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Poem for the Emperor

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:04 pm
by Tehya
Found near the fireplace of her new room, still a bit daunted by the emperor and her new position as Imperial Palace Bard.

Poem for the Emperor

If I were a Flame

If I were a flame my kindle would be your lips
The fire inside me, would be fed with your passion
Even when you left it would spark
My senses long for you.
There would be a few things, to put me out
Not careful tending, lies, and disillusionment

If I were a flame I’d long for your hands to feed me
Touch, would make me grow in excitement
Your strong arms adjust me this way or that
Crossing legs like fire logs on the fire
Resting me upside, or right side at your will

If I were a flame I’d take heed of the cold
Knowing that I would soon be ashes
Piled in ashes to blow as people pass by
Needing to reform as you gather me in your hand

If I were a flame I would need kindling
Your face brushed against my cheek
Like a flint upon stone
Your splash of passion quenches me

Would you tame me with your very soul?

If I were a flame, would you quench my fire?