Legends of Belariath

Salina Kyle

The Warrior’s Dance Part Seven

My eyes focused in on the flames, as images danced among the spurts and glowing embers. Slowly, my mind unwrapped the puzzling movement. Places from my past took form. The village of my birth came into being. I walked among those I had known since my first days. One of the girls I played with so long ago ran up to me.

“Aren’t you glad to be home, Bela?” she asked, gesturing to the town’s main street, “This is your home, isn’t?” My eyes went to her pale face, and blue eyes and I glanced around in confusion. The town of my birth, this was my HOME, wasn’t it? No teejas. No dark skinned people to order me about. No grinding corn or cleaning clothes for others. No Lighting Hawk. I looked deep into my friend’s eyes. She carried a child at the age of twelve. The thought shocked me to my core.

“No true man would take a child to his bed,” I whispered as she smiled at me, “Willingly or by force.” This place no longer held feelings of home for me.

“Aren’t you glad to be home, Bela?” she asked again, smiling. Glad to be home? Did the name of Bela hold meaning to me? My eyes went up and down the busy street. A trader came down the road with slaves for the market. Quickly, I followed him leaving my once friends behind.

The trader made straight for auction block. I stood near the back of the crowd watching. I had once been in such a situation. The Sheyka practiced the keeping of slaves. My time in the auction pit would never fully leave me. The trader came onto the stage. At the back of the male crowd, my eyes searched for something familiar. My mouth dropped open in surprise. My father and Uncle Beanan stood near the front. They laughed and joked with one another as they waited for the bidding to begin.

“No,” I whispered. The trader came out onto the platform. With a snap of his whip, ten Sheyka children, boys and girls, shuffled out. They wore no clothing and had only hopelessness in their eyes. My mouth opened to shout, but my father beat me to it.

“This is not as you said,” my father shouted, “These are mere babes.” The trader smiled.

“Fresh, young and barely used,” the slaver said with a smile, “I’m sure you will find them quite enjoyable.”

“That may be the way in the other towns,” my father growled, “but not here. I will not allow the selling of babies to be used as you would have them. Take your ware and be gone from here.” The other men shouted in agreement with my father. All save one. The owner of the auction block would loose out on this situation. He would have to pay the slaver even if nothing sold. The crowd fell quiet only when the man and his wagon had gone. My eyes went to the block owner. The man looked upon my father with the purest hatred. My heart caught in my throat, but the image swirled and faded away.

“Father,” I cried, reaching out to the fire. I ran across flaming hills and valleys. Father seemed to grow smaller and smaller. My heart ached to see him going away. Without warning, I found him -them. My mother and father stood on the other side of a gentle flowing brook, not unlike the one the Sheyka camp used through the hot months. My mother smiled upon me. Her face had the health and beauty a woman with flame red hair should have.

“Oh, Bela, how you’ve grown,” she said, “I’m so proud of my young woman.”

“Mother, is it really you?” I whispered. They glanced at one another, then looked back to me. The love in their eyes put my heart at ease.

“Yes, my daughter, it is truly us,” my father said as he held mother closer, “We wished to see our precious child.” Tears ran down my tired, pale, cheeks.

“I’ll be joining you soon, momma,” I said, sobbing in heart break. “I’ll face my death knowing you wait for me. It will comfort me.”

“It is not your time to join us, Bela,” my mother said, “You have so much more to do with your life. You won’t cross the river of death for some time. We only wished to see you while we had this chance. Our love is always around you, my dear.”

“But-?” I sputtered as they began to disappear into the deeper flames. “Mother! Father! No!”

The fire twisted, and swirled as a tornado with me in the center.

“Flaming Spirit?” a soft voice called. Looking around, my eyes spotted Dancing Brook. She wore her best-woven white tunic and white leather breeches. The white of the leather stood out as the beads pulsed with inner light. The flames danced about her as she cried.

“Dancing Brook?” I called moving toward her. The child sobbed in great anguish and fear.

“Don’t you love us, Flaming Spirit?” she asked, “Didn’t you say that your spirit is Sheyka? Did you lie to me?”

“Never, little chieftess,” I said, catching her in my arms, “I’m Sheyka within. I swear it. You’re my family now.”

“Will you spend the rest of your days with us?” Lighting Hawk demanded, appearing behind the child. “Even as a slave?” My shoulders straightened in stubborn pride.

