Dance in the darkness, part 1 of 6, first arc: Sundered

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Dance in the darkness, part 1 of 6, first arc: Sundered

Postby Wadeywade on Fri May 05, 2017 4:47 pm

This is the first of six installments of stories written by Wade uth Matar and Malec Strange for the World of Belariath.
Thanks to Callie, Marena and others for permission to use their characters' likenesses. We hope we wrote them well and did them justice. :)
-Wade and Malec

1-1) Sundered
Written by Malec Strange and Wade

-preamble: A lot of threads. A lot of loose story threads I have started and did not finish or only partially finished, are tied up in this one story arc which is actually broken into two smaller arcs. Malec and I worked very hard to concept and write these stories so as to introduce a little new into the old and finish up stuff. Thanks to Joe, and I mean that sincerely, I was able to do just that. I was able to explain not only how Wade became a Vulpine but why, as well.
Of course, I wont ruin the plot by saying more, but I will say every story but one will be NSFW because there is at least a sex scene per story but 2-3.. Just putting that warning out there now. :) Also, Vulpani is used freely in the arc, and some I translated, some I didn’t. We know your fingers aren’t broken! ;) theres a page on the site and the message board that has a full primer on the language.
Also when we worked on these, we did not want you to I ow when one of us was writing and not the other; this took A LOT of revisions to make two people telling one story seamless. And we were often in the same room (though not always)! We began work on story 2-1 before releasing 1-1 so we were always three stories ahead though in truth 2-3 was already finished.
Note: thanks to Callie and Marena for allowing us to use their characters for this story and in the other parts of the arc. A good story is only as good as its smallest characters, and so I hope we wrote and concepted them well in these stories and did your creations justice.

It went slow.
Wade first woke up the the sounds of surf and gulls; sitting up he knew before he even looked around where he was, the smell of wet rock and junipers told him he was home. Looking around he saw Marena, Malec, and Callie sat nearby, talking in low voices until Malec looked over. "Sir! No, don't.." Wade was already on his wobbly legs long before she spoke, and as she moved to him he was on his way down. "Oof!" He hit the floor rather ungracefully, exclaiming then rubbing his nose. "Ow." The trio lifted him from the floor and back to the couch, "you know for such a lithe guy you are alot of dead weight sometimes, Wade. " Callie chuckled, admonishing him a little for not listening to Malec. "But we have you."

Laying him down they stepped back, and Wade sighed. Then, a realization hit him; it should have when he lost his balance so easy, but now he lay there, hand behind him.
And thats all that was. Wade looked to Callie, she looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry Wade. It is unprecedented." At that moment though, he felt a numbness, not dead or asleep just.. calm. "How?" He said, softly. Marena shook her head, "I tried everything Formidable, but they won’t come back." She said sadly. Wades eyes flashed to Malec, they were not the same eyes, now they were a sort of yellowish green color. "Y-you were like that when I found you Sir." Wade lays back, shaking his head softly. Still, that calm was over him, somehow.

"Ok. Last thing I remember.." and he tried. "I remember being hit by.. some.. sort of gas.. and then there was the.. thing I I got sucked in and doubled. I remember, falling into town.. thats it." He does not remember Thunder forcing him to take the antidote, not wholly. "I do remember someone giving me something. Making, me take it. I did then.. You." He pointed to Malec. "I was on a shore. A river island. You picked me up." There was a bit he forgot, how he got to Thunders’ house, the three days of delirium there before he slipped out a window and tried to follow the river north. As Wade ate some broth Marena brought him and Callie had made, he recounted the little he remembered.

Malec had found him three miles upstream, laying in a loamy bank moaning and shivering. Somewhere along the path he lost his way and wandered through a peat bog (This is an important fact to remember later). Malec half dragged, half carried him from there, and the first thing the bardess noted was Wade had no tails.
"So you remember little of the trip here." Wade shrugged and shook his head. "No. I don't."

Handing the bowl to his apprentice he nodded to Malec softly. "Thank you. Thank you all of you." He looked at them and laid back. "I.. think I need to be alone. I must seek aku-aku." (Vulpani for a quiet introspective moment.) Callie put her hand on Wades' arm. "I am sorry, tizha." The water mage said softly, and Wade nodded. "I don't know Callie but I think I'm ok. Just tired." He smiled, trying to reassure her but it comes off cheesy which of course, makes her laugh. Problem solved, Wade thinks and lays back. "Been a long weird day. And its been what, thirty minutes? An hour?" He chuckled softly.

As each went to their rooms, Wade lay there staring at the ceiling. What had happened? But there was no answer. Turning on his side, the air mage slept.
He awoke the next morning remembering nothing of this sleep time, and of course, he tried his new legs but.. again he ended up on the floor but this time was able to catch himself in a push up position, at least. "Well, hell." Pushing himself up Wade sort of half carried himself to the fire, which had gone out. "Time to start over." He said flatly, setting his mind to the immediate task. Other than the weak legs and rather nasty case of vertigo he felt fine. Malec emerged from her room first, the sun had not quite gotten over the horizon and would not be for an hour but the sky was already lightening.

