Enchanting Classes to start this month!

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Enchanting Classes to start this month!

Postby Swan Maiden Selenity on Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:01 pm

I am in the final stage of completing my lesson plans for the Enchanting classes! I plan to do the class at least twice a week with two times for each day I do them. I want to do a time that works well for our European players and our american players. Times will be in Central Time Zone.

For example I am considering a time of
1pm Central for our european players which will put it at roughly 8pm for those in the same timezone as Berlin/Munich Germany.

And a time of 7 pm Central time for the non Euro residents.

Saturday I am open to suggestions of times.

This is for the months of October, November, and December for the first session of these lessons. The remainder of October will cover Enchanting basics. November will be dedicated to intermediate levels and Advanced for the more time consuming and harder to understand topics.

These classes are open to all, those that wish to learn enchanting and those that wish to review or hone in their skills.

Those that are employees at the SS will have the final test count as their enchanting certification. Each month there will be a test for the level being taught. These tests are both given icly and oocly. There will be sproadic quizzes given in class as well.

Please Contact Selenity either here on the boards or on irc.

Characters Selenity plays are:
Selenity|Nie|-Concubine of Nienna
Layla Masters- Dressmaker at the bella
Nevara- Wolveness
Nita, Kimimela, Luthiel Silvirenniel, and Ithilwen Nimwen
01. Selenity 02. Layla Masters 03. Kimimela 04. Luthiel Silvirenniel 05. Ithilwen Nimwen 06. Nevara 07. Nita 08. Tali`sia Noriah(Des-Talisia Noriah) 09. Dione
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Swan Maiden Selenity
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:47 am

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