Legends of Belariath


Brownies, or "The Little Brown Men" as they are sometimes known, are the type of woodland being most often encountered, which is to say not really very often at all. They are a race of nature spirits whose clear reason for existence is unknown, but are generally regarded as the embodiment of nature's penchant for organization and practicality. They are known for their benevolent good nature, unfailing politeness, and a seemingly instinctive desire to provide assistance to those who require it most.

Brownies are always male and appear to be small elfin-like beings standing roughly 12" tall. They have brown skin, which may vary from a flushing pink to a deep dark umber. They have bright, twinkling eyes of natural hues, and hair ranging in color from gold to red to brown to almost black. Brownies come in an assortment of body shapes, they can be thin and delicate, or rather rotund, even quite chubby in fact. Brownies cannot grow beards, but they may grow mustaches. Not all Brownies have mustaches, but those who do will take great pride in them. These mustaches can be quite impressive for one of their diminutive size. They will often grow several inches or longer in length, usually waxed and the long tapering points twisted into elaborate curling designs. Brownies tend to wear simple clothing, of woven cotton or similar materials, usually in dark earthy colors consisting of shirt, trousers, and a vest. They usually wear soft boots of leather and simple caps on their heads.

They may also change their form when they feel the need to do so, although this is not something they prefer to do. A Brownie may change his size, including his clothing and any possessions on his person, to almost giant proportions. This requires a great deal of effort by the Brownie, however, and cannot be maintained indefinitely. A Brownie may enlarge himself up to roughly Ogre size (8-10 feet) for up to 6 hours, but only once every 24 hours. The Brownie can cancel the effects at any time, but will not be able to enlarge again until the following day. While the little brown men have no wings and cannot fly as many other nature races do, they are extremely light on their feet and able to move quickly when they need to. Brownies can spring forward or back as much as 3 feet, or even straight up, when in their natural small form. Not only does this make it very difficult for anyone to catch a Brownie, but it also comes in very handy when trying to reach the bar!

While the little brown men can hardly be considered shy, they are somewhat cautious at first meeting, but that quickly gives way to enthusiastic camaraderie. They enjoy the company of others, especially the larger races of Belariath, and will often accompany travelers for short periods. Brownies are extremely polite and pride themselves on both their good manners and quality of speech. Their high-pitched eloquence and chivalrous bearing may seem at odds with their tiny form, but many a mighty paladin has been put to shame by the most humble of Brownies. Brownies value hard work and honesty above anything else and are entranced by stories of noble adventure and bravery. Despite their size, Brownies do not hesitate to come to the assistance of a damsel in distress. Although most Brownies are simple Artisans, they tend to view themselves as warriors, in spirit if not in body. Many Brownies carry small swords, miniature rapiers the size of a large sewing needle, sheathed in finely tooled scabbards on their belts. These weapons are mainly for show, although they certainly do come in handy against the voracious Moss Spiders who hunt in the forest undergrowth. Brownies also enjoy using their swords on each other, fencing in mock duels or playing out the scene of a famous battle, with no one being injured.

Brownies are also unusual in that many seem to prefer taking up residence near the towns and villages of humans and other races. They will carve intricate homes, large enough to house a dozen or more Brownies in the living trunks of large oak trees. The entrances to such dwellings are always cleverly concealed, almost impossible to find by any other race. Brownies who live near towns are the most outgoing, and the most industrious of all. They enjoy handicrafts of all kinds and are skilled tailors, cobblers, woodcarvers, weavers, potters, and a myriad of other things. It is said that any craft requiring nimble fingers and meticulous attention to detail suits their inclinations. These Brownies will venture into town, seeking the local shops and offering their services, sometimes individually but more often in small groups of three or four. This is not so much considered employment by the Brownies, who have no real use for the gold a salary would bring, but simply an opportunity to practice their arts and help others. When a Brownie looks to find a suitable shop for his skills, he will most often select the most overworked or least prosperous of craftsmen.

There are as many stories of successful cooperation between The Little Brown Men and their much larger associates, as there are tales of those foolish tradesmen who refused the Brownie's help. There are also stories of Brownies helping people secretly, staying hidden from view and working wonders in the dead of night. Such a story as this -

Everyone has heard the tale of the old cobbler who was in dire straits. His business was poor, his family starving, even his skills had seemed unequal to the simple tasks of repairing his neighbor's shoes. A Brownie spied this cobbler one-day and took pity on him. Gathering a dozen of his kin, the Brownie crept into the cobbler's shop long after dark and the little brown men set to work. By sunrise every shoe had been repaired, every boot polished and finished like new. The Brownies hid themselves, watching with gleeful satisfaction as the cobbler stared in wide-eyed amazement. Thereafter for nearly a month it was the same, the old man would work during the day putting his novice hands to leather, and that night after he'd retired, the Brownies would finish his work. The cobbler became quite famous, renowned for his skills and his business prospered and the Brownies were overjoyed at the success their efforts brought the diligent, if somewhat uninspired, cobbler.

