Legends of Belariath

The Quest For The Baron's Silver

Wynsome - Second Signet Ring

The day dawned as any other would. Drawn in light and shadow upon the room she now called home at the Inn of Nathalion. Yes, much had changed for the Magi. Events that transpired had changed the youthful innocence. It had shown her some of who she was of the tenor of her very fiber of being. She sighed and rolled from the bed. A brush is drawn thru the mane of crimson hair idly to set all tendrils within place. She was meticulous. A creature of habit to span the time she set within her use. She moved down to face her day. Boots click upon the stairs. It is then the fates would have sent her a sign perhaps. This Phoenix rising from the ashes of an ill-fated relationship. A flyer hung within the room posting of a quest. Something struck true within the Magi. Yes. This would do nicely. Stretch her wings. A Challenge! The need struck within her like a hunger. Clawing at her. No dalliance. She moved with steeled determination. To face a challenge and meet it was the perfect tool. It seems like so long since she was confined in these walls. The Drak Sen had sapped her of her resolve and had made mockery of her will. Her strength of her mind needing like sword upon a stone, to be kept sharp and honed to the precision tools it is. It is that rough working and challenge which does work at her mind's sharpness

Boots crunched on the pathing to the Bounty Hunter's Guild.Perhaps it was that indignant anger that fueled her motions. She was Magi. Part of a proud breed of people thought to be gone from this world. No. We were not and she would show to Him and all she was more then just a pretty face. She was more then just an object for sex of some ornament for the arm. Her pride had been smashed. No Longer would such be tolerated. She felt this to be a perfect way to show those about and to herself what she truly was. The Magi was no fool and she would find the rings. One might mistake this crimson haired beauty for frail in constitution. They would be wrong. Resolve set she opened the door hearing the creaking of hinged well worn. She moved with paper in hand and placed it upon the desk with long slim sculpted fingers. I seek to help thee upon this bounty. My aim would be... The rings. She watched the man loft a brow and a smile deviant in nature curled her lips. Yes... I am sure. With an awful ruckus it would seem and not much economy of motion the man shuffled about. Map procured and instructions given. Yes the droll man even asked if she knew how to read a map. Pity such people did not understand the mind of a Magi. With a slight sneer at the man and contempt barely held within check in the Thank you floating off her ruby lips she turns and steps from the Bounty Hunters Guild with a snap of supple wings along her spine to fold. Mind already set upon her task.

Supplies. Would be light. She has traveled enough to do well at fare and use of things about her. Yes. A cloak would do well to hide this statuesque frame from view. She would use her wiles and looks if need be. What woman would not? But for traveling anonymity tis the best. Food and canteen for water enough for a few days.. Bread would suffice. Her magics would do well enough for fire and the like. A dagger would then be strapped to that slim thigh. And two slim pointy sticks much akin to chopsticks it would seem are used to wind her hair up. Tipped in metal gleaming these were a glinting treasure. How many uses could those be for? Some cloth for bandaging and some oil of healing never hurt anyone. Yes those added to the small pouching. Anything else would likely be extra weight and not of need. Oh.. And her brush. A girl has to keep her hair looking nice. Smirk.

The map would be drawn and studied for a good hour. Pathing set. Yes. She had wings with which to fly. She would chase away some time in the path to do so over the set of imposing mountains it shows lingering as treacherous they can be. Then out she set stepping from the door of the Inn and inhaling on the morning's dew kissed breeze. It felt revitalizing against her face. Of course within a day or so the newness of such would likely make her shiver and ache for her bed at the Inn... but that is beside the point.

The map was often consulted upon her way. The first day was bright and she soaked in the sun. That milken skin had not seen much of it as of late and it drew pinkness to those high cheekbones. She heedless of consequences let the hood of the cloaking down and reveled in the sun’s kiss on her cheeks and the wind’s caress over and thru the mane of crimson. A smile pulled along the plush folds of her lips. Yes. This was much needed. Checking the placement of sun as it began to wane in the sky to the map before her. She had reached her goal of the day and exceeded it. Perfect!

