Il Mutah Har (story to follow)

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Il Mutah Har (story to follow)

Postby Wadeywade on Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:48 pm

This is the island Il Mutah Har.
Story will follow, three parts.(note: I had to edit the time frame, I goofed it, I admit it but upon review of the few records I have, I adjusted it to be correct.)
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

Re: Il Matah Har (story to follow)

Postby Wadeywade on Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:48 pm

The Island, part 1
Il-Mutah Har Island
Four years ago

He had no idea how long he had been here. Many days and nights had passed, it was a strange misfortune that had landed him on the island, his ship literally wedged in the rocks below. The small sailboat had become wedged fast and then, to add insult to injury, began to take on water. Then, when the tide receded, he had himself a sailboat full of water wedged in the rocks. Of course the water did drain, out a hole that was gashed in the hull by one of the rocks that held it fast in place, so eventually Wade was able to salvage things from the boat, like tarps and tents, his bow and arrows, his daggers, a few books that somehow didnt't get wet; some dried provisions that were sealed in a barrel so they were safe, some bottles of water and a single bottle of whiskey which, wade was sad to admit to himself, he would have to save to clean any injuries he might sustain.

Once he had hauled these things, taking several trips to do so, Wade set up camp inside a hollow where there was tall rocks on three sides which he considered a decent vantage point. He kept his fire small, setting up a bonfire down low on the rocky plains that passed for the main body of this island as it had no proper beaches, only low points and coves in the rocks which themselves were full of craggy stones just under the waters' surface. If someone found him, he knew there was really nowhere to land a boat. So, every morning when the tide came in, he swam. At first he found the most sheltered cove he could, and once he could swim to the end with the tide coming in, he was satisfied he would be able to swim out to any would-be rescuers. After his morning swim, he would hunt, as he knew what little supplies he had salvaged would be gone. Fortunately there were wild boar, grouse, and wild goats and a couple of different edible plants which would at least keep him alive and healthy during his extended stay.

Then Wade would explore various parts of the island itself, starting with climbing the small mountain on it. His camp was partway up on the west side of the island but from up here, a fire couldnt be missed. So, over the next two weeks he moved his bonfire to a flat place near the peak. It was, of course, a 3000 foot climb and then the same on the trip back down, and though it took considerable time and energy, wade was fit enough to carry out the task in time. Of course, he would spend time sitting on the cliff overlooking his stranded boat, reading from one of the few books he managed to salvage. Meals came early in the morning, at the peak of the sun and as it set in the evening; wade could see the gleam of the glass from his house when the sun shone. Though he knew his farm was taken care of, he did miss it and hoped to get back to it. But as time wore on, he became comfortable in that place; not complacent because every day was a battle to survive, but wade became used to the island, to the quiet at night save for a few birds, the goats and boars the crickets and some frogs.

And so, time blurred. Days became weeks, which melted into months. After a month and a half on the island his routine became a soothing bandage to things that had ailed him before. Here, there was peace. It was a tough existence but not impossible, Wade even engineered himself a more permanent structure, around his tent which saw a few autumn storms and needed the extra protection. He also erected a hammock, which probably became his favorite thing in the world despite all the shinies he had; this one thing, simple in its materials and creation was what he had come to favor. He would swing there, watching the ocean smoking his pipe which had been lodged at the bottom of the food barrel with some smoking herbs. Wade would swim in the morning, maybe spearing a fish if he was lucky, eat breakfast, then he would hunt boar and wild goat, explore his new home, check his bonfire and make sure the wind had not knocked it over and the birds had not hauled the kindling away for nests. Speaking of birds, after lunch Wade would hunt birds and eggs, gather plants and be back in time to eat and watch the sunset.

