Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP

Posts for characters in need of a jump start to reanimate their vital bits.

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Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP

Postby lyllamarie on Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:19 pm

Resurrections are freelance, but will still require Admin approval to be granted the ability to perform resurrections. Resurrections will still be available through the Temples, but will also begin through other approved locations for qualified healers and religious leaders. Freelance Resurrections will also enable the smaller temples and shrines to provide this service (such as Sheara and the Vulpine Lady).
Character Requirements

  • Requirements: Cleric x2, Priest x1, Druid x3, Heirophant x1, Healer x3, Shaman x3 and at least level 10.
  • High Priests and Assistant High Priests can become Resurrectors but they will need to go through the same training as a cleric or priest. Please note that while this means they won't receive an IOP for rezzing, they must still follow the guidelines of the divine based rezzing ritual steps in order to rez (see the Divine rezzing steps below).
  • Those wishing to become Resurrectors must apply OOCly with the person in charge of Resurrections or in charge of the Temples. Currently Matwyn, Amara, or Miyuka.
  • Once OOCly approved, there will be an ic interview and ‘apprenticeship’ where the new Resurrector will work with an existing one to ‘learn the ropes’ and develop their skills, be they religious Resurrectors or Healers. Healers and Shaman *MUST* learn the skill from either a healer or a Shaman, as they work differently than religious Resurrections.
  • Upon completion of the apprenticeship, a log of a Resurrection the apprentice performed/assisted with will be submitted for approval to either Matwyn, Miyuka, or Amara. You’ll be notified if approved and advised on the next steps to take.
  • Once approved, Resurrectors will be granted a specialty item, an IoP that counts towards the five limit per character, by the Empire, which will include spells/abilities to allow them to perform the resurrections themselves.

Location Requirements

  • Locations will not employ Resurrectors as such on their payroll, though they can hold any other position offered. Resurrectors will be paid half the Resurrection cost the rest gets subbed as normal.
  • Resurrections must take place in a Temple or Shrine in the case of a Deity based Resurrection, and such Resurrectors would specialize in their own religion (A Gaean Rezzer would not perform a Resurrection in the CODL for example). Healer, druid, Heirophant, or Shaman (aka non-denominational) Resurrections may take place in the Healer’s Hall, a Noble’s Home, Palace, or even the Imperial Guards Headquarters. (for IC safety reasons for the person being Rezzed and the Healer involved)
  • Bodies must still be healed before resurrection. As a Healer’s Rezz takes a lot of effort (read stamina) on the Healer’s part, this would have to be done by a second healer or on a different day than the Rezz itself. It must be noted that bodies cannot be moved without OP permission from one Temple to another Temple. A body can be moved from the HH to a different place of rezzing.
  • Non denominational Resurrections will work a bit differently than Deity Resurrections, requiring a ritual that includes mundane, herbal and magical means to perform (the basis for almost all healing) and will require a lot of the Healer’s personal stamina. The spells required to perform resurrections will be contained in a specialty IoP granted by the Empire. A ritual has been developed for use, but personalization and changes will be allowed given that they meet the criteria for a Rezz and are role played out within character (including research into them).

If you are interested in becoming a resurrector, and you meet the qualifications, feel free to let Matwyn, Amara, or Miyuka know so they can get you started.

How to get rezzed

  • Step 1 - You die. This can happen all kinds of different ways, but it results in death.
  • Step 2 - You must be healed first before you can be brought back to life. Please be aware that you do not have to be a healer to accomplish this. Those who are Master in the First Aid/Triage skill can prep bodies for rezzing.
  • Step 3 - You must be taken to the Healer’s Hall first and foremost before your body can be released to other locations for a resurrection.
  • Step 4 - You post to the resurrections board. Please, please, please include the following information:

    • Character Name
    • What number of death it is for said character
    • That they have been healed
    • A general idea of when you are on so the Rezzer can make scheduling easier
  • Step 5 - Wait 24 hours from the time you posted your need to be rezzed.
  • Step 6 - Keep checking the boards for an answer from a Rezzer, and make the necessary arrangements.
  • Step 7 - Show up to your appointment, pay the Rezzer, and enjoy the RP.

Rezzing Cost

Being rezzed is horribly draining upon your character, and every time you die, your soul's grip upon its mortal vessel weakens. And as it weakens, it becomes increasingly difficult to bring them back to life, and the harder it is for the Resurrector to revive you, the more they charge. As such, the cost are as follows: For the first resurrection, it is 100 mehrials. For each subsequent death after the first, the price increases by a sum of 200 mehrials per step, starting at 200 mehrials. In other words, your first death costs 100 mehrials, then 200, then 400, then 600, then 800, then 1,000, etc.