"Sir? What are you doing?" Malec inquired as Wade moved to the wood bin very slowly, sort of moving himself like a spider, his back to the floor to do it. "I seem to be fine. Except standing." Wade says throwing a chunk of wood then kindling into the fireplace. "Don't worry, I got this." He said to his apprentice but she walked over and snatched the stick from his hand. "The hell you do. " Malec said, then added, a little more quietly, "Sir." About then Callie came out with a yawn. "Whats going on? I heard clattering and voices." Malec points at Wade and almost smacks him with the board, he shifts sideways by buckling his arm a bit. "Whoops! Sorry sir." She said when it clattered on the stone. Callie laughed softly walking to the chair by the fire and sitting. "Wade, dear what are you doing?" She said pointing at the akimbo pile of wood in the fireplace.

"Why doesn’t anyone recognize it?" He said spider walking back to the fire. Callie lifted a brow and so did Malec. "So thats how you did it." They both said at once then laughed. "Ok, yeah but I refuse to do it the other way. This ways way better." Wade stated flatly, sitting by the fire and quickly arranging the bits he threw in into a workable start of a fire. Taking a container of lamp oil and putting some on he hits it with an electric spark. The fire blazes and Wade points, it takes him about five minutes from start to finish. Callie sets a pot on to boil. "You dont have any rabbit, but I saw some chickens and.. some other bird.." Wade grins, "those are snow chickens, ptarmigans. Use those. I haven't tried them yet and if you are.." Wade moved away from the fire and sat still using that spider crawl, "cooking something, lets see what those can do. They’re wild, by the way so.. heads up."

Meanwhile Malec and Marena were chatting quietly, and Wade tried to follow but apparently he missed part of the story. They laughed together and it sort of made wade feel good that, somehow his apprentice still got to make friends despite her for-now desolate home that was also her training grounds. Wade was also glad Marena had a place to relax and found solace in this icy desolation of Il Mutah Har, the place that is no place. Wade snapped out of his reverie when he heard someone call his name. "Huh?" He said looking up to see Callie. "I was just complimenting how well stocked you are." Wade pointed, "theres cows and goats in the barn, chickens too. Horses.. yeah, if you want fresh eggs we got 'em. Fresh milk too." Wade grins, then he taps his temple. "I tried to think of everything."

Callie smiled shaking her head. "I think you did, Wade." Unwilling to fall into the trap of feeding his ego any. Still she was too gregarious to be rude but even then her tone told Wade the honest truth, something both understood. Wade held up his hands and laughed, "you never know when BSM is coming." He said, Callie was going to say something but Malec interrupted, "excuse me Sir but, Marena and I were wondering when you had the statue changed?"

"What?!" Wade came to his feet and was actually able to stand but when he stepped back, Marena and Malec caught him propping him up. "Show me." He says flatly. As they walked at his pace which was not easy, and Wade made it no easier; they finally made it to the dayhan (mini temple), with some effort and no small bit of arguing. Once they got the door opened and they saw the obsidian statue gripping his long sword, Wades' beautifully crafted sword by Alta Nova, in the grip of the statue. But, when Malec tried to enter to help wade in, she felt an invisible hand push her out. Callie saw and it struck her clearly. "No! Wait." Taking Wades one arm she hefts him. "It must be her Children. I guess this is a real test." She said to Wade in his ear quietly, Wade nodded and looked at her. "I still believe, tails or not. I hope its enough."

Callie smiled softly, "I think it will be." She said, and stepped through the door. Then. Nothing happened. Callie and Wade waited a few moments, but they were able to go forward and look at the glass hands. They were perfectly formed and gripping the blade and the handle tightly, palms upward. Setting Wade down, Callie looked at the top. "This is amazing." The vulpani woman breathed. Wade shakes his head. "I didn't change it." He said to her with a bit of puzzlement in his voice. Callie tried to take the sword but it would not budge, gladly it did not harm her either. From outside Marena and Malec watched through the glass. "So what happened, Formidable? How did it change?" Marena pointed at the statue and Wade shrugged, "we don't know yet." He replied, looking up at the still, unmoving features with a sense of total non understanding.

Callie sits beside him a moment. "I can't take it out, and I can't tell how it got there." Wade shrugged, and about then Malec peer through the doorway a safe distance from it now. "Why can't we get in?" The bardess inquired. "I'm.. not sure." Wade says looking up at the statue, "but I trust you." Looking to Callie Wade says, "lets go. Dinner should be about ready." Callie looked up, then looked at him. "Okay." Lifting him up they exited the dayhan and then shut the door behind them. "Ladies, I am sorry to say we have less answers now than when we went in." He joked, then seriously said, "but really. I got nothin'." Marena looked at the statue, "Ive been in there a hundred times." Said softly Marena looked for a second unsure what to feel, "yeah, Sir. Me too, to get you. Why this? Why now?"