So when he saw the fishing ship passing by, he was tempted to let it pass. Wade hesitated then set his food aside and grabbed his bow and arrows. He climbed quickly, but Wade knew he didn't have to climb all the way, just close enough. Pulling his flint and steel from a goatskin pouch, wade pulled out an arrow wound with shredded tree bark and coated in goat and boar fat Wade rended down to use to make lamps. Striking flint on steel he sent sparks into the tree bark, it took a few tries but finally it smouldered then caught, burning greasily as wade drew back his bow and fired. The arrow sped into the bonfire bundle, a few moments later it caught and then after a few more minutes, burned brightly illuminating Wades' wrecked boat, his camp, and him. Wade raced down, seeing the ship turn he began to wonder if there was a way to return to this place later. The tide was high, Wade thought maybe they could get a rowboat in. Running down to the landing by the sealine Wade waited and sure enough, they manged to navigate into the rocky cove.

Wade also was not expecting it when two of the men stood up as the boat turned broadside to him, and fire two crossbow bolts at him on the approach. "Capn says kill im, take his stuff, and we'll build our base over his camp." One of the oarsmen cackled as they fired. One bolt struck the rocks, ricocheting away, the other struck Wade square in the shoulder. Grunting in pain Wade ducked, covered by the sparse vegetation and the huge stones. Winding his way through the covered paths he slipped into a small forested area, pausing only long enough to pull the bolt from his arm. Pressing a cloth against the would then binding it, he slides the bolt into his quiver; best to leave as little trail as possible. Wade made his way around the island, able to outpace them because he knew the lay of the land, and they did not. Still they pursued him hotly, firing blind into the forest whenever they heard movement. Of course, Wade made little sound and was trying to get around them. If he could steal that rowboat, he could row to the mainland, and home. But, they had fanned out, so Wade circled around the island and made his way to the cove by the blindside.

Once he could see the cove and the guards they left with the boat, Wade paused. He knew his pursuers were only ten or twenty minutes behind him so he would have to act fast. Taking up his bow he crept as close as he could first, then when he was ready he drew back an arrow and stuck it through the back of one of the guards, straight into his heart. The second guard turned and fired his crossbow, the shot going wild; which was unfortunate for him because that gave Wade enough time to draw a second arrow and stick it through his right eye. Rushing over as the man screamed in agony Wade gave it a shove to finish the job. "Damn." The mans' screams would bring his allies, Wade didnt have much time at all as he could hear them thrashing their way to him. Wade leapt in the boat and cast off, rowing around the rocky crag that protected the cove just before they could see him row off. Wade rowed and rowed, circling back around the island. There was another cove and though it was as rocky as the rest, the high tide let him slip in and scuttle the rowboat. He hid the boat under the water and then swam to shore, letting the incoming tide carry him; then he climbed back onto the island and began to climb the mountain, first tying the oars and making a back harness. He could see, once he got to his high, hidden vantage point; that another rowboat was coming. Great, Wade thought, more intruders.

Wade stayed there though and much to his relief, all the surviving men piled into the boat after a brief arguement. Then they began to row back to the pirate ship, which Wade knew now, it wasnt a fishing boat at all. He watched them board and, after several minutes, the ship began to circle the island. Wade stayed put, hiding in the moonless dark as best he could, the oars to his salvation hidden some feet below. Finally, the ship pulled away but obviously, they were still looking for the rowboat. Let them look, wade thought to himself as he climbed down, grabbing his oars before heading into the more forested areas. Daylight was coming, and he knew he would have to lay low before he could row off this island. But of course, then he began to have the arguement with himself: did he want to leave? Wade had just killed 'invaders', in his mind he felt some claim on this land now. Still, he had obligations and such, maybe he could buy it, though. During his wait for the pirate ship to pass over the horizon, wade pondered and finally resolved he would leave when he could, but he would return to this place. After what seemed like to Wade to be an eternity, the ships masts finally vanished. Wade went to the cove and unscuttled the rowboat and carried it to his cove across the island, tying the oars inside first before he trekked there.

