The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Shiho on Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:08 am


The Tower of Umbara build to withstand the actual end of the world hadn't seen too much damage and the powers of teachers and researchers combined had made a great effort of keeping the students safe.

From the very first moment after the 'Event' books were grabbed to find out anything about what was going on. It was clearly a magical event, but far too widespread to be a simple screw up. Various theories were formed and the 'Phoenix Stones' were mention several times in most of the theories. But while the Tower had a great library, only so much - and in this case very little - could be learned from books so the mages went out and conducted their own experiments.

While no further incidents were reported, several mages weren't seen for days upon getting too close to the sky and afterwards all described a very disoriented experience.

Finding a way to end the situation was the main priority, but of course the Tower would be most interested in finding ways of using the situation to their benefit.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Allie on Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:43 am

The Healing House

As always those in need of healing are welcome at the Healing House, or at least what bits of it still remain standing as the building itself took a great deal of damage. The older and more important sections remain in tact and are currently being used to house the most grievously injured but the rooms once meant to house patients themselves are in shambles. One can only hope that the Headmistress can somehow find a way to sweet talk the REB manager into helping with repairs, it is said that the avian has certain tricks up her sleeve in that regard.

The front yard is covered in tents and other makeshift temporary buildings littered with a group of devoted yet quite exhausted healers running to and fro tending to all in need that come to them, over time these tents might well spread beyond the Healing House grounds itself and into the Bazaar although one hopes that we can get people on their feet quickly enough that such extents do not become necessary.

Representatives from the Healing House will be visiting other refugee sites as able to ensure that magical healing is available to all, HH employees should feel free to tag up and claim hours regardless of channel or IC location while tending to people affected by recent events.
Allivia, Healer Type and General Goof
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby miyuka on Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:59 pm

Estate Valentine and the Ktechlahan

The massive mansion owned by one of the smallest nobles in the empire had certainly seen better days, but it had also seen worse considering it was once abandoned and in utter disrepair. Considering the amount of times the maids of Estate Valentine had to deal with an out of control and angry Miyuka and her devastating magic, they were able to enact a clean up plan for the damages caused to not just the main building but the secondary buildings as well. Cracked walls, a completely destroyed green house, and the garden itself along with almost all of the strawberry bushes were gone. The wall that separated the Estate from the goblin marsh took heavy damage and on top of dealing with clean up, those of the mansion and fellow Ktechlahan members had been tasked with combating the frenzied goblins and other beasties.

Oasis, the Ktechlahan home in the south desert was relatively unscathed, a blessing most would attribute to their goddess, Lucia, protecting them. As such they were quickly dispatched to parts of the empire to help with either rebuilding efforts, healing efforts, or to help combat would be invaders and bandits. In just about every part of the empire, those of the Ktechlahan tribe could be found doing what they could to help for their were few more loyal to the empire than they and the empire was their home, not just Oasis.

The Archmage
At current no one knows where she is. When the sky exploded with magic, she had been out in about flying around in her majestic dragon form. Some rumors have started stating that she may have been part of the reason, while other rumors state she was up there trying to shield her mansion from what was to come. Either way, she's no where to be found during this time of need, but the 4 minotaur maids of the mansion were out looking for their dear mistress using every available resource they could find.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Kir^Trelander on Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:14 am

The L'Orn d'Elamshin

There were stories abound of the Lord Trelander's reaction to the strange, near-cataclysmic effects that had been suffered. Some said he'd been utterly unseen, unknown, absent in the event and the aftermath. Some said he'd come down the stairs from his 'retreat' of his chambers, looking even more irritable than he normally did and clad in his armors as if he was ready to charge out to battle. Some even said he came down looking irritated, but had sat down at his table and asked for a meal, so that he could grumble about everything that would need to be done. It wasn't clearly known, with widespread speculation about whether he even cared, or if he'd known what was going on.

What could be known was that in the aftermath, immediate inspections had been carried out, either from the order of the Lord or one of his masters. Riders had been sent to begin to take stock of the surrounding villages and hamlets. Crafters had immediately been set to work on a huge list of supplies that would be needed.

