Legends of Belariath

Salina Kyle

The Kiss of the Nightflyer - Part Two

We sat in the back of the wagon trying to enjoy a meal of fine food given to us by our sponsors, local merchants hoping to attract business with the crowds who came to see us perform. Still the taste of the food barely reached me. My hands were fashioning charms as prayers for the safety of my friends came from my lips. It was with a bit of relief that I placed each magical charm on each of their necks kissing each on the cheek.

“Whatever happens do not remove these from your neck,” I said in earnest concern. “The Nightflyer is a very powerful demoness… Once she knows I’m hunting her, she’ll most likely try to take the three of you…”

“You do mean when she finds out ‘we’re’ hunting her,” Xenex said with a light growl, “because you’re going to need our help with this, Shalla.” A frown wrinkled my forehead as I tried to finish my food. The fact my half-satyr friend was correct about my needing help didn’t make me any happier. My eyes went around to my three dear friends trying to decide if my charms would be strong enough to defend them from a straight attack from the she-demon when a fist pounded on the door of the wagon. Surprised, I watched Xenex open the door to reveal a group of city guardsmen all with their weapons drawn.

“You four will come with us,” their leader growled.

“What have we done to be treated so?” Basal growled back but got no answer.

“Will you come peacefully or do we have to convince you?” the large man growled as his men prepared to attack. I put my hand on Xenex’s shoulder to keep him from drawing his sword.

“We’ll go with you,” I said trying to spare my friends from a fight that would most likely make us hunted outlaws… and we had enough people hunting us as it was. As we stepped out of the wagon, one of the men took our weapons. It took an act of will to surrender the staff of power my mentor had left for me but I didn’t want any trouble when it was turn for the others to give up their arms. None of the guys were happy as the guardsmen marched us through the city, all the townspeople staring in amazement and some fear at our passing.

We came to the center of the city to the fancy mansion of the city’s lord. My eyes took in the orchards of apples that surrounded the opulent house of stone with towers on each corner. Walls surrounded the residence with men-at-arms well armed and dark faced to keep out any who would attack this place. My heart ached to see such luxury when I remembered the state of the home of the commoner I’d visited. It was obvious to me the ruler of this city cared little to nothing for those who lived and served in his domain. As we entered the main house, I saw an elderly surf leaning against the wall clutching at his chest. I was astonished to see no one evening showing concern as his face twisted in pain. Without hesitation, I broke from the guards to hurry to the stricken man’s side. His eyes widened in fear but I laid my hand over his on his chest then started chanting softly.

“Come away from there,” the leader of the guards growled reaching toward me, but Xenex caught the man’s wrist in a firm grip. Before anything more could happen, I finished the healing chant seeing the pain drain from the servant’s tired face.

“You will be all right now,” I said, smiling at the man.

“Th-thank you,” he stammered then blanched stepping back. A hand grabbed my shoulder yanking me around. This man was larger even then the leader of the guards who’d taken us. He wore plate armor of a manner only a nobleman could afford with jewels and gold decoration. On his chest was the crest of the same as on the flags flying above the manor.

“You don’t leave the Lady waiting over some old fool,” he hissed, as the servant paled further trying to inch away.

“This man was in need,” I growled, trying to free my shoulder of his painful grip. “As a child of the Lady-…” His slap actually took me by surprise making my muzzle and cheek sting.

“Silence,” he hissed. He shoved me back over to Xenex and the others, my hand on my cheek in shock at such treatment. Out of the corner of my eye, the servant disappeared into shadows. We were forced into the manor house with shoves from the guardsmen wondering what would be done with us after seeing such callous treatment of a serf.

