Legends of Belariath

Shaeya Asura

Hymn of the Wandering Skald: Lloth

In the shadows of her cave, a scurrying do I hear,
The nearing of the hour, the rising of the fear.
Above, where the wood elf, and high elf dwell,
It is free of this demon, it is free of this hell.

The damp caves darken, the hour grows nigh,
The dark elf trembles, shivers and sigh.
For dawning of the hour, in the darkness begins
In the groaning moaning silence, a trap does she spin.

They quiver together, in the gathering gloom,
Each from the other rent, in her cheerless tomb.
Still do they gather, to worship and bow,
Fighting and cursing, the people above.

Their pride, and their vision, their hatred it chills,
Their scorn and derision, their goddess she thrills
They squabble some more, themselves they fight,
With their anger and hatred, she feeds this night.

Children of Goddess Lloth, Children of the night
Children raised in darkness, for her dark delight.
Children of this hour, clever and strong
Children of the spider, to her belong.

They dangle in her trap, her miserable prey,
Loyal in their worship, themselves do they slay.
Their happiness dead, their poisoned unity,
Lloth she thrills, in her slaves' community.

This is your goddess, for her do you wait,
She is your killer, you are her bait,
She watches and smiles, delighted in your pain,
And yet you serve, and will serve her again.