Now for shelter. She had successfully spent the day NOT thinking about the Drak. It was nice. Damn well guess that ended that respite. Anger began to form again. The walk had been nice as her mind worked upon the cataloging of how spring began to take hold. Now as her fingers grabbed stray branches in a small hollow and she built a small shelter from the night’s winds, thoughts began to fall back to the way she regressed with the man. How had she let herself become just some idle toy? The passion squelched within her. No. She would no longer be oppressed by a man who had such weakness of pride in Himself that he would treat others as He did. No. It was not a sign of true Dominance it was a sign of weakness. All the worse reflection on her that she was party to it for as long as she was. The crickets about her and sounds of the night would begin to permeate her angered thoughts and provide a reverie from the troublesome thoughts. Learning and the mind of the Magi always attuned to new things. Making mistakes happened. She knew what she did from there and about them made her who she was. A deep inhale drew in the scents about her over the olfactory senses. Fresh pine. The scent of burning embers of the waning fire that dances before her eyes. Fingers long and slim pulled her cloak tighter about her body. Pulling it to shield her from the night’s chill. It was nothing like the chill that had enshrouded her heart. She would prove her worth as well as find that passion again. Yes. These thoughts would be her mindset for now. These thoughts would be what comforted her to sleep in resolve.

A new day would dawn and she looked at the pathing set before her on the map as she drifted to awakened repose. A slim finger gauged speed for treachery. Taping as her mind clicked over the possibilities. She did not want to become fatigued from flying if she went over the mountains and be caught upon the precipice in the chill overnight. Perhaps a route around the main peak she is seeing that if she becomes weary the area within mid altitude would provide adequate shelter? Yes. That did sound good. Plus with her additional ground covered the first day it should balance out in the time table she has set upon herself. Always a planner and calculating of such things, the Magi set off. A booted heel crushed the embers of the fire. Much like the lingering thoughts of the man, ashes under her boot so were the thoughts of Him to be tossed aside. Perhaps the motivations behind her anger this man or were it more pointed at her. Either way it drove her on.

She began a walk thru the wooded brush. Cloak keeping the branching and such to not mar the silken flesh of her legs. A raven it seemed took a liking to the Magi. For it flew in pathing along with hers. A welcome thing to have some sense of company. Even if she thinks it was just along for the pieces of bread she would toss aloft. Murmuring…”Ahhh yes my friend I do have wings too. I think I shall wait to fly with you for a bit longer.” The drudgery of the walk began to set in. A few animals scurried across her path. Fingers from time to time tug and draw to lips pieces of the bread she had procured to feed the hunger within her stomach. Sips of water abated her thirst. As if Morphious Himself ordained her way and shone favorably upon her. As the water canteen tilted and last drops wandered her tongue. The sound of a burbling steam would be heard in the distance. A smile curled those deviant lips slowly. But as in nature where there is water there are likely animals seeking out such as well. For all creatures had the basal needs: Food, water, shelter. So aloft she went upon a fluttering of those iridescent wings. Scanning the edge of the water and trees about for signs of any animals hoping to make her their snack, she begins to lower. Smirk. Though some meat would come in nicely right now is the thought crossing her mind. Descending with her canteen in hand she uses the cool water to wash her face. Filling the canteen with the burbling purity of water that flows from the mountain, she rests there a moment. Her eyes lifting azure orbs lock upon a set of golden gleaming eyes. A panther had crept up and poised on a rock formation above her. Her fingers began to glow crimson as her spell begins to form. Patterns of Magics swirling about her in whispered words. The panther seems to sense in that it was no longer the predator but the prey. Deciding to save her stamina for the walk and ariel time later. The panther slinks back into the woods.