The Castle itself seemed nearly unchanged; built with a military purpose and maintained with regularity by his hired smiths and masons, the subtle cracks and shifts in it were quickly spotted and had already begun work on repair. The Keep, likewise, looked secure and every bit as large and foreboding as he'd built it to be. The buildings -within- the castle baileys, on the other hand, were another story. The Lord Kir has been seen in recent days, with very specific orders for all of those people filtering in from outlying lands: Resupply here. Get back out there as soon as possible. Increase patrols of the land. Prevent looting; any looting on his lands would call for swift judgment. Find him more crafters, more smiths, more healers, more laborers, for temporary work revitalizing the community as best as possible. Find him forest nymphs, find him druids, to see if they could find a way to continue food production of the land safely, lest it sink into overhunting. Repair, reorganize, and protect the stockrooms; prepare the stocks and granaries for supplies that would likely be needed to replace those supplies lost throughout the Empire.

Those interacting with him find him in a sour mood save special circumstances. Above all, he demands order, even amid the grieving, even amid the misfortune. His patience seems thin, his behavior curt and short.


The L'Orn is actively hiring any who can research and study the sky and its impact on food growth, as well as builders and laborers to work not just on the castle, but to begin making new hamlets in strategic placements that still grant access to the fertile land. It is currently under strict -Martial Law-, but has opportunities abound for those willing to work with the stiffness of the Lord and his soldiers chosen specifically for their own hardened exteriors. Refugees are welcomed, but have high demands placed on them to earn their keep by helping in rebuilding and clearing the wreckage of the weak buildings that had been there before.

Petitioners are brought readily before him, North, or Menhir to gain boons and help, always with a priority of addressing problems full in the face, but with a rather menacing undertone of 'How will you be good for the Empire to keep?'
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Amethine on Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:18 am

The Apothecary

Thankfully, due to being inside Unigo, the Apothecary didn't suffer any structural damage. The same cannot be said for the contents sadly. Various vials all were shaken from their shelves or the shelves themselves fallen over, and now the floor was a mess of potions, tinctures, reagents and tea leaves. Some areas of the floor were now so sticky that an errant foot would be stuck like superglue, other areas might be extremely slippery. There was a dripping from the ceiling that curiously only burned away clothing. It would take some time for the Apothecary to get back to normal again and staff were now required to help with the cleanup as well as prepare emergency relief crates to send to the Healing House.

Not everything in the store was lost however, so customers are still welcome to visit. However, buyer beware!

OOC Info:
For the duration of the event, staff and customers will have to RP having to navigate through what looks like a very ransacked store (though not actually ransacked, it just looks that way). Staff and customers can roll a 1d6 and apply the following OPTIONAL effect to themselves, this is just meant to be for a bit of fun during the event:

