Legends of Belariath

Minotaurs History

(as written by the Ilnaraem Loremasters)

In the Age of Dawn, long before the birth of the younger races like the elves and humans there existed only two races: the titans and of course the elusive dragons. The titans were a small group of gods and goddesses, all as tall as a mountain, who had come to this world from their own realm seeking to create and shape. The titans had various appearances, all half man and half creature. The titans roamed the world of Belariath and decided it needed more people. A tourney was held amongst them to see who of them was the strongest. In the end the Father of All was chosen, an incredibly fast and strong man, resembling a bull as well as a man. Since he was the strongest of the titans he was chosen to represent the new people. Four children were created, Calderon, Gwarinor, Onaera and Aelina. For a long time the titans taught the newborn gods, until they found they knew enough of the world to populate and rule it. With that, the titans departed back to their realm, to observe their creation from a distance.

In the Age of Birth, the two gods and two goddesses created many offspring amongst themselves, slowly creating an entire race of individual minotaurs of all shapes and sizes. They taught them for centuries, shaping their culture, their heritage, everything. But then the younger races arrived, and threatened their kingdom. Fearing that the younger races would not show understanding for their ways, ignorant as children could be, the gods lead their offspring towards a large vale completely enclosed by mountains. Once there, Calderon gripped the rock firmly and with a mighty pull ripped the mountains apart, leaving a small entrance into the vale.

In this vale a new kingdom arose. However the glorious days had long passed and the gods were being consumed by their rivalries and squabbles. So it came to pass that each minotaur in the vale chose a side with one of the gods and goddesses, and a war ensued, sounding the start of the Age of Blood. The once great city eventually came to ruin, and in one last act of benevolence on their progeny the gods decided to split up the factions into four different kingdoms, and for themselves to leave, taking away the taint that plagued their children. The four kingdoms were raised: Gwaridorn in the dark and cold north, city of twilight, for the followers of Gwarinor the Stalker. Ilnaraem in the aether rich west, city of magic, for the followers of Aelina the Lady of Aethers. Marnona in the beautiful east, city of light, for the followers of Onaera, She who Shines. Thaedas in the inhospitable south, city of battle, for the followers of Calderon the Lord of Battle. With the war over and peace between the kingdoms, the Age of Peace ensued.

One day outsiders entered the vale and the gods saw this. Gwarinor quickly stalked them and claimed their souls, so they could never reveal the location of the vale. Calderon quickly went to where he had split the mountains so long ago and gripped them firmly, closing them. Onaera then created an elaborate maze within the mountains, so none without proper guidance could get through, and lastly Aelina sealed the entire labyrinth with powerful magics. The four of them would remain there, ever vigilant to protect their race from intruders. Only by their will could people make their way into the vale, sealing off their kin from the younger races and their tainted influence. Occasionally wanderers and adventurers would enter the vale by passing the tests set before them by the four guardians, and likewise some minotaurs left the vale, some as adventurers, some by exile. However not many minotaurs will ever be found outside the vale, nor will many outsiders be found inside, the day the vale was sealed off was called the Last Age, for it lasts on until this very day.