A feeling of contentment passed thru her body. As she stood and stretched soaking in the sights and sounds behind her she relaxed. Water casking now set upon her hip filled and ready, she began to head along the side of the mountain slowly ascending around its circumference moving past trees and thru the low brush. Keeping to the side of any paths the splendor of the gods work was seen. It was uplifting. It was as she turned the siding of the mountain that a feeling of dull throbbing. Like a forbidding presence was about. Magics? Even the clouds turned dreary as if stepping though some portal the sun became darkness and the occasional sizzle of lightning was heard. So very odd. The wind kicking up and blew about her. Yes. These Magics had an almost palatable signature to them. Something she had known. Power so dripping in what it seemed were wardings of presence seeking out those who dared move past this mountain to the valley below.

So she proceeded carefully. The innate magics so powerful in this Priestess flared in response. Hidden traps and wardings were sure to be coming. So there in the wooding she kneeled. The Priestess kneeled to gain her focus and garnish all of the powers held dormant for so long. Now to be put to the test before what seemed to be the haunting of her past. No. The Darkness could not be in this area. It was almost too close to her to be comfortable. Only a days journey and then to feel the very fingerprint of His magics? A chill chased her spine. He was back. Uncertain He was looking for her or just sent to ward this place from intruders. Either way she would need to keep her magics at a low to not to trip His defenses. Wetting her lips. A nervous habit as a chill chased her spine, and then calmness began as the feelings stopped and the mind began to work. She defeated Him once. Escaped. She would do it again. For she knew His weakness. She… was His weakness. The dagger pulled and a small amount of her blood would be drawn and rubbed on a rock. Her mind working this her escape route. Yes. She would plan this well. Her form took to the wings that were glimmering at her back and upon the dusk she flew. Taken aback by the deceptive value of the magics, the thunder and lighting hailed a woebegone path for her to take. Now not only a test and to prove her worth but a banishment of her fears of the past. A smile curled deviant those lips. Yes. He would know she was here. In time. The flight covered much of the time walking would. Moving into a spot her breath caught as she saw the castle looming above her capping along the tree line.

It was a sight to behold. The structure was massive. Inpregnatable as it would seem at first glance. Time would find flaws for there always was. But it dominated the landscape to sparse and barren. Guards posted sentry upon any juncture within. Settling down and near for the night. She builds no fire. Pulling the cloak more readily about her, hate and that dark desire to achieve and prove herself would warm her. Eyes darkly watch the motions and ways. Analyzing. Weighing and balancing ideas to infiltrate the structure. Finding strengths. Weaknesses. Habits of the guards. After a few hours her focus turns to the East gate. It seems a delivery area. Yes that would work well. Plans hatching within her most malicious and analytical mind. That night and into that next day were spent watching the castle and taking small naps off and on.

Pulling the non-descript cloaking over her head she made trail to wander and infiltrate a group of merchants making their way into the castle. One man finding curves hidden beneath robes takes notice. Thankfully as it were as a guard was looking her way the large burly sort engulfed her in a side hug and drug her with Him. Though rather inebriated smell wafted from His person she felt perhaps to kiss the man senseless would not be so bad. But the rank liquor scent put that thought to rest. After a few minutes of wandering with the merchants inside the castle walls, Wynsome finds a place to the side to watch the guard at the area of the main entrance to which could only be the estate of the Barony. Looking at the map. Oh my… such brilliant logistics here. “Likely in the deepest room of the castle.” Rolls eyes and tucks it back away into her cloak. Hand skims up to keep her form all but hidden in the cloaking. Thinking continues as she lets her gaze flick from person to person.

