Legends of Belariath


Zingara and the Necromancer Pt.1

“Why did you call me?” Her voice was firm, perhaps edged more than she hadwanted, long trips foul food and notes that read “I seek your aid, and youwill want to do this deed.” Can cause this.“I see you are as forward as they say you are” replied the mixed bloodedman, he wasn’t the prettiest of people, like a mongrel mix of wolven andfeline features pointy ears, greenish yellow eyes, a partially elongatedmuzzlish nose, hair covering his body with cotton pants on, and tailtwitching, no boots were worn, none would be bought that could fit such oddshaped feet half pawish half footish… he couldn’t be desicribed as anythingother than ugly, at best.“You sent a letter all the way to Belariath for me” Zingara replied her armscrossing just under her chest, accenting them faintly “I assume it wasn’tfor my conversational skills…so why am I here?”“It seems my people are terrorized by a night-gaunt.”“A what?”“Someone who is dead and yet lives.” He explained, his voice was crisp andfirm as his left hand stroked one of his slaves hair softly, a wolven slave,as all of this mans slaves were. ‘HE’ was Lord Harndrick, also known as‘Harndrick the Beast’ or simply the ‘Beast’ by those brave enough to talk ofhim when drunk… and knew he wasn’t around. His lands, known as 'Catheral',were deep in the savage area north east of the region owned by LordStormbringer, and the city of Belariath. “And though I am not daunted bysuch a thing, it has been addressed to me that this ‘thing’ as it were seeksonly one thing.”“Oh? And what is that?” she asked finding the conversation less of herinterest than moments ago.“you.”“ME!?” her voice hid nothing of her shock, and bewilderment. Zingaracouldn’t even think what to say, she was so far from Belariath how couldsomething know of her?“Well actually it calls for, and I quote, ‘The Bat witch with Glowingwings.’ And after much searching, my men tell me you are the only one thatmatches such a description.” His voice carried on to explain, “I expect thisresolved with in three weeks time, until you do so you are not to leave mylands.” He smiled to her… or snarled, it was all so difficult to tell apart.“yes?”“And what makes you think I would do such for free?” she questioned harshlyher temper already at edge, She was so far from proper at the moment, shehad deadlines to reach with in both the Real estate office and theInstrument shop, she wanted to visit Rel’hi her home she had avoided forover fifteen years, and now she was being requested to battle a creaturethat was both, or neither dead and alive….“I didn’t ask… you leave my lands without doing for me as I called you hereto do I shall have you brought back and let your life grow old in mydungeon… is that reason enough? Now shall you do this out of your good willfor causing this to my lands or shall I force you and cause you hardships?”he never flinched, never even paused to think of options, he was socontrolling and so sage despite his obvious animalistic strength that itmade him harder to fight with, and the Chirot knew she had no choice.“And what Compensations shall I have for doing this deed?” She questioned,having found her own confidence, forced out of anger more than any, though aperformer never shows emotions, or at least not for long, and the Chirotwoman WAS a performer. “Surely you are not expecting me to do this fornothing…” she shrugged faintly “If that’s the case then you can send yourmen to bring me back against my will, and though they will in the endsucceed more than likely it will not be with out costing several of themtheir lives, which I am certain good guards are expensive to find yes?”“You DARE speak to ME in such a manner in my OWN castle!?” he was shocked,his voice rigid his composure cracked, it meant he lost the edge, and nowZingara held it.“You requested I come to you, I did not seek you out, so do not forgetyourself, I AM a Knight of Sheara, and I shall be treated as such.”“Very well.” He glared through her, as if trying to burn a hole in her headwith his gaze. “I shall allow you to stay with in my castle for the timebeing, think of yourself as my guest. And I shall give you anything youdesire so long as you are here, as well as a reward upon departure.” He madethe offer generous enough that the Chirot would of expected even withoutthreat to do battle with him.“Agreed then Lord HarnDrick” she nodded as she bowed formally to him“Show her to her room… and do anything she requests of you, consideryourself her personal slave for the length of her stay.” He barked at one ofthe wolven slaves.“very will master” it whispered never looking at him, and then it steppedfrom behind his throne and looked once to the Chirot “please follow memistress” and lowered it’s head as it escorted the Chirot to the third floorof the main building of the Castle “shall I wait in your room or in the hallfor you Mistress?” the slave asked as they reached the door.“You may wait in the room” the Chirot replied as the door was opened andthe two Females entered

The room was eccentric and beautiful, a large bed with room enough forprobably four people, a red area rug was laid upon the floor over the woodfloor. Paintings and wall rugs decorated the walls with a large window doorleading out onto a balcony. A Desk sat in the corner and an amoire wasplaced opposite the bed. With a foot chest at the end of the bed as well. The bed had an expensive comforter on it with silver lacing, the room waslit with several candles on wall holders.“This is to your liking yes mistress?” the slave asked as she sat on herknees next to the door looking to the floor it seemed“Yes perfect close the door and lock it, then you may sit beside the bed.” She instructed as she looked about the place, tossing her small backpackdown upon the chest. The Chirots mind was running a thousand miles aminute, she had much to do before the night occurred, first was to writenotes and send them to the Instrument shop and the Real estate office,offering them both explanations for her untimely absence. “Fetch us food andsome drinks, wine for me water for you” she ordered as she pulled the blackTorian feather and some ink from her pack as well as parchment to writeupon. The letter took little time to write.

