Legends of Belariath

Vulpine Religion

Triestan (the Vulpine Religion)

and General Vulpine Cultural Information

The main focus of the Vulpine religion is based around worship of a ten-tailed Vulpine known as The Lady.

The Run'ya Najaka Cult

The Run'ya Najaka believe that vulpines are the foremost species in the world, and all other races are inferior and should be put to death or made to serve the vulpine race. They passionately hate any vulpine who doesn't follow this belief, and their greatest hatred is reserved for vulpines who are in love with members of other species.

The Run'ya Najaka are dedicated to the violent overthrow of any government that doesn't conform to their beliefs. They also believe that one day, Najaka will return from his place in the sky and lead his people, and on that day the rivers and hills will run red with blood as they slay everyone who isn't one of them-- and then they'll reign over a vulpines-only paradise, with Najaka as the king of the world.