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Mae's Coffin Quest for House Dethsiris

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:36 am
by CallieO
Dramatis Personae

Mae: Level 15 female black-winged torian necromancer, and dungeon master
Annwyn: Level 45 female silver-winged Magi
Brian Perano: Level 5 male brown-furred vulpine healer
Varis: Level 5 male moriel shaman
Nighthawke: Level 5 male high human knight and General of Dethsiris

Master_Skull_Mae was waiting in front of the doors to the mines. The same doors as they went out previous times. Two large undead wolven were standing behind Mae, like two bodyguards guarding their mistress. The black winged torian beauty wore a sexy black outfit [], two whips and a mithril scimitar and her black heels. She would lean on one hip and cross her arms. A wide grin on her lips and a teasing look in her eyes. This was exciting! This day would be very exciting! Her first time being a leader at a expedition. She would wait in front of the doors for the other adventurers to arrive. She would give them a briefing when everyone was present. For now she waited for the group to arrive and gave a friendly nod to everybody that would arrive.

Annwyn-Deth stepped into view, the Magi nodding toward Mae with a solemn expression. She was here to aid in retrieving the sarcophegous, but that would be easy enough if the black stones didn't react to the magic. The difficult part would be up to Mae. "Evening, oh Master of Skulls..."

Brian Perano arrives in his old House of Fire work uniform, as he hasn't yet been given a uniform for House Dethsiris. The twin-tailed, brown-furred Savi'atar is dressed in a simple crimson tunic, black work pants, and black traveling boots, and wears a white wide-brimmed hat that rests comfortably on his large, triangular ears. He has a pair of thin-framed glasses on his face to correct for his mild nearsightedness. For weaponry, he carries a sling, with some sling bullets.

Varis was in the dome, looking aroung for where the meetup was supposed to be at, and suddnly he found them near the building with the stairs that lead outside. He would move to Mae and bows his head to her. "Hello Miss Mae." He said softly and looks around. "Hopefully I brought enough trinkets to use..." He said softly.

Nighthawke-Deth arrived at the meeting place,,,,and for once he wore his light leather armor he rarely took out.... ( ... d2f49d.jpg ) along with his black mythril longsword...He spotted Mae and walked up to her... "I'm here and ready when you are..." He said quietly then saw Annwyn anhd nodded to the Magi..

Master_Skull_Mae would look at Annwyn-Deth as she was the first to arrive. She would to her. ¨Evening Annwyn, thank you for joining.¨ She would chuckle. ¨Nice titel huh..really catchy.¨ She chuckled some more and gave Annwyn-Deth a wink. Then her eyes would spot Brian`Perano-DETH. She hadn´t seen him before but she was glad that he wanted to join on this mission. She would give him a friendly nod and then her eyes shifted to Varis-Deth as he approached her. She grinned more and gave a friendly nod. ¨Hello dear..well otherwise we have your good looks and your muscles.¨ She teased Varis-Deth and gave him a wink. It was a nice group so far. Her eyes shifted to Nighthawke-Deth when he joined the group as well. For a moment her eyes roamed over his armor. That looked good on him! Very nice. She would give him a friendly nod with a grin. ¨Welcome General, thank you for joining. I shall wait a few more moments before I start my briefing.¨ She explained. Expecting more people to come.

Annwyn-Deth inclined her head, smiling to Mae and nodding once to Nighthawke. "General. That's a lovely sword. Is it new?" She asked, her hand going to the one at her hip. Mithril as well, of elven craft. "It looks like it will serve you well, either way."

Since they have a few moments before the briefing starts, Brian decides to take the time to introduce himself, as the only person he knows here is fellow new person, Varis, and then only because they were interviewed together. "Vizhra; I'm Brian Perano, Dethsiris's new apprentice healer and rook rider. I've been with the house for a little less than a month. I'm also a member of the Savi'atar, a vulpine clan empowered by The Lady to seek out and catalogue vulpine cultural artifacts, and to guard the dangerous ones from those who'd seek to use them to harm people."

Nighthawke-Deth chuckles at Annwyn... "Thank you Annwyn.....It was a gift given to me by Mae....I dare say I just followed the established precedent....."