But, as such stories often go, the cobbler began to grow lazy in his success. He didn't know how or why the work was being done, only that it was. He began working less, spending his days in idle pursuits of pleasure, spending his new found fortune, and trusting the unseen hands of his Brownie friends to keep his business thriving. To the Brownies, this was unforgivable and as the old cobbler finally abandoned his efforts at repairing shoes altogether, so did the Brownies slip out of his shop and back to their forest home. You see, it was the old cobbler's efforts that had drawn the Brownies, his hard work and industry. The Brownies were happy watching him, sharing politely whispered comments on his courage to continue, even in the knowing that he had no true skills at all. The cobbler's efforts, though seemingly futile and unimportant, were truly the source of his success. Shortly thereafter the cobbler fell into disrepute and ruin, his shoddy and slow work once again the trademarks of his craft.

Brownies also thrive on the good company and friendly atmosphere found in local inns and taverns, although at times their presence may require a bit of patience. It is perhaps a little unnerving for the customer unaccustomed to the presence of them, but the little brown men are peculiar in their perceptions. It may be said that they do not regard themselves any different from the other races, indeed it seems at times as if they little realize even the disparity of size between themselves and the larger races. Brownies and their sense of etiquette are often at odds with the rather casual and unenlightened adventurers they encounter. Brownies consider staring, pointing, and whispers quite rude and take offense to such acts easily. They are known for being temperamental, especially when they drink, as typified by one stout individual even going so far as to challenge a fully grown Wolven warrior to a duel. In all fairness however, it must be pointed out that the Brownie in question was very inebriated when he issued the challenge, and the boorish Wolven, unconscious on the sawdust floor, understandably declined the honor.

Special Abilities and Disadvantages

Like all nature spirits, intelligence and agility are the Brownie's greatest strengths. They take a dim view of thievery, seeing it as the enemy of hard work and good manners. Brownies encountered may possess some of the skills of a Warrior or Mage. Most Brownies encountered, however, will be of the non-combat classes, including healer. Brownies artisans are much sought for their skills and knowledge.

Brownies may change form once per day for a maximum of 6 hours. They may determine the size they wish to grow to and all items worn or carried will be enlarged with them, up to the item's normal maximum size. They gain no bonus or penalty to their attributes by this action.


Brownies are unable to take the life of any human or humanoid being, this includes all Belariath character races without exception. They have an instinctive and natural respect and desire to preserve life wherever possible.

They may wear no armor heavier than leather and if they possess a weapon, it will only be their unique swords. (q.v. Rapier) Brownies are not "true" warriors, although such skills may be attributed to them, this is meant as a reflection more of their personality and self-image, than a true profession. They are extremely limited in their combat abilities and the weapons and armor available to them.

Love Life

They have a preference for Pixies and Fairies, for obvious reasons, and enjoy the presence of these flirtatious tiny females immensely. This does lead to some minor competition with the Nixies, however, and there is generally no love lost between them. Brownies also enjoy the company of nymphs and Swan Maidens, perhaps the latter more than the former, given their personalities. Generally speaking, Brownies favor Elven women above all other races, although any gathering of Brownies would likely never come to a consensus on the virtues of one race over another. They are polite and courteous without fail when dealing with any female, if engaged in intimate conversation Brownies are without question charming and considerate. Should discussion lead to more personal activities, the Brownie will use his ability to change form, enlarging himself to a size more suitable to his companion. A few Brownies have been known to carry a small hourglass on their person, to avoid indelicate situations, but most Brownies consider this somewhat tactless behavior.


It is a known fact that once upon a time, an enterprising individual of disputably human descent had the far-fetched idea that having a roomful of little brown men turning out crafts and clothing, thinking this would be a very profitable venture. Brownie hunters were hired to capture the small creatures and enslave them, forcing them to work in a hot smelly room. This sweatshop, as it was known, did not last very long. Brownies do not enjoy captivity and do not work to another's command. The Great Fire of Hadish, which burned an entire human village to the ground in 2 days, is generally attributed to the dozen Brownies who had been put to work making felt hats for the Hadish Haberdashery. This was the last and only recorded instance of Brownie enslavement for profit.

There are other instances, however, of the little brown men being enslaved for entirely different purposes. Many refined women of taste have entertained themselves with Brownie slaves, although such relationships will never last if the Brownie feels he is being paraded as a cute little pet. Brownies always demand respect, whatever their position may be and are aware that many of the larger people view small beings as curiosities and something akin to a trained bird or squirrel. Brownies will have none of that, thank you very much. It is a delicate matter sorting such relationships out and the prospective Master or Mistress of a Brownie would do well to close their eyes and imagine the diminutive man as a 6' tall knight-errant in shining armor, for doubtless that is how the Brownie regards himself.

Some Brownies have taken slaves, not only Pixies or Fae, but also fully-grown humans, elves, cat-girls, and even some of the more exotic races. The Brownie will often ride on such a slave's shoulder as they make their way through town, although many Brownies also seem to enjoy attaching a long thin leash to their slave's collar, and walking her the proper step-and-a-half behind. A Brownie will always treat his slaves well, with polite patience and respect and slave in kind is expected to know her place and observe the social customs of proper etiquette.