Legends of Belariath


Saski's Tale Part I - The Sunlit Tower

The sunset had turned the clouds and the still water of the lake into a rainbow of red, orange and purple hues. The effect was breathtaking indeed, it was part of the reason that Nazia choose this place to make her home, along with the fact that it was well away from the normal high traffic roads. The sable haired wizardess turned from the scene of natural beauty with a soft sigh, to look at the lone occupant of the balcony. The figures long silver hair hung loosely and tangled down the figures back and over the black robe the figure was wearing. The figure sat staring out at the sunset, but it was obvious that the figure did not see the beautiful sight. With a look of pure sympathy, Nazia moved closer to the figure. ‘Poor child’, she thought to herself as she watched the unmoving figure. ‘After a lifetime of pain and suffering at the hands of her own blood, to find happiness at last only to watch it torn away.’ After watching the figure for several moments, Nazia stepped up behind the figure, ‘She’ll waste herself away if she continues like this, and she needs to move on with her life or everything he taught her will be for naught.’

Steadying herself mentally for what she was about to do, Nazia placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder. The girl barely moved under her touch. “Saski, my child, it has been seven days since the funeral, you need to accept the loss and live. Not sit here day after day dying without a fight,” Nazia whispered softly. Slowly Saski turned her head and gazes up at Nazia, with sad blue-purple eyes lined with red, the girls’ dark skin and elven features marking her as a dark elf. “And what do you know of pain and suffering. Of living or dying? Why shouldn’t I sit here and die as you put it? What is left for me in this world, one hundred and twenty-three years of pain and suffering. Could you stand that?” Saski shot back at Nazia. Although her face remained unchanged, inside Nazia was shocked and horrified. Never had she expected such a hateful and venomous response from the girl. Saski had come so far into life in the three years since her rescue and release. Could she have fallen so fast? Before Nazia had a chance to respond, she found herself grabbed and held as Saski turned and threw her arms around the mage. “Oh Nazia, I’ve suffered the twisted pleasures and tortures of the dark elf for one hundred and twenty years, yet nothing they ever did compares to the hurt and pain of this.” Saski gasped out between sobs and tears, as she buried her head in Nazia’s robes once again. Nazia’s heart fell and she quickly took a seat, pulling the sobbing girl into her arms. “Now Saski, do you remember all the happy times you had with him? How both you and he rose up to meet the standards and expectations of the other. How you really and truly smiled because you joyous, not from fear of the whip?” Slowly the sobs faded, and the sniffling head peered up at her, “yeah, but what does that have to do with this” Saski asked in return. Nazia suppressed her smile, for all her years Saski was like a child in many ways and heaven help whoever gets her to open her heart again. They may not be able to handle it. “It matters because like all things in nature, there is a balance. The greater our bond to a person, place or thing, the worse the pain and hurt is when we loose it. And I fear for you, because you are only now learning about and experiencing these emotions and feelings that those you allow into your heart will be stronger bonds than expected. And in turn will cause deeper loss if and when that occurs.” Nazia paused and calmly rubbed Saski’s back for several moments before continuing on. “Saski, you are learning and experiencing emotions other than fear and lust which you have experienced plenty. As you discover and explore these emotions, I suspect that for quite some time you will feel these emotions much stronger than other people. And this means both positive and negative emotions. Any of this making sense?” Nazia finished with a smile. Smiling faintly back, Saski released her grip on the others robe and sat back, wiping her eyes before replying. “Yes, Nazia it does make sense in a way, thank you. The pain is still there, but I can look beyond it now. Which brings up where do I go now. I can’t remain a burden to you.” Nazia couldn’t contain the soft chuckle and shook her head. “Child a burden you are not, but you are right, it is time for you to look for a future. Becoming an old maid like myself isn’t what you need or want. You have your freedom, your mind and heart as well, along with what Talbot taught you. You need to find a place to call home and others to share it with you. Friendship more than anything else you need and you won’t find that here.” Holding up her hand to forestall any comments, Nazia continued, “Yes I am your friend, but you need more than an aging mage as a friend.” Saski opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it and nodded, sitting silently for the moment. “Ok I understand, but where should I go?” she finally asked.

