Kirva Rituals

News, information and events at the temple of Kirva

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Kirva Rituals

Postby L`aquera on Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:29 pm

Cleansing of Soul:
Moriels are really all about causing chaos to have a form of control and an established power over weaker dominions. Yet when this fondation is tested within a Moriel and they are found to be swaying towards a weaker way.. of smiling, petting, giving away to an unknown without any real need of gaining something in return, Kirva would look upon them as to be pitied but to be brought back around. At this time, the Moriel might run into a bit of hardship, or bad luck. Perhaps a favored slave had run off, or their horse had mysteriously been killed. Kirva is not a gentle task Mistress.. she believes in tormenting those that live will bring them back to her particular road of darkness. Once a Moriel had slipped off the path and now recognizes that their Goddess is kicking them back upon her path, they will need to quickly find something that is most precious to them. Be this, alive..(though I do not recommend this for PC's period.. perhaps for a pet they bought or were given or trapped but nothing graphic. If it is destroyed, its dead.. permanently) a bit of jewelry. A favored hat. A magical Item.
Alone, they will travel within a place of acute silence, be it very early morning within a forest or an unused cave or perhaps even the side of a mountain. They will bring with them a bottle of wine. A pouch with their treasured item within. Tea leaves. And a water flask or cup. Empty. Upon finding their spot, they are to find anything they can to build a small fire. And before lighting it, they must put their precious item within what will burn. A circle must be made. A stick they found on their way, either ripped from an Ash tree, or found as some believe that the very smoothness of this tree and defiling it is something Kirva would smile upon. With this stick they make their circle upon the earth. All clothing is removed, the wine poured to the ground and then left open by the fire and Kirva offered the first drink. The one performing the ritual, the second. Then you must light your fire. If the Item you brought is destroyed.. Kirva has NOT accepted you back into her fold, nor will she accept your apology. If it has NOT been destroyed then the Moriel can consider themselves forgiven and must quickly keep to the track the Goddess has always laid out to them.

To determine if the Item is destroyed or not, with Dice, roll a !r 1d10 5 and above, the Item is destroyed. Anything Below five, the Item survived. So be very carefull how you chose the item.

Honoring the Night:

This ritual is made at least twice a Year. One, usually within a group, the other alone. Because Night is a time where the Dark elf may flourish and sweep away their enemies, because the Moriel needs no light to guide them in their path. And because the night affords them cover and the warm embrace of the Goddess herself, twice within a years span will a Moriel bow to their Goddess. This ritual is really overtly simplistic and yet the darker measures that lay about the Moriel like a cloud of whispers hold true to them until the next ritual is done. This gives no benefit other then making them feel.. empowered.. But yet whom would not have an ego boost from a night of true debauchery. A night where slaves are traded and shared. Where the fruits of their labor is brought and shared with those that come and half is as always favored and given to Kirva herself. Yet some claim to gain memories, or the touch of Kirva is what gave them these memories of when their time, as a race.. began.. Or perhaps when they had been given life, or when they will die.

To determine this outcome, in dice, roll a !r 1d4 1-2 a subtle fuzzy memory that if picked through might depict the life they could have, or the life that will be snuffed out. 3-4 a memory a solid flashback of when the first elf wandered from its brethren into the caves themselves and first heard and felt the touch of Kirva and the sanctuary presented.

Blood Swan Moon
The name itself is laughable, given from Kirvas sweetly cruel lips to the ears of her most trusted High Priestess. The thought had grown and grown within the dark Goddess that her children so gifted, so cared for in her own twisted way, seem to have grown fat and lazy. Their collection of slaves, the assurance of few enemies and great numbers to deal with them below. The abundance of odd funguses that helped cure the sick and made grand scents when boiled and then left to burn in the middle of the large caverns. The many wards to keep out what was light.