  1. Horny and sticky! A foot, or hand or piece of clothing is now stuck fast in pink goo and can't easily be removed. The piece of clothing affected can always be removed, but if that's not possible (or desired) then waiting 30 minutes for the substance to finally dry up will result in the stuck body part to be pulled free. If this substance gets into contact with skin or fur, it slowly applies a LP9 effect. Not quite as intense, but victims get hornier the longer they are exposed!
  2. Slip & slide! It's suddenly impossible to keep your footing! This can either be doing an amazing impromptu tapdance to try and stay upright or sailing cartoonishly into a wall or counter etc. Landing IN this particular puddle might stain clothing a bright neon green (which can be washed out... eventually)
  3. Slimes! Getting into contact with this particular puddle causes the reddish liquid to suddenly expand and become malleable. The goo swells up and failure to notice will result in the victim becoming stuck inside it, swallowed by the expanding mass. Somehow, through strange sciencey magics, victims can still breathe and talk if they find themselves fully submerged inside the slime. Whether this leaves any body parts exposed for teasing or play is up to the victim but the slime itself won't and can't be chewed or swallowed or even enter any mouths or other orifices. All it does is prevent movement for up to one hour before the reaction finally stops and the victim can pull themselves free as the goo recedes back into it's liquid form.
  4. A feast for the senses! This slick liquid drips from the ceiling, making a slippery puddle on the floor. Whether slipping and falling into the yellowish liquid or enough of it dripping onto the victims head, the victim suddenly experiences the effects of Cook's Talent, Duessas Touch, Ear of the Chirot, Elven Eyes and Wolvens Flair all at once for one hour, followed by 30 minutes of all the affected senses being very dulled. (Everything looks blurry, everything sounds like it's being heard through water, little sense of taste or smell and everything feels a little numb)
  5. This is nice! When this particular puddle is disturbed, a powerful scent is released and anybody smelling it feels the immediate calming effects of Feelings of Well Being, Nerve Settling, Stress Relief and Inhibition Reduction, but with the downside of being a little airheaded and forgetful. The victim will need removed from the scent lest they spend the next hour blissfully standing/sitting there with barely a thought passing through their mind. Once the effect ends (after 30 minutes or by being removed from the cloud), the victim feels as though they just had a long, relaxing meditation
  6. Nudist colony! This particular puddle is potent to say the least. The viscous, neon orange goo drips from the ceiling and if it lands on any piece of clothing, the orange liquid slowly spreads from the contact point, turning everything invisible and leaving the victim looking naked! This effect lasts until the goo is washed out. The victim can instead choose that the neon orange goo is too potent, and burns away the seams of their clothes, making them fall away and leaving the victim entirely naked (this damage can be repaired with the Mend spell later)

Remember, this is all a bit of optional fun to spice up work logs or purchase scenes!
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Wadeywade on Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:33 am

Lightning Rod Distillery: Ch. 2
Funeral for a Friend
(the burial and wake of Diana Spencer Prince uth Matar)
(given that this storyline is sort of loose intentionally because, we all live in different time zones lol.. so it will run thru today but everyone is welcome to stop by the distillery near Virelith to pay their respects is they knew her. there will be drinks and light snacks also.. )
...The burial had cone and gone, Wade remains though to add fuel to the fire and keep it burning through the night and far into the next day. Once the fire burned down, Wade coated what was left with a thick coat of lime powder before he began the slow process of filling in the hole by hand. removing the dirt had been one matter but ge felt Diana deserved a more personal touch in the final part. Red ochre earth began to pile deep as he added it relatively evenly over the lime coating. this took a very long time, Wade had to stop many times because of sore muscles or, a heavy heart. but he plodded forward and when the sun would have risen he finally completed his task. At the end, Wade makes an X from two old broken barrel hoops, driving two points into the red earth and leaving the other two forever reaching for a sky they'd never reach; a reminder to him to where Diana lay and that his task was still unfinished..
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Naomi on Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:40 pm


Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Ray`el on Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:42 pm

Noble connections and Thallis Update.

Ray`el was seen in Deth fixing his home, and visiting the Mouth of Deth to find out how the new city was doing. He was also offering add. The Moriel used his potent magic to help their Port. The man knew it well as he had helped design it in the previous year. So he went about helping which included fixing ships as he did his own through naval magic, and bringing up the ships lost to the deep with his hydromancy. The Moriel also left notice of Thallis willing to help Dethsris in this time of need, if this ended up being some form of attack as they were hit the hardest. The Moriel spent hours helping them and the area before going home. Letters left for Lord Archaon and Lady Vexademus they could easily reach the moriel if needed

the Moriel was then seen in the Main land proper. Checking over his personal holdings in the day. the Moriel looked tired. worn from all that had happened but still was taking care of his people. The Man cleaning up the personal keep, and setting into its structure being fixed. His staff and the others lived there healed, or taken to the town to be healed, he did not care if it was a lowly cook or general helper. the man took care of his own. the Man taking care of visiting his personal cabin and finding the dead Battle chicken.


The Moriel last seen making it home.. Having Not slept in the day proper between helping the hardest hit areas. the Man had gone through and checked the river back.. Not taking the portal. He checked and sent the local boat captains. the man helping the people who protected and guided the river. the man seen going towards the basement of the castle once back. the Moriel heard blasting and ripping apart dummies with his magic as he saw more of his people become hurt.