Now it was Nazia’s turn to be silent as she thought over what she knew of the land, finally coming upon an idea. Rising to her feet, she pulled Saski out towards the balcony railing and pointed towards the large forest to the southwest of her tower. “There, I remember hearing of a place in those woods where much of the predjuduces against various races have been overcome. Somewhere in or near that forest is a small town. That is the best place for you to start your search for a home.” Saski gazed out over the huge gulf of land between the tower and the forest, guessing that the journey would take several weeks to complete. “Then that is where I will start, I guess I will be going to pack now and prepare for the trip.” Nazia turned and smiled at her “No, not yet, there is still one more task for me to perform before you leave. A parting gift you may call it, if you like. While you were out here mopping, I have been doing research. I think I have found a spell that will undo some of the spells intergrated into your body and mind. But the tome I found the spell in warned of possible extreme side effects. So you must mke the choice on whether to go through with the spell or not.” Saski was silent for several moments, before finally replying, “Nazia, I trust you and will accept whatever side effects that come from this.” Nazia nodded and turned to leave, softly finishing “The preparations will take most of the night and the spell itself is not a quick one, rest and refresh yourself. I will fetch you when all is ready.” Saski nodded and turned back to watch the last moments of the sunset, more to hide the fear in her heart than to see anything. Saski barely hear the door close behind Nazia as she left, and stood staring out into the sky until full dark had fallen on the land. With one final look out, Saksi pulled herself away from the balcony and moved to the bed to rest. She didn’t even complete the last thought in her head before the blackness of sleep overtook her.

The world came rushing back to Saski, as the hand gently shook her once again. Slowly opening her eyes, she peered into the smiling face of Nazia. “It’s time isn’t it,” Saski asked as she struggled up into a sitting position. Nazia , now dressed in a silvery white robe, nodded and held out her hand helping Saski to her feet. As she guided the young elf towards the door, she whispered “Leave the robe, you will not be needing it till we are done.” The mage could not help but admire the form beside her as they moved out into the tower, nor did she miss the small shiver and sigh from the elf at her words. ‘By the gods, I hope this works or this sweet child may never live the life she wants,’ the mage thought as they approached the chamber she would use for this spell. Turning to the slim form beside her, Nazia asked one final time. “Still want to go through with this? “ Saski nodded as she answered with a soft voice, “Yes, I’m ready.” Nazia pointed to the velvet covered table in the middle of the room. “Go lay on the table and don’t move from it till I tell you so.” Nazia waited till Saski was laying on the table before entering the room herself, the white robe she wore fluttering to the ground outside the doorway. Nazia slowly made her way over to the table, whispering softly to Saski. “Close your eyes, and do not open them until I tell you.” Looking down at the nude form of Saski, Nazia steeled herself for what was to come and turned to the smaller side table. Gathering up the small bowl placed there, Nazia turned back to Saski and started the final preparations for the spell. Dipping her finger into the bowl, Nazia leaned over Saski’s prone form and started to trace the symbols needed for the spell on her body. Moving up from her legs, she slowly covered her dark flesh with glittering symbols. After what seemed like hours, but was only moments Nazia traced the last symbol on Saski over her cleft. Returning the bowl to the small table, she moved over to the Spellbook hidden on the far side of the room. Looking down at the Spellbook, Nazia slowly starts to chant the words to the spell. Her voice becoming both softer and louder as the power of the spell starts to take ahold of the room. The room darkens all around the two figures in the room, as the symbols on Saski’s skin flare into a silvery light as Nazia reaches the first peak in the spell. Her voice never breaking as she continues to chant the words to the spell, ignoring the impact the spell was having on her own body. Moment after moment, Nazia continued to chant the words to the spell as each of the symbols on Saski’s skin slowly died out the nearer to completion the spell got. Finally Nazia’s chanting drew to a close as the last of the symbols faded from Saski’s skin. With the room returning to the normal level of light, Nazia slowly approached the table with Saski on it. “It is done my child, you my open your eyes and arise.” Opening her eyes and rising to a sitting position slowly, Saski turned to look at Nazia. “Thank you, I don’t feel any different now. Did the spell work?”

Nodding softly, Nazia answered “Yes the spell worked, from what I understand you should feel a lot less need or desire towards others. At least that is how the spell should work, but since I am not the most familiar with it the results may have been lessened..”

Leaning against the side of the table, Nazia continued softly “although you may not feel it, the spell took a lot of energy from you to fuel it. You had best go get something to eat and then rest. Tomorrow we will start planning for your future.” Slowly moving off the table, Saski used one hand to steady herself against the table as she felt all the drain of the spell at one time and nodded, “yes I think you are right, thank you once again. I’m going to go get food and sleep.” As Saski left the room, Nazia released a deep sigh and fell against the table, the effects of the spell hitting her full force. What she didn’t tell Saski was that the spell didn’t just remove the desires, it also transferred some of them to the caster of the spell. Right now, Nazia was feeling a desire and longing for Saski that she only hoped would abate in the days to come. She only prayed that the spell would help Saski find the happiness and life she deserved.