“I’m the slave of the greatest warrior in the Sheyka camp,” I stated, smiling in true love, “I’d be your slave for all my days, Lighting Hawk.”

“Would you suffer for the Sheyka as a warrior, Flaming Spirit?” Wise Talker demanded with a grim face as he appeared, “Would you take pain and humiliation to protect the Sheyka?” The wise man held all the power of the fire within his eyes.

“Yes, Wise Talker,” I said, standing before him alone. “I would suffer for the Sheyka camp. I would be proud to be a warrior of the Sheyka camp.” A Snow Wolf howled in the distance. The respected Medicine Man stepped aside nodding his head. The wolf called to me again and I had to answer.

I ran like the wind over hills and vales. The call spoke to me of urgent need. My feet flew over the ground faster and faster. The wolf ran just ahead just out of reach wanting me to join him. Thunder roared overhead shaking my weakened body. The wolf looked at me from over his shoulder. Without warning the thunder stopped.

My eyes snapped up to see Gray Wolf across the nearly gone fire. Sweat ran down my face and body. Gray Wolf stood up gesturing me to stand but offering no help. Shaking like a leaf in a windstorm, my legs held me by force of my will. His smile of pride strengthened me. The elder placed his drum on it’s the sacred rack. With a solemn nod of his head, he had me leave the tent first. All the warriors gathered near the speaking circle. They wore their best ritual clothes for this ceremony. Each called to his Protector Spirit is his own way. Lighting Hawk called as the others, but I could hear his plea of mercy. He sought to save me from a great danger. Looking over at Wise Talker, he watched me with pride. I went to stand before Chief Great Mountain. The elders gathered around me with a solemn air. Raising their hands to the night sky, the wise men of the Sheyka spoke in a ritual tongue that I couldn’t understand. The warriors chanted louder and louder gathering power. Slowly, they danced around me. When they parted, I could see the large bonfire in a clearing outside camp. Without prompting, my body was drawn to the light. The elders walked with me, but my mind barely acknowledged their presence. The new fire sang sweetly in my blood. As I drew near, Great Gray Wolf stepped out in front of me. Without word, he gestured to a circle of white powder next to the fire. After a moment of hesitation, I went to the circle and sat down. The chants of the warriors seemed so far away. The elders stood in a circle around the fire and me. Their voices mixed with the crackling of the dry wood as it burned. In the flames, something began to take shape. Before my startled eyes, the Forest Pig jumped from the fire to circle around me to my right. After the third circle, it disappeared into the night sky. Next came a woolly stag, then the dagger-toothed tree cat. One by one, the Protector Spirits came to me. Each would circle three times to the right, then disappear into the glittering night sky. I could almost make out their shapes in the blackness of the moonless sky. The Night Hawk shrieked from the flames. When it came forward, the Hawk stared deep into my eyes. He approved of me. Somehow this made me proud. Shrieking again, he circled me then flew up into the sky to join with the stars. Only one creature hadn’t come forth. My eyes searched for him, for the one who called me to this place. A great howl tore through the flames. Slowly, the head of the Great Snow Wolf took shape. The very size of the head was enough to take my breath away. He grinned at me leaping from the flames. To my surprise the wolf knocked me back to stand over me with pride in his glowing eyes.

“I’ve waited this time for too long,” the wolf said to me, “Do you accept me as your Protector?” The question didn’t need to be asked. He asked to make sure I understood. In my heart of hearts I knew the answer.

“Yes, Protector Wolf,” I said in awe, “I give myself to your care, as I would give my heart to Lighting Hawk.” That brought gentle laughter from the ancient spirit.

“He is worthy of you, as you are worthy of him,” the spirit said, grinning with the look of pleasure. His snout came up to my mouth. As his nose touched mine, I gasped taking a deep breath. Like a swirl of mist, the Protector spirit flowed into my body. Power infused my body and soul replacing my weakness with great strength. The glowing spirit of the wolf appeared above me once more.

“I welcome you, my daughter,” he said, “My strength and love will be with you. No matter where you might go. Call me and I will comfort you. Remember my song.” His head tilted back with a deep howl splitting the air. With a final grin, the wolf ran up into the sky and away. As I went to sit up, I realized that two strips of leather lay on my chest. Taking them in hand, I studied the object, and gasped again. The leather ties had two fangs and a claw of the Snow Wolf. Another gasp of astonishment brought my head up. The Sheyka elders stared at me in wonder. Wise Talker came to me taking my hand to help me stand up. I held the sacred leather ties out for him to see.