Varis-Deth chuckles softly to Mae. "Perhaps." He grinned. Then Brian cam and introduced himself and Varis shook hands with him. "Well met, Brian. I'm Varis- rook rider and soon to be a part of the necro fan club." He grinned, in spite of himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Master_Skull_Mae would look at Brian`Perano-DETH when he introduced himself. She would give him a friendly warm smile. ¨Pleasure meeting you Brian. My name is Mae, Master of the Skulls which is a fancy name for the head of the necromancers.¨ She chuckled. ¨Welcome to house Dethsiris. I´m glad we have a healer on board. If you have any questions or are in need of anything, just let me know okay?¨ She said politely. She would then motion everybody. ¨I shall now start with my briefing so please come closer.¨ She would wait for a moment for everybody to come closer. ¨Okay, as you know this mission is about retrieving some corpses. We are going back into the mines. A very dangerous place where NO magic is allowed. The mission: Retrieving the mithril coffin and gather much information about it, retrieving the corpses we find and retrieving the hammer of our Majordomo.¨ She explains. ¨After these doors we know there are stairways downstairs..we will find a door blocked with a mithril bar and after it, we are in the danger zone. First we are going to retrieve the hammer as that one is deeper into the mines and on our way back we are going to go to the coffin room. Please stay with the group, we know it is a dangerous place and that there´s a dragon there. Possibly more moriels. Only use weapons and no magic unless I say so. Any questions so far?¨ She asked as she looked around the group.

<+Varis-Deth> "Why does it always have to be my people that screw things up?" He murmured. Whn Mae asked bout questions Varis shook his head. "Perfectly clear, ma'am!" He said.

Nighthawke-Deth stood there for a moment as he listened to Mae...he turned to Annwyn... "Join me for dinner tomorrow night my dear..." he said to the Magi....then he turned back to Mae.... "Do you want me to capture the Dragon Mae?"

Annwyn-Deth shook her head, then blinked at the offer of dinner. "We are by NO means to interact with the dragon," She said flatly. "If even the Empress didn't want to mess with it, we're leaving that thing where it is."

Brian smiles reassuringly at Varis. "I could tell you stories about how *my* people royally screw things up, too," he assures the moriel. He speaks now to Annwyn. "What if the dragon takes umbrage with us being there, and attacks us?"

Master_Skull_Mae would raise a brow when Varis-Deth was murmering those words. Well it was unfortunate but they had encounter moriels here in the mines and knew that they were also after those black phoenix stones. ¨Oh I don´t know dear.¨ She would look at Varis-Deth with a grin and then a nod. Her eyes would then widen and she would shift towards Nighthawke-Deth. ¨Absolutely NOT, general. That dragon is as far as we know behind that door and needs to stay there. We can´t handle a is too powerful and I´m pretty sure our Lord has different plans for that dragon. I appreciate your enthusiasm but we need to stay out of the way for the dragon.¨ She smiled towards him. No.. it would be really foolish to awake that dragon or try things with it. That was too risky. She would nod to Annwyn-Deth in agreement. ¨Don´t worry..if any of you die, I will make sure you will have a nice place in my undead army.¨ She grinned deviously. Just a little dark humor she placed into the group. ¨Well..if there isn´t any more questions, then we can start.¨ She would look at Brian`Perano-DETH. ¨If that dragon is awake and out of its room, then we are going back up here and aboard the mission.¨ She explained.

Annwyn-Deth nodded to Mae. "Yes, and with any luck we won't have to get close to it. Was the hammer dropped in the chamber with the beast? Or elsewhere?" She looked at Mae, curious about that particular bit. If they could avoid going into the dragon's chamber, so much the better.

Nighthawke-Deth turns back to Annwyn....."Very well, I'll leave the beast where it is...." He replied, then turned back to Mae.

Annwyn-Deth inclined her head to the General. "And we can discuss dinner plans later, I'd much rather focus on the task at hand for the moment."

"I can't honestly say that offer appeals to me," Brian says, regarding being inducted into Mae's army of the undead. Would his Lady-given soul still be in his body? That sounds like someone's idea of hell. He takes a moment to fix his eyes to a certain point on the ceiling and say a vaanazhin, a battle prayer, softly under his breath, asking for victory and safety in combat. Brian had become much more spiritually guided in the four years since becoming a Savi'atar.

Nighthawke-Deth nodded and crossed his arms as he listened to everyone quietly...

Master_Skull_Mae would look at Annwyn-Deth. ¨Miss Dawn has said that she lost her weapon during our fight near that tower bridge. So it is probably still in a corpse. We would have to see how far we can go back but at least we can try it.¨ She would nod the Nighthawke-Deth. ¨Well..let´s go.¨ She would turn around and open the doors to the stairway. Then she would take one of the torces and walk with her two undead wolven downstairs, expecting the rest to follow. It took a bit of time for them to arrive back at the door with the mithril bar. She would turn around to the group and let her two unead wolven already stand ready to lift the bar. ¨ magic.¨ She gave the group a wink.

[Varis poofs; not feeling good.]

Annwyn-Deth nodded, drawing her sword, the elvish script along the blade glimmering in the dim light. "Yes, let's NOT blow ourselves up," She muttered, looking to Mae. Ready, then, for what might be waiting once they lifted the bar and unblocked that door.

Brian hmms. "If Dawn lost her weapon in here, why isn't she here helping us retrieve it?... I'm not trying to stir the pot or anything; I'm just curious. Was she hurt or something?" He draws his sling.

