Van Masterson
Tuesday April 18, 2017
religious ceremony: Master
tending/etiquette: Master
[13:26] <+Van-Masterson> !time
[13:26] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-04-18 17:35:02 - please remember this is NOT game time
[16:56] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[16:56] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-04-18 21:05:35 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hours worked total : 2.5
Total Pay owed:
(Skills 10 x 20 mhl +100 mhl) Hours worked (2.5 x 20 mhl - 50 mhl)
Total per this shift 150 mhl
April 26, 2017
[19:23] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[19:23] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-04-26 23:38:49 - please remember this is NOT game time
[23:59] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[23:59] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-04-27 04:14:58 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hours worked: 4.5
Total Pay owed:
(Skills 10 x 20 mhl +100 mhl) Hours worked (4.5 x 20 mhl - 90 mhl)
Total per this shift 190 mhl
May 10, 2017
[15:42] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[15:42] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-05-10 20:09:28 - please remember this is NOT game time
[18:14] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[18:14] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-05-10 22:41:19 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hour's worked : 2.5
Duty performed: Met Phoenix Fayette after she was hired on my lady Lucky and introduced her to the ways of Ishtar!
Total Pay owed:
(Skills 10 x 20 mhl +100 mhl) Hours worked (2.5 x 20 mhl - 50 mhl)
Total per this shift 150 mhl
TOTAL PAY FOR JULY:300 mhl July 15, 2017
[11:20] <Van-Masterson> !time
[11:20] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-07-15 16:11:12 - please remember this is NOT game time
[13:07] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[13:07] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-07-15 17:58:50 - please remember this is NOT game time
[13:31] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[13:31] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-07-15 18:22:16 - please remember this is NOT game time
[17:15] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[17:15] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-07-15 22:07:10 - please remember this is NOT game time
Total worktime : 5 hours
Work details: Brought Coralia into Ishtar;s folds and lucky hired her on in the temple...she will be using my worklogs as well make her out posting and I give my permission for her to use them as she was not fully hired on but she did do the work as well and is now fully hired on.
Pay Owed:
Skills 10 x 20 mhl =200 mhl) Hours worked (5 x 20 mhl = 100 mhl)
Total per this shift 300 mhl
[10:24] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[10:25] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-08-15 14:40:24 - please remember this is NOT game time
[14:01] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[14:01] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-08-15 18:17:17 - please remember this is NOT game time
Time worked 3.5 hours
Prayed at the temple with Venmena
Pay Owed:
Skills 10 x 20 mhl =200 mhl) Hours worked (3.5 x 20 mhl = 70 mhl)
Total per this shift 270 mhl
MONEY OWED FOR SEPTEMBER : 230 MHL[08:58] <+Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[08:58] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-09-07 13:32:50 - please remember this is NOT game time
[10:18] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[10:18] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-09-07 14:52:55 - please remember this is NOT game time
Work done : recited prayers and helped aldor with the blessing of Ishtar
Hours worked :1.5
Skills 10 x 20 = 200 mhl Hours 1.5 x 20 = 30
Total 230 mhl
MONEY OWED FOR OCTOBER : 220 MHLOctober 11, 2017
[21:48] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[21:48] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-12 02:50:09 - please remember this is NOT game time
[22:43] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[22:43] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-10-12 03:45:24 - please remember this is NOT game time
Hours worked : 1
Duty done : Prayer with Aldor
Money owed :
Skills 10 x 20 =200 ml Hours : 1 x 20 = 20 mhl
MONEY OWED FOR NOVEMBER : 240 MHLNovember 20, 2017
[09:54] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[09:55] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-11-20 16:29:18 - please remember this is NOT game time
[11:54] <Van-Masterson-ToI> !time
[11:54] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2017-11-20 18:28:46 - please remember this is NOT game time
Prayed and talked and taught Corelia.
Money owed:
Skills: 10 x 20 =200 mhl, Hours: 2 x 20 = 40 mhl
Total: 240 mhl
Resigned from the Temple of Ishtar and joined the Temple of Uvelcra. Thank you for Having Van here and hope the temple flourish, if reasons are needed please seek me out in the ooc channel. Please and thank you.