We were taken to the audience chamber at once marched through the gathered noblemen and ladies. Many gasped and pointed at me whispering behind their hands, horror and disgust in their shiny faces. I held my head high with an air of quite power surrounding me. The walls of the large chamber had many tapestries of hunting scenes and such. Three large golden chandeliers gave a harsh light to the room. There were benches of various designs for reclining, most already used by noble ladies. We walked on a carpet of some sort of velvet that felt strange to my paws. Marble columns were spaced every ten feet the length of the room. Two marble, and velvet thrones stood at the far end of the room on a little platform. As we reached the thrones, the man in armor caught my shoulder in his tight grip the shoved down hard forcing me to my front legs down to make me kneel. The guys were forced to their knees beside me. Any resistance ended when the armored man drew his sword to hold at my throat, so we knelt to snickering of those around us. Richly garbed in silks and velvet, an ornately dressed woman of cold eyes and face entered the room, all those of her court bowing deeply. Her eyes fell on me almost as heavy as a cloak of dread. For one brief moment, I thought perhaps this was the demoness, and if so we were dead, but gazing into her icy face I could tell she was only a haughty human taken with her own power.

“Are you the creature that went to the peasant’s hovel today to heal a man of the sickness?” she asked in prideful superiority that turned my stomach.

“I am Shalla, child of the Lady of Light,” I answered staring into her countenance without fear. “I healed a man who was beset not by sickness as such but a curse of life draining placed on him by a demoness called a NightFlyer…”

“A demon you say,” she returned, her delicate fingers tapping on the arm of her throne. “Yes… these men are not ill as such,” I said. “They have been attacked by a she-demon…”

“How would the demon attack and not kill them at once?” the woman demanded.

“She would come to the man in the guise of a woman and seduce him,” I said, somehow thinking she’d be willing to believe the truth. “He would lay with her and she’d be able to drain his life force…”

“Never!” the armored man growled, swinging at me as though to slap me, but I blocked the blowing glaring at him. “My brother would never lie with a she-demon, creature… you lie…” That explained his richly decorated armor.

“Richard… let the beast speak,” the Lady snapped staring down at me in hate.

“It’s the truth…” I growled. She got up from her throne coming down to stand in front of me. “The demoness would appear as a comely woman to trick the man into laying with her then establish a link to drain away his lifeforce…” It chilled me to have this woman looking over my three friends. She stared down at the three with a care that bothered me. I saw her eyes go to the charms on my friends’ necks.

“And you can break this curse?” she demanded.

“I can…” I began with great concern, “but only if…” She snapped her fingers and I was dragged to my feet.

“You will cure my husband of this ‘curse’,” she ordered, her eyes going from me to my friends. Before I could speak again, my friends were forced to their feet surrounded by the guardsmen. I was forced from the room to follow the Lady with apprehension in my heart.

The Bedchambers were as sumptuous as the rest of the mansion, richly decorated with a bed of immense size. Servants knelt or stood close to the stricken man. One comely servant girl, wiping his sweaty brow with a soft cloth, caught my eye but only for a moment.

“Out! All of you!” the Lady ordered, clearing the room quickly. Slowly, fearfully, I approached the man’s side taking in his pale gaunt face. My hand went down to my herb pouch I’d still had on as I’d been fashioning the charms. Carefully, I checked the Lord’s eyes seeing only glassy orbs. My trembling hand drew away the heavy blankets to see a thin, sickly body in a silk leisure robe. It was obvious to me he’d been under the curse of draining for a much longer time then the man I’d freed.

“I’m not sure I can help him,” I said turning to face the Lady. “He’s been under the curse for a much longer time…”

“You’d better pray you’re wrong, creature,” she hissed, tapping her slipped foot against the carpeted floor in irritation.

“I will need the robe removed,” I said with a sigh of concern.

“Then remove it,” the woman snapped. After a moment of hesitation, I struggled to remove the now much oversized garment to leave his wasted body revealed to me. Very aware of the woman watching me, I took out my holy oil chanting softly as I cast a circle of protection around her man. My chant grew stronger as I anointed the man gathering all of my spiritual power for this banishing. I could see the aura of evil encompassing his body in the same dirty colors of the man I’d freed but much darker, stronger. For several long minutes, I fought the evil curse using every measure of strength I could muster but to no avail. My knees buckled with the drain on my own spirit energy.

