I am back after a long Absence due to one health problem after another first the dentist then some strained muscles in my right shoulder (yes, I am right handed

) and as that got better i had a strain in my left shoulder (my doc explained to me that this is due to intuitively avoiding to use the hurt side and therefore overtaxing the other), both muscles were so badly placed that i could only breath in a very flat way.
As if that’s not enough, my internet connection didn’t work at times in one way and then another. First needed a felt eternity to find out through a good friend, that it is not me but the provider and then it worked a bit and I pestered my provider even more until they made it work.
At the same time I got down with a flu (headache etc.) and now I am back again
So for April there is not much for a worklog, but more will follow in May
Thu Apr 23 2015
[08:30 pm CET] * Now talking in #The_Lonely_Inn
[08:30 pm CET] * Talida-PoI stepped into work.
Religious Ceremony Master
Tending/Etiquette Expert
Talida meets Trumac and shares with him the pleasures the divine Lady offers.
Closed: 12:43 am Fri Apr 24 2015
Total: 04 hours 13 min
Apr total: 04 hours 13 min
Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: 100 MHL (for Religious Ceremony Master)+ 80 MHL (for Tending/Etiquette Expert)+ 280 MHL (Assistant Manager for the first 4 hours)
100+80+280 = 460 MHL