Legends of Belariath

Stormbringer and Tehya

Tehya Gains A Promotion

The mirror was the most ornate thing in Tehya’s small palace room besides the rich oak desk which was littered with papers. There was a small bed nothing large or audacious and her clothes were neatly folded on a sideboard by the side of her bed.

The Sylvan elf stood there dressed in the familiar lilac silk she favored, stockings held by garters and a corset top cinched to her waist. A slender elf, but she had curves in the right places. Long wheaten blonde hair drifted to her waist, and the short flounce of her skirt covered her panties, the ruffle of the skirt matched in the same lilac silk.

Today she stared into the mirror daydreaming of what she had seen in it to write her last story, wondering how lucky Ishtar was and what went on when the mirror fogged over. Her hand reached out to touch the mirror which was no longer foggy, only to see the two ceiling to floor windows showing the outside grasses and trees reflecting into the mirror. Today was one of those days, if only something would appear in it. She turned the mirror a bit and heard something, or someone approaching. It was the quiet sound of footsteps, and those delicate elven ears alerted her of someone walking.

Stormbringer approached the room with some intent, a job he had meant to take care of for some time yet had put off an extra day and an extra day until he could no longer do so. Wearing his usual dark green top and black trousers with booted feet, he moved with a quieter and more graceful motion than his large frame would indicate, dark brown hair touching his shoulders and moving to the wind. At the door he hesitated but didn’t knock; he didn’t knock the first time when he brought the mirror either.

Tehya was immune to the idea of any visits let alone from the Emperor; she didn’t expect to ever be so fortunate, let alone be calm enough to meet him outside a social gathering. Oblivious she thought the sound might be a maid walking down the corridor until the fatal moment when the Emperor himself swung the door open and slid into the room. It was lucky Tehya didn’t have something fragile in her hand, if she did it would have fallen from her fingers smashing to smithereens.

Those blue eyes stared into the mirror which was straight ahead of the door, making it quite visual to her who entered. Her hand slid down the mirror making a light squeaking noise and those blue stained lips parted as she gasped for a breath of air. He mesmerized her, daunted her, and probably could render her speechless just by his presence.

The first thing that came to mind as she stared at his image in the mirror was punishment for writing the story of Ishtar, which she had seen in the mirror. Turning slowly to look at him those cornflower blue eyes widened with shock.

"My Emperor?"

She felt very daunted and actually guilty for a crime she wasn't sure she committed.

I...have I done something I shouldn't?"

Her personality was flamboyant, but just his presence hushed that wild streak as if he doused her with water, she became shy and wasn't sure what to say. His image was startling, but to see him in flesh and blood in her room, well she must have done something to deserve that. He might see her breathe as if she was breathless; the soft mounds of her breasts pushed up from the corset only emphasizing it more.

Stormbringer cocked his head and looked at the little Sylvan. Well she was little compared to his own frame. The effect his presence had on her was not exactly new; so many seemed overawed by his appearance that he became used to it. His eyes wrinkled up slightly as he smiled their blue that of an early summer sky, though they would turn gray and stormy when he was annoyed.

"Oh I do hope so," He laughed and watched the small elven amused, "A girl like you shouldn't be short of opportunities, to do what she shouldn't after all."

Looking at her more closely, he realized that statement was truer than he had intended it to be. The attractive face and even more attractive cleavage wouldn't pass unnoticed by a man who was accustomed to taking pleasure often. "But then, perhaps you lack opportunities, living life through a mirror and watching certain activities in the temple, eh?"

Her head bowed almost in reverence, but something about Tehya was always borderline in her behavior. She wanted to experience life fully, wanted to see what danger was like firsthand, not through a mirror, not through someone else’s stories. She had a bit of a sneaky side when it came to others, and would die for this man before her. Some people thought her covert ways might be to run back and tell the Emperor, and even tried to avoid her seeing or hearing conversations in the Inn. Others just took her curious nature as the Sylvan’s personality.

He couldn't help but miss the hidden smile as her head was bowed, and as her head rose the tips of those blue lips were turned up. "I love having the mirror, and wearing your pin...but yes opportunities are tantalizing."

His eyes looked as if life itself were coming through them, she was transfixed looking at him full on, even though afraid.  She could write amazing stories with the truths affixed as silent messages for this man or those he trusted. She took one step forward to him barefooted on the wooden floor and stopped straight ahead of him. Tehya became more relaxed realizing she wasn't going to be hauled off for spying on him and Ishtar in the mirror; maybe she committed no crime at all.

