Temple of Ishtar

For all temple employees. One topic per worker.

Moderators: Tawny, Sorgram, xmastersethx, mozenwrathe

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby Nylan on Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:37 pm

Tanani of Ishtar
<Desdaemona> Skills for Nylan:
<Desdaemona> Lvl 5-Master Religious Ceremony (Ishtar)

Session Start: Thu Jun 19 14:17:58 2014
Nylan entered the temple to put in some work. He passed the time while waiting for any worshipers to come and make an offering by keeping the temple tidy, changing the candles and refilling the incense burners, cleaning toys and cleaning the pillows in the harem pit.
Session Close: Thu Jun 19 15:29:36 2014
Total time: 1 hr 12 min.

Session Start: Sun Jun 22 00:23:04 2014
Nylan brought Eilaine to the Temple of Ishtar to fulfill her desires and teach her of the Goddess.
Session Close: Sun Jun 22 03:28:16 2014
Total time: 3 hrs, 5 min.

Total for the month of June: 4 hours, 17 minutes.
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Talida Stargleam - Priestess of Ishtar - June hours

Postby Talida Stargleam on Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:25 pm

Sat June 28 2014
[03:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[03:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Apprentice

Talida is invited to Danaes estate and accepts it, but getting there is welcomed by the dark elven mage Pharaun, who is in Danaes service and shares the gift of the Lady with him.

Closed: 08:00 pm Sat June 28 2014

Total: 04 hours 30 min

Sat June 28 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Borderlands
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Apprentice

Talida is invited to Valencia by a suitor and as she is there is left by him and in her need meets Dasan, servant of Gaea, who helps her and to whom she establishes amiable contacts between the creeds of Gaea and Ishtar to be better prepared for future evil conspiracies and attacks like those which recently happened.

Closed: 02:00 am Sun June 29 2014

Total: 03 hours 00 min

June Total: 07 hours 30 min

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 40 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Apprentice)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours) + 60 MHL (the rest, being additional 03 hour 30 mins) 100+40+280+60 = 480 MHL
Talida Stargleam
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:55 pm

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby InsanityVixen on Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:48 pm

{{Sorry for it taking so long for me to get my logs up. I just have not been doing too well when it comes to pain management}}

Session Start: Thu Jun 19 02:02:32 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[02:02] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple

Nylan arrived to the Temple, and I re-hired him. So far he seems to be doing well, and that makes me happy. I've hired people back only for them to leave again. He wanted to be the Ishtar's Champion, however, since nothing has really happened to the Temple, and since he was coming back after being gone for a while, I started him at the bottom. I have no doubt he will be working hard enough that soon I will need to commune with the Goddess, and see what her will is.

Session Close: Thu Jun 19 03:06:29 2014

Total Session Time: 1h 4 minutes

Session Start: Thu Jun 19 20:50:13 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[20:50] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple

Rornok came by, and so did Alren. First, I agreed to divorce Alren from his wife, Boannan. Then I joined with Rornok and a couple others would join later, however, Rornok had his fun, even though I felt tortured, I had to please him and the others who joined him in having fun with me. I didn't know the names of two women, but Sorgram and another male Drak had joined as well.

Session Close: Fri Jun 20 07:42:19 2014

Total Session Time: 11h 52m

Session Start: Wed Jun 25 11:42:16 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[11:42] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple

I had to fire Van because he failed in reporting to me about what he has been doing. Not long after he received word of being fired, did he come back, and he asked for his job back. I denied his higher position, and told him he had to work back up. He agreed, so I re-hired him, and he gave me his thanks for the re-hire, as well as showed how sorry he was by giving an offering to our Goddess.

Session Close: Wed Jun 25 13:52:59 2014

Total Session Time: 2h 10m

Total Time for June: 15h 08m
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.
Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:30 am

Talida Stargleam - Priestess of Ishtar - July hours

Postby Talida Stargleam on Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:01 pm

Sat July 05 2014
[11:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[11:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Apprentice

As Talida is out to take a bath at her favorite lake in the forest, she meets Fiain, the ashen-orc and reveals to him that the gift of the divine Lady Ishtar is not restricted to only one concept of beauty and that the power of the heart involved is strongest.

Closed: 02:58 am Sun July 06 2014

Total: 03 hours 28 min

Fri July 11 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Apprentice

After having met Dasan in Valencia, Talida meets the masked Sheykan in the forests as she just follows the way described on an old clerical scroll to a lost shrine in the forest, which honors the divine Lady Ishtar and the Earthmother Gaea together. Talida and Dasan both take their time to bring the shrine in shape again, happy that both divine Ladies seem to have a lot in common and so they celebrate the holy union in a most primordial way right in front of the shrine.

