Legends of Belariath


Starting Anew: Part 1

Getting In

A bug landed on Skye's nose, causing his whole face to scrunch up as he tried to remove it from its spot. Looking down, Skye swallowed down a small lump in his throat as two big, burly guards kept an open eye for anyone foolish to attack the front gate of the Blood Wolves' camp. Skye, of course, was not that foolish. That was why he was scaling the wall in the dead of night, hanging from his daggers with a damned bug sitting on his nose. He took a deep breath and continued up the wall.

Reaching the top, Skye peeked over the pointed tips of the wall's top. Seeing a guard at each corner, each looking out into the woods, Skye inched himself over the pointed tips, onto the balcony of the fortress. Skye drew his dagger and crept up on one of the guards, quickly slitting his throat while covering the mouth to silence any dying noises. After he was certain the guard was dead, he dumped the body over the fence, it only making a soft thud as it hit the dirt below. Skye then peeked out over the camp. Everywhere he saw tents and fires, but only a small tent nearby concerned Skye. It was a small, nondescript tent, the perfect hiding spot for the golden symbol of the Blood Wolves. The local warlord had been plagued by the Blood Wolves for weeks now, and decided that by stealing their symbol, he could destroy their morale and lead a campaign to crush them, hence the reason Skye was here.

Skye climbed down from the upper level, slipping through the shadows towards his target. The process was mind-numbingly slow. It seemed like every member of the Blood Wolves had to walk by this tent in the span of an hour. Finally, after some creative shortcuts through the harem tent, Skye made it to the entrance of his target. Slipping under the back, Skye froze in his tracks. He found himself staring at the backside of a large man, who appeared to be talking to somebody else. That somebody else was a very scared, very beautiful naked woman backed into the corner of the tent. She saw Skye and her eyes grew very wide. It would only be a second before the man would realize someone was behind him. Skye didn't give the man that second, and plunged his dagger through the back of the man's neck.

As the thief fell to the floor of the tent, the woman looked at him with pure terror in her eyes. Skye gave her a warm smile, pressing a finger to his lips. She apparently understood, rushing to him and wrapping her arms around him. Skye rubbed the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. He hadn't quite expected that response, but at least she hadn't alerted the guards. Skye looked down at her, examining her body and face. She was very slender, but not overly thin. Her skin was a shade of ivory, and she had pleasant curves in all the right places. Skye quickly noticed that having her pressed to him like this was having an effect on him, as he felt himself stiffening down there.

Apparently, she had noticed it too, because she suddenly sank to her knees, her hands moving down to pull down his trousers. Before Skye could protest, his cock was hanging out and she was licking it up one side and down the other. It took all the control Skye had not to moan or make any noise. Only his breathing was louder and ragged. As she took his rod between her warm lips, he looked to the center of the tent, where his original prize lay. He managed to reach out and grab it as her mouth began moving back and forth across his prick. He found it harder and harder to keep his mouth shut, so he clenched his teeth tightly, breathing through his nose, feeling himself reaching the breaking point quickly. She seemed to sense this too, and doubled her efforts, taking all of him in now. Finally, with a loud sigh, Skye gave in and allowed himself release. The girl drank of him silently, finally pulling away with a cute, innocent smile.

Skye allowed himself a sigh of relief, looking down at her, finally speaking softly, "Well, if that was thanks, then you're welcome." The girl simply chuckled a bit, moving closer to him. He sighed audibly, "Well, I guess I gotta get you out of here, but that's going to make things rather tough."

"You have no idea just how tough it's going to be, you murdering little thief," came a voice from outside. Skye whirled to the front of the tent, finding himself staring at the man who was currently the leader of the Blood Wolves, a man who went by the title "Marzek the Bloodthirsty." Skye gave a slight snarl, realizing that he was in deep trouble now...