Noting change in guards and paths set. Then a dark smile crossed her lips as the plot and path had been finalized. Click in an instant. She moved to sacs being taken into the interior of the castle. That drunken merchant was good for many things it seems. Yes. The sacs felt and then one chosen. The interior would be dumped into the moat. And within the burlap she crawled. Within the small handcart with a few sacs she waited. Not long the feeling of being lifted and the bumbling motion of the cart across the uneven ground. Sounds focused upon. Perfect. Set within some storage room by the servery. Hollow soundings. Footsteps retreating speaking of payment and spring harvesting. It is a few moments later Wynsome slithers from the sac. Looking about the dry and stacked storage room. Well she was in. Now, to have a safe way to wander about. Then it would be a guard like man would make His way in grumbling about women needing Him to carry things for them. Helpless stupid wenches. His clothing matches those of other guards. Leather tunic and breeches. Cloaking and robes. Shield embedded with the crest of the Baron and sword. Moving to a sac which looks like ground wheat and turns and sees Wynsome. She would but smile hands already crimson in gleam and letting loose a rather powerful Energy bolt enough to make His hair curl a bit now. Not enough to kill the man but He will sink into rest. From there she strips Him and stuffs him into the sack and ties it. Then dons the armor and weapons thinking gods did these men never wash? Scooping up the sac of Wheat the man was going to deliver and stalks back down the hallway and hoping she goes the right way. Mail face portion and cloaking hides her body from view and one armored person is like any other. Giving a grunt and tosses it down by the little irate woman’s feet.

Smirk curls her lips. Easy enough. Grunt and walk. This she can do. Working to clomp around. She had observed enough men. Even in a bit of humor reaches down and scratches at her crotch looking like she is adjusting things she does not have. Doing her best not to laugh darkly in the repulsion one of the women shows at such motion. Moving off thru the halls of the Castle. Patterns formed. If wanting to be hidden it would be safe to assume it would be in the center. Close to the Baron’s own rooms. Protected. Likely. Under. Why? It was a treasure. Likely kept in some kind of room guarded with all His other pretties. And greed likes its money close. In her studies of structure and layouts it would lend this man to be much like any other. Of course this area would be heavily warded. Yes she could all but taste the necromancer’s works in this area. His pattern of spells one she can tell. Distaste lingering in the thoughts of having to deal with Him. So into the interior she went. Grunts and nods to other soldiers. Well at least the Grunt of a man she chose to ransack (No pun intended) was of high enough ranking to not be stopped much.

Smirking. Considering most of the soldiers here would likely be of intelligence of a common mouse. Just enough to remember to breathe. Yes now how to get to that room of treasures. Click goes the idea in that pretty little head. Why to bring and add more treasure. Simple really. Trying doors as inconspicuously as possible. Finally one opens and she smiles. Wonderful! A stately room as it were. Moving to the table there and pauses. Leaning to blow out the burning wax of candle and rips it from the candlestick holder. Yes that would work nicely. Picking off the wax just melted there and looks about. A cloth picked up and wrapped about it. Pushing it under her cloaking and smirks. Moving from the door after carefully peering out. Letting it fall closed with a click and then moves along the hall until coming up to two guards. Taking a deep breath and going to where conversation would be needed.

Coughing a bit and making her voice gruff and pushing the tones very deep and low. “Arghhh. Let me pass. I need to take this to… safekeeping for the Baron.” Nudging one on the arm and opening her cloak and showing a parcel. Opening it only slightly to let them see the tip of the candlestick. The guards look at each other in question. Then one pipes up and says. “Gods man, what did you drink last eve. I am sure it is a worthy treasure but Ye need to go down the other hall.” Said as pointing down a long side corridor. Both guffaw a moment and shake their heads. Perrrrfect thought Wynsome. Adding a cough and thumping to the chest. “Arghhhhh Yes. Some lusty wench did feed me ale till I dropped she did. “Turning and clomping steps away from the two and to that corridor.