Closed: 02:04 am Sat July 12 2014

Total: 03 hours 04 min

Mon July 14 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Apprentice

Talida meets Trumac the minotaur warrior and Djaorhkn the vulpine warrior, who are playing a game of dices with Jaelynn Knox the half vulpine knight, where the looser has to take off a part of his/her clothes and as Jalynn invites her Talida joins merrily as she takes it as a hint of her divine Lady Ishtar and so helps to bring a happy and funny evening to all of them, feeling the Lady to be among them.

Closed: 03:07 am Tue July 15 2014

Total: 04 hours 07 min

Thu July 17 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Magic
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Dasan in the woods again as she still takes care for the newly discovered shrine in honor of the divine Ladies Ishtar and Gaea, to clean it and beautify it. This time there is Akantha the young mercenary lady with Dasan and the three of them talk and discus about working together and taking the shrine as an omen and so Akantha wants to look after Talida if necessary and Talida decides to work on an alliance between the grove of balance and the temple of Ishtar.

Closed: 00:28 am Fri July 18 2014

Total: 01 hours 28 min

Fri July 18 2014
[05:50 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[05:50 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

As she has a walk through the forest to her favorite pond, Talida meets Akantha the young mercenary lady who was introduced to her by Dasan and as the two so different women walk through the forest, Talida answers Akanthas questions about the gods and how to serve them and for what they are standing.

Closed: 07:08 pm Fri July 18 2014

Total: 01 hours 18 min

Fri July 18 2014
[09:50 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
[09:50 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida welcomes again Ray`el Viceroy of Thallis in the house of the Lady Ishtar and celebrates the holy union in Ishtar with him.

Closed: 11:19 pm Fri July 18 2014

Total: 01 hours 29 min

Sat July 26 2014
[10:05 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:05 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Xanna-shan, who joined the order of Ishtar as a Tanani and exchanges experiences with her and talks and explains to her about the world and the gods and our role in that plan.

Closed: 02:02 am Sun July 27 2014

Total: 03 hours 57 min

July Total: 18 hours 51 min

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 60 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Journeyman)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours) + 300 MHL (the rest, being additional 14 hour 51 mins) 100+60+280+300 = 740 MHL
Talida Stargleam
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:55 pm

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby Sheyaeri on Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:24 pm

Skills - Religious Ceremony x5
Place Worked: Temple of Ishtar
Name of Character: Lillythis
Number of Hours Worked: 4 hours 2 minutes
Timestamp Logs:
(time zone is UTC+01:00 Central European Time)

Session Start: Wed July 30 20:30:24 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-temple
[20:30] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Lillythis
Session Close: Tue July 31 00:22:47 2014
Tending to the goddess and training of rituals
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:55 am

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby InsanityVixen on Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:11 am

Session Start: Sat Jul 05 14:02:30 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[14:02] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple

Met with Xanna-shan. Had a long talk with her and it seemed she would fit well in the Temple, so I hired her.

Session Close: Sat Jul 05 17:47:17 2014

Total Session Time: 2h 45 minutes

Session Start: Sat Jul 19 16:00:22 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[16:00] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple

A woman named Lillythis came in, feeling guided by the Goddess. So, I offered her a place in the Temple.

Session Close: Sat Jul 19 17:49:49 2014

Total Session Time: 1h 49m

Total Time for July: 4h 34m
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.
Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:30 am

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby sari on Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:02 pm

Session Start: Sat Jul 05 20:10:04 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[20:10] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
Met with Kerrigan at the Temple, after a recommendation, spoke about Ishtar and decided to join the Temple.
Session Close: Sat Jul 05 23:52:49 2014

Total session time: 3 hours 42 minutes

Session Start: Wed Jul 16 17:09:45 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Borderlands
Was given by Phaing as a 'thank you' present to Vin and used to give pleasure to both of them, experiencing a lot of pleasure for herself.
Session Close: Fri Jul 18 22:56:24 2014

Total session time: 5 hours 47 mins

Session Start: Sat Jul 26 20:40:19 2014
Session Ident: #the_lonely_inn
03[20:02] * Now talking in #the_lonely_inn
Met with Talida in the Lonely Inn and discussed the philosophy and nature of service to Ishtar
Session Close: Sun Jul 27 01:05:32 2014

Total session time: 4 hours 35 minutes

Total time in July: 14 hours 4 minutes
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:42 pm

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby Nylan on Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:09 am

Tanani of Ishtar
<Desdaemona> Skills for Nylan:
<Desdaemona> Lvl 5-Master Religious Ceremony (Ishtar)
Session Start: Sat Aug 30 13:56:28 2014
Session Close: Sat Aug 30 15:00:48 2014
Duration: 1 hour, 4 minutes.
Nylan spent some time in the Temple straightening up and making sure that should the Temple receive any visitors they would find it clean and presentable and a place worthy of Ishtar's grace.

