Work Logs and Skills for the Arena

Work logs for arena employees. One topic per character.

Moderator: Angst

Work Logs and Skills for the Arena

Postby Angst on Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:29 pm

The following is the format for posting your work logs. As we are going back to the old system, we will be checking and updating payroll monthly.

Your initial post must have this information and should be updated monthly if there are any changes:

Name: Your name goes Here
Position: Your Position Here. Include whether you are full time, part time, or free lance.
Skills: Put your skills here, up to three from the list below.
Pay Rate: Calculate your pay rate with your skills. Update it as needed.

Posts after your initial post should follow this guideline:

Time-stamped logs: Start time, channel, end time. With a description of what you did.

Everyone gets paid 25 mhl an hour for 6 hours for full time and 3 hours for part time. Plus 20 mhl per skill level up to 100 for master rank, but you can only claim three skills from the skill list for your position.

Managers and Assistants get paid differently:

    Manger (Nixxle) Pay - 325
    Assistant Manager (Kateri) Pay - 240

These are the skills that are relevant to the Arena.

Gladiator Ranked Skills

Healer Ranked Skills
First Aid/Triage

Records Keeper/Official
First Aid/Triage


Any of the above skills

** This should be prelude to your work logs. The Skills listed above are the skills acceptable at the Arena.**

Here is an example post

Session Start: Wed Sep 09 10:17:10 2022
Session Ident: #TLI-Arena
Session Close: Wed Sep 09 13:18:02 2022
Total Hours Worked:

Cleaned this or that, trained him/her, etc

** This is how I would like to see your actual logs each day with the total hours worked for that day. You may also use the !time command to record your time.
Angst, Anisa|VRK|, Latanya|STB|, Kacela, Inara{Chris}, Taini, Nixxle, Lilly{FRST}, Jilaiya, Jace, Kai, Tirnel, Esme{DVK}, Samina, Samiya{Mal}, Leila, Talen.
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Re: Work Logs and Skills for the Arena

Postby Angst on Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:59 pm

Example post

Angst wrote:Month: November
Name: Angst
Position: Manager
Skills: Tending/Etiquette- Master, Soldiering- Master, Winged Riding - Master, First Aid/Triage - Master, and Weapon Maintenance.
Time-stamped logs:

Session Start: Wed Nov 05 11:32:37 2014
Session Ident: #tli-arena
Session Close: Wed Nov 05 14:35:30 2014
Total Time: 3 hours and 3 minutes.

Fought with Durigon. Took him back to Thallis for healing.

Session Start: Sat Nov 15 03:13:02 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-arena
Session Close: Sat Nov 15 04:07:52 2014
Total Time: 54 minutes

Spoke with Jarek.

Session Start: Mon Nov 17 01:25:42 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-arena
Session Close: Mon Nov 17 11:53:19 2014
Total Time: 10 hours and 18 minutes

Sparred with Jarek, hired him as a Spar Master.

Session Start: Mon Nov 17 16:36:42 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-arena
Session Close: Mon Nov 17 18:20:52 2014
Total Time: 1 hour and 44 minutes

Showed up for Caname’s closing ceremony for the Tournament.

Total Time for November 2014: 15 hours and 59 minutes. 16 Hours rounded Up.

Total MHL Owed for Skills+Work Hours: Manager Pay(340) + Skills(5 x 100) + hours (16-4 x 20) = 340+500+240= 1080 mhl
Angst, Anisa|VRK|, Latanya|STB|, Kacela, Inara{Chris}, Taini, Nixxle, Lilly{FRST}, Jilaiya, Jace, Kai, Tirnel, Esme{DVK}, Samina, Samiya{Mal}, Leila, Talen.
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Re: Work Logs and Skills for the Arena

Postby Angst on Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:55 pm

Hopefully there will be changes coming about soon with the reworking of the Arena skills and the likes. That said I'm adjusting the skill set to better read off each different position and taking out unranked skills.
Angst, Anisa|VRK|, Latanya|STB|, Kacela, Inara{Chris}, Taini, Nixxle, Lilly{FRST}, Jilaiya, Jace, Kai, Tirnel, Esme{DVK}, Samina, Samiya{Mal}, Leila, Talen.
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