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February 8-12th, Dethsiris Hurricanes.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:24 pm
by Infernis
On roughly the 12th of February, this coming Friday, Dethsiris will be hit by multiple hurricanes.

It is highly encouraged that Dethsiris people and anyone visiting the city in that time frame to be aware of repeated waves of powerful thunderstorms, rising storm tides and powerful winds capable of grounding any and all flying creatures.

Damage to structures is to be expected and those residing in the city are expected to take these weather conditions in account when RPing there.

This is a good example to do something different and have fun.


Re: February 8-12th, Dethsiris Hurricanes.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:03 pm
by Aleric
Nighthawke will be there with a kite,,,

Re: February 8-12th, Dethsiris Hurricanes.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 3:18 pm
by Vexademus
The vulpine Wade arrived on his property with a mixed expression of anger and awe. Maybe more anger. He had to get a better view. The talented air mage flew up a bit and summoned the winds, like those that caused it. Finding the ground again, he moved the tangles of wood, flattening them out so he can stack it and see what he can save. "Son of a bitch," he growls, dropping the piles. "Fine mess you've got here."

He begins stacking boards and bricks by hand, grumbling the whole time that if this was caused by someone, he would gut them alive in a way that wouldn't be instant death; then pike them on a sharp stick. Everything was destroyed including the house his mother grew up in, which was an especially bitter and jagged pill.

Vexademus had found that her mephos, Big Sugar - had been grounded during the storms and tucked away. The large creature had scratched, howled, roared, and paced the first basement area of The Great Dome during the horrendous winds and torrential rains. Luckily, the damage was minimal since it was located so far inland from the shores of Dethsiris. Having finally gotten obsidian-bodied creature afloor again, she stroked the silver-blue mane, carefully flying towards the Guzzler atop that ornate saddle. The air smelled different and would continue being scented differently for weeks. Would this put a hold on the bonding ceremony to take place at the end of the second week of Wolfmoon? That light robery she used while in the humid lands flittered as she banked right in her southerly direction, finding Wade's land and all the destruction wrought over it. Hell bells, was the entirety of the land like this? Were those...bodies of sea creatures? This far inland?

The six-foot vulpine stacks and stacks, going about it pragmatically. He hears the mephos cry but he's focused on his dangerous footing. Ears swiveled, perked for the landing.

The mage's cherry wood gaze tried to surmise the destruction. But...there was so much of it. A camerie leg with talons was seen shriveled up in a puddle near the edge of the clearing where so much mess of a home was laid out like a crunched box of angrily strewn pieces. Banking once more while that streaked hair flew behind her, Big Sugar flapped those wings harder and harder to hover a halt and drop in altitude, finding a place to land, unceremoniously amidst a dire muddy soaked patch. A shake of the head from the mephos and a blown-out breath signaled her distaste and the magess couldn't blame her. She looped a leg over the saddle and slide from, landing in the muck with those white boots accompanied under the white robery in the hot sun. Really, the first time the sun had been seen in weeks due to the warm winter rains. She began approaching with suctioned steps.

Wade stands up, though most of the wood is flat on the mud, he balances easily on one of the few remaining jumbles. "Be careful!" he calls out his voice echoing oddly. "There's a lot of debris around. Seriously, watch your step. Not much glass, but tons of nails and broken brick."

She drew the robe's hem up further so as not to drag the material, but it was only half-hearted. Looking to the silvery-furred vulpine, she nods quietly and slows, finding some small kaya to balance on, mud clearly painted on her lower booted footing. "All of this is how you found it?"

"Damage wise? Yeah. I spread it out and then have begun to sort the mess. But, pretty much..," he trails off with a sigh. "I hear every city was hit by the disaster. I wonder if the distillery survived. If this is any indication; I'm sunk. Thousands of mehrial spent; lost." He sits down. "I'll kill whoever is responsible. I swear by The Lady, it will be a slow, agonizing death, too."