Session Start: Sat Aug 30 17:01:00 2014
Session Close: Sat Aug 30 19:27:12 2014
Nylan attended the dedication of the Temple of Stormbringer, accompanying Kerrigan as her bodyguard until the High Priestess departed. He lingered for a time after that, answering some questions regarding Istar as they were directed to him, but mostly just listening.
Duration 2 hours, 26 minutes

Total: 3 hours, 30 minutes.
((OOC note: Been very busy with work the past couple months, 60 hours or more every week since the start of July, making it in when I can))
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Talida Stargleam - Priestess of Ishtar - August hours

Postby Talida Stargleam on Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:39 pm

Fri Aug 01 2014
[10:20 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:20 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida and Akantha are hit by a charm/suggestion spell from Infernis increasing both womens sexual arousal many times in a moment and while Talida as an Ishtar cleric is accustomed every day to live with the heat the divine Lady already filled into her and even "rides the wave" in a way, Akantha has more inner turmoil to sort things out afterwards and Talida comforts her and tries to relate to her the acceptance of ALL the lust the divine Lady Ishtar is spreading through many means, mere mortal cannot realize.

Closed: 03:10 am Sat Aug 02 2014

Total: 04 hours 50 min

Sun Aug 10 2014
[10:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets the old and noble knight Grigori and just begins to share the "gift of the Lady" with him as he is called away. Talida will not forget and complete her serve to him another time the divine Lady gives her servant the opportunity

Closed: 01:25 am Mon Aug 11 2014

Total: 03 hours 25 min

Sat Aug 16 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Xanna-shan to whom she has become a mentor on her way to serving Ishtar. Talida listens to Xanna-Shan and the feelings in her which are so strong and teaches her to accept them and even live them out, exuding them as the true way of serving Ishtar as a cleric.

Closed: 01:59 am Sun Aug 17 2014

Total: 02 hours 59 min

Sun Aug 17 2014
[11:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[11:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida takes part in the slave for a week auction to be auctioned off as the gift of the divine Lady to her mortal children, but only makes 823mhl, while a halfling girl makes thousands of mhl, being very sad with the impression to have failed her divine Mistress. But nevertheless Ishtar smiled upon her servant as Sorgram and Morgan Drakewing made offers for Talida and she will now happy again serve Morgan Drakewing for a week, accepting this lesson in humility.

Closed: 03:02 am Mon Aug 18 2014

Total: 04 hours 02 min

Tue Aug 19 2014
[10:30 am CET] * Now talking in #TLI-bathes
[10:30 am CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida visits the bathes trying to relax and calm down and is mistaken by Sorgram as a servant of the bathes, charmingly relating with all her skill and allure to him, who she really(!) is.

Closed: 01:00 am Tue Aug 19 2014

Total: 02 hours 30 min

Fri Aug 22 2014
[12:59 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-town
[12:59 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida visits the shops of Nanthalion to look for a new attire which better suits those troubled times, where protection to her delicate and tender body gets more and more important, but as well is still allowing her to show enough of the "divine gift of the Lady" which is her mission from the Lady Ishtar. Prydain is giving her good advice, about which she can think about.

Closed: 03:45 pm Fri Aug 22 2014

Total: 02 hours 46 min

Sat Aug 23 2014
[10:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida again meets Xanna-shan to whom she has become a mentor and this time teaches her, with the participation of Nairun`moon and Shamisan, who participated in a disguise, to live out fully the raw and shameless HEAT Ishtar filled into her and to face the nature of that HEAT and accept it.

Closed: 01:40 am Sun Aug 24 2014

Total: 03 hours 10 min

Aug total: 23 hours 46 min

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 60 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Journeyman)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours) + 400 MHL (the rest, being additional 19 hour 46 mins) 100+60+280+400 = 840 MHL
Talida Stargleam
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:55 pm

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby InsanityVixen on Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:37 pm

Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric
Religious Ceremony: Master

Session Start: Sat Aug 30 19:04:17 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
03[19:04] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
Session Close: Sat Aug 30 20:08:24 2014

I went to the fledgling Temple of Emperor Stormbringer, and told them, plain and simply that if he approved the Temple, then all the other Temples should accept the Temple in his name. However, if he didn't, then it should not be acknowledged as a Temple. I left soon after saying my piece.