" This letter is meant for the Manger of the Real Estate Shop;I the worker known as Zingara personally apologies for my untimely absents,I have been summoned to lands of another to deal with a crisis thatappears my doing. As a Knight of Sheara I much hold myself accountable formy actions and thus must retire this situation before I return I hope to nottake more than a week or two away please understand. -Songstress of Sheara, Zingara- "

and then one addressed to Ariellia was sent for the Sirens Call, To addressher absents as well. then a final Letter was written and signed, sealed andsent off to an individual the Songstress had in truth only had fowlrelations with, the Necromancer Archean

"I address this letter to Archaon(?), he who has faded from the light tomaster the decayed." began the letter, it was a carefully thought outexpression, to display both respect for his might and knowledge, and stillher discontent with his actions, she worked hard to remain clear on both, asshe felt the truest way to show respect was by not only giving them words ofhumbled nature, but also to show confidence in yourself and your own beleafsof their actions.

"I write to you from a kingdom outside the reaches of the Powerful andBenevelent King (?) StormBringer, I have encountered a situation I know onlyfaint upon, and where your Skills and knowledge could only complement andaid me, knowledge that I should wish I never learn to master. I have notrue reward for your aid other than my respect and willingness to aid youwhen a time comes you require such, as well as an opertunity to allow you toprove to yourself what depths your arcane and uncanny knowledge of death andun-death you have obtained, and perhaps a chance to gain more. If you areinterested in aiding I, then I implore you to find company with me in thecity of 'Prime', with in 'Catheral', any inn or guard should be able to getword to me of your arrival, I would assume you would send a messanger ofyour own, one that I would find wanting to be placed back into the domain ofearth for rest, however under the situation of my request to have you joinmyself here, I would request most hummbly that you bring forth not such amessanger, as it would only complicate the situation about here. Regardlessof your choice to grant me the honor of your knowledge and arcane insight ornay I am humbled at the simple benevilence of you reading my request.

-Songstress and Guardian of Sheara's will, Zingara-"

The letters were finished as the door was knocked upon “Mistress tis IPalinis may I enter with your food?” came the slaves voice through the door.“Of course, and don’t ask again if I order you to fetch or do somethingsimply enter again when it’s done.”“Yes mistress, here is your food… where shall I eat?” her voice was warmand cheerful regardless of her life as a slave to an abusive monstrous King.“There is room on the bench for you to sit as well, feel free to sit withme.”“are…are.. you sure Mistress?” the slave stammered in shock at thekindness of the Chirots action.“Of course I am, I would of spoke not unless I was.” She responded with afaint smirk as she took a sip of her wine "And call me Songstress, I am notyour master, nor do I wish to be thought of as such," the bard held a quantseemingly warm grin while she stired up conversation, takeing in the aromaof the stew in the bowl before her.“so tell me what you have heard of thisnight-haunt.”“I hear and know nothing mistress I am a simple slave…” it was an automaticresponse as the slave carefully sat next to the Chirot, and began to eatslowly, more out of the awkwardness of using a spoon, she was so use tohaving to eat from the floor she was self-conscious of her actions, but ifnothing the wolvens posture was perfect.“I am not ignorant.” Zingara responded faintly sharp "I know you hear much,and seeing as your King ordered you to aid me anyway possible I want to knowEVERYTHING you know.” Her voice was like her visage pure stone. She didn’teven look to Palinis as she spoke to her. “Am I clear?”“Yes mistress” the slave sighed weakly, and then after a deliberate drink ofwater, as if to postpone having to answer the question, and then seeing noalteration in the Chirots desire of knowledge she began to address therequest in a muted voice, “About a month ago the rumors began, rumors of awicked darkness, no one had to really speak of it, but they all did, it madethem feel better to speak of the eerieness that hung on the air like thickmist, it chilled the bones of all with in our city, but it didn’t end there,it consumed the woods, and even the great sea seemed to be cursed, so foulwas this evil that the sea spirits would not even play on our shore lineanymore, ships refussed to port and soon after the sky clouded as ifblocking out the sun, and the moon seemed to shine red upon us… then camethe moans the soft pained moans, first only at night when the moon turnedred, then as if grew louder and more voices joined it, the moans becameconstant through both day and night with in the town walls.”“And none desired to investigate?” The Chirot questioned“Indeed the guards were sent, fifteen or more, but none returned.” her voicea whisper, adding to the haunting presence of the situation."Fifteen of his best?" her brow raised her voice falling softer to, out ofreflex of the slaves soft murmuring "Then what does he expect I to do?""I know not Mistress, I am still only a slave... he would never...""Yes, yes I know..." The Winged one cut in as she set her glass down again as orders were set "send these letters by fastest means, none are to readthem, if that means you yourself are to take them, so be it, whoever sendsthese will place them in the very hands of those they are addressed to our aslave of that person and no other, is that clear?""Very much so Mist.. pardon.. Songstress" she nodded softly as shehummbled again with the spoon"You need not use the spoon... eat as you would desire... there is none toimpress here." she laughed faintly as she rose to her feet and moved to thebed, looking at her pack, she had packed light, her battered but stillseemingly beautiful lute, a spear wrapped in leather, a shield with the Markof Sheara on it, partially hidden behind stains of crimson that can only beblood. a second outfit, one of all black leather, with silver on the rightchest and back, in the same mark as the shield, and her armor, nothing more. " I will need some rope..." the Knight of Sheara spoke "as well as somethin string for fabric and bells.""May I ask what for Songstress?""No you cannot, you are still only a slave, not mine, but a slave." it wasan abrupt change in attitude, much like an athelet of the areana would makefrom when they are welcoming praises in town to when they step into the dirtring of death."very well forgive me Songstress" and with that the wolven rose and headedfor the door with the letters in hand "I shall have "Enabelya take theseletters at once, she is the fastest nymph here, she moves through the air asthough she is it." the slave responded as she headed other wise silently."Good." the Chirot spoke to herself as she ran a hand through her hair andbegan dressing, her wings folding down, then her robe being worn over topit, to hide them and their electical nature. she would cast a few otherspells as well change sex, and change self to make her eyes appear elven,and with the hood pulled over her her head, the ears would be missed.