Damn His surface wife and others. He had gained a fucking conscious about people under him. As soon he found out who started this war.. he would end it, even if it killed him to drag all their souls to the bottom of the ocean with him.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Tawny on Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:25 pm


The massive BOOM and following Chaos Was something that awakened Uvelcra from a nice nap and that made him grumpy. Though he loved the Chaos it wasn't something he enjoyed not being the creator of. Once everything seemed to have settled down he looked about and raised his fist in anger and shook it. The ground around and in Valencia was hit with another massive earthquake crumbling more building as the volcano that protected Valencia, roared to live and a great billow of black smoke rose high in the sky but most would not see since the sun was no longer able to shine its light. But they would surely see the lava that began spilling down the side of the great mountain. If they somehow missed that show of his anger, the next could not be missed. Suddenly everything everywhere became Hot. Something had taken the sun and its warmth away and now Uvelcra allowed his building rage to show. Nothing was safe from this heat. Waters in ponds, lakes, and even the rivers was so hot that touching it for more than a few seconds would cause flesh to redden and if left in contact would bring blisters to the flesh within only a minute. The ground was hotter than any desert sands and even being inside gave little escape from it. The normally cooling winds offered nothing of the sort since it moved the heat as if it was blowing over a giant fire making it feel like a huge blanket of excessive heat was being a wrapped about everything.
Since he had no idea who had taken the sun and the light, all would pay the price of the crime until he was convinced that it wasn't all the people whom carried the blame. The only place that offered any coolness was his temple.
Meadow stayed in prayer and fasting pleading for his temper to cool and for him to withdraw the heat. She begged forgiveness and mercy for the lands and the people. And through her guards she sent out flyers all over the lands asking for prayers to be given in his name. The temple which was the only place that offered any shelter from his temper was open to any who wished to enter and find a bit of coolness from the scorching heat. Say a prayer or give offering on the anvil to Uvelcra helping to show not all people had forgotten him and was not to blame for the loss of the sun and light and sooth his temper so the He might end the heat wave.

This is a subplot of the on going SL created by L`aquera and may be played out or ignored just the main SL.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby CallieO on Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:19 pm

Nairun's house

Erin Tarcata was in the greenhouse outside Nairun's hosue, picking tomatoes for the spaghetti dinner she had planned for them, when the greenhouse shattered around her. A large shard of glass from the greenhouse wall sliced through her left arm at the shoulder like a spoon through an avocado, severing it. She fell to the ground in shock, and then the ceiling caved in, sending another glass shard through her forehead, right between her still-open eyes. Ironically, the two tomatoes she'd just picked were completely unharmed. But Erin was very much dead.

Nairun was in the house at the time, which suffered the collapse of one wall, but he was unhurt. He came running, but it was too late. After cleaning her up some in the stream, he took her to the Healing House.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Amethine on Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:22 am

Healing around the Empire

Things are bad with a lot of people needing resurrected or injured, and that's just near Nanthalion! So Amethine, along with Airy and Abby, have been travelling to the various provinces of the Empire (Thallis, Valencia, Sha'Shir, Virelith and Dethsiris) to establish healing relief and supply routes. Areas that have already set up an established area for refugees or healing then Amethine would improve that instead of setting up a new spot (i.e. the satellite HH in Thallis). The A-Team will be helping establish supply routes from these healing camps with the HH in nanthalion as the hub.

The idea is to streamline sending people or supplies to their destination, each province will have a dedicated area to send the injured, dead or any supplies intended for HH use. Anybody can simply order them to be delivered there and trust that from there they'll get to wherever they're needed to go, to save at least that headache from the leaders who already have enough on their plate!

If no established areas exist in a particular province, then Amethine would set up a simple camp of a few tents with a few healers and first aiders for triage so that people will arrive to the HH in Nanthalion alive for proper healing, or at least more prepared for rezzing.

A-Team to the rescue!