Once he had prepared for his departure, he went back to his camp and took down the tents and the tarps, especially the hammock. He stowed them aboard the boat, Wade was able to load everything (including dried goat meat jerky and dried salted fish plus some greens) aboard the boat before the tide rose. Taking one last look around, Wade felt a bit sad at how empty it seemed now. He had lived here for three months, and now he was going home, but in some way this was his home, a home without a name. A purgatory far removed. Still, it had been possible to survive and even find a little comfort in it. Turning, he trekked down to perform two last tasks. First, he piked the head of the man he shot in the eye, a warning that Wade laid claim to this island. Second, he disposed of the two bodies by way of the sea. Once that was done, Wade climbed in his boat, now floating a little but still unable to pass. So, Wade waited, able to gaze upon his temporary home for awhile before finally the sea cooperated, and let him leave the cove.

Rowing hard, Wade set his bow towards land. He had found a rope and had tied a stone with a hole in it to the end, and the boats bow to the other. Hopefully, as he rowed it would not take him long and other, smaller islands pointed the way to land. so, Wade set his bow on them now and would, if this took more than a day, anchor off one of these islands. Of course, if those pirates showed back up he wouldnt be able to defend such a small craft against a pirate ship. Wade knew though, he had to take his chances. So, he rowed. And rowed. He stopped when his arms got sore, but finally after rowing well into the night he reached the first island. Wade weighed anchor there, making sure he was in shallow enough water but in no danger of hitting the rocks. He ate, then slept until the sun rose; and pulling up his anchor a little after dawn, he began to row to the second island. He passed it by, anchoring once he reached the third, tiniest island which was really just a really big rock in the ocean. Wade literally had to throw his rock ashore in order to anchor, but once he had, he ate and then slept again. He was awoke by the call of gulls, he looked over the side of his boat to realize the 'island' was gone, swallowed by the rising tide. He also discovered the boat must have scraped the rocks as he slept, and had developed a small leak. It wasnt a bad one but now, it added pressure to find solid land.

So he pulled up anchor and rowed, passing the fourth and final island, but; it took him twice as long to reach it as it was close to shore. It was during his Wade became wedged on a sand bar. "Oh, not this again." He says sourly. The water the boat had taken on had driven the bow deep into the sand, sticking it firmly. To compound things, Wade saw sails, familiar ones. It would be his damned luck to be so close, and not be able to reach home, to be press ganged by pirates within reach of home. But as though an answer from the gods, a pair of sea turtles swam by; a large female and her little baby turtle. Inspired, Wade cuts his rope and gently, hooks it around the mothers' shell. It took some work to get her into this makeshift harness, and after several tries he had her hooked. The sails of the pirate ship loomed closer. "Ok baby get me off of here, and I promise I'll always have a fond respect for sea turtles." For a few minutes the turtle seemed uninterested in moving but, for some reason decided to start swimming for shore. She tugged Wade and his boat loose, her baby swimming beside her oblivious to the boon his mother had granted. Once Wade reached a place he felt he could row quickly from, he hauled the turtle (with a great deal of effort, she was strong and she wanted to go to shore pretty badly, too) aboard, unhitching her. Grabbing his gear he dodged her massive head and got behind her, grabbing the last of his gear before upending the boat and capsizing them both into the sea. Once he got his bearings, Wade surfaced and began swimming to shore. Once he got there he collapsed in the sand, laughing softly. He realized now that the reflection off the water was what he saw gleaming, he was at least a ten miles south of his house.

And, he realized he had to get a move on, that bobbing boat was sure to be spottable. Wade got up and grabbed his gear, and made his way north. He was bleeding again, so he stopped once he got far enough inland, but only long enough to cauterize the wound and bandage it up as best he could with herbs and bandages before pressing on. Those ten miles were the longest ten of Wades life, but once he saw the sequoias, he felt his heart leap. The pirates were well behind him, as was that purgatory he had resided in. Still, he felt a longing for the simplicity of that place, and swore he would return one day. It was only once he reached home, that he realized he had the same bottle of whiskey he had on the island. Putting it on a shelf in his cave, he smiled. One day, when he returned there, he would drink it.