Nighthawke-Deth nodded as he unfastened the tie to his Blacksword, then took another torch and proceeded taking up a position so he had a clear view of everyone to make sure none of them strayed away on their own..."Keep together and don't go off on your own...the last thing I need is for one of you to get lost..."

Master_Skull_Mae would grin and nod to the rest of the group. She would draw her whip, just her preferenced weapon. She would look at Brian`Perano-DETH when he asked that question. She would raise a brow and then she would explain. ¨Our Majordomo can´t always join these kind of missions as she has other important matters to attend to which she only can do.¨ She explained. She gave him a soft smile and then she would give a wink to Nighthawke-Deth when he said those words. She would return to the door as the mithril bar was lifted by her two large undead wolven. They would step inside the hallway. It seemed..quiet.. nothing to see at first hand. Her two undead wolven would close the door behind the group and close the mithril bar again. ¨So..let´s go that way and see if we can find that ´Skullcrusher.´ As that was the name of the hammer of Dawn and Mae pointed a direction. ¨Be on guard.¨ She would then lead the group.

Annwyn-Deth glanced back as the wolven closed the bar behind them again. All the better if moriel tried to get out by sneaking behind them. "Agreed, General. Best to not go wandering off..." she said, adjusting her grip on her sword and moving along behind Mae, sticking close to watch the Torian's back.

Brian follows behind Annwyn, keeping an eye on what's going on, looking from left to right, sticking close to the group. He's by far the least powerful member of the assembled, and is very much afraid, but he trusts in The Lady.

Nighthawke-Deth was the last one in before the door was closed and barred again....Now it started to get more interesting again. He heard Annwyn agree with him which meant that someone was paying attention to what he had to say... Crystal blue eyes constantly moving watching everyone as the group continued forward further into the mines...

Master_Skull_Mae would walk in front. Her hips swaying as it was just her walk. Her two undead wolven were at the end of the group as the closet the door. They would walk into one of the hallway´s they had been before. Well except for Brian`Perano-DETH. They could see some parts of black mithril stones in the walls. Mae´s blue eyes was scanning her surroundings but she was at the front. She was glad that they joined her. Of course she thought it was a shame that Aavran couldn´t join or Carthellen of other value house members but still she was glad that these people wanted to join. If they looked around, they would see the same paintings as before. Giant bats..water. As they would approach towards the hallway towards the open space, with the tower bridge, the ones with good hearing would hear voices and if they would hear closely and understand the language..they would know it was the language of the Nethergloom. They wouldn´t see the creatures yet..only hearing them from a distance.

Annwyn-Deth frowned deeply, glancing from Mae to Nighthawke, her voice pitching low. "They're near..." She said, baring her teeth a bit. She knew the moriel tongue well, even after the loss of her memory. Some things never went away.

"I hear them too," Brian says in the same low tones. "I don't speak the language, though. Do you know what they're saying?" Does he really want to know?

Nighthawke-Deth turned hearing Annwyn speak which caused him to quickly draw his Blacksword and kept it ready.. He would look behind him quickly and then up front looking, listening.. Hie eyes on Mae and the wolven in front, then to Brian and finally Annwyn....If the moriel were here, they were doing a good job of hiding..and yet voices in hushed tones were heard by everyone...

Master_Skull_Mae would stop for a moment and look at Annwyn-Deth. ¨Moriels huh.¨ She would nod to the group and slowely approach the hallway. Annwyn-Deth would understand that they are talking about a weapon..the moriels making fun of the person who left it as it was such a interesting weapon. Then they would hear the voices becomming louder and soon they would arrive at the open hall with the towerbridge. Mae would signal everybody to go down behind a rock. ¨ Hmmm... 4 moriels and 2 dog like creatures..¨ She would whisper to the group. They would see that one of the moriels was holding the weapon of Dawn and just swing it around..trying to be tough around the other moriel. Trying to impress the other. ¨It seems that they have the weapon of miss Dawn. Be prepared to fight..I say we use the element of surprise..but if somebody has a better strategic..I´m all ears.¨ She would say as she whispered that to the others.

Annwyn-Deth looked in the direction of the voices, dropping to a crouch and keeping herself out of sight - her wings dismissed as soon as they'd entered the tunnels. "Agreed," she said softly, glancing around the opened hall, then looking toward Brian. "If you're good with that sling, we might be able to take one of them by surprise while the others move to intercept."

"I'll do my best," Brian says, aiming his sling at the moriel holding Dawn's hammer, and preparing to fire when given the command to do so. The truth was, he'd never fired his sling at a living being before, but he was halfway decent at hitting stationary targets.

Nighthawke-Deth chose to sheath his Blacksword and and brings out his longbow he had slung behind his back and drew two arrows placing one in the knock and drew waiting silently for the word...