Additional info

While it is possible to gain an IOP through this method, it is required that those who own these IOP's maintain the requirements for their class in order to be considered and remain as rezzers. This means that if you take on an advance class that causes you to lose your class related status (i.e. Shaman x3 and advance into necromancer), you lose the ability to use your IOP. If you get a reset and that reset causes you to no longer have the proper status for the IOP, then you no longer can use your IOP and be a rezzer (i.e. A cleric X2 who resets and becomes a shaman x3 as this causes them to go from divine to non-divine). Please consider this when choosing to sign up and be a Rezzer. It is a very important decision to make.

Yes, you may need to wait for a rez. That is an unfortunate side-effect of being dead, you are not really up to tapping people on the shoulder and politely inquiring where the nearest resurrector is. But, how long to wait ...? The ideal solution would be that you are 'processed' with a day or so of your demise, with an IC resurrection. Sometimes things do not go ideally, and no resurrectors can be around when you are for a while, for whatever reason: RL constraints, Time Zone differences, etc., etc. In such cases, and after at least 5 days has elapsed since your post of your death, you may, politely, ask an Op if they would be willing to perform an NPC-based resurrection for you.

It must be noted that while it is not possible to obviously RP your character when he or she is dead, it is alright to RP past or paused scenes. Permission to do so must be granted by an OP and will be allowed on a case by case basis. If the op says no, then you must adhere to their ruling and move on.


Level: N/A
Item: IoP
Race: Any
Item’s Base: Ring/Necklace/Amulet/Bracelet
Item’s Name: Ishtars Healing Touch/ Kirva's Sense of Self/ Gaea's Flowery Birth (etc)
Item Abilities: Purifying the Form (1 Slot - OOB), Call the Spirit (1 Slot - OOB), The Gift of LIfe (1 Slot1 - OOB)
Total Slots Used: 3/3

Purifying the Form (1 Slot - OOB)

Before any resurrection can be done, there are certain things that need to be dealt with and sorted, to allow for the proper gift of life to infuse with the form requiring it. The first step is to prepare both the deceased and the one performing the ritual in readiness for what is to come. The exact steps that are taken depends upon the person involved in the ritual, but one thing that is needed no matter who it is, is the approval of their god or goddess, and this is what this ability does. It allows a single prayer to be lifted to their deities ears so that the can request the power to continue the resurrection and claim from death what should be in life.

Mechs - Costing 1 stamina, and only to be used after both patient and resurrector have been cleansed and prepared for the ordeal that is to follow. This ability is the first thing that has to be utilized in order for a resurrection to begin and be successful.

Calling The Spirit (1 Slot - OOB)

The second part in the resurrection of anyone no matter what race or religion they come from, is to summon their spirit from the realm of death back to where their body lies. This is done in a variety of forms depending on the religion and even the nature of the person doing the summoning, but it all ends the same way, with the spirit of the one to be rezzed left tethered back to their body waiting for life to be poured into it and therefore dragging them back to life. The tether only lasts for 24 hours and if a resurrection attempt is not made within this time frame, then the spirit must be called once again to the body.

Mechs - This ability costs three quarters of the resurrector’s full stamina and takes 1 round to cast the spirit can return at the beginning of the next round. If the casting is interrupted it will be unsuccessful and must be cast again. (i.e. the resurrector has 40 STA, it would cost 30 STA to cast). The ability will leave the spirit of the one to be rezzed tethered to their body for the next 24 hours, and it is within this time that a resurrection attempt must be made, or their spirit must be called again.

The Gift Of Life (1 Slot - OOB)

The last part in the resurrection of someone, is the gifting of life into their form to bring their spirit and their mortal shell back into one being. Once their spirit is tethered to their body, then the one performing the ritual can start to pour life energy back into their dead shell, to start the process of joining physical and spiritual forms into one being again and bring them back to the realm of life.

Mechs - This ability costs the resurrector 1 stamina for every one life point they wish to return to the target being resurrected. For the resurrection to be successful they have to return at least one quarter of the victim's life to them before they can fully become alive once more.