-end part 1-
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

Re: Il Mutah Har (story to follow)

Postby Wadeywade on Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:00 pm

The Island, Part 2
Il-Mutah Har Island
2 years later
Two years year ago

Wade anchored his sailboat outside of the cove, he pulled the rowboat over to the side and lashed it in place, the. He began to load it. Wade had made the trip he promised himself he'd make a long time ago, now with boards, beams, tarps and nails and tools; he could build a proper semi- permanent structure there. Once the rowboat was loaded Wade rowed into the cove, and unloaded everything he brought before returning and loading more. He noted that the wild scavengers and the elements had scrubbed the head clean, leaving only the skull with the arrow through the eye. Once Wade unloaded everything from the sailboat, he sailed it around the rear of the island: a safeguard in case he had company. Then, wade rows himself back to his cove and begins the effort of lugging materials up to the landing. The first thing he did though, was put up his hammock, but then wade settled right into the tasks that followed, such as sorting building materials from other supplies, stowing his food stores, and stowing any other gear he may have brought.

It was a simple thing for wade, he didn't think about anything else as he sets about the tasks for building on the island. It was uncharacteristic of wades mind to be so uncluttered, but this place brought it out of him and hence, his return trip. Once he had hauled most of the materials up, he paused to sup on dinner, then he made himself a temporary bed and stowed any thing he didnt want ravaged by wild goats. The next morning after a hearty breakfast, wade worked on improving his tent shelter, and of course erected the tent inside. Once he completed moving his bed inside a more semi permanent settlement, he decided to explore the island because of course, the geography made exploration troublesome, to say the least. The pockets of flat ground were sometimes not connected, and Wade was sure on one there was a series of grouse nests, meaning a steady supply of eggs if he could reach it. Once wade found a tree that hung between the ledges but was solidly rooted he was able to suspend a rope from a thick branch, and with that he could swing back and forth.

And that was how Wade managed to get to the level parts of the island that had no connecting caves, he would find trees ad suspend a rope, and then swing back and forth across as needed. In between these exploration trips, Wade solidified his domicile such as it was, and of course took meals. As days melded again to weeks, Wade managed to explore most of the island and had found something most curious: a deep bay of water that had a cave just big enough for a small sailboat or a dinghy. There were even crude steps of a sort, making Wade wonder if perhaps someone had used this as a base before, and his thoughts turned to the pirates he encountered the first time on the island. Wade dismissed the idea however, as they tried a landing in a less than nominal place, if they had been to Il Mutah Har before they would have used this cavern and cove hidden on the back of the island. Returning to his base camp, Wade then took his boat around the island and into this cave and moored it there, out of sight now. Except for the skull on the pike with the arrow through the eye, it looked uninhabited; the forest growth had covered his make shift shelter now so there was little to no sign of inhabitation. That meant, less curious people, which suited him.

Time drifted by, Wade settled into his usual routine of swimming, hunting, and exploring; he added a workout in the evening as well, as an assassin city life had made him soft, and thats why the ice mage had managed to kill him so easily. It was why he had returned, to make himself reborn powerful again, as he had the first time out. He did not let what happen weigh on his mind, only that he needed to be better again.. stronger, faster, smarter than he was this time. He had grown soft, complacent, and now here he was fixing it. Or, trying at least. In week three a late-season hurricane blew in, but since his skills as an air mage had given him a bigger control over the wind at least, wade was able to keep his little home from being ripped off the mountain. The rain however, was another matter; everything and I mean everything, flooded. Since Il Mutah Har is essentially a mountain sticking out of the ocean, there were few if any places for it to soak in and with the huge volume of rain that was quickly overcome. Week four brought a second hurricane, but it was far weaker and barely put an inch of water on the rocky ground. Even when it was sunny, Wade realized, it was at least a little windy here. The only time the air was still is when a hurricane was imminent, and usually that was only maybe an hours' warning at best.