They weren't displaying what they should, they had grown less and less reliable on her gifts as newer slaves from above were brought downward and shared their knowledge’s. Angry, wanting to see her children laugh and play in the anguish of others, she called to her Zo'lel, a rather fiercely loyal Priestess and let her words touch to the sharp tipped ear of the black colored woman. "My essence shall be blown to you, my Priestess, and you shall spread my disease, my care, my anger and retribution. You shall share it with others of your like mind; let them spread it through all my caverns. To all those that remember where they came from. It was I that gave them first life. And it is I that will dictate to them when their violence must be at their peek. Go now... "

She'd leaned forward, placed cold hands to the cheeks of her Priestess and breathed into her the very cruelty of the Mother from her black heart and evil essence. Then she sent her off with a snap of a fist... and sat back to watch.

The cruel twist of the Blood Swan Moon was that it sounded more a freak of humor. The races of above took it as a joke when rumors began to spread. How could one shake and quiver at the name... Swan.. when the Swan was the true beauty and innocence of the calm lakes? They laughed, flicked it off. Felt as Kirva did. These Moriel knew nothing anymore of true wars. They only sprinkled their hatred upon their lands. Not poured it. They were soon to find out the joke was on them. For the Goddess of the Dark, had known they'd but laugh...


Once a year, the High Priestess or Priests to Kirva, gather into Her temple, fall to their knees and drink what is called 'Kas'eli' A mixture of Bloodwine and moon flowers crushed. The hallucinogen hits the bloodstream quickly, leaving the High Priests and Priests alike into an uncaring zone of full worship. They cry out for Kirva to give them the strength and the fierceness she so craves to see in her followers. They ask for her judgment to be passed upon land dwelling rivals. They sway and writhe until the sun shone upon the upper reaches of the land they live on... and fall into an un-wakable state of dark dreaming. The blood moon rises, and so to, does Kirvas blessing to all her Moriel. A touch of insanity. A thorough need for violence, chaos. They thirst for it and the Priests weave the magic outwards from their very inner dark souls... releasing it into the night sky to be tasted by those within a 30 mile radius. All Moriel.

The Moriel breath in the very essence of their Mother. They writhe and near choke upon the need and then set out with sword to magic’s at the ready to do as bid.

The first night is utter violence and chaos unhinged. The second day is tamer, the Moriel seems almost normal until the skies darken and the richness of their ruby hues shines with their need again. It only lasts until past the Witching hour and then they must eat.. they must rest. The third day finds the Moriel twitchy... easily set off. Going at friends and lover alike with no real reason until their lust for that violence is curbed.

Once the essence is drained from their system, the Moriel WILL sleep a full day. They must replenish what was lost. And they must relinquish what was given... but they will rise again. Renewed in their faith and of what they truly are. Moriel. A gifting from the Dark Mother Kirva.


OOC note. For the Priests of Kirva. You should begin your Ritual In June on (The 5th) Prepare yourselves. You may bring nothing with you. No weapons. Nothing to drink or eat. This will literally put you down until night falls. Once woken, and you will wake sharply. You will quickly leave the temple and move through the Inn, Town, Unigo and forest to spread the 'essence' of Kirva to the others. It ONLY lasts three days. No more, no Less. And it will begin on Tuesday night (the 6th)

Any Moriel may participate or ignore at their choosing. In no way is this automatic ooc consent for anyone’s death. In no way is this ooc consent for raping. These rules still apply. However, if you deliberately go out of your way to incite the Moriel further, you are giving willing consent for whatever follows. Implied consent rules apply. So mind yourself.

Above all have fun with this. This will be a Yearly Ritual. Goddess help you all.
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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Postby Eraelabryn on Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:36 am

Offerings from the CoDL Rites and Rituals:
(More to follow)


Offering the Flesh
Taming the Pet
Mark of the Converted
Cleansing the Soul
Honoring the Night


Nights of Blood and Tears
Issuance of Blessing
Day of Whispers
Kiss of Night
Day of Flesh
Blood Swan Moon

The Crimson Run: Each Moriel converted to Kirva and who worships at the temple, must go out on a hunt and revel once a month/year all that walk must participate. All new to the Temple of Kirva must participate and during the Crimson Run, they must capture victims to bring back to the temple to be used as Worship to the Goddess herself. This must be done with OOC consent, of course, considering the most likely way of worship would be to rape the victim.