“I’m sorry…” I gasped, looking over my shoulder at her. “The curse has gone on to long… it’s to strong for me to break like this…” Her eyes grew even colder, if that were possible, as she came to her man’s side then glared at me.

“Richard!” she called bringing the armored brother of the stricken man into the room. She stalked out of the room followed by me being shoved forward by the man.

My legs were weak from the failed attempt at banishing. Xenex caught me as I sagged toward the floor. The woman took her place on the throne glaring down at me and my friends with cold hate.

“Take these worms to the dungeon,” she ordered, my heart flying up into my mouth.

“No! Wait!” I cried as the guards grew more numerous. Richard grabbed my wrist in a painful grip grinning at me in such a way as to make my stomach lurch.

“Hold a moment,” the Lady ordered making me hope for a moment I could reach her with logic.

“If you kill the she-demon all of her victims will be restored, my Lady,” I said in a desperate bid. “My friends and I can find her and destroy her saving all she’s attacked…” I watched in horror as she caught the charm on Xenex’s neck tearing it away. Basal and Tag had their charms of protection torn away in the same callous manner.

“No! Please!” I cried, tears running down over my furry cheeks.

“Get them from my sight, Richard,” she snarled throwing the charms to the floor to crush them with her foot.

“My pleasure, my Lady,” Richard said, grinning at me in an almost lustful manner. The four of us were forced from the chamber to a spiral staircase leading down into the bowels of the large manor.

Richard shoved me into one cell while guards held my friends tightly.

“Please,” I cried as the human slammed the thick oak door shut. I could hear Xenex, Basal and Tag fighting their guards for all the good it did them. At least it sounded like my dear friends were in the dungeon cell next to mine. Tears ran down my furry cheeks as I thought of the danger they were in, trapped as we were and not even together. At least if we were in the same cell I could’ve used my magic to protect those who’d become so precious to me. My eyes went around the bare cell taking in the stale air with a wrinkle of my sensitive nose. This small, dank chamber hadn’t been cleaned in most likely years. One small torch next to the door gave little illumination, not that there was anything to see. I explored my stone cage for a moment but found nothing but rat dung and a skeleton of one who’d escaped in a way that made my heart despair for my friends and me.

The torch had gone out for some time leaving me to shiver in the blackness listening to rats scratching around. As my heart fought to hold onto some hope in the darkness of our situation, my sharp ears picked up movement outside the door of my cell. I could make out the sound of Richard’s voice though his voice was to low for me to hear through the door. Perhaps I could reason with him. If I could convince him to release my friends and me I knew we could stop this she-demon. The steel banded oak door swung in to reveal the man standing with a couple of men at arms. Richard stepped into the cell putting a fresh torch in holders on either side of the door. The sudden light made my eyes hurt a little. I opened my mouth to speak only to stop when our eyes met. There was something in his black eyes that sent a wave of fear through me like nothing I’d ever known before. One of the men at arms stood in the doorway while several more disappeared into the cell holding my friends. The nobleman walked toward me, his face twisted in a dark lust.

“Remove your tunic,” he ordered, making my heart leap into my throat. He couldn’t mean what my heart knew and my mind denied. My hesitation brought a glare of hatred from the evil man.

“Daur!” he shouted. My ears picked up a dull snap then Xenex cried out in pain. “That was a finger, wolf bitch… Now take off your tunic.” My hands shaking I managed to untie my shirt then pulled it over my head. His eyes took in my large breasts with a look of sinister delight. I’d never thought there would come a day when I thought of myself as naked. Still, his eyes taking in my breasts made me feel more vulnerable then I would’ve thought possible. My arms crossed over my chest as I inched away from him.

“And where do you think you’re going to run off to, wolf bitch?” Richard hissed, his lips twisting into a sickening smile.