Other storms would come and go, but during the sunnier and calmer times Wade would set about the island as normal. He considered buying it, outright. Selling his house in the south, his house in town and just buy this place, he loved his valley home and this place was more of the same: windy, craggy, and far removed from everything. Besides that, he had grown rather fond of the wild goat meat. And despite the hurricanes back to back, the weather. It was windy all the time and during the summer not cold at all except at night. Then it was really cold, but he had lived in one of the most arctic condition on this world south of Valencia, which was even colder, somehow. Wade did like to visit Valencia, but he always tried to leave before the sun set.

Swinging across to one of the 'platforms' of stone that erosion had carved into the stubborn face of the mountain, Wade tied off his rope. Oh, sure he could fly across, but wade had become fascinated with swinging around like a monkey on a vine, the almost child-like wonderment would ring across the mountain top, "waaahhoooooo!" He would shout, the wind whipping his hair as he arcs his feet up to increase his swing speed. Sure, he could fly. But it was nowhere near as fun. Wade would gather green edible leaves, sticking them in a bag slung over his shoulder; his supply had run low and to prevent illness cause by dietary issues, he had to simply gather more. It was a bit of a chore but it was interspersed with the fun of swinging plateau to pleateau, so the task went by very quickly.

Returning to camp, Wade sets his bag aside but it was then he sees a sail, more correctly three, attached to the ship that had sailed alongside Il Mutah Har and weighed anchor. Remembering the last time someone came ashore, wade grabs his bow before flicking a mat woven from living vines and plants over his shelter, hiding it from sight. Creeping through the rocky crags, Wade kept out of sight as two rowboats laden with barrels rowed carefully into the rocky cove and unloaded three water barrels. Water, Wade mused; thats why they landed. And sure enough as soon as the barrels were filled with fresh water from the creek, the men wrestled the barrels back in the boat only to discover they were pinned by the extra weight to the rocks in the coves' belly. Of course, since the tide was coming in it would only be a matter of time before they were able to free themselves and return to their ship. It was almost comical, watching them hop out of the boat, push and push and nothing happened; even minus their weight it was still too heavy. It wasnt easy to stifle his laugh at their pitful and comical efforts, but after an hour or more, the tide came in enough and they pushed the boats out; swimming along side them the men bobbed in the water, diminishing as they parted.

Wade watched as they loaded boats, barrels, and men into their ship and after several long minutes, they departed. wade didnt come out of the crag until he watched the top of the mast vanish over the horizon to the south, then he straightens up, dusting himself off. "Well that was.. different." He says to nobody at all. With a shrug, Wade returned to his camp and flips his camoflaguing cover off his shelter and sits, opening the bag and sorting the various greens by type. Now that the excitement of visitors had passed, it was back to work for him. Wade didnt mind sailors collecting water, but he had no desire to make contact with the outside world just yet. He had become at one with his solitude.

"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

Re: Il Mutah Har (story to follow)

Postby Wadeywade on Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:37 pm

The Sundered

The Island, Part 3
the Sundered

3 months ago

day 1
I returned to the island today, bringing supplies and materials. I found everything as I had left it, I had done well to camoflague it because tracks told me people had been here. Apparently, though, they came for water, but I have an idea how to curb further incursions, especially of the pirate variety. So, I have set up a series of snares and also can use my mgical skills to make this place more forboding...

day 15
The island was haunted. Or, at least thats what sailors will tell you. I'm not really sure if it is or not but I have never seen a ghost here, just the stuff I make up to scare away any would-be trespassers. Since I can control and manipulate wind, and lightning, it isnt really that hard to make this place go from a remote forested mountain home to a spooky, stormy island that seems desolate and forbidding. Honestly? Its one of my better tricks. The men who came ashore barely made it ashore and left just as quickly. So, most days go by with little interruption, I managed to haul the still across the vast gulf to this forbidding place but as for the materials to start it up well, I still need my valley after all. But crossing every few weeks to tend those crops and, weather permitting, returning to the island had almost become a routine.