The halls of the castle were large, and dark, it seemed odd that none wereabout, in a castle this large. She expected servents and such to be aboutalways, instead it was silent, as if even mice were affraid to travel inthis late hour, which meant the Chirot in 'guise made quick and easy work ofdeparting the castle, the only ones who could of known were the Guards, andeven they were to affraid to leave the confines of the guard shake, unlessforced to.

Zingara had at least a five days of travel time before Archaon wouldarrive, IF he arrived. it meant she would spend some time in the pubs. ifshe could get to them, the whole city was silent, not even the wind gavehowl, no lights on in buildings, no bumps begging for money, thiefs were noteven about searching easy prey, it was bone chilling how eerie the placewas, a crimson tinted moon hung large in the sky though not full yet,perhaps in a week or so it would be. "I can't beleave I am doing this..."she thought to herself, "I should leave this monster to deal with his ownproblems, " she whispered to herself, though even that seemed like a roar inthe still of empty streets. A shiver ran down her spine, and into her legsas her jaw became taunt and muscles tensed, she could feel something,watching her, following her, stalking her, though nothing was about, shecould hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, only feel it on thestillness about her, she opened her mouth to speak but was left audiblessshe couldn't find the voice to call out in fear someone or something mightrespond. she moved quicker, rushing towards teh only building with lightson, she didn't care who had candles lit, simple that it meant someone wasthere, alive, and so she would be to.

people went silent as the elf pushed into the building, and slamed the doorshut, all ill eased as the man who entered "Whats with this damned place?" he spoke shaking faintly "I feel as if death it's self waits for me aroundevery corner.." he seemed to not even care if he sounded insane, or scaredor weak, the parania his only focus"You imagine nothing then stranger" a male voice, a gruff deep voice respondas the tender looked up "Death is in our cities, brought here from somethingfowl that someone must have done, making deals with the Dark One to havepower enough to control such sickness." he spoke softly as if affraid ofbeing heard by somethning outside.The elf listened carefully as he moved to the bar, only to jerk his head andlook at another man who spoke up "BAH! yer Wive be 'avin ya be whipped wit'such ho'nagin tales Argis!""Then you walk the streets alone and see if we see you alive again!" thetender shouted back"Bah!" was the only responce the man offered as he slumped down silentagain, clear unwilling to take up the challange."Wh...what caused this or who?" the elf whispered to the tender"None are to sure. There be talk of a Bat witch to cause such, but anotherwas whispering of a demon from the depths of Hunis... though I be thinkingit something more local... I heard someone talk'n about odd things comingfrom the old temple...""Old temple?""Aye, they build a new temple of worship to The Goddess Geia about threemoons before the night haunts started.... so six moons together... a firetook siege to the old temple one night, no one knows who did it nor why..""six moons... that would of put me in the Torian city of Lorian" the elfthought silently as he sipped his ale "the Lord didn't investigate?""He did, did so himself, one of the rare times he was seen in the past fiveyears, outside his castle.""I see... another ale?" the elf responded