Stormbringer was so fascinated by the blue of those lips that he was more than usually aware of that part of a girl's anatomy and he figured she was remembering the scene she described in such detail.

"Just the interesting ones, he murmurs, taking a step closer so that he towered over the Sylvan and not coincidentally got a deeper view of her cleavage and the pale tops of her breasts which rippled slightly with her breathing. "Just the ones that.... inspire you," he teased, knowing she was turned on by what she had witnessed and would be reliving it again in her mind. He didn't think there would be very much resistance from this girl if he decided to take her, but any edge was useful in getting cooperation and if she was turned on already, so much the better.

"So tell me, who did you wish you were then, Keaira or Ishtar?"

Those lips were always stained blue from berries; she sometimes idly rubbed berries on her lips to produce the soft blue color. She was fascinated with his eyes, since so much could be told about someone looking into their eyes. Yet his step towards her froze her in place for a second, a few seconds passed and she noticed where his eyes traveled when looking at her.

She whispered, telling the full truth.

“If I was to wish I would choose Ishtar, she is in stone for eternity, memories that will not fade from your mind. In flesh a pleasure you took away to... I don't know where."

Words were becoming easier and she tilted her head up to look at him. Curious, the Sylvan often got herself into trouble being friendly, and too curious for her own good. What does one do with their hands when nervous with the formidable Stormbringer in front of them?

Her fingers fidgeted at her short skirt's flounce smoothing the ruffles down. Her hair was straight and so fine it looked like sunshine shone through it; her next fidget was her hand lifting to push a strand of hair in back of her shoulder. She didn’t know whether to offer him a seat since there was only her bed, and the chair at her desk. Being kept inside a room never lasted too long before making the Sylvan fidget and want to run outside.

Stormbringer watched the girl and her movements in much the same way as a cat might watch a mouse, deliberately toying, teasing, and unsettling her with his presence, the better to hold an advantage. "Oh Ishtar is a lot softer than stone when it suits her. Or me," he assured Tehya, "Then it's my turn to emulate a statue in hardness.” With a laugh his large hand dipped into the belt pouch at his waist and he took out a small item which caught sunlight and sparkled with green fire. "Do you recognize this?" he asked, knowing she will of course since it was worn by Nicholas Shade and was the pin upon which her own was modeled.

Soft ferns and grasses blew outside the window as if there was going to be a storm. The tree leaves blew backwards, and the Sylvan’s always took that as a sign of a thunderstorm brewing. There was electric in the air not only from what she had seen from the corner of her eye, but was brewing in the very room she stood. His movement caught her attention again and as he put his hand in the pouch and pulled out that pin, a painful reminiscing of Nicholas came to her mind.

Did he die; was this proof of his demise? No she knew Nicholas was penned up with that silken harem of his practicing his arts for a private audience. That very pin was the one she fought over in teasing with her former teacher. He taunted her in the most sexual ways, and played with her desire to have one like it… even let her wear it for a few minutes. How she missed him, in fact so much she was afraid to wish she could be the palace bard like him, and wear one too.

“Nicholas's pin, I do recognize it. He is alive isn’t he?"

Stormbringer wasn’t looking anywhere but at the girl, her presence and attractiveness something he had allowed himself to forget since he had last seen her. But then wasn't it always the unexpected that provided the best opportunities? And perhaps he had remembered on some level, guiding his feet there that day. The pin twirled between his fingers hypnotically, but what he sees is the sudden fluttering of her breasts; the heave of the milky white mounds as memories chased through Tehya's mind. Much as he intended of course.

"No, he's likely not dead but he left this with me and said if he hadn't returned within a year he would have found a new path for his wayward feet," he continued the teasing, his voice hinting but not promising anything…Yet.

Oh she had craved and begged to have a pin like Nicholas's. Yet she was very proud to wear the small version that was crafted and left to her by the Emperor. She swallowed nervously; no one knew how much fun or how much she missed Nicholas. They met almost every day to perform together. Nicholas not returning had left a painful spot in Tehya's heart. Sometimes she blamed herself and she could be a bit mean spirited envying Nicholas’s playmates which he adored. There was a side of her that could be dark and mean too, and she silently cursed that voluptuous toy Nicholas had. But there was the pin, and the Emperor holding it. A playful side of her came through all that fear, and a slight smile (or was she begging in a cute way)?

