Legends of Belariath

Salina Kyle

The Warrior’s Dance Part Eight

My eyes fluttered open filled with sleepy confusion. Still caught in the grip of sleep, I realized that the sun had been up for a while. Why hadn’t Winter Flower come to wake me? Groggily, I crawled around trying to find my clothes, but having no luck. Lighting Hawk lifted his head to look at me strangely.

“What are you doing, Moon Fire?” he asked. That name. Everything came back to me with the mention of that name. I was no longer a slave, but a warrior of this camp. My face turned a very bright red nearly matching my hair. Realizing what I’d been thinking, my love started to laugh. Slowly, I returned to lie by him.

“Forgive me, beloved,” I said, softly kissing his neck, “It’ll take me some time to adjust to being a warrior and not a slave.”

“I’ve trained you to well,” he said, grinning at me. With a matching grin, I did something that I had wanted to do for a long while. As a slave, I would have never thought to get this chance. Quickly, I pinned Lighting Hawk to the ground, and started tickling him. The brave warrior shouted in surprise.

“No! Not that!” he cried, between laughter, “Anything but that! Have mercy!”

“Never!” I shouted, as we rolled on the floor. Lighting Hawk managed to come up on top, and my turn at being tickled came. Shouting, and laughing, we played for several minutes. Finally, out of breath, we rolled to a stop. Tears of joy ran down both our cheeks. As a passionate kiss melded us together in restrained longing, soft voices brought our heads up. Winter Flower stood outside our door.

“Forgive me for disturbing you, warriors,” she said, with a nod to each of us, “Summer Light has been assigned to care for your Teeja. She would like to know if you would have your breakfast now.” A small thought occurred to me.

“Would you please give us a moment, Winter Flower?” I asked with complete politeness.

“Of course, warrior,” she said, bowing and moving away. My bright green eyes went to the man I loved with all my heart.

“Do you think I could fix our meals when I have time, my love?” I asked with a soft smile, “It pleases me to cook for you.” The Sheyka warrior remained silent for a few moments, then shrugged.

“I don’t see why not,” he said, sitting up, “I have grown fond of your cooking as well.” As I stood, Lighting Hawk lightly smacked my bottom. We grinned at each other, then I stepped out into the warm sunlight. Both Summer Light, and Winter Flower waited a few feet away. I approached them frowning a little when both bowed slightly.

“You don’t need to do that,” I said, very softly, smiling at them. “You’re still my friends regardless of what I’ve become.”

“You’ve become a member of the Sheyka, warrior,” Winter Flower said, then smiled, “You’re no longer a slave, and we must act appropriately. I’m very proud of you, child.” My face turned a bright red. “Are you ready for Sunlight to prepare your morning meal, Moon Fire?” Just hearing my warrior’s name brought a blush to my cheeks.

“I’d like to prepare Lighting Hawk’s meals when I can,” I told them, “It is something that pleases me to do. Is that all right, Winter Flower?” She showed some shock.

“Cooking meals is not a job for a warrior, Moon Fire,” she said, then sighed, “Yet, there has never been a warrior quite like you in all I can remember. If you wish to cook your meals there is no law that says you can’t-, but you should try not to let the others know. It would seem to strange to them.” Suddenly, I jumped forward and caught the woman in a strong hug. That brought a blush to the slave woman’s cheeks.

“Summer Light will be taking care of the tent and seeing to your laundry,” Winter Flower said somewhat sternly, “She will prepare meals when you’re training or other activities keep you from camp for to long. Enjoy the day, warrior.” With another bow, my two friends moved off to do chores I’d done not that long ago. Sighing, I returned to Lighting Hawk to make one of his favorites for our breakfast.

Lighting Hawk took me to a small pool a short distance from the camp. It seemed the brave warrior had been keeping this as his bathing place and secrete from the rest of camp. Not that I blamed him. A gentle waterfall, showering small rainbows in the soft sunlight, fed this nearly clear pool. The pool looked deep enough to dive into if one should wish. Setting our drying towels aside, my love started unbraiding my hair. I worked to unlace his with the same gentle care. We both stopped when we came to the braid that carried our totem sign. Leaving those in place, I raced Lighting Hawk to the water. The colorings of the stones in the bottom helped to heat the water. In felt so good to bathe in warm water.

“What will the Welcoming Feast be like, beloved,” I asked, as my hands spread soap sand on his back.

“There will be a great feast to be sure,” he said, with a sigh, “Dancing, and storytelling till the sun rises. Usually, the head of the family of the new warrior shares in stories of great deeds done by the warriors of that line.” We fell silent for a moment. Of course, I had no one to tell such stories. He rolled over to put his arms around me. We kissed tenderly in a lingering comfort.

“I know that I have no such person,” I said to him, “I am sure that Great Gray Wolf will come up with something in its place.” He began to soap my front. Sighing, I moved my hands over his body spreading the soap.

“We should really have your own braid pattern done in time for the feast,” Lighting Hawk said, “Do you have any ideas, Moon Fire?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” I told him with a grin, “I want it to be special.” The young man chuckled smiling down at me with such love in his eyes.

“You make even the slave’s braid look special,” he sighed.

“Then this should be a snap,” I said, pulling out of the water, “Watch, and tell me what you think.” A great smile spread over the Sheyka warrior’s face as I wove my hair. It did indeed please him.

I sat to the right of Great Mountain. Great Gray Wolf sat to my other side. Lighting Hawk sat across from me grinning in pride. My flame red hair lay in braids that circled around my head. It looked just like flames. Everyone had been impressed. I had to prove to Gray Wolf that my braids would still fit under the mask, which they did. A great feast lie before me and I sat among the warriors. The others of the camp shared in the festivities. As I enjoyed my shrimp Great Mountain told of the birth of the Protector Spirits nearing the end.