Offering of the Flesh: There are many ways to Worship this goddess of chaos. Many choose to take victims and rape in the name of his/her Goddess. Others choose to sacrifice living creatures and offering them to Kirva by engulfing the offering in passionate flames. For those wanting to display a more sensual and pleasing worship, they may choose to have the common orgy in name of Kirva, the dark elf taking his/her lewd pleasure with little care for the others participating.

Taming of the Pet: When gaining a new slave, the Kirva worshiper wishing for the 'union' of slave and master to be blessed by the goddess, must bring the slave or slaves to the temple, upon which, the Master/Mistress ravishes the Slave and offer him/her to the Clergy in favor of Kirva.

Mark of the Converted: For those of non-Moriel blood wishing to serve Kirva, they must first go through the Offering of flesh in worship of the Goddess, as well as participate in the Crimson Run. When found favorable, he/she is then branded with Kirva's mark, to forever remind them of their loyalties.

Day of the Flesh:
A holiday of Kirva's delight. In this, gladiators, not having to be of faith, but willing to risk life and limb for a bit of coin and glory gather in the arena. A day of fighting. No magic, no enchantments, no armor. Simply put, two person pitted against one another. To make it even they are both stripped of power. Festivities around, the selling of treats, of bets being placed. Of course Music and delightful dancers to liven up between the fights. A day of bloodshed, a day of decadence. Those who are placed within the arena to fight, are pitted first against one another. The loser is taken from the pits. Winners fight winners, and the last person standing claims the prize. The rest have merely risked their God Given Life for a few coins, and perhaps a bit of power. Pride is a blessing in the Eyes of Kirva.
OOC: All combatants sign up. The arena is used for this combat. It is in all fairness a day of festivities, in that those spectators will watch the carnage and drink merrily.

Combatants will roll on a 1d10 system. Much like quests. This prevents higher levels from winning it all, and opens it up for newer characters and players to have a fair chance to win. Kirva's blessing so to speak, in dice. Each player is awarded 5 hits. The one who rolls higher at the start of posts lands their *hit* therefore stripping their opponent from one point. At the fifth stroke, or hit, they have the right to beg for Mercy. Shame themselves but walk away from the fight, IF their attacker gives the lee way. Great chance here to do the whole "What does the crowd say! "

Kiss of the Night:

Holiday of the eclipse. Before such an event there is a week of prayer, of purging of sins. This is done by worship not only in the Temple, but an almost frantic spawning of lies and deception. Thieves who follow her, commit a rash of thefts in her name. Warriors maim and kill, sparking violence. Priestess guide in lies and deceptions. Mages cast spells that would irk another, causing them to temper, to lose face. Slaves during this week will actively try to top to bottom their Masters or Mistress's of course, remaining rather coy about the attempt. Bards and Entertainers reveal in the Stories of the Goddess during this week, giving her the gift of their talents. If such is pleasing to her. For one day, there is no sun, only darkness. And her followers know that their work is pleasing her. If not, then of course, they strive to find another way, to work until it is.

OOC: This event is to generate that wonderful RP, leading up the chance to have the Goddess smile upon her followers. A dice roll, the 7th night of the event, will be given in the OOC room. IC The HP and her priestess will be praying for Kirva's guidance. Of course, it will be a d2 1 meaning the eclipse will happen, 2 meaning it doesn’t. For that day if it does please her, there will be no sun, showing Kirva's power to non believers and believers alike.

Day of Whispers:
One of the few events in the Temples chambers geared toward the silent workings of Daylight. It is a time of reflection, of whispers so to speak. On this day from sunrise to sunset, those who worship Kirva strive to make sure this day is spent reflecting on what they would be without her blessing. It’s a day of penance, and a day of worship in another manner. Purely to bring about RP non typical from what one considers a worshiper of the Dark Mother, this day is a day of opposites.

A Dark Mistress would for the day pretend to be nothing but a collared thing, a toy.
A thief would strive for honesty
A warrior would strive for peace in his actions of that day.
You get the point. Its basically a day IC for characters to play out, what they would be without Kirva's blessing upon them. Meaning also that they have the option to learn just *how* much they adore their own placement in life. Making them stronger and more grateful for her presence. Of course, Worshipers being how they are, will make sure that those who took such advantage of them during this time, bear the reminder it was just for the Day.
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