
Stories, poetry and pictures created by players here

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Postby Isla on Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:30 pm

There had been fire, the smell had filled the air around the inn and called the little bisque to investigate! Rose slipped quietly into the Inn and after bribing Fugly with a poor catboy that she'd lured into following her she got quite a bit of the story! A fire mage! A fire mage that threw fire like you would throw food! She was half in love already! Firemages were amazing, she loved them anyway but this one sounded like she could be the one she was looking for! Maybe she could write her a song! Maybe she could write her a song that would earn her a fireball! Oh yes a plan formed in the tiny fae's head as she sipped the fruit juice mixed with just a tiny drop of rum. That's all she wanted a fireball that she could keep in a jar and put in her boat's cooking stove, maybe it would last forever if it came from a strong enough firemage. Of course she made sure that everyone wasn't injured, she wasn't a monster but she was certainly intrigued. She settled at a small table in the back, pulling out her quill and parchment, penning out a song, tripping over a few things she shrugged, at least in her mind it sounded right! She waited and while it dried she copied it three times, the first she sent to her namer the second was sent to Stormwind as he was her friend and he was also the one put in charge of making sure she was safe and then the third she sent to L`aquera herself!

"Hello Lady! Fugly told me about the Inn and the fight and I'm glad everyone seems to be ok! Anyway I would love to meet you! I composed you a song I hope it isn't offensive because its supposed to not be offensive and I am hoping that you'll favor me with a fireball! Yours truely Rose Red"

L`aquera (to the tune of Rhiannon)

L`aquera came like a fire at night
and wouldn't you die to know her
spark of light and burned so bright
who would come to stop her
in that night you've never guessed she was taken by the flame
how did it come to stop oh how did it end
ooh how did it end?

She started to light things up
and then she was the fire
leaving holes in the walls of the inn
and breaking things around her
All the time you would would why she was taken by the flame
how could you be holding her tightly
how did it end?
oooh how did it end?


L`aquera came like a fire at night
and wouldn't you die to know her
spark of light and burned the night
who would come to stop her
in that night you've never guessed she was taken by the flame
how did it come to stop oh how did it end
ooh how did it end?
yea how will it end?


started a
started a fire fight
started a
started a fire fight
started a
started a fire fight

Fire burns bright
Calls in all the light
Fire burns bright
Calls in all the light
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Re: L`aquera

Postby Miranda on Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:20 am

*giggles and budges over to make room in the Healers House for Rose* ;)
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Re: L`aquera

Postby StormWind on Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:30 pm

Stormwind sits in his office going through various papers and correspondences. The Keep was relatively quiet, but all the same, he had been spending more and more time there, sense his noble had blown the back wall out of the inn. He had done the repairs the next day and come back here. He paused, and read the same piece over and over again, and soon the still air around the keep was split wide open with his laughter. He smiled, and wrote a quick note to his Lady.

"You, it would seem, have obtained a fan my dear. I know this one a little bit. I have to say that at least she has far more respect for you and your place in the world then did a certain dead thing. I may be a bit biased, but I would say Arshes did the empire a favor getting that one off the streets. Should you wish to meet my friend Rose, I would enjoy attending such a meeting."

(if this belongs in a different part of the board, please feel free to move it)
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