Level: N/A
Item: IoP
Race: Any
Item’s Base: Ring/Necklace/Amulet/Bracelet
Item’s Name:
Item Abilities: Linking the Bodies (1 Slot - OOB), Call the Spirit (1 Slot - OOB), The Gift of LIfe (1 Slot1 - OOB)
Total Slots Used: 3/3

Linking the Bodies (1 Slot - OOB)

Before any resurrection can be done, there are certain things that need to be dealt with and sorted, to allow for the proper gift of life to infuse with the form requiring it. The first step is to prepare both the deceased and the one performing the ritual in readiness for what is to come. The exact steps that are taken depends upon the person involved in the ritual, but once they have prepared the dead body for the resurrection they can then infuse both themselves and the dead body with a link, enabling them to continue the resurrection using their own body and soul as the anchor to which they will bind all else in order to make the ritual a success.

Mechs - Costing 1 stamina, and only to be used after both patient and resurrector have been cleansed and prepared for the ordeal that is to follow. This ability is the first thing that has to be utilized in order for a resurrection to begin and be successful.

Calling The Spirit (1 Slot - OOB)

The second part in the resurrection of anyone no matter what race or religion they come from, is to summon their spirit from the realm of death back to where their body lies. This is done in a variety of forms depending on the religion and even the nature of the person doing the summoning, but it all ends the same way, with the spirit of the one to be rezzed left tethered back to their body waiting for life to be poured into it and therefore dragging them back to life. The tether only lasts for 24 hours and if a resurrection attempt is not made within this time frame, then the spirit must be called once again to the body.

Mechs - This ability costs three quarters of the resurrector’s full stamina and takes 1 round to cast the spirit can return at the beginning of the next round. If the casting is interrupted it will be unsuccessful and must be cast again. (i.e. the resurrector has 40 STA, it would cost 30 STA to cast). The ability will leave the spirit of the one to be rezzed tethered to their body for the next 24 hours, and it is within this time that a resurrection attempt must be made, or their spirit must be called again.

The Gift Of Life (1 Slot - OOB)

The last part in the resurrection of someone, is the gifting of life into their form to bring their spirit and their mortal shell back into one being. Once their spirit is tethered to their body, then the one performing the ritual can start to pour life energy back into their dead shell, to start the process of joining physical and spiritual forms into one being again and bring them back to the realm of life.

Mechs - This ability costs the resurrector 1 stamina for every one life point they wish to return to the target being resurrected. For the resurrection to be successful they have to return at least one quarter of the victim's life to them before they can fully become alive once more.

Last edited by Miyuka 9/14/2020
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:24 pm

The development of and an example of a Healer’s Rez:

Anything can be added to this ritual to personalize it to either the healer or the patient, but this as described is the basic necessities of the ritual, the spells (utilizing the IoP), actions, and herbs required to perform it. Calling back the dead without the aid of a deity is a more complex and grueling process than with that aid, and this ritual has attempted to display that while utilizing the natural skills of the healing profession. Use your creativity; add visual flashes, candles, incense, whatever you prefer to make the ritual your own. In some cases it may require two healers to perform correctly, or a brief rest to regain stamina, depending on how much life must be imbued into the body for the Rez to be complete. Having a second healer standing by to assist with the removal of the healer’s third eye and the curing of senses may be a reasonable precaution for most.

Gwyn had already been weighing, considering a spell, a ritual to give healers the power over their greatest enemy. Following her own death and resurrection this search became less of a consideration and more of an obsession. There had to be a way for a healer, a dedicated one to defeat this enemy themselves, without having to send every body off to the priests. Not that she had anything against the priests or the Temples; indeed she owed her own life to one. That was part of the problem. She owed her life to the Daughter of Ishtar, who was her friend, and to both her own Goddess and to Ishtar as well. There had to be a better way.
And so, what had been casual inquiry and an idea that had been formulating in the back recesses of her mind became more serious study. Hours, days spent in the library of Unigo, and, after gaining permission from the Leige she’d served so loyally, the library of Umbara too. She researched old healer’s texts, shaman spells, even the basis for necromancy, not to perform the foreign magics themselves, but to search for a way to create a spell in her own pervue. She called in favors with the shaman and necromancers she trusted, or could trade in such things with, to observe their rituals, their spells at work, the calling up of spirits, and the reanimation of the dead.