Master_Skull_Mae would nod to Annwyn-Deth in agreement and then to Brian`Perano-DETH. ¨You go first and then we attack.¨ She would then look at the moriels. She would squeeze her eyes. Her whip in her hand, ready to attack. ¨Go.¨ She would say to Brian`Perano-DETH. Letting him first attack the enemy by surprise.

Brian takes another moment to line up his target, aiming just slightly above Moriel 3's head, and he fires his sling bullet, connecting with the elf's skull.

Nighthawke-Deth took aim at moriel 1 and let his arrow fly but it was too close to a protruding rock and glanced off missing his target...

Annwyn-Deth moved as the stone and arrow let fly, darting forward with surprising speed. Her sword glittered in the dark, arcing toward the nearest moriel, but she was a hair's breadth too late. Or, at least, this one was on his toes, jerking back out of the way at the last moment as that length of sharpened mithril whistled past where his head had been.

Seeing that the moriel he'd hit in the head with his sling bullet wasn't badly hurt, and that Nighthawke and Annwyn had missed their attacks, Brian fires another bullet at Moriel 3, trying to prevent him from using his hammer-- BlackDawn's hammer-- in melee against Annwyn. This time, the moriel sees it coming, and knocks the bullet imperiously out of the air, using the hammer.

Nighthawke-Deth cursed to himself as he drew out a second arrow to join the one he alkready had.. He bit off a vane on each arrow, put them together in the knock and drew back aiming at the eyes of the moriell holding BlackDawns Hammer before it would get away and let loose....both arrows flew and separated as the drew close and pierced the eye sockets and into the brain dropping the moriel as the Hammer fell from it's grip...

[Moriel 3 is dead.]

Master_Skull_Mae would see how the attack had started. Her two undead wolven would growl and starts to go for one of the large dog like creatures. Scratching and biting the dog. The dog would howl shortly before it would growl. Mae would fly with her whip and leap towards one of the moriels, Trying to whip him from the edge into the darkness below but misses.

Annwyn-Deth recovered quickly from the miss, using the momentum to whip around, a booted foot impacting with the moriel's chest - sending him staggering backward as the melee hit full swing.

Master_Skull_Mae Moriel 1 would try to attack Annwyn-Deth but misses. A groan from the dark elf. Moriel 2 sees hawke and runs forward and sling with his scimitar and cuts his arm. Moriel 4 would see Mae approaching and he would take his whip in return and hits the wing of Mae. Mae would groan and falls down in the ground. The Hounds would try to fight back against the wolven but weren´t successful.

Brian sees that Nighthawke has defeated the moriel who'd been swinging the hammer around, and the vulpine feels compelled to get into melee. He grabs the sheathed dagger that the moriel had had, and takes it out, moving towards the undead wolven, and swinging his dagger at Hellhound 1, which has been attacking one of them. It falls dead.

Nighthawke-Deth had drew another arrow when the other moriel attacked cutting his arm which caused him to loose the arrow that fell on the ground....

Master_Skull_Mae would quickly take her scimitar and starts to cut the achilles heel of that moriel, which made him unable to walk. A loud groan and some curses could be heared. Her two undead wolven tried to attack the other hound creature but that creature avoided. Moriel 1 would attack Annwyn-Deth and hits her with his dagger. Moriel 2 would see hawke missing his arrow that fell on the ground so he would take his scimitar and starts to cut him and hits his leg. Moriel 4 would fall on the ground because of his injury and take his whip and starts to choke Mae. The hound would try to attack the undead wolven but misses.

Annwyn-Deth hissed as the moriel's dagger cut her, slicing skin, though the wound was shallow. She knocked the arm bearing the blade aside, thrusting with her sword - only for the moriel to dance away again, infuriatingly fast.

Near Brian, the surviving hellhound is attacking one of the undead wolvens, but more seriously, Moriel 4 is choking Mae with his whip. He rears back with his sling and launches a bullet towards him, but misses. "Dammit!"

Nighthawke-Deth sees moriel 4 choking Mae... It was too close to Mae for a two arrow shot.. He pulls one vane off, takes deadly aim and lets it fly, the missing vane caused the arrow to curve and hit the moriel right between the eyes.. It went lip and fell off of Mae dead...

Master_Skull_Mae would would try to escape but luckly there was Hawke. She would sit up and gives a nod to Hawke. Then she would take her whip and lounches towards Moriel 2 but misses. Her two undead wolven unfortunately tried to damage the dog but misses.Moriel 1 would try to attack Annwyn-Deth but misses. Moriel 2 would see how his friend was killed and would take his dagger and leaps towards Nighthawke, cutting his hand. The hound would start to growl and bite the wolven who would growl in return.

Annwyn-Deth used the momentary shock on the moriel's face at the brutal death of its from, dancing in and slashing across his frame. It wasn't enough to kill, but she could tell the moriel was flagging, the wounds it already suffered slowing it down. Or rather, he would have, had he not tripped on a rock as he danced backward. With a startled scream, the moriel fell backward off the bridge, disappearing into the abyss below. Annwyn stared after him, blinking a bit, before shrugging and turning back to the fight. A kill was a kill.