“M-My fr-friends and I can save your br-brother,” I stammered, still backing away. His dark laughter made the fur on the back of my neck stand on end.

“You probably could, creature,” he laughed, his hands on his belt. Looking into his eyes of darkness I realized a truth so evil it made my knees go weak.

“You know who the she-demon is,” I whispered, as he dropped his pants to reveal his stiffened manhood.

“Now what would make you think that, wolf bitch?” he mocked, making a gesture to his sex. I didn’t move, more rooted by the horror of what I could see in his ominous gaze. A dark lust controlled this human and if I was right about his allegiance to the Nightflyer there was no hope for the others and me.

“Daur… take the hand of the half-satyr!” I could hear a great fight taking place in the cell next to mine.

“No!” I cried, reaching out a hand in plea. Richard made another gesture to his member. With a sick heart, I approached him, my body trembling in terror.

“Hold Daur… I think the wolf bitch is getting the idea… Stand at ready…” His hand reached out to stroke the under-curve my breast making me shudder in disgust.

“You don’t want your brother to recover,” I whispered, as his hands moved over my breasts even pulling at my nipples.

“I’m devoted to my brother and his wife,” Richard said, in a tone of dark mockery. “When he finally dies I’ll take his wife as my own and assume leadership of the city… Of course by then you’ll either serve me as my slave or I’ll send my ‘partner’ to visit your friends… Perhaps I’ll encourage her to take the half-satyr first… He seems to be especially dear to you… Kneel…” My knees sank to the cold, moist ground. My eyes stayed on the ground refusing to even look at his member now so near to my face. Catching my head in a tight grip, the man rubbed his manhood over my face and muzzle. My mind filled with the musky scent of his sex.

“No!” I cried, trying to pull away from him.

“Shalla!” Xenex’s voice cried out. “Whatever he wants don’t do it… No matter what he threatens…” My head snapped around hearing the sounds of men struggling. Richard yanked my head back to glare deep into my amber eyes.

“He will die if you don’t pleasure me with your mouth, wolf bitch,” he hissed at me. Terrified for the one I knew I loved, my tongue came out to hesitantly touch this monster’s member. It tasted most foul making my stomach tremble. My eyes glanced up to see his sneer. With no other choice, I licked a little harder, his hands tightening his grip in my tangled hair. He ordered me to rub my face against his sex for several minutes before forcing it into my mouth. I did as he commanded fearing for my love. It seemed like an eternity in Hell when I felt Richard’s body stiffen then the throbbing of his manhood as his seed filled my mouth. He yanked himself out to let the last of his body juice strike my face.

“On your feet, girl,” he hissed, his hand biting into my breast to yank me up. “Now… turn around…” My heart shuddered in horror and dread so great it left me gasping.

“Pl-please… Do-Don’t do this,” I stammered, only to be struck harshly.

“No one said you could speak,” Richard hissed at me. I noticed a strange glow of evil light in his hard eyes. My body turned to face away from the monster in human form. His hands stroked up the inside of my trebling thighs. To my horror, I felt his finger enter my sex probing about till he found my intact maidenhood.

“So… you’re a virgin,” he laughed as he stepped up behind me. His hands bit into my hips. “Move your tail or one of them will die this very moment.” Reluctantly, I lifted my tail opening myself to his dark desires. My head flung back as I screamed; his manhood ripping open my virgin passage. I could hear Xenex and the others calling to me under the mirth of my rapper’s men. My mind froze as he thrust into my body. How could this be happening to me? Laughing darkly, the man pulled up his pants and buckled his belt. He went to where my tunic lay taking it up.

“You won’t be needing this, creature,” he said, smiling at the tears running down my sticky cheeks. “I’ll return… and when I do you’d better be prepared to serve me… That is if you want to keep your friends alive and… their spirits whole…” The man at arms took the torches to leave me alone in the blackness with hopelessness in my heart.