Legends of Belariath


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NameLindor Tindomerel (concubine of Belson)
RaceHigh Elf, displaced Princess of Verdspar (High Elf)
ClassHealerx5/Water Mage
AppearanceRomanesque fair face, cat-like in symmetry. Dark, thick lashes flickering about almond-shaped elfin-eyes, bright and palest blue-violets set within dark-purple limbal rings around irises; gaze drinks in the surroundings with a quality at once dreamy and observant. Sleek, lithe, hourglass, 5'3", slender feminine muscle lined under pleasant girl-fat; skin of gossamer, white alabaster. Curls a glimmering-pale and silky platinum-white, loose coils that fall to the flared level of her hips. Dimples flank tailbone, perched above the frame of luscious apple-bottom. Breasts are heavy, firm, and poignant; strong glimpse of pert nipples regardless of what is worn atop. There is a signature grace in her every movement, accompanied by the faint, sweet, pheromoneous scent of peaches and elf-girl lingering on breath; on warmth of gossamer skin; a residual taste on impossibly luscious, glistening pink lips. Her voice is a soft soprano breath with a heavy Elvish accent.

Images: https://imgur.com/a/BKjnxiB

Original TLI character creation date: Thu. 2008 July 17th at which time the character was 80 years old, the coming of age year for an elf.
(This date is also Lindor’s Birthday: Summerburn, Week 2, Airday)
The character Lindor was originally created in 1999 and developed in several different FFRPGs before arriving in Belariath.

Lindor carries a tiny, teardrop-shaped crystal (Gift from the Unicorn Vasava)

Horse: "Amrun`Elen" ("Morning Star") a white Palfrey stallion.

Ritual Bonded Familiar: "Bubo," a white and gray-mottled owl.

Healing Work: http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=19960

Resurrector: http://belariath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=1652#p84236

Ship: "I`Elentari" (The StarQueen), an Amorianas Merchant Cargo Vessel crafted in the style of a fine Verdsparian war-ship.

Greater Rook: "Thorondor" (Amber-eyed, white with gold beak and talons.)

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:57am EST: <Desdaemona> Character 'Lindor Tindomerel' set as concubine to 'Belson'
NotesBASE+ADDS: ATK +5, DEF +15, Int +6, Res +5
Focus x7 Heal, Shield of Healing Waters (mithril circlet)
Focus x7 Empathic Touch, Healer's Rescue, Healer's Helping Hand (mithril earrings)
Focus x7 Whirlpool, Water Pummeling, Water Blast (mithril bracelet)
Boat Endurance +15, Boat Speed +5, Boat Ramming Defense up to 15 (Amorianas)

Ship: "The Elentari," Amorianas Merchant Cargo Vessel: 26' Draft, 200' length, 30 Civilian Crew, 8 knots Top Speed, 300 Damage Capacity, 100 Endurance Rating, 500 Tonnage
Range: Coastal, Deep River, Oceanic
Crew's Required Skills (minimum one required): Journeyman Navigation, Apprentice Cartography, Seamanship, Boating
(Enchantments: Boat Endurance +15, Boat Ramming Defense up to 15, Boat Speed +5)


(IoP for Resurrection -- mounted on the mithril circlet)
Item’s Base: Crystal
Item’s Name: Vasava's Honor.
Item Abilities: Linking the Bodies (1 Slot - OOB), Call the Spirit (1 Slot - OOB), The Gift of LIfe (1 Slot1 - OOB)
Total Slots Used: 3/3

Description: Tiny, tear-drop shaped crystal, clear, like a prism.

History: One fine day, years ago, shortly after first arriving in Nanthalion, the young Elfmaiden was just exploring the town, and wandering close to the edge by the forest, when she saw it -- there, just where the line of trees began, emerged a most curious creature... Like a horse, but patterned with stripes of black and white, like no horse Lindor had ever laid eyes on before... And then, the distinguishing feature -- A Unicorn! She had heard of these beasts of legend of course, well known among High Elvenkind. The Elfmaiden would have squealed in delight, but for fear of frightening the rare creature. Slipping from her pocket a shiny red apple, she tip-toed on bare feet closer, quietly offering the fruit.

Vasava approached Lindor timidly at first, nostrils flexing, and then happily accepted the apple and made short work of it. Obviously pleased, the unicorn did a little turn-about in a prance, before slowly bowing her head towards the elf, nudging the elf's hand open with that velvety snout. Lindor understood the gesture, holding her palm open, and the unicorn placed the tip of her horn into the open palm. With a little shimmer of magic, there appeared a tiny, tear-dropped shaped crystal, a little parting gift as Vasava then vanished back into the woods. Lindor still carries the crystal to this day.

Mithril Circlet: Int +3, Focus Heal x7, Focus Shield of Healing Waters x7

Robe of the Arch Magi: Def+5, Res +5, Morph

Mithril Greaves (Gifted by Twerlinger): DEF +5 or ATK +1

Mithril Vambraces: DEF+5

Mithril Bracelet - fashioned by magic to look like three ocean waves crashing together; enchanted with focus x7 Water Blast, Water Pummeling, and Whirlpool spells (Gifted by Gali Shuminta)

15:23:21 <Naomi> (#54633) (Detail: Small Glassblown Crystal Tree with Moving Chime Leaves) (Gift from Naomi, Nov. 26, 2019)


Familiar Bonding



Mithril Circlet Enchants






Greaves Enchant



Vambraces Enchant



Mithril Circlet + IoP alteration

SkillsLevel 1: Singing, Playing Instruments, Swimming, Sailing, Seamanship. Languages: High Elven (Spoken/Written), Nethergloom (Spoken/Written), Common (Spoken/Written)

2: Horseback Riding

3-7: Master Alchemist

8-12: Master of First Aid/Triage

13-17: Master Scribe

18-22: Master Artist

23-27: Master of Religious Ceremony (during time as Cleric class before advancing to Water Mage)

28-32: Master of Tending/Etiquette

33-37: Master Enchanter

38-42: Master Potionmaker

43-47: Master Cartographer

48-52: Master Shipbuilder

53-57: Master of Navigation

58: Gardening

59: Wood Elven (Spoken)

60: Wood Elven (Written)

61: Acrobatics

62: Animal Handling

63: Animal Training

64: Library Skills

65: Massaging

66-70: Master of Cooking

71-75: Master of Baking/Candy-making
StrengthIntelligenceAgilityResistanceStaminaLifeSpell SlotsEquip Slots

robe of the arch magi0
Mithril greaves0
Ballista Bolt0
mithril tipped bolts0
cross bow0
mithril long sword0
mithril vambraces0
Caged Fire Ballista Bolt0
mithril circlet0

Spell nameSlots
Wizard Mark1
Water Wall14
Purify/Contaminate Element1
Climate Mastery1
Feather Fall1
Shield of Healing Waters14
Discern Ailment1
Cure Disease15
Cure the Senses1
Cure Poison1
Empathic Touch15
Anchored Savior1
Swap Gender1
Ice Spikes15
Change Self1
Healers Helping Hand13
Elemental Craft1
Water Pummeling15
Water Spout15
Liquid Shackles10
Mist Wraith1
Water Walk15
Unigo Key1
Healer`s Rescue15
Dream Repair15
Water Blast15
Hydromantic Adaptation1
Waters Breath15
Lightning Richochet 15
Gift of Sloth9
Gift of Strength10

OOB Spells:
Spell nameSlots
Truth Hear1
Floating Disc1
Sweet Bliss1
Elemental Connection1
Elemental Servant1
Truth Speak1
Hair Grow1