day 16
A hurricane blew in today and tumbled several trees, a couple of which had been part of my way to cross some of the most difficult crossings. Luckily, nothing vital got lost, but it did take awhile to clean up all the damage. The still got dented so I may build some sort of protective shelter and besides, the copper is turning funny colors from the sea air.

day 19
one of the goats had a litter.. clutch.. whatever they are called. Anyways, even in this desolate place live thrives still. It was unusual to watch the herd protect her as she brought new life to the island and because of that, I couodnt get too close. But I was able to observe and I think thats why this place appeals to me so much, its not the soft civilized existence of the world I left behind, but the natural world in its purest state. After that I decided to give the cove another look so I flew around the island. The opening is tiny, actually, and though the cave beyond is fairly tall there is no way a large ahip could enter the cove let alone the cavern where the dock was. I tried to discern who made it and how but still come up with nothing.

Day 21
There was a fire today! Somehow coals or embers blew onto another part of the island and started a small fire. Luckily I was able to fly over with a bucket several times and douse it. It was sort of fun, dive bombing the fire the cliffs right there at my belly as I pull out and drop the water on the target. I have made a grate to cover the fire pit now, to prevent further misfortune. I found myself wondering about Callie, and Elly, Prydain.. Rida. I wondered what they were doing.

Day 24
I had a dream. No, not that kind of dream! I was in a small but high roofed shrine, and it was silent. The sort of silence that falls after a great war, where not even the birds sing. Anyways, then She appeared to me:
"My child."
'Mother.' I knelt, I didnt need to know a while lot about The Lady to be able to count her ten tails and know who I knelt before.
"You have a new mission. You will create a sacred space, a place of non violence. A place of learning. A place of reflection. I sunder you from the world, so that you may go about this task undistracted."
'Sundered? I do not understand, mother..'
"Do not think, that being marooned on this island was an accident. You were meant to find this place, and transform it into a place where others may come to find respite for a time." Her tails swayed back and forth, it was almost hypnotic.
'I swore to serve you, and I will until my past breath. But I still do not understand, mother. Why me? A man who has killed so many.. shed so much blood, earned so much emnity.'
"That, is why. No man can live as you did and not lose himself but by some measure of a miracle, you did not. But you will, if you continue. So take this place and become my Savi'Atar. To find the peace you seek, you must do as you have always, and forge it with your own hands, for others as well as yourself, serve their desire for peace and quiet contemplation and I promise all the answers YOU seek, will be given. In time."
When I woke, the sun was shining and the birds sang, a stark contrast to the dream.

Day 25
Today I sorted out some things, I will sell my properties in the various towns and I will buy this island and fufill the wishes of The Lady. Maybe I will build a library here in time, first I will build her a shrine, and then I will try to build or have built, enough buildings to house guests and do whatever it is we will need to do. I was going to sell my other lands as well, but I dont think not having food or supplies is a good idea and that right now is my sole stable food source, not to mention the only place I can get a glass of whiskey. But The Lady gave me this task, and I am glad for it. She wasnt kidding, I long for peace. Solitude. Answers. I know until I finish my task as her Savi'Atar they will elude me, because none are rewarded before the task is done. Well, normally.

Day 48
Its been twenty four days since the dream, and I still remember every word clearly. In fact this is the day I wrote it down, as my journal fell in a crack between two rocks and I could not find it right away, so now I record those days with absolute aclarity, which for me seems almost surreal. Savi'Atar. The Sundered. You know, it sounds alot worse than it actually is; in fact its an honor. I only hope it will work out as She plans. I struggle to live up to her expectations, but struggle forward I shall.

Day 67

I found out why this place. This volcano last erupted when the city or Telbuk was destroyed. That is why She wants me to bring the smal, bell here, I knew there was more to it..
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

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