(August)Total Hours Worked: 1h
Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work: 120 (Religious Ceremonyx5 + 1h work)

((OOC: July and August were really not good months for me. August especially. Hopefully the thing my doc did last week, helps with my pain relief so I can get back on track.))
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.
Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:30 am

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby sari on Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:34 pm

Name: Xanna-shan
Skill: Knowledge (religion 1)

16 August 2014:
Start time: 10:22
End time: 01:00
discussed the philosophies of religion and submission with Talida at the Lonely Inn
Total session time: 2 hours 38 mins

23 August 2014
Skill: Knowledge (religion) 1
Start time: 19:58
End time: 01:20
I met with Talida, was forced to submit by Nairun'Moon and Shamisan and then ordered to please Talida afterwards, gaining pleasure through submission and experiencing the Goddess' blessing and afterwards meeting with Fiain and taking with hinm
Total session time: 5 hours 22 mins

Total Month time - August: 8 hours
Total Pay earned: skill lvl 1 x 20 = 20 plus 8 hours x 20 = 160 = 180 in total
(if I have calculated all this correctly)
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:42 pm

Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby Nylan on Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:06 am

Tanani of Ishtar
<Desdaemona> Skills for Nylan:
<Desdaemona> Lvl 5-Master Religious Ceremony (Ishtar)
Session Start: Sat Sep 13 14:32:38 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
[14:32] * Nylan is now known as Nylan-ToI
[18:47] * Nylan-ToI is now known as Nylan
Session Close: Sat Sep 13 18:47:57 2014
Time: 4 hours, 15 minutes.

Nylan came on duty in the temple and soon was found by a chirot by the name of Zytka. Zytka asked a few questions on the subject of the goddess, and Nylan was happy to answer. Afterwards, Nylan shared the joys of Ishtar with her.
Session Start: Sun Sep 14 01:07:54 2014
[01:08] * Nylan is now known as Nylan-Toi
[05:17] * Nylan-Toi is now known as Nylan
Session Close: Sun Sep 14 05:17:11 2014
Time: 4 hours, 10 minutes.

Nylan was at the Temple when Lucky, the newest Paladin of Ishtar came seeking guidance. Nylan provided what input he could, then aided the woman in opening herself to the goddess.

Total for September: 8 hours, 25 minutes.
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Re: Temple of Ishtar

Postby Sheyaeri on Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:15 pm

Skills - Religious Ceremony (Master)
Place Worked: Temple of Ishtar
Name of Character: Lillythis
Number of Hours Worked: 10 hours 8 minutes
Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100+200= 300 mhl
Timestamp Logs:
(time zone is UTC+01:00 Central European Time)

Session Start: Fri Oct 3 17:02:39 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-temple
[17:02] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Lillythis
Session Close: Sat Oct 4 00:44:32 2014 (7 hours 42 minutes)
confessed her sins, got cleansed by the high priestess

Session Start: Tue Oct 28 15:34:44 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-temple
[15:34] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Lillythis
Session Close: Sat Oct 4 18:00:22 2014 (2 hours 26 minutes)
prayed to the goddess, gave offering
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:55 am

Talida Stargleam - Priestess of Ishtar - September hours

Postby Talida Stargleam on Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:06 pm

Thu Sep 04 2014
[01:18 am CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[01:18 am CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida fulfils her first day as a slave for a week to Morgan Drakewing and is now his maid.

Closed: 02:16 am Thu Sep 04 2014

Total: 00 hours 58 min

Fri Sep 05 2014
[09:38 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[09:38 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Ray`el in Alrens house.

Closed: 10:41 pm Fri Sep 05 2014

Total: 01 hours 03 min

Sat Sep 06 2014
[09:38 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[09:38 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Grigori the knight at the inn.

Closed: 10:54 pm Sat Sep 06 2014

Total: 01 hours 16 min

Sat Sep 13 2014
[08:45 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Town
[08:45 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Dasan as she is having a walk through the town.

Closed: 11:47 pm Sat Sep 13 2014

Total: 03 hours 02 min

Sat Sep 19 2014
[10:15 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:15 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Elyssa Flamewing and Trumac for a game of strip poker at the inn.

Closed: 11:53 pm Sat Sep 19 2014

Total: 01 hours 38 min

Tue Sep 23 2014
[03:38 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[03:38 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Ahzran^ at a pond in the forest.