Brian, dagger in hand, slashes at Moriel 2, but he adroitly dodges.

Nighthawke-Deth couldn't get a good grip on the bow after his hand was cut but took a random shot at moriel number two and let loose.. the arrow missed it completely...

Master_Skull_Mae would see how moriel 2 had avoid some attacks. Mae would jump on the back of the moriel and wrapped her whip around it´s throat chocking it and keeping him at a spot. ¨Come on!¨ She groaned. Her two undead wolven would grab the hound and rip it apart together. Moriel would try to hit Mae but Mae had him in a good grip. Her eyes shifted to the others. Waiting for one to finish the job.

Annwyn-Deth kept moving, heading for the final target, but the dodged her attack. They HAD to be flagging now, though, right?

Seeing that Annwyn's target, the final moriel, had dodged her attack, Brian charges at him, connecting shoulder-to-shoulder and sending him tumbling into the abyss. The moriel lands with a sickening thud, after several long seconds. Shit, that's a long way down. "Whoa-ohhhh-ohhh!" Brian exclaims, holding his arms out to his sides and trying to maintain his balance, dangerously close to falling off the bridge himself.

Annwyn-Deth moved quickly, reaching out to grab Brian and pull him back as he came close to falling. "Careful, there." She said, smiling. "You did good."

Master_Skull_Mae would take her whip and land on the ground again. ¨Goodjob everyone.¨ She would catch her breath for a moment. ¨Annwyn, would you take the hammer of Dawn with you? The rest, please pick up the bodies of the two hounds and the two spiders. My wolven can carry the moriels. I want to take all the bodies with me for research and investigation. Hopefully we can get some answers from them.¨ She would grab a spider corpse while her two undead wolven would carry the moriels. ¨I want to drop them behind the mithril door first and then we go to the coffin room. I don´t want to keep comming back here, not until we got some answers.¨ She explains and then she would walk back towards the hallway. ¨Let´s go back to the mithril bar door. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.¨

Annwyn-Deth nodded, moving to fetch the hammer and tucking it into her belt. "Easily done. We can move the coffin next, aye?"

Nighthawke-Deth walks by Mae...."Are you ok?" He asks... Concerned that that moriel choking her mught have caused some damage to her throat....

Master_Skull_Mae nods. ¨We first going to drop these bodies behind those mithril door so that my wolven have their hands free for the coffin. Once the bodies are behind that mitril door then we collect the coffin and any info we can find about it´s corpse. Like a name or something. That could help the Lord with speaking to it. Once we are behind those doors, Annwyn-Deth can point shift with the coffin to the catacombs while the rest can take the corpses to the keep. It is important to just get everything past that mithril door.¨ She explains. She would look at Nighthawke-Deth and smiles. ¨Yes I´m fine my dear. Just collect as many corpses you can carry.¨ She would walk with the spider corpse and her two undead wolven to the hallway and the mithril door, expecting the rest to follow with the other corpses.

Brian, with Annwyn's help, is able to be pulled back from the brink of falling. "Thanks," he says. He grabs one of the hellhounds, and tries his best not to look too closely at it. Hideous thing.

Nighthawke-Deth nods and goes to pick up a hound corpse to carry back up to the entrance to drop it off...

Annwyn-Deth moved to start shuffling the bodies to where Mae needed them, though she smirked a bit at her colleague. "If I didn't know any better, Mae, I'd wonder if you were just using this as an excuse to add to your collection," She teased, winking at the torian woman.

Master_Skull_Mae grins at Annwyn-Deth. ¨Oh don´t worry dear..I´m sure these corpses are useful... but everything I have done so far is for the better for our knowledge of the creatures here and the people.¨ She chuckles. She would wait until all the bodies were behind the mithril bar door and then she would guide the group to the coffin room. ¨Let´s go.¨ She would say. Once they arrive in the coffin room she would look at the others. ¨Try to look for any clues..a name or something. Anything that can help to identify the corpse..the easier it will be for our Lord to speak to it.¨ She explained and starts searching.

Annwyn-Deth takes more time to examine the chamber, moreso than she had the last time they were present. "Hopefully we can find something. This elf's body is ancient, and likely...well, whatever it spoke, it might only have a passable resemblance to High Elven now..."

"How old do you figure the elf's body is?" Brian asks. He adds his own opinion of language studies. "In longer-lived races, there tends to be a slower language drift. Contemporary Vulpani, for example, is about 7,000 years old. That's only a handful of vulpine lifetimes."

Nighthawke-Deth turnhs and takes up his original position watching the group as they start making their way toward the coffin room...His guard was heightened byt the fight that they were just engaged in now wondering if there were anymore surprises up ahead...They finally arrived at the chamber and he stood guard at the entry just in case letting the otheres do what they needed to do...