Wade shrugged, "I have no idea. All I know is I need to learn to walk right again. Stop." They stopped, Wade waved them away, the. Wobbled forward a step. Then another. "Hey look ma I-" to their credit, this momentary display of strength did not fool the trio with the air mage, they kept close and lucky they did. Wade was able to walk a little. They all went inside, ate, cleaned up afterwards then, Wade had them take him to his shop. Then, the barn. Every time, he tried to walk more until finally, halfway around the plateau wade was tired, sweating profusely the poison and antidote finally ending their battle and adding to the mess of Wades' recovery. Together Malec, Callie and Marena worked with him individually and together, trying to help him get through it.

None of them really had expected it to become this, an unusual and seemingly ominous set of events that did not seem to bother Wade as much as the others, Callie too had seen alot of strange stuff but this was beyond even her expeience, too. Malec and Marena as well were stumped but Wade decided, since this was a mystery, why worry about it. He was still on the up bounce from a shocking illness. So, Wade asked them to stay, each individually, each for different lengths of time. He asked Callie first, because she was a great cook and a Musha whose wisdom he sorely needed. Wade asked her for three days, then asked she go home, and do what the city and the Ver'losi tribe need; because he could not very well keep someone he considered as important as the Reeve in some ways. "Sure, are you sure you don't want me to stay a little longer? I mean the tribes not going anywhere and town is quiet, for now. I have people who can help run the place while I am away."

Wade shook his head. "Nah. Three days, because after that if we can't figure out how to get my sword without breaking the statue, we never will. By then, I should be strong enough to manage the rest. Besides.." Wade said now a little quieter, a little more humbled: "I have a feeling what I am to do is a test of my faith, not yours. Thank you for the offer and, staying a few more days and staying the last few days. But.. " wade hesitated.."gods, I don't wanna be rude and say I don't need ya. But beyond that.. yeah." Wade shrugged a little, feeling kinda bad. His ears dropped over a little.

Callie though, graceful as ever, smiled. "I understand. I do, Wade its ok." Grabbing his cheeks she kissed him, a kiss he warmly returned. Breaking the kiss she said, "I want you to be safe in what comes, not worried you upset me. You worry too much, Wade." Callie said laughing gently. Wade laughed too. Callie read it in his features, some had changes, but some had not. Looping an arm over her shoulder he limped back inside.

Wade spoke to Marena next.

"Marena, I want you to stay a week. I may need healing, because I.. need to get better, not just good, but better. Formidable." Wade grins. Of course, Marenas' love for this man a sometimes bespectacled fella made her happy and feel safe and normal. Mostly, safe; plus something else, too.. "Of course, Wadeywade." Smiling Marena plopped herself on his lap, Callie and Malec were down by the beach so the cabin and the plateau were otherwise quiet. Wade put his arms around her, kissing her warmly, softly. Wade is an odd sort, he knows Callie doesn’t share his hang ups about mates and sex with just one of the partners (though both, that solves the problem!). Besides he saw her more as a mentor and though that was not unusual for them, to have sex; it was not a common thing as their bond ran a different vein but Marena.. truth was, she flicked a switch in Wade. Moaning as he kissed her Marena squirmed into a better position in his lap, her dress rode up and her damp pussy rubbed softly against the bulge forming in his pants.

“For-mid-able..” she said almost beggingly, teasing him by grinding down a little with syllable. Undoing his pants, Wade stripped them off. But Marena hesitated. “Are you strong enough, Wadeywade?” Wade grabbed her tossing her on the couch then leaping on her. Even though he was not at his best, after a few minutes of wrestling around (and much tickling to soften her up) he pinned her down. Panting she looked up at him with soft eyes. “What do you think?” He says panting quite a bit, but, he was on top.his hard cock waggled around, reaching up once he released one hand Marena stroked it. Wade let go, sliding her dress up he pushes his turgent staff into her wet passage, her pussy stretching a little to accommodate him. Both moaned in almost unison, Wade opened her shirt with less than gentle hands and cupped her breasts pinching the nipples playfully.

Wade fucked Marena hard, her wet pussy sucking his cock in as she moaned begging him for more. Wade gave her everything, he always did. He had a special desire, a love and a list for the mermaid; her was as simple as the ‘older man with glasses’ but his was far more complex; so best explained later. Suffice as to say, half an hour of wildly fucking her before he spilled hot thick cum deep inside her womb, both moaning in ecstasy as they orgasmed together.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: Dance in the darkness, part 1 of 3, first arc: Sundered

Postby Marena on Sat May 06, 2017 11:28 am

[[Forgive the OOC addition here but I give my thumbs up to this story, approve of how my character has been told - her role and actions within - and I look forward to the next instalments!!

Suitable song that came to mind for this scene!...]]
Player of:
Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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