by InsanityVixen on Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:48 pm
{{Sorry for it taking so long for me to get my logs up. I just have not been doing too well when it comes to pain management}}
Session Start: Thu Jun 19 02:02:32 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[02:02] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
Nylan arrived to the Temple, and I re-hired him. So far he seems to be doing well, and that makes me happy. I've hired people back only for them to leave again. He wanted to be the Ishtar's Champion, however, since nothing has really happened to the Temple, and since he was coming back after being gone for a while, I started him at the bottom. I have no doubt he will be working hard enough that soon I will need to commune with the Goddess, and see what her will is.
Session Close: Thu Jun 19 03:06:29 2014
Total Session Time: 1h 4 minutes
Session Start: Thu Jun 19 20:50:13 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[20:50] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
Rornok came by, and so did Alren. First, I agreed to divorce Alren from his wife, Boannan. Then I joined with Rornok and a couple others would join later, however, Rornok had his fun, even though I felt tortured, I had to please him and the others who joined him in having fun with me. I didn't know the names of two women, but Sorgram and another male Drak had joined as well.
Session Close: Fri Jun 20 07:42:19 2014
Total Session Time: 11h 52m
Session Start: Wed Jun 25 11:42:16 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[11:42] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
I had to fire Van because he failed in reporting to me about what he has been doing. Not long after he received word of being fired, did he come back, and he asked for his job back. I denied his higher position, and told him he had to work back up. He agreed, so I re-hired him, and he gave me his thanks for the re-hire, as well as showed how sorry he was by giving an offering to our Goddess.
Session Close: Wed Jun 25 13:52:59 2014
Total Session Time: 2h 10m
Total Time for June: 15h 08m
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.