Master_Skull_Mae would exame the place some more. She didn´t saw anything that might give a clue about it´s name. ¨The body must be over 400 years was very well preserved. I´m curious about the answers the corpse will give us..I´m excited to see our Lord in action.¨ She chuckles as she confessed that. She wanted to see Archaon use his magic. It would be very interesting and learnfull. She would look at Brian`Perano-DETH. ¨Well we couldn´t examen the body because if we kept the lid open too would take it´s freshness..but..I think over 400 years old..but hopefully we will have answers soon.¨ She explained. She didn´t find anything but perhaps Annwyn-Deth was more lucky.

Annwyn-Deth frowned. "Four-hundred? For an elf, that's a blink," she said softly. "I'm over four-hundred years old, and that was before I became Magi." she looked down, frowning deeper when she caught sight of something - reaching out to pluck up the shred of parchment that had been beneath the coffin. "'s got writing on it, but it's not a script I recognize."

Master_Skull_Mae would look at Annwyn-Deth and grins. ¨Over 400 years old.. but I have no idea..we will get answers soon.¨ She gave her a wink and then she would stand next to Annwyn-Deth when she found a shred of parchment. ¨Hmmm.. I cannot read it either. I have no idea..but let´s take it with us.¨ She would let her undead wolven lift the coffin. ¨Hmmm.. I think that is it. Let´s hope our Lord knows what language that is and that he can read it. Are we ready to get this coffin movin?¨ She teased everyone and then she would guide the group back towards the mithril bar door. ¨General Nighthawke. Can you bring those corpses we just collected with your men and brian to the catacombs please? I shall let our Lord know that we are ready and that he can meet us at the catacombs.¨ She explained. She would first wait until the group was behind the door with the mithril bar, closing it and then she would cast message spell to Archaon. She would then look at Annwyn-Deth. ¨You, the coffin, me and wolven will go with you.¨ She would turn around towards Brian`Perano-DETH and Nighthawke-Deth.¨Please meet us at the catacombs. I think we will finaly have some answers today.¨ She smiled brightly and then waited for Annwyn-Deth.

"Yeah, my parents are older than 400. Not me, though. I'm only 40." Brian looks at the parchment. "It's not Contemporary Vulpani or Ancient Vulpani, and it's not from any of the smaller tribes that I've studied, either, and... I believe I've studied all that are known to the empire. Definitely not vulpine. You know, we've got a dragon in here. Do you think this might be Draconic?"

Annwyn-Deth nodded. "Makes sense. For now, let's get this thing out of here."

Nighthawke-Deth kept a careful eye on Mae Annwyn and Brian as they were trying to figure out a clue that Annwyn found...then he looked back to see if everything was still quiet...

Brian's nose hairs practically retreat into his sinuses as he catches a whiff of the scent from the hellhound in his arms. "Oh, goddess, you reek, buddy. What the hell did they feed you?" He sets the dog down and drags it to his destination.


Enter Archaon, level 223 male Drak Sen and noble of Dethsiris

Master_Skull_Mae was standing in the catacombs next to Archaon. Her two undead wolven were standing near the door guarding. The black winged torian beauty wore a sexy black outfit [], her two whips and her mithril scimitar. She would lean on one hip and crossed her arms. Her blue eyes looking at the now still closed coffin. ¨My you want me to use Truth hear on the spirit?¨ She asked him politely. Annwyn-Deth was standing in the room as well just as Nighthawke-Deth and Brian`Perano-DETH. They had a succesful mission to retrieve that mithril coffin with the well preserved high elven in it. The piece of parchment was laying on the coffin. ¨I hope that piece of parchment is the name of the corpse, but we couldn´t read it.¨ She explains to Archaon.

Annwyn-Deth had moved the coffin once it was in place, magic rippling out from her to pull it to where it was need to be in the catacombs. Once it was done, she settled back with a weary sigh. That spell took a lot out of her, especially when she was moving more than herself.

Archaon The drak had received the words delivered upon magical whisps of air as if being spoken to directly nearby. With an eager step, he began to make his way to meet with those whom had undertaken a mission to retrieve a rather prominent and interesting item; a coffin.

Brian had taken the opportunity to check his compatriots for injuries, and then say a post-battle prayer.

Nighthawke-Deth took his position as the grpup started to task of moving th coffin from the confines of the chamber.. He stood and watched Annwyn start crafting the spell to move the mythril coffin from it's resting place...

Archaon He listened to what had transpired as it was explained. A curious thing.. that parchment. "If this figure was not entombed or laid to rest beneath the earth, perhaps whomever is inside may still be a little.. preserved. Curious that mithril was the chosen material.." he pauses, feeling that hum of power.. magically sealed? magically prserved for a future return?