"It has no place to rest like my small pin you gave me."

Oh she was fishing for the position, and wanted to be like her teacher. That was a consolation to Tehya, to wear the same pin as Nicholas had. She was tempted to drop on her knees being quite the actress, but she resisted.

Stormbringer nodded as though lost in thought, barely a hand span away from her and able to feel the warmth of her body, smell the fresh scent of her hair.

"That's true," he admits. "And of course there is a lack of palace bard to entertain, or to provide the music when a slave dances to amuse... or arouse me." The hand holding the pin moved slowly, not threatening or aggressive, but with purpose and the tip of the pin was run softly over the exposed flesh of her upper chest and breast before withdrawing again.

"So I came to visit you and find out if you might have some idea about who could fill such a position."

She always thought him to be not only a powerful presence, but to be captivating in his ways. He was shrewd, and holding that pin was such a temptation...not that she needed much being persuaded by the touch to her flesh. She stepped closer to find the pin being run over her breast, the cold metal making a definition of nipples show through the silk, and a shiver ran through her body.

Being as sensitive as she was on her breasts it lent her to become aroused as well as wanting the position so badly. Oh she would submit for the pin, and do almost anything to wear it. It was an honor, but she had to ask him a question and promise.

"I could fill the position and still write for you? I could fulfill you're every wish. Those that perform for you I would be by your side making the palace and your amphitheater the favored place to be."

She stopped talking having a tendency to say too much sometimes. That shiver still ran through her, and she pressed her thighs together just to stave off the other desires he had aroused touching her breasts.

Storm bringer smiled inwardly but his voice seemed to hold some uncertainty as he replied to that invitation. Both the spoken one, and that unspoken, since thin silk stretched by increasingly agitated flesh did little to disguise the twin responses to his least touch, betrayed by such easily aroused peaks.

"Of course I know you write well, Tehya," he voiced quietly, eyes never leaving her. "But do you play equally well? Do you know how to alleviate boredom in your listeners? Do you know how to inspire a slave girl to the most erotic of performances by your craft and perhaps emulate them? In short, do you know how to handle instruments?" The hand moved again, so slowly, the pin's tip circling one of those hidden nipples and then the other.

"And do you know how to become an instrument to be played by another?"

There was hope in those blue eyes looking into his, and a lowering of thick dark lashes when the pin was run over her nipples. Those nipples became so sensitive at times she could climax from just having them touched. Feeling the tingle go directly through her and linger between her legs made her a bit out of focus as far as the questions he asked.

"I play the flute, harp, drums, and violin, and have the talent to captivate an audience. I could inspire a slave girl by song or story." That slender throat with sunny tanned flesh could be seen to swallow as he asked about being an instrument to be played by another, and her answer became softer, throaty with desire.

"And I could be played by another… yes."

She looked back up into his eyes and wondered why he asked that. Was he wanting her, or was he going to push her out in the audience to one special person he selected. Tehya wished he might want to experience it firsthand.

“If I am selected, would that be my duties?"

Stormbringer felt a familiar tightness growing in his groin and his eyes became more intently focused, holding her own in something like the way a snake might hypnotize a rabbit. "I'm sure you recall how Nicholas would often fill the palace with his music," he replied. "Those notes often inspired a memorable performance from one of my slaves or the consort as I'm sure he was aware, though he never actually saw them for himself. A female bard though... a pretty one, would likely be something decorative to accompany those performances more closely… much more closely."

This was turning into a definite bonus for the Emperor since he had arrived at the room planning to either hand over the pin or leave...it would have been an unspoken message if the room were empty.

"Of course there are general entertainments too, for myself, and for guests at banquets." The pin hooked into the hem of her garment, and dragged down a little sliding over one breast then the other almost exposing Tehya's nipples. "But a female bard who was amenable to having a tune played upon herself , to the accompaniment of her own deep breathing and sounds of appreciation, that would I think be something new and quite possibly very entertaining wouldn't it?"

Sometimes good things happening all at once sent her into a twirl of losing her convincing ways. She was molding into his touches and offers, yes she wanted both. Being away in the woods, in between writing left her missing the touches to her flesh which she adored. The pin sliding down her breast almost to her nipples made her want to touch him in return. How brazen would that be to caress the Emperor without permission, and wild thoughts went through her mind.