A thrill chasing through her body as she moves along the corridor. Seeing the two guards at the end. Her steps even in motion. Breathing she works at controlling. Sidling up to the guards as she gruffens her voice and murmurs, “More to go into the treasury. Nice little piece The Baron wanted from that other down the way. “Jerking a thumb… and pulling the cloth wrapped candlestick showing them just a bit of it and nods and wraps it back up. Then steps to move to pass with the guards nodding. Too easy. Stepping within the door at the end she could hear her heartbeat rush in her ears. Her eyes glint at the gold and things accumulated about her. Greedy bastard. Some might loose sight of the goal in such surroundings. Keen azure orbs wander the plunder and spy on a few places it might be kept. Rings are small but then do not want to be lost in the clamor. So.. boxes.. on a shelving. Yes… Working quickly checking them deftly drawing the slim chopstick looking pieces from her pouching and she uses the sharp thin tip to ram into the locks and deftly pick them open with a slight sending of energy thru the metal chopstick to make it work the levering open.. Each having its own treasures. Rubies. Sapphires. Gold. Much all of the like. She finally found ring. The ring with heavily in laden banding of gold. Etched with detail and the cresting roughly drawn on the mapping she had to match. Scoping it up and depositing the candlestick and putting away the small chopsticks. She smiles sliding the ring onto her finger under the gloves and the armor. To now leave without notice. Gleeful she had found her goal, it seemed the end was approaching fast.

She moved out the doors clomping as manly as she can. Grunting and nods to the guards there. Making pathing down the corridor. It was then the looming cloaks were seen. And Presence instantly felt. It took all she had to keep walking and not freeze up and begin to cast. It was Him. The man who has haunted her. The man of Magics so powerful it made the head spin. The tattoo on her back evidently gleamed and felt His presence. She gruffed and kept walking. Disguised thankfully. Perhaps He would not note. She felt her ears rush with her heartbeat. Each breath each moment felt like forever as head bobbed in greeting to the man of the robes and she kept walking past Him. A coldness and goose bumps on her arms as she heard the robes stop. He had obviously turned back. Turning the corner it was all she could do not to run.

The man in the robes felt an odd presence. She was here. No. She would not be. He was just longing to have and to touch her. She was His. His insanity. His desire. Then passing that guard. He could almost feel it was her. Yes they were right He was going insane. His body throbbed in desire and anger. Dismissing it for the moment. But then turns back and watches the guard turn the corner. Feeling compelled to move after the man. Maybe He had met Wynsome and that is why such feelings have been brought up. Maybe He knows where she is.

Wynsome kept on path thru the corridors. Mind attuned it was mapped within her mind. Forcing back the urge to run kept a quick pace. The ring almost burning into her hand. Heart racing hearing footsteps and the robes behind her. She weaved in her manly stride out the side entrance. The flow of people had waned. It was getting dark. She moved thru the people leaving the Castle for the night. Her lips began to chant a silent spell. Ebolt making her hand glow as a lone tree stood off to the side and with a garnishing of her powers the tree would be hit and spark into flames. Enough to make the grouping cower and people begin to run for cover. The robed nightmare would turn and look to it frowning. It was then Wynsome took off for the tree line. Peeling armor off and throwing it aside. Lightening her body for the swift run for the tree line… When she reaches it she turns and looks back. The wind picks up and the hooding falls back to reveal her face and that crimson mane. The nightmare looked in the distance and saw Wynsome. Perhaps a dream. Perhaps not. But He stood still and frowned. Nothing had been amiss perhaps he was dreaming again. He began to walk towards the tree line. Fingers extending to send a stream of energy out to that vision of Wynsome. All but panicked. She sent up a blocking of His magics. But He was so much stronger it took its toll and she fell. Scrambling in the pain that was spiraling thru her body.

All he saw was His energies released and the sinking of the form. Yes. Just another dream to be had in His sickened mind of the Magi He coveted.

Crawling thru the brush Wynsome ached with each motion. Finally finding a small cove praying to her god that he would not come further. It was there she passed out for a day or so it would seem. For she remembered the light once... but fully waking in dusk again. Pain ricocheting about her form as she finally stood and brushed off her frame. Beginning the trek back to Nathalion. Her body aching but her goal had been met. Fingers rub the ring held protectively on her hand. And she would make her way back in day’s journey. Finding something warm about returning to her home. Yes. This place was becoming home.

With thanks to Wynsome