Annwyn-Deth settled in to watch. She was no necromancer, that power was not allowed to the Magi, but she was curious just the same.

"May I respectfully submit, I think this is a bad idea?" Brian offers, clasping his hands behind his back. "Disturbing the eternal slumber of a long-dead body, it seems... wrong to me. It would seem wrong to *any* vulpine. We're more spiritually inclined than most."

Nighthawke-Deth stands by with his arms crossed as his gRace and Mae begin working with the coffin and yet his blacksword remains unfastned just in case it might be needed.. not that it would have any real effect in the spirit world...

Master_Skull_Mae would look at the coffin and nods in agreement to Archaon s words. ¨During our mine mission, somebody opened the lid and we could see a very well perserved high elven male. We quickly closed it again..but is really interesting to have a coffin of Mithril. I probably has being well perserved by magic, but those things I can only exclude after we have finished here and I can examine the body more.¨ She explains. She would then look at Brian`Perano-DETH as he talked. Well..typical political correct answer. Mae would take a soft sigh and smiled softly. ¨I understand what you are saying but we need answers. There´s that dragon down there..moriels..phoenix stones.. this corpse can provide us answers we need to protect the land and its people.¨ She explained and then looked back at the coffin. ¨Well my lord Archaon, if I can assist you, please let me know.¨ For now she would let Archaon do his magic as she wasn´t strong enough to speak to a corpse this old.

Archaon He nodded to her words as she had explained it, thinking then that this elf was perhaps important in its society. "Indeed, waking a dragon from its slumber is not a fate I would wish upon the land. I will simply ask it a series of questions without harming its cadaver. It would have no choice to answer."

Brian gives a nod of understanding, pushing his glasses up. "I understand," he says. "A temporary inconvenience in the eternal slumber of one person is worth it, if the stakes are that high. You've convinced me. And thank you... for taking my concerns seriously." Not every outsider is respectful of vulpine beliefs.

Nighthawke-Deth watches intently as His Grace continues to work.. Hawkes prioroty now was the safety of Archaon in case of anything that may happen....

Master_Skull_Mae would nod in agreement to the words of Archaon as he supported her words. She would give him a cute sweet smile and then a nod to Brian`Perano-DETH. ¨Not a problem at all dear.¨ She would say politely to the words of Brian`Perano-DETH. She would then look at Archaon. ¨Whenever you are ready my Lord.¨ She got a excited grin on her lips. Oooeh being so close to Archaon and seeing his magic in action. Oooeeeh! She was soo excited! Only hoping her own darkness would be contained. For now she was excited and waited for Archaon to start the spell.

Archaon He moved towards the coffin and he would slowly open the coffin's lid to witness the lifeless form within it. Nothing stood out to him as of yet on whether or not this one was very important. He then began to gesture his arms and hands in a wide circle as the corpse began to show a dull green tone around it.

Brian gives the coffin a wide berth, in case the magically preserved dead body inside it should suddenly unleash a psychic attack on the group.

Annwyn-Deth watched intently. The magic might be unavailable to her, but she at least wanted to see what happened. New magics always proved fascinating.

<+Nighthawke-Deth> As much as he didn't understand the ways of magic... he was finding His Grace's skills quite interesting to watch...

Master_Skull_Mae would look at how Archaon started to cast his magic. His darkness..his magic..was hitting Mae hard. She would close her eyes and take a deep inhale. Her eyes started to fill with darkness and then her eyes would go open..widened. She would look at Archaon and the corpse. Her eyes roaming over the body of Archaon. Oh..she had never fucked a Drak sen..and his magic..his power..was soo..attractive. She would then shift her eyes towards the corpse but she couldn´t help but to have desires to fuck Archaon. She would bite her lip. Trying to focuss on the magic and the corpse while becomming horny.

Archaon After a series of what looked to be circular motions combined with alternating up and down hand movements, the drak's casting was complete. "Denizen within the coffin, I wish to seek your counsel. Speak with me and share your wisdom." he would conclude. Moments later, the corpse began to stir, and simply rise.. sitting up straight and poised to answer.

Nighthawke-Deth was amazed as the corpse sat up in the coffin at Archaon's command... Very impressive his Lordship was.... He still had a lot to learn and understand of the world he now lived in...

Master_Skull_Mae kept looking at Archaon as he was moving his arms like that. Observing his movements while enjoying the view. She would listen to his words and then look at the corpse as it was sitting up. Her eyes widened. ¨Woow Amazing!¨ She was able to do this as well but only from corpses that were max 1 year old. She would become more excited! They finaly are going to get answers. Woaw..this was interesting..and hot. For now she would simply let Archaon do his magic and talk to it and listen to the converstation.

Brian leans over towards Annwyn, as he takes note of Mae's body language. Vulpines are good at seeing when people are aroused. "Is it my imagination," he says sotto voce to the Magi, "or is she turned on by this?"

