by Kalas Dune on Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:46 pm
Moving this out of Logs, and into its own area. As things are used, please post within here so was can keep track of what needs to be restocked.
Lindor wrote:Abrasions 25.00
Black Eyes 25.00
Bleeding 25.00
Bruising 25.00
Cold Exposure 25.00
Cuts and Wounds 25.00
Drawing Out Infection 25.00
Fainting 25.00
Fever 25.00
Grazes 25.00
Heat Exposure 25.00
Nose Bleeds 25.00
Shock 25.00
Vomiting 25.00
Agrimony 15.00
Aloe 15.00
Borage 15.00
Calendula 15.00
Comfrey 15.00
Eucalyptus 15.00
Faith Raven 15.00
Flairen 15.00
Goldenbay 15.00
Goldenseal 15.00
Meadowsweet 15.00
Red Pepper 15.00
Rosemary 15.00
Skunk Cabbage 15.00
Witch Hazel 15.00
Yarrow 15.00
Ten Feet of Bandages (at 1 mhl per foot)
The Road goes ever on and on/Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone/And I must follow, if I can
Pursuing it with eager feet/Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet/And whither then? I cannot say.