Slowly, slowly a ritual and spell began to take form from her notes and musing, experiments with animals followed, for she would not experiment on people, she was not a necromancer to perform such atrocities. The body was bathed in a mixture of cedar oil and marjoram before the ritual was performed to cleanse it and prepare a pathway for the spirit to return. Many texts had repeated the phrase “the eyes are the window of the soul” and indeed she had used her patient’s eyes often to tell her not only of the health of the body but the person and mind inside. But ritual required symbolism, and so, she prepared a mixture of Basil, Myrrh and Nightshade in a base of charcoal, and wet it with wine which more civilized societies used to symbolize blood. This combination was used to draw an eye on the forehead of the deceased. Sage was then added to this mixture and used to draw a closed eye on the forehead of the healer herself, to protect her from foreign spirits since she lacked the shamanic magic to do so. At this point the linking the bodies spell would be cast.

Then began the Calling the Spirit spell, which called the spirit from wherever it resided, be it still in this world or the next, sending it a summons to the body, using the cedar and marjoram as a guide, and the eye as a focus. This was an exhausting process, which could take minutes or longer depending on how far the soul had traveled from its shell, but either way left the healer much weakened, and yet, the ritual was not complete, for now that the spirit was in the body it must be bound there and given life else it would not, could not stay.

The healer must press down on the heart through the flesh six times, and then blow air over the nose and mouth, giving their own breath to the dead thrice. This was done to remind the heart that has been stilled how to beat, to remind lungs that have been quiet how to breathe. Next, The Gift of Life must be cast, a ritual ‘sacrifice’ of the healer’s strength for the return of the dead, giving life to the body, even if it leaves them weak and unconscious, with life comes healing and hope. Finally, the third eye must be closed so the spirit does not leave back through it, this is done simply by cleaning the herb mixture away.
Early experiments showed that all of these would return life, but sometimes leave the animal confused, as if it could not see, or perhaps hear or smell. As it was impossible with an animal to tell which sense was affected, the simplest course was to cure all of them, and so, the final part of the ritual is to cast Cure the Senses, to allow spirit and body to move together as one. Only after the ritual is completed is it safe for the healer to remove their own closed ‘eye’. By the end of this ritual both healer and patient are severely weak and will need rest and food as well as time to recover. For this reason, it is advisable this ritual be performed only in the safety of the Healer’s Hall or or a Noble’s Home where there is adequate security.
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby RedRaven on Thu May 17, 2012 1:22 am

What about Shamans who are doing Rezzing? They are somewhat Spiritual/divine in nature, but not entirely. Their power flows from spirits but not spirits of the dead. So where do they set up?
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby lyllamarie on Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:53 pm

Shaman's would be doing such things in safe, secure places, such as sanctified spaces, even a Noble's home or the Healer's Hall
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby Angst on Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:37 pm

It would seem that due to schedule conflicts some people aren't able to find someone to teach them how to resurrect people. I am willing to take on students and have done so already. I've taken Corbin under my wing and Angst is already starting to teach him skills needed to resurrect people... or at least... what she feels are needed. I have to ask this question because I'm not sure if anyone else has or brought this problem up before. Can a rezzer who resurrects through a deity teach a Healer how to resurrect? I know that it states a Healer must find another to teach... but sometimes that's simply not possible. So, that said, could someone who has skills in rituals be able to do so. If so, Angst can teach and help someone develop their own grasp on the art, she's a Necromancer and likes to think she has an intimate relationship with Death, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries and take on Healer students if that can't be changed. Just a thought, darlings. Also. Angst would be willing to sit in with healers to watch and observe and possibly figure out a way to help them return a soul to the body. xD Or at least I'm sure she would be... if someone asked her nicely. Haha.
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby lyllamarie on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:30 pm

They can teach the basics, but, keep in mind, a cleric utilizes a lot of ceremony and a connection with their god/dess to call back a spirit. The healer doesn't. so, a cleric teaching a healer will only go so far, afterwards, if the healer is having difficulty finding someone to teach the healer aspect, such as what herbs, what spells, etc, we have been making exceptions to try and get them what they need. They do need to contact me and I'll work something out. :)
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby Angst on Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:57 am

Alright... and as I stated earlier. I will be willing to find one of the healer rezzers and have Angst watch them work. She can take notes and if need be guide the healers on learning to do so. But whatevs. <3 I'll do whatever you guys need me to do. I'm pretty laid back. Haha. I will, however, let everyone know about this and see if they want me to help any.. Danke, Sutsy.
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Re: Rezzing requirements/rules/IoP (NEW)

Postby RedRaven on Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:43 pm

Are there any shaman healers from which Red Raven could learn? (I do plan to take him in that direction once I get to level 10)
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