“I had no doubt after the first vision,” he said, smiling, “Welcome home, daughter of the wolf.” My eyes went to the other honored men of the camp. After a bit of hesitation, Gray Wolf came to join us by the dying fire. I held the leather ties out to him as well. Seeing them, he nodded his head in complete understanding.

“Welcome home, daughter of the wolf,” he said, and held out his hand. In respect, and awe I gave him the ties. With quiet dignity, he unbraided my slave’s hair, which I’d never wear again. He gave me the plainest warrior braids with the leather ties of the fangs and claw in the largest braid to the right side of my face. The leather gently brushed my cheek comforting me. This done, I was given a set of warrior’s clothes to put on, even the mask. My hands shook as I pulled the leather shirt over my head. Chief Great Mountain led the column of stunned elders down the trail.

The elders surrounded me as we went back to the waiting camp. Sensing that it was done, the warriors stood in a silent circle. In the middle of the elders group, I couldn’t see Lighting Hawk yet. The warriors couldn’t really see me yet either. Chief Great Mountain went to the center of the speaking circle, and raised his hands.

“The Protector Spirits have shown their will and their wisdom,” he said in his best booming voice. “Flaming Spirit is no more.” A moan of despair cut my heart. “There is only this daughter of the wolf.” They parted to let all see my transformation.

“This... this can’t be,” Raging Boar whispered. Somewhere deep in the woods, a snow wolf sent up a howl. Howling long and loud, Gray Wolf and I answered it together, then smiled at one another.

“Its’ not our place to question the Protector Spirits, warrior,” Great Mountain said, in a stern tone, “As witnessed by the elders of this camp, Flaming Spirit is no more. It is time for the new warrior to choose the name of a warrior.” All their eyes were on me again. Lighting Hawk stood near the back of the group. My eyes went to the stars above where the Protector Spirits lived.

“Moon Fire, my Chief,” I said, smiling at Gray Wolf, “My name is Moon Fire.”

“Moon Fire, you are welcome as a warrior of the Sheyka camp,” the Chief said, lowering his arms.

“I will protect this camp with my life, my Chief,” I said, proudly even as he hugged me.

“You’re welcome to stay with me, little sister,” said Gray Wolf taking the time to hug me, “till a teeja of your own can be made.”

“Thank you, my brother,” I said as I pulled away gently, “but I’d rather stay with Lighting Hawk, if he would have me.” Lighting Hawk came forward slowly. “If you’ll have me?” His arms crushed around me pulling my body against his.

“I’d be honored if the daughter of the Great Snow Wolf would choose to live in my humble teeja,” my true love said lightly brushing my cheek with a kiss.

“I’ve grown accustom to your warmth,” I said, tenderly touching his cheek.

“The Feast of Welcome will be held tomorrow,” our Chief said, grinning. “Till that time, all warriors are given this period to prepare. Let us go to rest with the comfort of knowing that the wise Protector Spirits are with us.” With that the crowd began to break up. Raging Boar stalked off into the darkened woods. Lighting Hawk still held me in his fearless arms. Gently, we kissed each other in tender movements. The elders smiled and left us in peace.

“Shall we go to our tent to continue this welcoming, my love?” Lighting Hawk asked of me as I smiled up at him.

“I’d follow you anywhere, my heart’s blood,” I said taking his hand in a firm hold. We walked to the teeja arm in arm nuzzling each other’s neck. The night fell quiet, calm and filled with peace for the two of us.

Lighting a small fire, my warrior love turned to look up at me. Without hesitation, I removed the clothing so recently given to me. Lighting Hawk followed in short order dropping his next to mine. We came together in a hot embrace. It felt so good to have his hot skin against my cooler body. Even his scent came to me as a comfort and enticement.

“I finally understand what Dancing Brook is feeling,” Lighting Hawk said, as his hand stroked my thigh, “Four years suddenly seems lifetimes away.” We came together in another hot kiss. My eyes stared up at him with true affection.

“That is true, my beloved,” I said, touching his cheek tenderly, “Still it is the Sheyka Way. A Way that I hold as my own.” My grin made him laugh heartily.

“As I said you would, my truest heart,” he said, then lead me to the furs, “but that doesn’t mean that we can’t lie together in sleep.” We held each other close.

“I’ve become accustom to your warmth,” I said, softly kissing his chest. Happily, we drifted off to a safe sleep.