"Nicholas taught me and I could do as he did, and sing the most beautiful songs of passion on my favored violin. A soft touch produces such a beautiful sound."

She came closer to him; the soft scent of homemade soap was all that she wore. It was fresh; and her hand moved a bit towards him afraid he would whop it off if not desired. It was a test to see if she could. Tehya always wandered to the daring edge even when warned not to, but how else would she know. Her thighs pressed so tightly together hid the moistness of desire he was persuading from the Sylvan.

The time for teasing was rapidly passing. Reaching past the girl he placed the pin on the table in front of the mirror, the movement bringing a brief contact as his chest touched hers. Making no sign of disapproval at her hesitant touch he straightened up, very close now in front of Tehya.

"The pin will either remain here or it will go with me when I leave," his voice is still quiet but there was a hint of a challenge to the statement. His eyes caught her own again, a twinkle deep within them, someone who appreciated the games of passion but was not consumed by his own lusts, and the hand that reached out to hold those long blonde tresses, tilted the young bard's head back further to meet his kiss which was steady enough when his lips tasted her own.

She could push herself through a sexual act to get information or what she desired, but he was tilting her whole conniving world upside down. The pin caught her eye, twinkling like it was amused by the Emperor. She knew ornate objects had no mind, but suddenly the pin seemed to have an amusement in its twinkle of the situation. His warm lips meeting hers made her breathless, lips parted to submit to a kiss only the most fabled bard could ever describe.

Soft blue lips parted and her tongue touched his just for a second not wanting to be in control. Her hand softly ran down his chest to his belt and rested there. She pressed close to him wanting more. There were no words at this point but he could feel those soft breasts almost spilling out of the corset top he pulled down, rubbing against his chest.

She had been known to dance, and her legs were sculpted as a dancers were, soft silk decorating them like a canvas. One sound might be heard, a desire and murmur in between the kiss. Her hand traced down a bit more just under his belt afraid she was being too forward, but wanting to please him.

Stormbringer neither encouraged nor discouraged the girl's touch since she was free rather than a slave and he preferred to let her express herself in that way rather than needing direction. His lips sealed tighter against her own, making him bend due to their differences in height as the kiss intensified, his own tongue fenced lightly with hers, teasing in its own way rather than some crass, impatient ravaging of her partially opened mouth.

The man is very aware of those soft breasts pressing into him, certain he can feel the pinpoint nipples through two layers of cloth while his other hand circled the elf's waist, stroking her back and then dropping lower towards the curve of the small firm bottom.

Tehya felt like she was in the most intense sexual fantasy she could imagine. She dreamt of what it might be to be taken by the Emperor, a man so experience he carried a goddess away to ravish. Her own desires warranted the shyness to go away almost completely, and her nipples pressed against his strong chest still tingling from his touch. She flicked her tongue against his. Lips opened so soft and blue she whispered when the kiss broke,

"May I?"

Her hand slid down his pants to feel how hard his erection was against the material, wanting to release him and please him in any way she could. Her hand stroked over him to slide the pants open… unless he grabbed her to stop. The suspense of knowing what he wanted made it all the more exciting, maybe he would manipulate her to become exactly what would please him...in that case Tehya was ready to submit and find out.

Stormbringer wasn't noted for stopping a pretty and eager girl who expressed a wish to arouse him with her hand or her mouth, and Tehya was certainly fitting into both categories; much more so than he could have expected from her quiet and even reserved manner in the past. It was as though the pin was a switch that had turned her into an eager partner though the responses seemed genuine rather than contrived for her own advancement.

"Far be it from me to stop you in such an endeavor, girl," he chuckled lightly, letting her have her way as his fingers slowly began to trace the path formerly taken by the pin, fingernails lightly tracking over the upper surface of one breast and then the other

She wanted to fall to her knees and release him, and trace over him with her tongue. But he was touching the Sylvan in a way that eagerly would bring her to a climax. Fortunate or hungry; breast and nipple play always led to a series of small climaxes for the elf. Her nipples were a soft pink against her tanned flesh. Summer tones of the sun left their mark on the sultry elf making them more pronounced against the thin lilac fabric.

