So of course one of the most fun parts of Halloween is sharing spooky stories.. campfire preferred but it's getting kinda cold for some of us so fireplaces work just as well! Abby ran an awesomely cool party last night which culminated in a sharing of tales and they were all just *so* good! I'm only posting mine for now but maybe with enough tickling others might share a few of their own!
Allivia waits for the crowd to grow silent before beginning her tale "There was once an absolutely beautiful chirot girl, skin of porcelain the face of a statue.. the absolute pinnacle of beauty. A healer, she was kind empathetic and despite her diminutive form surprisingly brave.. and about her neck rested a tattered leather collar, an ugly piece which was a perfect representation of the man who owned her. Oh he was handsome enough a tall striking torian with large wings as black as night" she might not have agreed with such silly superstitions but it did help to sell her story. "But it was his soul itself that was truly dark, and ugly and cold. Often he was reasonable enough but the man was a drunkard, and when he had a few in him he became impossibly cruel raping and beating his prized possession as if jealous of her beauty, but she loved him still.. she simply couldn't help it. One night he went too far breaking bones marring that perfect face but she couldn't abandon him she mustn't, she had her duties and he had her heart.
Allivia leans closer to the group her voice taking on an almost conspiratorial tone "And yet she hid frightened and bruised, hoping that he had forgotten her that he had found some other distraction to pass the night away. And then she heard him call for her with that rougher voice of his the one that proved that he was not finished with her just yet, trembling as she sat curled upon the ground hearing him holler 'More ale wench!' and the girl found that she had no choice, she *had* to serve him lest the beatings become even more severe. She gathered her nightgown about herself making her way through the keep when a curious sight caught her eye, black feathers upon the ground that seemed to be leading the bat to her destination. His yelling continued growing more distant as she neared the pantry but she was quite unable to tear her eyes from the floor the feathers stopping just at the doorway, all but breathless as she stepped inside."
Allivia 's voice seems to grow a touch more quiet as if whispering things that none should ever hear "Oh the trail of feathers stopped, replaced instead by droplets of dark red.. the chirot was speechless, the torian was not and still she could hear his demand for more ale echoing down the long halls growing more angry and insistent the longer that he waited. But this was the furthest thing from the slave's mind as her eyes slowly rose from the ground to see.. her own Master himself laid dead upon the ground in a thick pool of blood! 'Bring me that ale wench or I'll fetch it myself, and you know you don't want that' the 'man's' voice seemed to be growing closer but the slave was quiet, oh she'd tried to scream but not a single sound emerged from those perfect lips. It was then that the girl caught sight of a mirror, her once pristine gown utterly covered in blood and in her hands a similarly coated dagger.. the weapon drops to the ground with a clang beside the bastard's corpse. And then the door opened behind her and she turned to face it, this time at least the chirot found her voice.. a scream of desperation and woe filling the long dark halls.
Allivia straightens in her seat voice taking on a more normal tone "In the days that followed they would find the torian's body, killed by a dagger to the gut. But the girl? She was never seen again, none know what might have happened to her. There are rumors that she still lingers in the keep to this day, I wouldn't know.. I have never dared to visit such a place, would you?"
It was a contest so of course we all rolled 3d100 and ended up in a three way tie, I don't even know what the odds of that happening are but Des was clearly enjoying herself! Does anybody else have any spooky stories to share?