Legends of Belariath


The Web of Lillia (Quest) Part 1

Of Politics (back story)

The light from the spires cast a rich glow upon the antediluvian city of Xin`Hrath-Arui, making the pools of water that gathered in the hollows of the wide streets spark, glimmer.

The puddles were not new, and to some, not welcome. It was quite amusing to see one of the oldest cities since the fall of the dark elves, scared of a little water. Well, not just a little, but a lot.

His heels clicked with a reverberating thud against the stone, making the water ripple and spread, those little trembles catching golden eyes if but for a second in passing. The water didn’t worry him, actually he welcomed the little puddles of misery, for they helped him greatly with what he was planning to do. You can’t convince an entire council of sniping Matrons to do what you want, unless you convince them their doing what they want, and saving their collective asses to boot. He shook his head, feeling the clip of golden hoops against the skin of his neck in the action, a sigh expelled through rouged lips as he passed beneath one of the bridges of the Heptharchonai, feeling the myriad of eyes settle on him from those high lofts when he did.

“.. idiots."He muttered.

The meeting had been scheduled inside the council member room, rows of chairs situated to face the three tables in a U shape; each holding a Matron of one of the respective Houses of the city. Of course, the center was held especially for the Matron of House Zon-Kith`Serra, whose tenuous hold all these centuries still remained firm. He smiled to her when he entered, shifting the books he had brought beneath one arm, snidely blowing a kiss to see her non-expressive features tighten.

“..that’s right baby, did you miss me?” he whispered under his breath, shoulders rounding as he gave each of the Matron’s full eye contact, but bowed in a sign of deference to their status. It had taken months to earn back his position, a position that many would pushed onto the next – well, many who did not deal with –him-.

He noticed the new Matron of Emboitant was looking a bit smug; he wanted to smack the look off her face – stupid child, she would only work to make things more difficult. Yet she returned his smile, quite happy with the fact that it had been his debacle that had gotten her the position. “..and she better not forget it.” He thought to himself, setting out his books and preparing for his case.

“Most Venerated of Kirva, Ladies, and of course gentleman..” he noted a few males in seats of the council, but their position was primarily set as support for their female counter-parts, smile lifting briefly at the corners of his mouth.

“I come to you.. On the wake of some rather harsh times for our city – floods, raids from the barbarians, outside forces seeking to weaken us..” he started, injecting that subtle influence into his voice. “..and I speak of trade, of setting up an agreement, with the Ilifrian Empire.. now now, hear out my plans.” He quickly added, as shouts and objections immediately came, mainly from Veritas Matronasi and Ceor`Dynsho. One would think that Dynsho would wish nothing more than a means of extending their influence, but what can you expect from a crumbling house?

The night wore on, as he argued and bartered, those who already supported him gaining heat as they faced the opposition. He wouldn’t know until the council had deliberated, but as the doors closed on him, he took a moment to smile to himself, half turning to make his way back to Emboitant.

“Tell me..” the voice came from his left, prompting him to twist to face its source. He couldn’t quite place the name, but he thought he had seen her at the side of Matronasi’s Matron. Must be a lover, or pet, certainly not a relative he thought, judging by the possessive lines of both their frames when they had been in attendance.

He bowed with a flourish. “Yes Madam?”

There was a pretty pout, earning from him a brief upward tote of his brow. “How did you do it?” she asked, looking around briefly before she moved closer. His eyes narrowed. “Do what..” he asked, sure as to what, but prodding her to continue. There was a flush beneath dark pearlescent skin, but it was quickly banished as she drew herself to her full height, which still put her at his chest level.

“How did you earn a position back after.. the incident.” She pushed, tongue moving along the seam of her mouth.

He smiled then, a full fledged confection of rouged lips and amber hues, shifting forward like a viper to catch at her chin. He squeezed; she winced.

“Incident.. Madam? There was no incident.. you would do best to remember that.” He warned, the whip of his voice coiling about her, striking hard enough to make her eyes widen at the inflection of violence.

Then she was released, mumbling as she scampered off to find her protector; He would probably hear about it, no doubt, but he simply did not care.

Closing the door to his own quarters, he moved with a sway of rounded hips to the chaise set against the tall open windows, sitting himself down with a light creak of wood.

“Well?” his favorite pet asked, as slaves crawled from the wood works, fingers clenching to themselves as they slowly assisted him in making things more comfortable.

“Well what?” he countered, smiling to a young sylvan elf before he looked off to the shadows in which his pet kept himself. He could hear the sulking in his voice, but to others, it was a rasping baritone that made more than one of the female’s tremble. “Oh.. You mean the meeting? Well, I won’t know for a while if our Matron likes the idea or not; however, plans will still be going forward regardless of their decision. Understood? Everything should be ready by this time next week.”

He was holding out his hand, allowing that same sylvan elf to remove his rings as he spoke with a bored air, reclining back with a little feminine sigh.

“Why are you still standing there? Don’t you have somewhere to be.. and remember, we won’t be contact with one another for the duration.” Flicking a hand at the shadows, he watched as they separated, figure tearing itself from the curtains and moving to the door.