[If anybody has any questions or any province leaders want to discuss details with me, please pm me here or in IRC! I wanted to have this posted earlier but life has a habit of getting in the way of things]
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Naomh on Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:44 am

In response to


Even earth and stone can be worn down and eroded. Exhausted now being a constant state for her, fear and worry forced to be hidden deep inside, the sky still gone and the oppressive heat causing even the water to be dangerous combined with frayed tempers and chaos was starting to ensue. More than a few noses have been bloodied now as more direct means of keeping order has been made an unfortunate necessity, and even the Lady of Thallis was nursing a bruise or two of her own when word came in from the Temple of Uvelcra in Valencia giving answer to where the heat was coming from.

Many choice words were given then, cracks forming in Naomh's composure forming into full breaks, then a landslide of emotion coming out. For over a week now she's been dealing with dead and dying, no sun, concern for her loved ones, fear for those who look up to her for help and guidance. Her farms, her people, her family, her home, the beasts under her care. All of it was badly damaged and now Uvelcra's trying to cook it all away with scorching heat? She did have respect for him, what proper person wouldn't have respect for a god? But enough was enough.

"He's havin' a breakdown hissy fit 'cause he can't have a li'l sun?! A lotta people are already dead an' now he's jus' gonna kill everyone 'cause he's jus' so FUCKIN' angry over somethin' we ain't done? 'cause he feels forgotten 'bout? Rand! Send a message to the Temple of Ishtar! See if a buncha priestesses, or even if Ishtar herself, can't go an' stroke his ego. Make him blow off some fuckin' steam!"
Naomh's tails flick in frustration and she takes a deep breath, calling out to the guardsman again. "...In words a bit more politer'n that, if you please, Rand. Thank ya darlin'."

Sometimes the best cure for frustration was a good bang, maybe with a bit of luck, and some talented Ishtarites, Uvelcra's rage can be soothed. At least long enough for a chance to recover before everything in the empire cooks to death.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Vexademus on Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:26 am


The humid lands of Dethsiris had sustained the most damage from the catastrophe. The apocalyptic rend of SOMETHING that tore through the air like an angry goddess flipping the Table of Destiny was prefaced by the brilliant flash; the only warning that anyone received before the cataclysmic wave that followed, knowing buildings, trees, and people over with a punch of finality. Unexpected damage, death, and sheer shock were the initial effects and those who could move in those first few moments did so very slowly. There was a world-over wonder to those that survived: WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?

And to those that didn't make it, they were welcomed to their respective paradises; still confused but cared for.


To say there was a mad scramble would have been a lie. That came later. After the blast, for those that weren't knocked unconscious, it was only "Find breath." And upon taking the first few and blinking away the debris from teary eyes, they began to dig out or reach for whomever they could.

Along the farmlands, hovels were flatter than paper. Farmhouses were laced jutting wood folded inwards and livestock was laid out against also swept flat grass. Higher up, some of the baronies and landholders were a little more fortunate; though not by much. Like an elemental throwing a tantrum and rocking the earth and wind, most domiciles were stripping of decor with additions being devastated. Whole swathes of hot vineyards; gone.

The jungle fared no better. Broken worse than the destruction of the twisting hurricanes, broken limbs exposed the lush ground coverage to...air. As there was no sun. Only this strange glowing and tittering sky of twilight fog hung lower than the heaviest of cumulonimbus coverage. The air was rife with charge and pregnant with oncoming frustrated anger.

So was the way inside Lord Archaon's Stronghold. Many were beginning to drag their friends, co-workers, and lovers from under toppled furniture and even from under some structural damage of rubble in some areas. The drak'sen noble himself had sustained pain that sunk through his chest deeply, bringing him to a singular knee. Once he caught his breath, however, he found his bonded mate and possessively bound her away to rest until he could emerge to assess the damage in full. The feeling of Wraith's sorrow was gilded upon his back as there were lost eggs and younglings from the seeming magical squall.

Over the next day or so, some concentrated in and around the Stronghold to report the land's losses and to inquire if there was information on what exactly had transpired. The loss of the sunlight had been chilling the air. Reports filtered in from Alyssa`Shadowfall, Dante`Ambrogio, James`Vodera, Rolan, and many more. Some had even spoken that there were operations for resurrections, healings, and construction already beginning; which was consolatory. The strange fog blanketing the sky with the solitary speck of promise had everyone wondering if there was some long-lost prophecy being fulfilled that no text had warned scholars of. The sister moons were missing and so were their cold cohorts; the twinkling stars.