Vexademus continued to scan the area, looking at how the grasses were flattened as if by a large rolling pin, everything looked muddy and smelled strongly of wet earth. She exhaled a breath out pursed lips, a whistle sounding as she roamed those lashed eyes over the desolation. She could still feel the hum of the land and its ever saturation of magic, but it was muted. After the land had been punched and raked and torn in opposite directions by each successive hurricane, she really had no words of comfort to offer the vulpine. She shook her head in response, "I think it was natural..."

"It better have been. Or someone's future just got really short. I'll delve into it further, once I clean all this up. but right now I just...can't. I'm trying to contact Lay, but cannot find her. So, I'm looking for Stormwind and...the same thing." He stands up, his robes aflutter angrily, "I have to go." Then he's gone, rocketed into the air and turning south, vanishing in an instant.

Vexademus watched him up and away while she shielded her eyes, craning her head back. Turning, she almost slipped off that rock but caught herself before falling into the muck. Slogging back to a preening mephos, she carefully climbed on and turned her, giving her plenty of room to begin a run to take flight, the spellshaper bouncing and rocking right along before the tummy-flip of being winged into the air. She was turning to fly the beast towards the east to begin her assessment of things. It looked terrible and seemed to only get worse the farther along she went.

From everything she surveyed, it simply seemed worse. And worse. Her assessment from the Stronghold as well as to The Great Dome, from those returning to find their homes washed away or still completely underwater; felt catastrophic. The gouging winds from multiple hurricanes and the tornadoes they spawned had bent and beat the land abusively. The fact that long strewn coral beds had been broken and thrown like so many discarded bones along the coasts showed the grey-green clouded contrast instead of the colorful dappling of the ocean floor in the shallows. Wrecks and rocks had been churned up from the deeper parts of the southern ocean waters of Dethsiris. Multiple bodies had been seen either floating in the floodwaters or laid out on drying land. They were numerous and included fish, dolphins, one or two small whales, wild cameries, some merfolk, and other sea life.


The way that some merpeople were identified was from their style of jewelry still on their mangled dried out human figures. Others were twisted old bodies, aged from dehydration and broken innards, still sporting their husked tails. Some of the local people have recovered a half-cut statue of Akakios, a malevolent deity of some merfolk; measuring 3 feet and it's only a half-bust representation.

The devastation wrought by the strong storm has also landed a few bodies of jungle imps, namely a couple of water imps that looked to have been drowned - which is odd - and what might have been a fire imp; the small adorable thing looking like wet charcoal and curled in on itself.


The two known Passion trees are wilted but not dead. They look to be struggling to survive the receding waters and have been bent by the horrendous winds from the multiple hurricanes buffeting the jungles. Many of their deep roots and tangle systems were pulled out like a seamstress's stitches from the ground and are trying to find their way back into the soil. As the winds have died down somewhat, the imps have taken to living near the heart trees, almost as if they were called to serve the industrious vegetation.


Some wild young mephos were flung through the tornadoes created from the series of hammering blows of these storms. These were more flung towards the south and will need to be either buried or burned as soon as the waters completely recede. Same with the small bloated whales. These can be either burned or picked clean by the jungle's creatures that will re-emerge to their broken but still striving homes.

The amount of fish flung to land was immeasurable. The waters are dangerous right now because, as reported by some of the merfolk on land, the liquid is cloudy and cooler from the upsetting churning that the ocean experienced when the storms' winds pulled the denser fluid up from the deeper floor.

The storm surges were violent. The rainfall flooding was furious. The multiple tornadoes spawned from this vicious natural occurrence had torn up many places inside Dethsiris. Other places looked to have been almost untouched; minorly inconvenienced. Seemed rather unfair, didn't it? But, whoever said Gaea was wholly benevolent?

Player of: Vexademus, Magralel, Zimothy{Rue}, Noland{mkth}