She felt his fingers making her nipples become rigid, and she felt the tingling in her clit announcing a tiny orgasm from just the pressure of her tightening her thighs, she could be selfishly pleased and was weak almost dropping to her knees. A posture she felt fitting for an Emperor made her slide down his body until she was on her knees on the bare floor. An almost innocent look was given to him through those cornflower blue eyes with the expression, I want to please you.

Her tongue traced over her blue lips, wetting them letting him know how she wanted to please him. Being submissive in the beginning might turn her into a tempest of desire afterwards. She tried to free him from the pants sliding them down to his ankles.

The sight of Tehya on her knees in a submissive posture was an appealing one and his shaft which was already responding to the bard's closeness raised another couple of notches as he looked down to her, raising one foot then the other to assist her in removing both pants and boots before giving a nod to signify she should continue. His position placed him leaning against the edge of the table upon which the mirror was placed. Behind him the mirror’s depths began to take on a smoky appearance unseen by either. The girl was too busy looking at the thick, semi erect target of her desires and the Emperor was too busy looking down at the partially exposed breasts which he had by no means yet finished exploring.

She was eager to please and she helped him take the pants from each foot and push them aside. His hard cock responding to her desires was indeed the most interesting instrument Tehya would ever learn to play. She took both her hands and pressed them to the floor to wiggle closer. Once close enough everything seemed to drift away …all of her reserves were now overtaken by passion. The warm air from her breath against the tip of him would be felt and she gave one soft lick over the thick tip. A delicious lick made her smile up at him before engulfing his thick shaft into her mouth and sucking. Busy fingers played along the length of him sliding up and then down, wanting the first drop of pleasure to coat her tongue.

Stormbringer felt the warm softness of her mouth closing over his partly erect cock and its suction combined with the touches of her fingers soon brought it to full hardness, stretching her lips wider and threatening to cut off her breathing if she didn’t move her head back a bit. The sensation is a familiar one but each time the girl is different, so too is the experience and he felt his balls tighten and he looked down, letting the bard have her head in more ways than one, rather than guiding her movements

Eager to please, the first droplet of pre-cum to touch her tongue spurred her on; maybe he wanted just this, but he did seem interested in her body too. He was the Emperor after all, and she waited for demands, but wasn't beyond taking her lead in wanting to satiate him.

Her mouth bulged with his thickness and she tried to work him down her throat until the tip was in back of her throat, and she fought not to gag or make any sounds that would displease him. Her tongue swirled around the thick shaft in her mouth flickering up on the underside of it and wetting him enough to slide, in and out of her mouth. When satisfied he was to full erection she stopped for an instant and crept up his body and kissed him.

Stormbringer could have easily just stayed there and let the girl use her mouth and no doubt another time he would do just that. But for now he wanted to explore more of her body too, So a light grip on sensitive elven ears led her to her feet fully, his glistening shaft pressing against the girl's thigh as he manipulated her into a position facing her own mirror, hands flat on the table and body somewhat bent forwards so they took some of her weight.

As her eyes would look for her own reflection she would see it, but not as expected. Within the depths of the mirror the whole of her room was portrayed and she could see as a third party the emperor moving behind her and easing the top off her shoulders so that her breasts swung free and naked, his cock pressed against the cleft of her bottom through the bard's skirt. She would be able to see an image of herself watching herself, watching herself into infinity of smaller reflections, one within the other while his large hands slid round her body pinning her against the table, and his fingers started to explore her heavy breasts

The kiss led to her being held by the ears, just the touch alone made her shiver and she felt his thick erect shaft sliding up her thighs against the silk covering them, just when it touched the top of her stockings flesh against flesh, she moaned and turned to be placed hands down on the table.

The mirror intrigued Tehya as she watched the smaller reflections in the mirror. So this was it, the Emperor's magic mirror portraying a story of what was currently going on? She wasn't too sure of that and the release of her breasts from the corset made her need to be touched.


She ached for him to fondle her nipples and slide into her from behind. The only barrier was the thin silk of her panties which were cut high on the sides of her thigh. Feeling his cock wet from being licked and the pre-cum coating it, she knew it would hurt when first being entered. She muffled no cries of protest, only whispers of wanting more.

"Please, do with me as you wish."

Stormbringer had planned to do as he wanted with the girl since she was obviously compliant to his wishes, but hearing it vocalized always added that extra little thrill with its implied submission.

"Watch the mirror girl," he told her softly. "Watch yourself being used as you have watched others".

