Legends of Belariath

Chirot Religion

Chirot are a very private race, but also deeply religious and although they are much newer to this realm than most other races, already a fraction has occurred... There are two recognized beliefs, with anyone who holds anything other than these two simply seen as an outcast, and often ignored or exiled depending on how loud they preach. There are the Followers of Old, People who believe in the Original, that Sheara was betrayed by her brother and the Chirot come here when they die to be with Sheara. They are to use this realm as a way to gain strength so that when their life ends again they will rejoin the ranks and continue the fight! And then there is the New Way, those who have decided that Sheara herself SENT the Chirot here, that THEY betrayed HER, they believe they are here to prove they can become better, to repent for their sins and give her the love and respect she warrants and deserves.

Every race has it's secrets, skeletons in the closet that they wish not even their own people to know and the Chirot are no exception. These things only the Elders know the truth of, though there are rumors whispered in the dark corners of the seven cities. It is said that long ago, when the Chirot first appeared in this realm, they all gathered together in the first city, built around the Tome of Sheara. Even then, the Chirot were not all in agreement. Some believed that they should use this realm to train, to prepare. Others believed that they must immediately throw everything into research and magics that would take them back home without delay. This second group performed their rituals, delved deep into magics that they could never possibly understand. So powerful was this magic that it nearly ripped the city apart, twisting those who participated in the ritual into something nearly unrecognizable. These poor, forsaken individuals fled the city and all others were forced to leave as well, or face being warped by the residual magics. This entire area was sealed off, with only the Elders having access, and so it is to this day. Now, there are questions as to where this city was located. Some say it is in a forgotten part of the mountains, but many say that it is actually within Sheara's Chamber itself, where none but the Elders may venture.