The losses and sorrow were a fueling current, pushing those that dealt with the land's hardships ever harder. Those that survived knew there would be a time to mourn and so, hitched up by the knowledge of that - again - began to search and clear and rescue. The local population of indigenous peoples, mixed with travelers' blood, gave them the advantage. Adaptability beyond simple greed and the never-ending thirst for evolution. To survive was one thing; to thrive was the ultimate goal. And Dethsiris had a way to survive the worst and always come out the best.


For the fuller story: viewtopic.php?f=286&t=25064

"In the whispers of the wind and water to the dance of the flames in the rock, behold the mystic weave of aether, for within every shimmering ember of energy lies the tale of destiny entwined and the magic that binds my soul to the arcanic tapestry eternal."
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Wadeywade on Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:26 pm

(this will also be found in the Stories section of the board.)

The Deep
(this story takes place over the next five days onnthe island of Il Mutah Har, owned by Beian Perano (with express permission). his description has been changed accordingly.)

Wade had withdrawn to the Island of Il Mutah Har, the cataclysm that had struck the Ilifrian Empire had wrought a great deal of loss upon his life. Not as much as it could have, but enough to cause him to come here. The Lady ruled here, so Wade knew for now, at least, it was safe. It was also quiet, a moderate portion of its' wildlife was killed as well, but the buildings were sheltered by the decaying cone. Wade hefts a bag to the cliffs' edge and then upends it, launching his arnor into the sea.

It never touched anything but water, landing in the deep water inside the cone; Wade tosses the bag over his shoulder as he makes his way away from the cliff to the small temple built there. Going inside the building Wade knelt before the Ladys' statue, sure he had done the right thing. he would message Lay and give her the option to join him or carry on the business, to which he'd hand her the whole thing; he had done it before. Wade wanted his last to be in contemplation of pulling another to a place where they'd die and although it was a "peace time" death, his friend still died.

Wade rose, and headed to the small living quarters there, moving inside he made himself a meal, but once it was ready he sent his message to Lay: he was in the Ladys' Sanctuary on Il Mutah Har. If she wanted to join him, that whole message. Wade ate, cleaned up and then spent a few hours pouring over his holy texts he'd had copied by Kree; then just after sundown, he turned in.

Wade stood in a field. It was a pretty broad space that was completely flat with knee-high grass. Wade strode forward slowly in his dream-state unaware he was dreaming and then, arrows. Millions of them it seemed streamed from the blue sky, blotting it out before a thousand painful piercing blows struck him. Wade fell instantly, unable to brace himself against the onslaught. Looking up at the once-again blue sky he coughed, bloody foam staining his lips and then, She appeared: Trieste, The Lady and his goddess. Smiling sadly, she reaches down and words bang upon his mind even though her lips dont move: "Your grief is great, But I need you to Get up." when he reached for her and their hands almost met, Wade woke up with a start.

Drawing a shuddering breath, he wondered even as the images began to fade, what it meant. getting up Wade strode to the door and opened it, only to be greeted by no sun, or moons.. or stars. Sighing Wade stode up to the mini-temple, and spent a few hours praying before setting about cleaning the effects of the disaster from the island. although Brian Perano had been given official ownership, it was Wades' initial efforts that built the place so he felt a sense of stewardship. Wade also felt he COULD do something here, something to make right what had happened.

The task would be momumental and cover days, so he paced himself. after cleaning rotting carcasses for three or four hours he hit the bath facilities on the island, and then would retire back to the temple, where he would just sit for awhile, sitting crosslegged at the statues' feet reading, comtemplating; after awhile of this, he would retire to have dinner. Then after a bit more reading and praying, he would sleep.

or so he thought.