Fingers spread out to cup her breasts, lifting them into his palms and pressing into their resiliently soft flesh as he enjoyed the feel of two weighty tits resting in his grip, a sensation surpassed by few others. Hands clenched the mounds of flesh tighter so the nipples bulged further from them, targets for his thumbs and forefingers which captured those erected teats between themselves and slowly manipulated their hardness, tugging, twisting and rolling them from side to side as their pinkness darkened with even greater arousal.

She watched the mirror which coincided with every sensation she felt on her breasts. It was arousing to watch the expressions on his face and his fingers made her wet with excitement. A wiggle against him was pure lust and need, each time he touched her breasts there was a sharp intake of breath.

One person knew of the elf's weakness for breast play and how she selfishly would cum having multiple orgasms. That wouldn't please a beast of a man who didn't want her to feel pleasure, but the Emperor, so experienced…this was all new to her. His hands pressed against her tits making her nipples send thrills of pleasure through her and she cried out once by mistake. It was a cry of a shuddering climax that could only be alleviated by the pressure of the table against her clit. She watched as her light pink nipples darkened in color from his manipulations, and once again fell back into the red zone of passion wanting more and more.

Stormbringer felt the unmistakable spasm that came through her body to where his own was pressed up against her bottom and he smiled with a genuine delight. Breasts were his weakness, especially those topped by good sized nipples, so it wouldn't displease him at all to have the girl climaxing to such play. Rather it spurred him on, pushing her tighter against the table while his fingers continued to mould Tehya's tits into shape, his grip on her nipples shifting but never relenting as he teased and tweaked those hard rubbery nubs in a prolonged attempt to make her cum as often as he could. "Don't hold back," his voice floated into her ear, "show me how much you like me playing with your teats."

Someone actually did want her to climax and many times? She was almost elated at his words. Punishment wasn't an option for climaxing, and each time he gripped her nipples a shot of what felt like electricity went straight to her clit. She felt her panties dampen with her own juices the lilac material becoming wet against her flesh. There was wildness in Tehya, and she had to forget her reservations and who she was with, a shake of her head sent those fine wheaten blond tresses back from her face as she gasped for air.

Mmmm yes it feels so good, please....."

Her voice broke off and she didn't want to be selfish as her nipples became so firm and elongated within his grasp. A temptation to use her milk spell fluttered through her mind, but maybe later, for now he would take lead and make her watch the magic his fingers were having in the mirror. A glance up caught his eyes, and her own eyes glazed with passion.

Tehya didn’t see everything in the mirror, but she would see herself with her long hair flowing down her sides to obscure his hands. And she would feel his fingers and the way they worked over her tits, deliberately driving her further into ecstasy. She wouldn't be able to see too much of her bottom with his body covering it, but she seen one hand emerge briefly from the curtain of hair, and flip her skirt out of the way. The silk slid up her thigh, across her stocking top and onto naked flesh so he could drag her panties down.

She could see the way his foot nudged her legs wider apart, but she would only feel the tip of his heavy shaft as he guided it down the cleft between her hemispheres, pausing briefly to tease the head against her rosebud before it slid a little lower to nudge the tight opening of her sex. And she would see his hand return to the front, feeling his fingers capture that long nipple in a firm grip as he prepared to enter her

The flip of her skirt made the light material fly upwards, and she twisted a bit to see, but couldn't with him so close behind her. Yet she did watch his eyes and the expressions in them. When he nudged her legs apart it made her vulnerable and she could no longer tighten her thighs to stimulate her clit…he had full control. The tip of his thick cock sliding over her rosebud made her tense for a moment not sure where he intended to use her. When he slid further down she instinctively tightened expecting pain, she was tight since it was a long time since she had been taken, but the foreplay of him pulling and tugging her nipples made her slippery and wet enough to accommodate him.

The slight incline of her body leaning forward was a very graceful position against that table, and her breasts were full enough by leaning down she could feel her nipples against the hard surface. It tickled and was cold leading her to take sharp intakes of breath, along while his fingers manipulated them.

Stormbringer held back for a while, just resting the head of his cock in the slight depression that marked her entrance, feeling the girl's breasts spread out more as they rested on the table trapping his hands, but he kept hold of the twin teats, just shifting his grip so they were captured between two fingers and pressing their elongated shapes with his knuckles as he wiggled them towards another orgasm. Then as Tehya spasmed beneath him, he used the moment to press slowly forwards, working the plum shaped head of his prick through the tight membrane of her vagina and into the hot wetness, holding it still with just the first two inches inside.

