Grim Ranger, Episode 4-Incursions and Conclusions

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Grim Ranger, Episode 4-Incursions and Conclusions

Postby Wadeywade on Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:11 pm

Wade stared at it for a long time, and I wondered what he would do. I slinked closer, frightened by the glowing, primal force that was beside him but bolstered by his feeling of safety. He too was awed by her and still, in some way they seemed similar; commanding, but gentle. A power of force but also of change. But my Wade he was just a man.. they spoke much of what was to become, and then that familiar tingle.. I came to his side and looked up, but those green eyes were lost in the pool and the choice to come.

"So I just end up somewhere else and then.. back here. Maybe. Or, live in this sandy but lush.." he held up a finger realizing the one he held up wasn't there. He lowered the hand, "prison. Or be obliterated, have I.. pegged the choices correctly? I do think I am going to take option one and go on a cosmic road trip. I mean I.. get, we disrupted the patterns of destiny. I guess its only fair and real,y, I don't wanna die. be obliterated. I imagine thats worse. " wade shuddered, and the Lady nodded midly but added nothing. "And Diana can come along. I.. do have one more question. My dream, the one where I wake up as a cat.. that it, all of this is just the construct of another mind in another part of the multiverse.." The Lady smiled softly, "a rare glimpse beyond the curtain, and not totally accurate. But close. As close as -your- mind could ever come to knowing the truth. Speaking of.." she touched his forehead and for a second I saw his face go blank. It was like when he was sleeping, for a moment I didn't see anything there but then the light winked back on. "Wha?" He said, blinking. The Goddess smiled at him, then me. "Nothing Wade. Forget you even mentioned it." Wade shrugged, "oh! My gear. Was that you?" He asked, climbing up the rock face. "No, that was an accident. i could bring you your gear if you like."

Wade nodded, "I would like that. No use tripping through the great unknown with a few clunky ass weapons and no armor." There was a flash, and the crates just appeared, I think that alone scared the wits from me! But Wade, he patted me gently on the neck and whispered to me it was ok, then he set about packing gear he could carry. I noticed he was mindful not to touch his daggers with that altered hand, a hand he seemed uncomfortable with but determined, to overcome it. Still, when I bump it he would switch hands to pet me. Our bond was never deep enough to convey words, or full thoughts but emotionally we were practically the same; I felt a sadness, an anger.. a frustration at not being able to take it all in fast enough. Fear, of not being ready enough for whatever we would find; and mostly for my safety, not his own. "Wade." The Goddess said, looking at me. "Wade be mindful your heart." And then she nodded to me. He looked down and I saw what I had felt, in his eyes. Smiling he stroked my head with his battered hand, not conciously changing this time, or at all.. "It'll be all right, Diana. I promise." He said more to reassure himself, than for me but I understood he was extraordinary. I always did, even from the day I opened my eyes and saw his face.

-some time ago-

I cracked through my shell with considerable effort, but I felt drawn from it, compelled to leave this safety and come into something.. more. I felt -Him-. The one they called Wade, amongst other things. It was this brilliant but small speck of silver sill that drew me out, when the shell fell away I could remember focusing on him.. I saw him. He wasn't much to look at, but he seemed both welcoming and.. safe. As if he wouod rather die than let me be hurt. Mama. But, not, Mama. When he picked me up I felt power surging in him, an electrical storm. A windy, rapid storm. But he was.. calm. Gentle. He was a contradiction of terms, and I guess I won't ever understand why I trusted and loved him so much, but I did. Wade picked me up and cradled me to his chest and I felt.. unstoppable. That first flight, he flew just behind me and I could feel him push me aloft with his wind, carrying me almost to his island home. Oh, the island. I both loved and hated it, it reminded me of home but it was so far from everything. Wade fed me, and fed me, until I was sure I couldnt eat no more. I never went hungry and yet he fretted I didn't grow.. big. I did grow, and in time we travelled.

-a month later...-

I remember the dig site, and how excited he had been to find those last few items buried in that ruined place he loved so much. I thought it was boring, everything was dead or too small to be a bother, but pulling that blue rock-egg from that mess seemed to make him immensely happy. I do wonder what became of it, it wasn't edible (I tried) so I know he didn't eat it. Anyways, I know sometimes it was the little things that made him happiest. Which is why his fretting over my not growing huge never made sense, to me. But I sensed his love, like everything else about him, arrowed forward and if not forward, always in motion. It was contatious, and I saw it in the other two-leggers he was around; a sense of quiet goodness about him that was bent solely to keeping things solid, and real. In a land where might made right, he fostered the might in everyone he saw, fed their potential. It was the little things he did, too. They seemed to give him the most strength to wake up the next day, and dig through the.. everything, to do it all again.

One could say he was plodding and single minded, if that was all you saw, but beneath that was a vast network of information and from that, structured, detailed preparation (without planning, if that makes sense) so that when something was needed, he had it ready. Be prepared, vigilant. In a way ending up at the oasis was good for him, despite the cost; when we sat by the fire every night and he gazed at the stars I knew he was looking for a way to find home but.. also that, in a way he didn't miss always giving, being, helping.. it was good to be selfish and get somehing back for what he had given. Of course, now we stood on the edge of another of those giving moments and though the prospects were.. big, in his mind; to leave behind so much seemed to make it difficult for him. And still, he did.

"Lets go, Diana." He commanded but I could feel his sadness as much as I heard it. I came to his side, from the day I broke free of my egg he watched over me and I knew scared as he might be, Wade would protect me. I could still believe in him. Gathering his gear he strapped the tent carefully to my back and another small bag, too. I kept close and once Wade was done he laid a gentle hand on my head. "Ok, lets get this over with. "

He took several deep breaths, I am not sure why it was not water but something.. else. It surged by like a great misty, crackling cloud. Taking ahold of my neck, Wade plunged forward, and I with him. I still believe.


"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

Re: Grim Ranger, Episode 4-Incursions and Conclusions

Postby Wadeywade on Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:48 pm


-6 months later-

Wade appeared in the street, his hair long and mildly streaked grey his bear long and uncut.. The road was dirt and in the middle of a forest at least. Diana slid up beside him, stroking his hand.. Holding it up he saw he was still missing his index and ring finger at the first knuckle, but much to his surprise, a small ball of lightning formed in his palm. "Cool." He said, snapping his hand shut. Patting Diana on the head Wade got off the road and into the woods, a grim ranger in unknown parts, lost even to himself.

"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:36 pm

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