Legends of Belariath


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NameMaraslynn Skyeborne
RaceOmbre-winged Torian (Torian)
((Art gifted by the beauteous and lovely Ehlanna, thank you so much!))

((Character reference, not my art, all credit to the original artists))

(Updated 4-16-2020)

No matter how shy and timid this young Torian has become, Maraslynn is a striking beauty; her entire being consisting of a blend of rich contrasts that may naturally draw the eye of onlookers. The former traces of youthful over-confidence have left this young Torian, the once bouncy and carefree girl was no longer glowing and bright, an easy smile lost amidst the past. Her hair had once been likened to spun gold, a warm shining golden blonde that most of her clan had remarked on favorably. Now those straight silky locks are a duo of platinum white bordering on silver and gold, mostly the former, her time spent in captivity having permanently altered that shining crown. Her mane of near white locks fall mid-way down her back highly contrasting against her inky black wings so commonly noted for their portent of "ill luck."

Standing at five foot even she is considered short for her kind, a runt as it were save for the glorious ombre blend of purple and black wings curving above her head and framing her pale being in stark contrast. Maras' is small but well formed, a busty little thing with a wing span around seven feet and a tiny waist giving her a diminished hourglass figure. Having never been forced to melee, she bears no scars leaving her skin soft and almost shimmering with a further dusting of gold in very bright light.

All in all, this young Torian is composed of softness, a girl who had been cherished at some point easy to see in the care to her person. At all times a thick blindfold covers her eyes but should that protective layer fail, her pear green hues fringed in dark lashes would be revealed. Her eyes are large for her face, not absurdly so but something of note to most who would study her. A healer through and through, Maraslynn seems to favor delicately constructed garments that do not hamper her movement on the ground or in the air as she quests to give aid to those around her.

**Maraslynn wears a thick satin blindfold over her eyes at all times, placed there by Infernis. Removal of this blindfold is not advised.**
BackgroundTwo years have passed since Maraslynn’s clan was attacked by a party of Chirot in the small village they had been residing in for years. Amidst the chaos of battle the Elders ordered Maras to give what aid she could to those fallen or dying in the fight. It was here that a rare talent was shown, an aptitude for healing rising to the fore as she looked out for those less fortunate around her. In the fallout of the attack, her clan’s healer was murdered and despite her youth it was decided Maras' would begin training in earnest on how best to aid the sick and wounded. A life of strict study was prescribed to the young healer that forced her to mature fast or else face steady discipline. Two years of intense learning later and Maras' was ready for a break, striking out in wanderlust and a touch of rebellion, Maras' begins her new journey in Nanthalion.
Notes((Seeking long term, in depth stories to share with Others. i am a girl that believes in plot before porn - porn is welcome but a slow burn getting there is something i enjoy more than just getting dirty. Open to rough/violent play and non-con, please ask to PM.))

((Always submissive, never Dominant, no exceptions.))
Skills(No Cost) Speaking: Language: Common
(No Cost) Speaking: Language: Torian
Level 1 - Landscape Gardening
Level 1 - Tending/Etiquette *Novice*
Level 1 - Reading/Writing: Common
Level 1 - First Aid/Triage *Novice*
Level 1 - First Aid/Triage *Apprentice*
Level 2 - Tending/Etiquette *Apprentice*
Level 3 - First Aid/Triage *Journeyman*
Level 4 - First Aid/Triage *Expert*
Level 5 - First Aid/Triage *Master*
Level 6 - Tending/Etiquette *Journeyman*
Level 7 - Tending/Etiquette *Expert*
Level 8 - Tending/Etiquette *Master*
Level 9 - Grooming
Level 10 - Alchemy *Novice*
Level 11 -
Level 12 -
StrengthIntelligenceAgilityResistanceStaminaLifeSpell SlotsEquip Slots

mage robe0

Spell nameSlots
Feather Dart1
Feather Fire1
Empathic Touch6
Cure the Senses1
Cure Disease7
Discern Ailment1
Shield of Healing Waters6
Cure Poison1
Glossy Feathers1
Dimension Door1
Sweet Bliss1

OOB Spells:
Spell nameSlots
Floating Disc1
Feather Fall1