It was a long time since she had sex because she had been investigating someone, following them through the woods, or keeping herself hidden away in her room to write. There was a soft muffled moan as she cum once again from his fingers playing with her nipples.

"Mmmmm feels so good." She couldn't believe he didn't mind her cumming so many times as small ripples of a climax wouldn't stop. Being trapped against the table she felt him pressing into her -just- at the moment she cum again as he stretched her tightness making her groan and gasp for breath. Taking a moment to adjust to his thickness she looked up into the mirror to watch both their faces as he began to fuck her.

Stormbringer patiently waited a couple of minutes; the widest part of his cock through the tight entrance gave her time to get used to it inside her. The rest of it would be easier as he slowly began to rock his hips, each movement sending his shaft a bit deeper into the honeyed depths until it was at last fully embedded, and his groin was tight up against Tehya's ass.

Looking over the girl's shoulder he could see the two images superimposed. The actual reflection of her face, eyes glazed and lips parted to catch her breath, and the mirror's magical perspective, deep inside itself, showing them both in her room as though from the perspective of a third person standing by the door. It was fascinating and arousing. His hands grasped the bard's tits tighter for support and he slowly withdrew almost out of her body before slamming back quickly in the first of a series of thrusts

This no longer was one of her lazy daydreams in the sunshine, this was real. The tip of his cock worked into her tight passage and she became more daring than intended, and pulled forward a bit until the sensation became pleasurable. When he grasped her tits in his hand she knew he had already felt how tight she was on him, and she pushed back as he slid deeply inside her. What Tehya didn't expect was the withdrawal and slamming back in her. She could feel her breasts jiggle in his hand as he pushed deeply inside making her g-spot become stimulated, and loud moans escaped her lips. They were so close to that mirror it seemed surreal.

“Mmmm so deep inside me"

Her words were becoming soft and muffled, panting for breath. There was a difference in the small orgasms and the ultimate orgasm, and he was bringing her on the brink filling her so fully.

Stormbringer started showing the first real effects of what he was doing, breathing deeper, his hands fastened onto those generous tits harder, gripping them tight so the nipples were pressed into oval shapes as he locked onto them to brace her body for the increasingly hard thrusts as his cock begins to seriously work itself in and out of her body like a piston, fucking her faster and with increasing arousal. Heavy balls tight under the shaft banged against Tehya's clit at the apex of every penetration and the scent of sex filled the room

He would always be the Emperor, always someone she would die for, but at the moment she felt herself on the throes of  passion she never felt before. This clever man -knew- how to play her, not once did she utter a request, he just knew. That was something, very special to latch onto her desires so quickly. She loved each thrust and as he banged against her clit it made her scream out, not in pain but in pleasure. Her hands gripped the table tightly wanting him to fill her with cum and shoot some on that very lovely upturned behind. Each thrust made the cheeks of her behind shake, and she felt so full only incoherent words were coming from her mouth,

"My …Emperor...cum please."

She not only was rearing up in the heights of passion her desire for cum was always a given, even though Stormbringer might know how to read this elven woman completely since he had a lot of practice. He wasn’t a mind reader to know she would enjoy his seed sprayed over her ass unless she told him. Usually he would keep going for longer too, but the first time with a girl always had that extra bit of excitement and as he thrust into her, he was only holding himself on the edge until he pushed her over the last bit of her own self control, before he would release. Breathing heavily now, he knew it would not be long.

"Let yourself go, girl," he commanded in a low growl.

She begged for release, it was like a thousand climaxes building within another. Words were parted; fragmented sentences grew into groans of pleasure. Finally she forgot who he was, and she needed the pleasure.

"Need...I need your cum in and out of me."

Just the thought of that warm cum filling her and sprayed over her body made her cum again, only this time she voiced something peculiar,

"Coat me in your seed please."

A flash of a vision in her mind was cum dripping from her nipples or over the sweet swell of her behind. Maybe she wanted this to go on longer, Tehya always wanted to be saturated in her desires. Being so long without sex this was something she would savor.