Closed: 05:20 pm Tue Sep 23 2014

Total: 01 hours 42 min

Sep total: 09 hours 38 min

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 60 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Journeyman)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours) + 120 MHL (the rest, being additional 05 hour 38 mins) 100+60+280+120 = 560 MHL
Talida Stargleam
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:55 pm

Talida Stargleam - Priestess of Ishtar - October hours

Postby Talida Stargleam on Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:30 pm

Tue Oct 07 2014
#TLI-Baths later #TLI-borderlands
[11:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Baths
[11:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida joins the home of valindra and Joe after Alren left Nanthalion and brings the blessing of the divine Lady Ishtar.

Closed: 02:30 am Wed Oct 08 2014

Total: 03 hours 00 min

Thu Oct 09 2014
[01:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[01:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Balard the air mage and member of the Imperial Guard, sharing with him the Holy Union in the divine Lady Ishtar.

Closed: 02:46 pm Thu Oct 09 2014

Total: 01 hours 46 min

Thu Oct 09 2014
[02:46 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[02:46 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida finishes her slavery for a week to show her humility ans devotion to Ishtar and even prolongs her time in high respect and Ishtar given affection to Morgan Drakewing (Part 1, due to pause).

Closed: 03:31 pm Thu Oct 09 2014

Total: 00 hours 45 min

Sat Oct 11 2014
[06:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[06:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida finishes her slavery for a week to show her humility ans devotion to Ishtar and even prolongs her time in high respect and Ishtar given affection to Morgan Drakewing (Part 2, due to pause).

Closed: 06:39 pm Sat Oct 11 2014

Total: 00 hours 39 min

Sat Oct 11 2014
[07:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[07:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida by divine fate is just shopping in town as she notices on a balcony of a house Lillieghn and Dahlia`Stormfury being united in the fire of the Holy Union in Ishtar and knows this is a divine sign and as she just wants to join them to bring the divine blessing of the Lady she meets her good friend Akantha who with Lillieghn owns the house.

Closed: 09:10 pm Sat Oct 11 2014

Total: 01 hours 40 min

Thu Oct 16 2014
[09:45 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[09:45 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida enters the inn and to her surprise it is empty except for herself and Trumac the bartender and to her awe and surprise : a minotaur !. Talida wants to learn more about minotaurs and how to be able to bring the divine gift of the Lady Ishtar as well to Her mortal minotaur children and there is much to learn and even more to give !

Closed: 01:00 am Fri Oct 17 2014

Total: 03 hours 15 min

Fri Oct 17 2014
[01:00 am CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[01:00 am CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida is later on taken by Trumac to his home in the forest and is flattered that she so quickly earned the trust of the minotaur and here there is even more to give to and take from each other, again sharing the gift of the divine Lady.

Closed: 03:15 am Fri Oct 17 2014

Total: 02 hours 15 min

Fri Oct 17 2014
[06:15 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[06:15 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Durigon Reignheart, Lieutenant of Thallis armed forces, who out of thin air appears in the in, both get to know each other and he tells Talida, that he only a short time ago discovered his magic-necromantic talent and now it is uncontrollably breaking free now and then and so Talida advices him to seek out the mages in the Umbara academy.

Closed: 08:00 pm Fri Oct 17 2014

Total: 01 hours 45 min

Sat Oct 18 2014
[09:13 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Baths
[09:13 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Trumac again in the bathes nd she even more tries to open his mind for the divine Ladies gift to her mortal children, again being Ishtars altar on which Trumac offers his lust to HER.

Closed: 00:58 am Sun Oct 19 2014

Total: 03 hours 45 min

Mon Oct 20 2014
[10:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[10:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets Trumac again at the inn as he is just working at his shift as a bartender and again gives the divine gift to him and later on is playing dice with enchanted dice with Trumac and Alily_Vylok, a minoess.

Closed: 02:30 am Tue Oct 21 2014

Total: 04 hours 00 min

Thu Oct 30 2014
[10:00 pm CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Borderlands
[10:00 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida witnessed over a certain time how Joe is more and more becoming brutal and merciless at times and then later on seems to be sorry about it as if torn between those extremes. Then she unintentionally finds them in the basement of joes and valindras home on the island as he captured Kilmaris the wolfen healer and put him into a cage. She tries to save him.

Closed: 00:20 am Fri Oct 31 2014

Total: 02 hours 20 min

Fri Oct 31 2014
[00:30 am CET] * Now talking in #TLI-Forest
[00:30 am CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Journeyman

Talida meets with valindra and Kilmaris to speak about the problems with Joe.

Closed: 02:05 am Fri Oct 31 2014

Total: 02 hours 35 min

Oct total: 27 hours 45 min

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 60 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Journeyman)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours) + 480 MHL (the rest, being additional 23 hour 45 mins) 100+60+280+480 = 920 MHL
Talida Stargleam
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:55 pm


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