Annwyn-Deth glaned over at Brian, arching a brow. "Mmm, seems so." She chuckled softly. "Some people are...aroused by magic. I guess I can't fault her. There's another in the House who magic."

Archaon The drak met the hollow gaze of the cadaver as if it were another person, and he would begin his line of questioning. "Tell me, ancient one, who you were in life." and after a moment, the corpse spoke.. briefly. "A King." Though brief, it confirmed his suspicions that it was an important figure.

Master_Skull_Mae would look at the corpse and how Archaon just was having a converstation. ¨A king...¨ She would softly said.. One of her own suspicions as well. She would lean forward, closer to Archaon and the corpse, but still with a distance , her nails carving in the table where the coffin was placed on. Ohh ..oohh this was soo exciting! Curious what kind of information they would get more from it.

+Nighthawke-Deth turned looking at Mae,, how glued she was to all that Archaon was doing getting the cadaver to speak...A king it replied to His Grace... Very interesting to see and hear...arms crossed as he stood there silently...

Archaon He did not miss much of a beat with his queries as he knew then he was speaking to former royalty. "Do you know of the moriel beneath the earth" he would then be met with uncertainty. "No." Pedhaps a first strike.. unfortunate to hear that the venerable corpse king had no knowledge of them.

Annwyn-Deth leaned forward, arms folded across her lap as she listened intently.

Master_Skull_Mae would think for a moment. A king but that doesn´t know of the moriel beneath the earth. So it must be something new. Curious what the corpse would tell more. It was such a shame that you can only ask questions and not have a ´real converstation´ with the corpse..or that those answers could be so short. For now she would simply wait and look at Archaon and the corpse and their converstation.

Archaon He continued on with his interrogation of the corpse, pacing around the coffin at a slow yet measured and calm pace. "Do you know of the dragon that slumbers below?" He would ask, and a part of him hoped there would be information, but it was met with the same answer. "No." which would mean the dragon was perhaps an ancient, or even more.. an Elder.

Nighthawke-Deth spotted a slight disappointment upon Archaon's face as the deceased King conveyed no knowledge of the Moriels.. So they must have not been a prominent race in the King's time or they only existed after this King lived...

Annwyn-Deth pursed her lips. So far, even the negative answers told them SOMETHING, or at least gave an inkling of what the truth might be. Curious, what answers could be found in the gaps of knowledge.

Master_Skull_Mae would see how Archaon was walking around the table and around her as well as she was standing against the table. A small shiffer down her spine as he walked behind her. Stupid darknes! She would bite her lip but her eyes kept focussed on the corpse. So it doesn´t know of the dragon nor the moriels. Interesting. ¨Hmmm...¨ She would simply say as she was thinking. Hoping soon more answers will come.

Nighthawke-Deth finally lets his arms drop and puts then behind his back... There was still more to be unveiled that the deceased could have hidden yet to be brought out...

<+Archaon> His disappointment for more on the dragon was held back. There were more pressing concerns at hand. "What are these red and black phoenix crystals?" He would ask after a few silent moments.. perhaps thinking of the next question. After an equal silence, the corpse would respond with but a single word. "Currency"

Master_Skull_Mae would think it was a shame that the corpse didn´t really knew a lot from what was going on down there in the mine but it was true. They were getting some answers. She would look Archaon when he asked about the phoenix stones and she was curious if the corpse would know something from them. Her eyes would shift back to the corpse. Waiting for it´s response. She would raise a brow. ¨Currency?¨ She didn´t really expected that..course it was a option but she expected a different answer.

Annwyn-Deth blinked, sitting up and arching a brow. Currency. That was...odd. Unexpected.

+Archaon His brow rose at that. An odd yet curious answer. One he honestly didn't expect. "Did you rule over Dethsiris?" He asked as if it were something that was not really expected to be asked, but it was met with confusion. "What?" strange.. "This land.. where we are. This is Dethsiris is it not?" and perhaps the most interesting answer is spoken. "Miridel."

Master_Skull_Mae was still confused but then the next question was asked and she would listen to it and it´s answer. ¨Miridel?¨ she softly repeated.

Annwyn-Deth pursed her lips. "Miridel. Their name for this place, then..." She hmmed, nodding. "It's a good name really..."

+Archaon He had not heard of any other names for this region before. If any Did exist, they were perhaps in the tomes written in that strange mixture of a language. "What happened to Miridel?" He would ask, recalling the overgrowth, the destruction, and the ancient abandoned areas. "Destroyed by an eruption"

Master_Skull_Mae would stand and listen. Miridel....other name of Dethsiris..interesting... Destroyed by an eruption..hmmm.. It was getting very interesting indeed.

<+Annwyn-Deth> "An ancient disaster, then..." Annwyn murmured, leaning back and crossing her arms. "It would have been interesting to see this place in its prime."