Mini-IoP Requests

Listing and issuing of those special items that are given to enhance roleplay

Moderators: Twerlinger, lyllamarie

Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby miyuka on Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:46 am

this was just a request to have an Miop for your quest. The SI team still needs to sort the details.
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Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby Keegan on Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:43 pm

I would like to request a MIni -IoP for my quest I am doing. It's pirate havoc

Name: Rum gourd
Type of Item: Device
Equipment Slots Used: 0
A large gourd that is normally used to hold alcohol...
Water to rum: When water is put into this gourd it magical turns the water into rum instantly. This can be any kind of water: fresh, salt, poisoned... any kind of water well be turned into rum that is safe to drink.
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Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby miyuka on Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:55 pm

details aside, so long as the quest team sees fit, then an MIOP is fine.
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Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby Amara on Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:10 pm

miyuka wrote:details aside, so long as the quest team sees fit, then an MIOP is fine.

Quest Team approved.
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Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby Pipistrelle on Fri May 19, 2023 12:51 pm

Requesting a pair of mIoP for a quest I will be submitting. This will be the equivalent of a level 20 quest.

For who: Unknown
Date Needed: Not sure yet
mIoPs requested:
mIoP number 1 - Boots of Soft Step
mIoP number 2 - Light Stone
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Re: Mini-IoP Requests

Postby miyuka on Thu May 25, 2023 8:43 pm

Both Miop's are fine to gift for the purpose of a quest should the quest team deem your submission significant enough. Request approved for both items.
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