A formal request for Testing of Inn Slave Enchantments

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A formal request for Testing of Inn Slave Enchantments

Postby Sarmani on Mon May 17, 2021 6:27 am

In a letter sent to Unigo Headmaster Keani, Researcher Saphamira, and the Lonely Inn owner Ehlanna:

Dear Esteemed members,

Enchantment is the cornerstone of this nation. Magic wonders such as portals shorten distances that would otherwise slow the flow of information and sever the empire into pieces; magical armaments secure its borders and its infrastructure. Even the Inn in which many of us live is replete with magic, from the lights within to the collars on the slaves which hold them bound to the building themselves.

Which leads me to my point.

I wish to conduct an exhaustive study of the functions of the slave collar enchantments for the Lonely Inn, in particular the harm inhibition and operational range. The Inn's collars ability to render their wearers unable to do any harm to another, as well as keeping them rooted to a five-mile radius of the building itself, are largely considered to be unbreakable.

Research demands this statement be tested and proven through exhaustive study. As such, I would like to propose a series of tests of the collars' functionality and limitations.

I propose a slave by the name of Solace for the experiments, which will consist of a series of attempts to compel the slave to inflict harm and an observation of the results, as well as a series of attempts to have her travel beyond the movement limit. Know that i shall endeavor that no lasting harm be inflicted on her, nor to the collar (such tests will be proposed to be carried out with a test collar separately to avoid potential loss of property).

As such, I formally request permission to carry out this experiment personally, within the limits of my abilities (and that spells beyond my abilities be subject of outside assistance on a case-for-case basis).

Please consider my request so that we may determine a more comprehensive methodology and timeframe.

In the name of knowledge,

Sarmani Moretti, Student of Magic

((Solace{LI} and I discussed the idea, and we thought it was an interesting storyline idea. Pending approval from Ehlanna))
Sarmani Moretti, Researcher, mage, student of Water, mad scientist, vulpine/human hybrid, cool rational foxgirl
Other Characters: Reshen, Wisecracking Troll Warrior; Yarnat, Sadistic Fluffy Catmoriel Bard; Isolte, Ruby Draksen Ice-Queen Knight; Vaspire, Opportunistic Torian Thief; Welkyr, Cheery Wolven Mancatcher; Mizri, Enthusiastic Gladiatrix Moriel-orc
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Re: A formal request for Testing of Inn Slave Enchantments

Postby Joshua_Jericho on Fri May 28, 2021 10:36 pm

The ever-distracted Saphamira eventually has this letter pressed into her hands by a harried-looking student, and spends a few moments to pen her own addition, sent by faery mail to those copied.


Sarmani has my blessing and my supervision - and my personal bond to take responsibility for any damages or loss of service incurred by the Inn or other parties in this matter, by coin or whatever means deemed necessary.


She adds a second, shorter note for just her student, which reads simply..

"Good thinking. Don't blow anything up.

Since I can't figure out how to change display name...player of Catiline, Umber and Saphamira! Often around on IRC GMT evenings and weekends.
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Re: A formal request for Testing of Inn Slave Enchantments

Postby Naomh on Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:49 pm

Letter sent to Assistant Researcher Sarmani Moretti.

Dear Sarmani,

Apologies for the late response to your request, I needed to look into this subject myself and there were some delays along the way.

From my own studies into the subject of the enchantments placed upon the collars used by The Lonely Inn, I am afraid I can not sign off on any further research nor experiments involving them. There has already been a fair amount of study with the magics involved and it is deemed little more can be learned about them. Additionally if something was to go awry and harm is caused upon the slave, even if by accident, or damage caused to the collar itself it would be considered a grievous offense in the eyes in the empire.

Needless to say, for the empire and Unigo's knowledge of the enchantments, there is very little to be gained by any further experimentation, while there is much risk to yourself. So again, while I am pleased with your curiosity and eagerness to learn, I will not approve of this plan of research and experimentation.

- Keani Seabreeze, Headmistress of Unigo.
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