Legends of Belariath

The Quest of Festivals Common

Archaon - Festivals of Wyrmcove

Excerpt from the Journal of the Scale, written as it is seen by Archaon Ebonscale.

As I wander the lands in search of all that is to be and all that has been, I begin to record the histories of all I survey as instructed by the Elder Dragons. The many races around seem to celebrate many strange festivals, some to their patron deities, others for sheer amusement. The Drak Sen, however, do not have a concept of time. We of the scale, the bastion of the Elder Dragons and their children, only recognize the changing seasons as it were...the times when the world changes, and bringing with it a sense of renewal. The main location of gathering is a place called Wyrmcove, roughly a 45 day walk South of Nanthalian. Below are those season changings and their more common name as described by the various Drak Sen I've come in contact with.

"Shalande' " also known to human kind as the beginning of Spring is a time when the world renews itself from the yearly cycle of life. The earthen scales celebrate this time with many festivals and gatherings that last for sometimes a day, other times a week or more. During these festivals, many races indulge in all manor of pleasure.. be it dancing, drinking.. or other more..cunning perversions. This is a particular time of joy for those of the earthen scale and invite all who care to join, so long as they do not disrupt their entertainment. Those who have been known to disrupt such events have been tied to an April Pole, and used for different rituals.

"Balfarosh" which in the more common speak is also known as the Summer is a grand time of heat and chaotic order for the mineral scales such as myself. The intense heat of this time brings about the more subtle yet perverse actions of those who regard disorder as a grand pleasure. The mineral scales regard this as a time of free action, seeking their vision of celebration at the cost of all else, except for the will of the Elder Dragons. Rapings, chaos, and all other diversions of orderly chaos are prevalent during this time. The mineral scales, myself included, indulge in these acts be it visually or physically..the beliefs that chaos brings about order are more prevalent during this time.

"The Gathering" is during the more common time of Autumn, bringing about the subtle changes the world takes. All manor of color and life come about during this period. The Metallic Scales, the general rulers and overseers of all scales, hold great feasts and banquets for all Drak Sen and others to attend. These feasts are indeed grand, even more so than the traditional human festival called Thanksgiving. Many various foods and desserts are abound to gaze upon, but the true nature of this time is only between the Drak Sen, for they receive their true name only during this time.

"Frosdain", the coldest of times also know as the Winter bring about the Bejeweled scales. This particular time heralds another passing of the world's yearly cycle, the bejeweled come alive much like the Metallics, only without their arrogance. During Frosdain, the bejeweled come forth, celebrating the passing of another cycle with a lush feast of their own, only in a more relaxed atmosphere..reflecting back upon the passing cycle and awaiting the coming of another. This time is perhaps the most relaxing of the others, as more soothing and sensual stimuli occur also during this period.

During each month, all Drak Sen pay homage to the Elder Dragons in a ceremonial holiday of sorts called "Valdaine" or simply..the Day of Eternal Gratitude. Each 15th day of each month, the Drak Sen pay their thanks and respects to the Elder Dragon for giving them life and existence. Offerings of many things vary from scrolls of histories recorded to more personal favors and wishes are exchanged for the thanks they give to these most powerful of beings than spawned them. During this ritualistic holiday, Drak Sen have been known to kneel to the ground in place no matter their location and bow their heads to the mighty Dragons of old.

"Dragon's Twilight", or more simply a sort of Halloweenish type holiday, is celebrated unlike the traditional human equivalent. During this holiday, the Drak Sen pay homage to the fallen of their kind be it strong warriors, mighty mages, or benevolent healers. Quite simply, this is a more respectful time as the Drak Sen honor their fallen comrades and their achievements with their hearts and souls. Such a holiday is a bit more personal to a Drak Sen, for no known record of human history has never depicted a Drak Sen partaking in such a holiday. Those who disturb such a time honored tradition are met with a swift and rather unlikable fate. Thus has it been my sworn duty to record all manner of history by will of the Elder Dragons, and with this command, I shall fulfill their wishes.