Stormbringer didn’t often hear a girl ask for that but it didn’t really faze him either. So long as he's getting what he wants, he is usually fairly amenable to making sure even a slave enjoys the event. So he doesn't say any more but as the young bard loses control he lets his restraint slip, jerking into her body in a series of uncoordinated thrusts that take him over the edge, feeling his seed begin to boil upwards out of his aching balls and just as it erupted, pulling back out of her and completing his orgasm by sliding the spasming cock in the groove between her ass cheeks so the fluid sprayed over her back

That was the ultimate build of the climax building inside her. She pushed forward on her elbows cumming in pants and moans against the table. She almost fell forward but he had hold of her breasts which made her gain leverage to keep standing. When she felt him grow thicker and thrust hard that eager anticipation to be filled was being satisfied. Oh she would reward him again and again; loving to please, more than be pleased wasn't out of the ordinary for this giving elf. The first spurt of cum inside her was warm and she clenched tightly milking him with her tight passage, wanting to hold it inside. Then when he withdrew and slid in between the cheeks of her behind to spurt more, each splatter satisfied the elf. A drop of her head sent her fine hair to the front of her shoulders draping over his hands on her breasts.

“Mmm …so much...so warm."

Stormbringer rested against the girl for a few minutes afterwards, regaining his breath while watching the mirror return to showing a simple view of Tehya's head hanging down and his own figure looming over her. Then with an effort he stood upright and moved away, far enough that she could turn around, meanwhile getting his first real view of the girl's naked ass and legs

She felt him pressed against her, and just the warmth of his body felt so good. When he stood upright she remained that way, and her body was shaped much like a dancers. Slender but shapely legs, a nice swell to her ass and back now covered in cum, and she let him watch her for awhile. Tehya waited for a few minutes posed like a model for him to view, before standing straight up and turned slowly to face him. Her breasts were still reddened where he manipulated her nipples and she smiled.

Oh there was nothing different about Tehya, except he had known more about her than most, and she had a fulfillment of her desires. She was warm, giving and wanted to slide her arms about his neck and look straight up into his eyes.

"The pin?"

She had that entertainer’s sense of humor, something her and Nicholas shared freely, that pin tantalized her. She had not forgotten that sparkling pin he brought with him.

Stormbringer laughed softly at the girl, his eyes roved over her frazzled appearance, hair astray and clothing disarranged, her large shapely breasts still calling to him to use them again in the future.

"The pin stays here. It will let you know when I want you to make your way to my private rooms for a performance.... of one type or another." he had intended for her to have it all along so it wasn't even payment for her being so hospitable. That she would be available to him again was just a bonus on top of her other work around the palace, but one he intended to take advantage of. "Make sure you don't fail to appear too often."

As quick as a flash she looked at the pin and picked it up. She reveled over the very pin she bickered over with Nicholas. The sparkle held those blue eyes for a greedy minute, and she held it out to the Emperor.

"Will I stay in this room, and shall you pin this on me?" She pulled at her corset so it slid up over her breasts where he could pin it if he desired. There was something about the emperor, maybe his sense of humor. When he laughed it made her feel at home in the palace.

“Being beckoned to your room would be an honor...shall I call you My Emperor?"

She was a bit confused of her stature within the palace, and wanted to feel at home. A confession spilled from her lips."I have been following someone to find out more of the darkness he creates, I shall write you a song or story soon. Many of my words will have a meaning, a code perhaps."

Stormbringer grinned wider as he took the pin from her fingers, and his other hand squeezed her breast with an easy familiarity now.

"Maybe I should pin it through your nipple, in recognition of today," he teased her. But the pin slid into the fabric of her clothing instead.

"Stay in this room for now except when you have other places to go. We'll sort out something a bit nicer before too long, to go with your status. And between ourselves, 'Sir' is enough; though in a more formal setting you will know how to speak properly. The rest of it, well I await it with interest, but not with the same degree of interest I hold for your tits and their potential to entertain me."

She didn’t lose her place and knew she would fulfill any wish the Emperor asked of her, and the tiny glitter of the pin from the fading sun made her whisper to him, “Thank you, Sir.”

The predication of the storm came to be as the clouds hovered and the tree leaves blew backwards, it seemed nature itself was about to express the ultimate storm. She wanted to run after him as he walked away from her room, but stood there watching the familiarity and the scent of him still in that small palace room would be with her forever, not even the strongest storm could erase it from her senses. Forever is a long time even to a Sylvan elf.