“.. I was looking forward to that.” He could hear his pet squeeze out, invoking laughter from him as he blew the retreating back a kiss.

“Have fun! I’ll miss you!” he called, laughter still ringing out long after the door had closed behind him.

Of Plots

How dare he think to intimidate her, Lidia fumed, her feet practically stomping a staccato rhythm of fury as she strode across the suspended arch way towards her rooms. No eye given to those she passed, not until she could fling herself into the lush comfort of her bed did that anger filled scream erupt, fingers clenching hard enough to dig into her fleshy palms.

“BASTARD!” she screamed, wisps of pale white tangling against her mouth when she pulled herself into a sitting position.

“Well.. aren’t you in a fine form tonight Lidia.” The voice drew her attention, mouth working in rebuttal before she saw who it was. Immediately her tense shoulders hunched, lids narrowed across carmine pools as she stared the one person she didn’t want to see. The owner of that voice was a short individual, slender enough to be considered boyish, but with hair so long, and lips so pouting, well, it was no wonder Elui was known to have more than one House official in her bed at one time or another – when she wasn’t robbing Lidia blind that is. Which she was currently doing, her own eyes widening as she watched her rifle through her drawers.

“Get out of there..” she hissed, earning a brief smile from the wretch before she went back to what she was doing. Lidia gave up, turning on her stomach as she eyed the thief, plucking at her coverlet, seething.

“So – who has your thong in a bind, someone call you slut instead of Second again?” Elui questioned, her back half turned as she lifted a bodice up to inspect, before casually throwing it to the side. “.. could it be that effeminate little bit that has gotten you in a twist? Did he spurn you baby?” she continued, a foot sliding back quickly as she dodged the throwing dagger that flew past her head. There was no anger in her own face, though the weapon had been thrown with intent, she simply turned that tilted gaze at Lidia with a knowing smirk.

“What, do you know him?” There was a sudden brightness in Lidia’s eyes, earning another look from the thief as she turned from the dresser, moving steadily upwards to the bed. Though she was small, she walked with a predator’s gait, a confident and bold effect that was as good as armor in their world, well, better worn then most she thought.

Elui hovered over the other girl, hands planting on either side of her legs as she wiggled her hips from side to side in a contemplative air.

“I know he’s trying to convince the council to send him to the surface on ‘official’ business. I know..” there she stopped, sliding her gaze down along the bed with a tongue in cheek manner. Lidia knew what she wanted, and in recognizing that she stretched herself beneath the other, hand stroking against her stomach. Elui, watching, smiled, lowering herself down by a fraction. “I know that whether they agree or not, he’s already got plans for something on the surface..”

“A raid?” Lidia prompted, breath catching in her throat at both the news and physical teasing she was getting, a warm mouth brushing against her stomach. Her muscles tensed.

“..No, not that I know of anyways, though I heard from one of his own slaves that they would be paying a visit to an old friend. Why do you want to know? Do you want me to hurt him for you?” there was a glimmer of hope in Elui’s eyes, so sudden, so passionate, making the touch of her hand seem cold in comparison. Lidia shivered, propping herself on her forearms as she stared down at the smaller female.

“Would you?” she asked, no hesitation in her voice, fingers clenching in the covers beneath her.

“Of course, but, it’ll cost you.” Elui had more than one friend above ground that she could petition if sent; staring down with greedy eyes as she considered the implications of a second in command owing –her- a favor, well, above her usual fee. Lidia only smiled, more than fine with the debt, and as she plotted a way of making the male suffer, Elui was already sinking down into the bed, already sampling part her payment for the information provided.

...and more Plots...


Somewhere within the north eastern borders of the Illifrian Empire, Reynard was contemplating the gentleman before him, the sound of metal clanging and camp life stirring just behind him. He had been in the business of mercenary work for over two decades, a lifespan for any human; it was marked on his scarred and worn face, those years seen in each rivulet, line and branded tattoo. Reynard was quite large, a barbarian by race, the meat of his arms able to easily span and crush the man across from him; however, there wasn’t something quite right about the olive skinned pretender. Maybe he didn’t believe he was an official inside his Emperor’s land, maybe he didn’t think the guy was right in the head, especially considering what he was paying them to do..

“So, we attack this Noble’s Tower, and then what?” he questioned for the second time, the risk of such an attempt gnawing at the back of his head, though on the outside, the Warlord seemed only concerned of the details and the coin.

The coin was enough to make him hard just thinking about it.

“..no, just attack the tower, make sure nothing is left, or, attempt to anyways. I want it to be a clear message of aggression. Then you’ll fall back to this position, where further instruction..” there was a pause, a long finger pointing out the position on the map. “..and coin, will be delivered. Is that clear?” the voice rasped, no hint of impatience tainting the husky baritone, his hands pulling back into the depths of his cloak.

“Yeah, crystal, so we’ll attack yer friend’s tower then, then pull back to this location, and you want this done in about eight days time eh?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“..well, we’ll be sure to give your friend a real nice party, don’t you worry .. Sir.” He added, chuckling to himself. There was no response from the other, no response needed as he turned and left, leaving Reynard to happily move back to his contingent of men, of thieves, brutes and sell-swords, and let them know the news.