." I could hear the heavy footfall of the searchers coming toward me.

'Shalla!' my mentor mind spoke to me, 'You must hide yourself where no one can find you. You must go where I can't even find your refuge. Go quickly!' I scrambled from my bed as quickly as I could, being tangled in my covers. They were getting closer to my little hut. The shrine that served as my home was a small one. It wouldn't take them long if I didn't move.

'What about you, Mentor Jarel?' I sent.

'Don't!' he snapped back. My mentor didn't want me to mind speak to him. I'd never think to defy the man who had raised me. A glance out the door showed the way to be clear. Silently, I ran toward the ring of holy stones in the ritual circle. From the time I was child Mentor Jarel and I had played this hiding game. He'd have me hide, then try to find me. If he found me, I'd have to do extra chores. If he didn't find me, I'd get a free day to play. As I got older I got more free days with a growing skill to hide my passing. Now, I put that knowledge to practice, as I never thought to use in such a manner. Several years ago, I had found a small cave near the circle. It had been awhile since I'd been in it, but I felt sure I could still squeeze my body into the space. I had little choice as the stomping started to get terrifyingly close. Frightened, I pulled some hay over me, and sent prayer to the Holy Lady. My sharp night vision made out a large figure, and the body of a horse. He moved in a circle glaring about, and then moved into the hut I had just left. Time was growing short for me. I found the entrance to the cave behind a spring growth of greenery. Quickly, I pulled enough of the plants aside to let me squeeze into the opening. It seemed a lot smaller in the hole then I remembered from times past that I'd hidden there. My legs were pressed tightly against the cool stone. Forcing my body to move, I backed further into the small opening.

"I've found where the creature was sleeping," a large voice boomed. Two large shapes rumbled toward the holy circle. My trembling body wouldn't go any deeper.

"Lady of Light protect me," I whispered, calling on Her power. The brushes grew larger and thicker before the opening of the cave. One of the attackers came toward my hiding place. With every once of my will, I held completely still not even breathing. I watched in silent horror as the prayer stones were knocked over, and the circle desecrated. They set fire to the huts, and charged off into the dark of night.

I dragged myself from the tiny cave shaking in horror at what I had seen. My legs moved like leaves in a storm. Never had Mentor Jarel told me of such hatred. Great evil came and destroyed this beautiful place of peace.

"Mentor Jarel!" I cried hurrying to find my teacher.

The pool of blood continued to grow beneath him. Quickly, I tore strips of cloth from my nightshirt trying to bind his wounds. A weak smile touched his wrinkled lips. One of his trembling bloody hands came up too gently touch my furry cheek. Death was coming for the one I loved and I could do nothing to stop it.

"Please don't die, Mentor Jarel," I begged. "Please don't leave me alone." His wise eyes smiled up at me with the love of a father for his daughter.

"You'll never be alone, daughter of my spirit," he said, as blood bubbled up to his lips, "She will protect you..." He pressed a large key into my hand. "No matter where you might travel... you must remember... you are a gift from the Lady... not an abomination." His voice drifted away on the light night breeze.

Throwing back my head, I howled my grief at the loss of my teacher. As I wailed my pain, a light began to grow on his chest. The glow brought my tear-blurred eyes down. The sphere enlarged and soon engulfed the body of my human friend. It shrank in size yet grew in brightness. The ball of blue light bounced up to brush my wet cheek. It felt so much like one of Mentor Jarel's kisses.

"Teacher-?" I whispered. The light floated lightly long the ground to rest a little way from me. It seemed to be waiting for me. The glowing sphere of light wanted me to follow it. I found the body of the elderly human was gone. Jumping to my feet, I was ready to follow the ball wherever it might lead. It was going into a part of the shrine that Mentor Jarel had forbidden me to enter until the day of my coming of age.

"I guess that day is now," I whimpered softly. The strong blue glow had stopped moving to hover over a mound of grass and weeds. After a moment of frightened hesitation, I crept forward to examine the mound. My sensitive hands could feel something below the growth. Sadly, I looked down at the key I held in my bloody hand. Putting the key between my teeth, I began to tare away the vines, and small plants. It took a bit of time, but a chest lay below it. In a little while I uncovered the keyhole under the weeds and plants. I dropped the key into my hand looking at the box. Mentor Jarel had hidden this from me. Why? What were those demons that'd killed my teacher? Was I the abomination they sought to destroy? The answers were contained in this chest he had hidden. My eyes went to the brass key. Did I really want to know? The blue light came up to brush my cheek with great love. Looking at it, I knew he wanted me to know what was held within this thing. I would never defy my teacher even after his death. Slowly, I stuck the key into the dull rusty lock. It surprised me that it turned, effortlessly popping open. My shaking hand pulled the lock away, and lifted the bar. Fear of the unknown held me still for several moments. My amber eyes went to the glowing sphere. Growling softly, I yanked the lid up and threw it back. My frightened eyes glanced down to see a scroll lying on the top a piece of brown cloth. By the seal, I knew Mentor Jarel had written this document. Hesitantly, I reached down to take up the paper. I enjoyed reading the holy scrolls, now destroyed by the fires of hate. After several moments, I broke the seal to unroll the parchment.

'To my dearest Shalla,' it began, 'if you're reading this letter then what I've feared has come to pass. The centaurs have found us at last. There are things that must be said. Things from your past I had no wish to expose you too. In the years I've raised you I've grown to think of you as my daughter... my daughter if only in my heart... sent by the Lady. I've tried to guide you in Her light, but now there are hard truths to be faced.