The same dream returned, and somehow the same result happened, even though his mind was vaguely aware thos had happened in his mind before. Waking the same way, Wade sat up and rubbed his face. This time he remembered it better, though not completely. he had no idea -what- The Lady was trying to say.. Clambering out of bed Wade went about his working day pretty much the same; the clean-up, the bath then an afternoon of study and prayer. This cycle carries on for another day before Wade discovers: it may not be a dream, but a message..

On the fourth night Wade first, realized he was dreaming and cast Fur Armor in the dream but, it doesnt change the outcome at all. The second thing that occured that was different was what the Lady says and does: This time, she would frown down and says, " I thought you were quicker than this, in more ways than one. your loss is great, but only partial. Don't let me down.. I won't be so nice next time."

And with that, Wade pancaked on the floor because somehow he got wound up in blankets and sheets around the thighs and knees and when he tried to rise, he fell instead. Although not badly hurt Wade had to extricate himself before he could rise, his four tails "Umm, what.??" Wade says flatly to the narrator turning around and realizing indeed, he was down a tail. "Well, Fuck." he says, "Didn't see that coming." Rubbing his forehead he tries to think: What did he need? Starting at the beginning Wade began to tear apart the dream:

"First, there is the open field. theres no cover, no trees and blue skies. huh. " He contemplates, talking to himself (or the narrator, its hard to tell at this point) as he works through it. "Its' vulnerable, unprotected. a reflection of my inner state. I mean, loss does that to a guy. and I've lost alot but; not like this.. not so dear. and yet not all was lost. that is why the grass was so," Wade gestures subconsciously to his knee level, "Enough to protect me but only once I'd fallen. then come the arrows.. "

Wade strolls around the island randomly at this point, going about the task of finishing the clean-up, but as he does he reasons and argues with himself; attempting to, at some level, try to find what he missed. "Even fur armor fails.." And then Wade came the realization that, had he been wearing -his- armor, then maybe he could have withstood the barrage as he had in the Goblin Wars. Wade gives an a heavy sigh of resignation because he realizes what comes next: Wade has to go swimming! Making his way to the black sand beach, Wade strips down, making his way into the cold, cold water. Swimming out. Wade positions himself a few meters from shore where the cliff hung above, and dives.. Kicking his way down he looks around, before finally nabbing the Faux plate. Carrying it to the surface Wade gasps for air, it was pretty deep, ten meters to be sure, so Wade paddles to shore taking his time.

This means eight separate dives; it took several hours and Wade even had to use a Light spell to see his targets after awhile. Once he got it all to shore Wade inspected it and cast Mend on the cloth bits, but the metal.. the Mithril was fine, the Faux plate was pitted and scarred now, even after a limited time in the water.
Wade carries it all up to where he had set up a makeshift forge, and began cleaning it. once he had taken care of the main body of the armor, Wade took the Faux plate apart and then began to reforge it; Wade reshapes the plates giving them a curved, fendered feel; while they were still hot, he inscribed Mephos-sized and shaped scales into the plates.

Then came the repainting: Wade painted his whole armor a charcoal, matte black that seemed to soak in light or that the wearer was made of walking shadow, the only accent was two stripes of silver on each shoulder, shaped like bolts of lightning. "Mark two." Wade says softly.
The final touch was blacking out the helmet, Wade then puts the armor on the rack, tiredly he would retire without prayers and just a small meal. The dream would return but, as he had imagined, Wade had his armor and it does protect him; the black armor isn't even scratched by the dream-arrows. This time, they pass right through him as if he had cast Intangibility but, he had fully retained his physical form, not become the misty cloud he was now.

Wade woke this time but he was actually wearing the armor, even though he had hung it up the night before: His fifth tail had returned too, but it was the color that stuck him not of one tail, but all of them and his fur, as well: it was black as his armor.

Wade had changed color.

Snapping up his black cloak Wade slung it on, stepping out into the darkness he took to the air, flying west.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby CallieO on Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:23 am


The Dethsiris Vulpine Temple, by The Lady's Divine Grace, was spared of any damage whatsoever. Tennibrook Balmossie, High Priestess of the temple, has been welcoming in refugees of all races to take rooms in the temple, usually in groups of two or three to a room. Meals in the dining room are communally shared. Healers are on hand.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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