okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

News, information and events at the temple of AdenVer

okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby mozenwrathe on Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:22 pm

Okay, for any and all interested in this temple...
Please contact me, the player of Prydain Mozenwrathe, as soon as you can?
Was idly working on something relating to this temple, but going to put a little more effort into it.
Still, would need people for the idea to work.
Thank you for your time.

(for all those unfamilar with Aden'Ver)
current characters:
Prydain Mozenwrathe (Magi, smith, known to the Might Makes Right) ,
Ichilandar Shimmerstrike (dark elf, ranger, merchant) ,
Dasan (Sheykan, druid, real estate specialist)
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby laerel on Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:05 am

laerel might be interested, but needs more info i think
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby ZoLita on Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:05 am

I've spoken to Prydain about it, have interest in the temple with two of my characters, one a little trained in religious ceremony(Lupita Hyacinth) and one whose just a knight (Jaelynn Knox)
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby Phaing on Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:14 am

Lillieghn is also interested.
She can fight, as you know, and is rather strong, as a whole lot of people know.

De-collared and ready to branch out into the world of the Seductress Class, she could make a rather valuable addition to the flock.
She does not need a job.
She needs a calling.
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby rornok on Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:34 am

Would not be sure my might is worthy of the temple...

But would be more then happy to spend time there testing that theory.

aka count me in.
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby Rythia on Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:07 am

Akantha would be interested in the Temple.
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby WhylniaPendragon on Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:22 pm

I've made a Cleric of AdenVer. Her name is Sylquis and is going to be icly trying to bring those of strength into His fold. I hope to begin weaving storylines and would like her to be a full time employee of the Temple.
Feel free to pm me if you have any ideas for storylines.
Player of Eiliane, Jal-Obsul, Muirne, Kethmali, Ascher, Indigo Reece, Rosamonde, Sylquis, Arlais, Magali, Maeva, Rowynn, Quynh, Cerauno, kestrel, Shaeryn, Mercurio, Khatriel, Pyrite, Inkeri Nox, Juliett, Xavros and Kailasa
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby Jodice on Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:16 am

You have the Story line for me to bring in a second cleric of the lodge of Strength and see about breathing some new life into this temple. I personally can see a lot of RP potential for it.
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby WhylniaPendragon on Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:26 pm

Yep! :) We are working on it as we speak and any others who want to be involved...to become Acolytes and eventual Clerics of AdenVer or have storylines they wish to incorporate, please let Prydain, myself or Jodice know so we can move forward.
Thanks y'all :)
Player of Eiliane, Jal-Obsul, Muirne, Kethmali, Ascher, Indigo Reece, Rosamonde, Sylquis, Arlais, Magali, Maeva, Rowynn, Quynh, Cerauno, kestrel, Shaeryn, Mercurio, Khatriel, Pyrite, Inkeri Nox, Juliett, Xavros and Kailasa
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Re: okay... I Learn Something New Every Day

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:40 am

Hmm, I thought I had already posted here. Anyway, with all the warrior types Ellyssa has hit it off with lately around Nanthalion, she might be prompted to learn more about this AdenVer chap that keeps being mentioned in her presence. Because of Rornok's influence in her life, ironically, she might actually find an interest in this temple. Proselytizing attempts are welcome. She may be almost TLI's equivalent of an agnostic, but she is friendly!
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