You are a child born of magic gone 'wrong'. Your mother and father live their lives as humans but they weren't born as humans. Your father was born a wolfin lord in the kingdom of Fanderish. Your mother came from Taktar, the kingdom of centaurs, a race half-human, and half horse. The two met while adventuring and fell in love. As their races were so different, the two decided to use the wealth they had accumulated to have a wizard transform them into humans. Those of the Fanderish didn't really care. Your father had renounced his claim of nobility in preparation for the change. Unfortunately, the centaurs didn't approve of the interracial marriage. The leader of your mother's clan agreed not to interfere on the grounds all the children your parents had were to be born human. They'd destroy any magic made 'abominations'.

As sometimes happens with mage magic, the first born of your parents was not human but a mixture of the original races. When the centaurs found out, they came to your parents' estate to kill you, but I'd already taken you to safety. They vowed your death, and have searched for us these last three decades. You couldn't be turned into a human as a baby because such magic must be done with the consent of the one to be changed.

Now, you must make the choice. I've taught you all that I could about the Lady. You've made your vows to the Lady of Light, and in Her protection, I must send you from this humble place to find your own path in life. Your parents' home lies in the Land of the Valiudum, a month's journey by foot to the north. I've drawn you a map that you may find it. You must go there quickly. Only at their estate will you find your true way in this harsh world.

As my only daughter, I leave those things I have placed in this chest to you. I ask that you perform the Rite of Closing that the energies of the shrine are returned to the Lady of the Greenland. Remember that you are a gift from the Lady, not an 'abomination'. My love will be with you always.'

Tears ran down my cheeks. A child created by magic power? Me? My teary eyes wandered down my form. Dark reddish brown fur covered my body. My forelegs were long, and slim, but my strong hindquarters had a long tail to top them. I had seen wolves in the woods. In all, I had always thought my lower wolf's body showed great beauty. My upper torso had a good shape. I'd asked Mentor Jarel why my head was shaped like that of a wolf's, but he had always assured me the Lady had planned it that way. Having never seen a human female, I had no real way to judge the rest of my looks. Still, I wore my long light auburn hair loose save for the braid of the Lady on the right side of my face. My eyes went back down to the chest. What had my teacher left me? Pulling the cloth aside, the first thing that I saw seemed familiar to me. A rod of Silverwood about a foot long held my attention. Carefully, I picked the holy object up. Pure light energy flowed through it into my grieving heart. My hands felt the warm, smooth wood. No carvings or runes marked it. A vision of clear memory came to me, a vision of Mentor Jarel and me standing in the holy circle several years ago. He was showing me this holy rod. I moved back from the chest, taking a deep breath. A glow of silver white energy filled my eyes as I held the rod in the air.

"Lady of Light protect me!" I shouted, feeling the energy flow all around me. The rod extended into a staff of pure silver light. My hands worked the staff around my body in a display of skill. Mentor Jarel had showed me this weapon on the day of my vows. At a thought the staff became a simple rod once more. I held the rod to my chest as tears ran down my cheeks. Next, I found a necklace of Silverwood beads, and a holy symbol of the Lady of Light. Putting the beads on, I felt Her comforting presence surround me. The last was a small pouch. It felt heavy to my hands as I picked it up. After a few moments of thought, I opened the leather purse, and dumped the contents into my hand. A bunch of gold coins showered down into my shaky hand. He had collected money that came from beyond the confines of my simple home. My teacher had told me about spending money to buy things on the outside.

"Surly, this will be enough to see me to my parents house," I said, as I dumped them back into the pouch. My eyes went to the lightening gray sky as dawn was coming. Sunrise would be the perfect time for the ritual to take place. Dropping the lid of the box closed, I let the key go. The clank of the metal struck my heart with great sadness. I gathered my strength for what was to come.

As the sun began to show above the valley's edge, I stood before the entrance into the shrine. The sphere of light rested on the ground a few feet in front of me. My tears slipped slowly down my cheeks. The time had come to end this part of my life.

"Lady of the Greenland, hear me," I said in a clear voice, "I, Shalla, sworn to the Lady of Light, ask your attendance in this holy rite. Your son, Mentor Jarel has passed into your loving arms. As to his request, I perform this Rite of Closing of the Shrine of the Quiet Vale." I knelt to place the point of the Silverwood rod to the Blessing stone that marked the opening of the shrine. "I return these energies to the earth from which they were given. Let the power be shared with all your children." I could feel the draining. The power flowed away from the holy circle into the trees and ground. The mark of blessing on the stone faded away, and with it the sphere of blue energy melted into the ground. It was done.

Standing, I put the rod in my belt and brushed the grass from my forelegs. A feeling of serenity moved over me. In my heart I hoped Mentor Jarel was at peace. I turned to go to my traveling pack. All I had left of the only life I had ever known fit within this pack. As I thought this, I shook my head. My heart carried more valuables then could ever fit in this leather bag. As a last gesture to the people of the forest who knew of Mentor Jarel and me, I placed a stack of stones that would tell them that the shrine was no more. It would also let them know that Jarel was dead and that I'd survived but left the area. With a soft sigh, I turned my back to the only home I'd ever cared to have. I could only hope I was ready for what the outside world had in store for me.