“In a land of danger, the People called up their fear.

‘Help us, Great Spirit,’ they cried as one voice, ‘We need protection from the dark beasts of this new land.’ As the People watched, animals came of the darkness to stand before them. From the fearless Forest Pig to the Woolly Stag to the Great Snow Wolf, they came to stand before the first ones. A voice rang out from the stars above.

‘These are my children and they will give you their strength, and protect you from harm. At birth shall the Protector Spirit come to the claim the child that calls to it. Only great disgrace will ever separate the two. Go forth and make you choices known, my spirit children.’ Becoming creatures of light, the Protector Spirits moved among the first ones choosing those to be bonded with. Given this new strength, the People grew into a strong and brave nation.” Everyone cheered as our Chief took his seat. Great Gray Wolf took the speaking mound.

“As you know, it is at this point that the new warrior’s elder family member would stand and tell of great deeds done by the warriors of that line. Moon Fire has no blood family with the Sheyka and no one to speak for her. She has asked to stand up and tell of the deeds of her line. Moon Fire has the right to speak as a warrior of the Sheyka. Hear the tales of bravery she wants you to know.” Smiling to give me courage, the elder gestured me forward. With a deep breath, I stepped onto the small mound of dirt. All their eyes on me, I thought I wouldn’t be able to speak. Looking around, I found Lighting Hawk smiling at me. His love gave me strength.

“As you know, I came to the Sheyka as a slave. I was proud to be the slave of the bravest warrior in all the Sheyka camp.” That brought soft laughter from most. “I would’ve willing lived all my days as Lighting Hawk’s slave, but the Great Snow Wolf called to me. He called me to the Warrior’s Dance, and I had to answer. Still, I know that there are many kinds of bravery, many kinds of warriors. I’ll tell you a tale of a different kind of warrior. A warrior that could use weapons but his strongest weapons were his honor and his word. I speak of my father, Toran Caynor of the Village of Shorai. Though his life went in different patterns from the Sheyka, honor and duty ruled his existence as it would any true warrior.” I took another deep breath, and cleared my throat in nervousness.

“In another life I was a young girl, no older then Dancing Brook, and just as hard to contain.” That brought many grins and nods from those women around the fire. The little chieftess blushed deeply. “My mother had gone on to the Otherside the year before, and my father often took me on his business travels. He took me everywhere with him trying to be my father and also the mother I lost. So much so that I was shocked when he told me that I was to stay with my nursemaid that fateful day.

As with the Sheyka, women didn’t go to slave auctions, or anywhere in that section of town for that matter, I knew this full well. Still, when I saw him and my uncle walking in that direction, I decided that I would see what all the secretes were about, and made to follow. The nursemaid thought that I had laid down to take a nap so did not notice that I had gone.

Children did not go against their parents’ wishes, especially girl children. Still, I never followed those rules when I thought I could get away with it, and no one was on the watch for a girl child sneaking about. Girl children didn’t do that sort of thing. What I saw will haunt me for the rest of my life.” I had to stop to collect my thoughts. The picture of that day, brought up by the flames, brought tears of sorrow and rage to my cheeks. I found that I had everyone’s attention, and continued my story.

“The men of the village gathered around the auctioning block waiting for the sale to begin. I hid in the back, behind some barrels, watching all that went on. The owner of the auction house stepped forward to announce the start of the sale.

‘I bring you only the best quality slave flesh,’ he said, smiling, ‘Today, I think the slaves will be very pleasing to you, gentlemen.” The Slave Merchant stepped forward with a black snake whip in his fat hand. He wore the robes of the Calidorn, traders from the far south. I couldn’t really see his face, but the eyes looking down on the crowd were cold, and cruel. The loud crack of his whip made me cower even in my hiding place. It took me a few moments to gather the courage to look back out... A line of Tribe children shuffled forward. Collars on their necks were tied together with rope. Fresh brands in their thin thighs seeped blood. They wore no clothing, and had only hopelessness in their frightened eyes. I opened my mouth to scream in protest but other voices covered my cries.

‘How dare you bring such filth to Shourai?’ my father shouted shaking a fist at the owner of the auction block. At first the slaver didn’t understand why everyone had become to upset.

‘There are some that haven’t been used yet,’ he hissed, ‘If that is what bothers you.’ He made a gesture and four young boys, and three young girls stepped forward. This only angered my father greater.

‘That may be the ways of other towns, but not here in Shourai,’ my father growled then stepped up the stairs to stand on the block. ‘We don’t rape babies as these poor souls are. I’ll lay you odds that none of these children are over the age of ten turns. They won’t be sold in our village... In fact, they should not be sold for what you had in mind at all. What say you, men? Are we going to let this dog sale these innocent babes to be raped? Is there one decent man among us who would let such a despicable thing take place?’ The men of the town rose up against the slaver and took the children from him. He was driven from town with the message that such sales wouldn’t be tolerated in Shourai or any town near their Shourai. The owner of the auction block lost a lot of money nearly all that he had. The slaver was never seen in the town or anywhere in the province as word spread of his dealings. No one knew how to contact any camps of the Tribe. So the town elders did the best that they could. The children were either adopted into the community or sent to other towns to be adopted. They weren’t slaves but sons and daughters to those who took them into their homes. My father made sure of that. His honor gave him more influence in the council. In a short time, he had all slave trade stopped in Shourai. I consider that an act of great courage for he made many powerful enemies in doing so.” Taking a deep breath, I looked down to Lighting Hawk, then over to Gray Wolf hoping that I hadn’t disappointed them. Both men nodded their approval. In a moment, many were clapping or shouting in praise. Reassured, I started on another story about my father and my uncle hunting a Great Mountain Bear.