Legends of Belariath

Goblin Tribes

The Swampers

The elder shaman of The Swampers would rather both outsiders and their own tribe call them the Xin-Thuk, but alas a peoples who spend most of their time roiling in the muck and wondering why they had the misfortune of being born there don't exactly feel compelled to respect their elders. Dwelling in the wetlands to the south of Nanthalion, they're the reason those lands are known as the Goblin Marshes, and are a place generally avoided, though more for the muck than the worry of raiders. Both sustained and held in check by the Imperial city, they're a somewhat lackluster lot when compared to their kin further out on the fringes, and rarely engage in raiding parties these days. Still, it’s not uncommon for passing merchants to lose their wagons when passing too close, not to mention their wives and daughters as well.

The Swampers culture is almost non-existent, having only a few lore-keeping shaman in their midst who share none of what little knowledge they have. The Swampers are indeed a sorry lot, allowed to remain in such close proximity to the Imperial City perhaps only to prove that it had nothing to fear from their kind, and that even Goblins could be pacified by ‘good governance.’