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Across The World Tree

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:51 pm
by Wadeywade
1 week later

War raged across the strange, debris- filled landscape that had once been a town; bandits of a four-armed, scaled variety attacked, harrassed and killed the local mauve-skinned natives in droves while a precious few warriors attempted to stem the slaughter. The Battle seemed almost lost when a veritable wall of rainbow light smashed between the opposing forces, from it appeared a haggard but determined-looking Fox-man with a silver-black tail and a hammer in his hand. looking side to side, he put his back to the mauve-skinned warriors and with a battle roar in Vulpani which nobody understood (evident by the blank looks on their faces until..) Wade charges the four-armed warriors.

Calling out spells first he creates Fur Armor since it was his only armor besides the enchantments on his skin, Then another spell to fire lightning into the enemy ranks, illuminating the dusk on the battlefield giving the only light to now be found in the eyes of the dead as Wade first raises his hammer to catch a lightning bolt then he hurls that power through his other hand, his right. Enemies fell and, bolstered by Wades' sudden appearance and his incredibly fierce attack, the Makabites (the mauve people) charged into the fray behind him. Wade drops the hammer a moment and rises above it in a fierce whirlwind, he has to change tactics now because of the Makabites.

Wade gazes down with impunity, choosing a four armed figure particularly close to another, fires a bolt from his hands which then jumps to the second, killing both and setting them both ablaze...

some time later

At the end of the battle, Wade sat on a large rock and surveyed the battlefield. So it had been for the last weeks: he was blasted into some strange world, had to quickly guess which side needed him, and act accordingly. Wades' first attempt was not precisely a success, as he had to switch sides suddenly when he -did- figure it out. Then, when it was over, he would take up the hammer again and be transported to another place, another dilemma and it wasnt always battles: Once, he simply had to create a storm so rain could naturally fall; without clouds the humidity had nothing to cling to. Another time, Wade used his ability to summon wind to help pollinate a species of plant where the minor wind gods of this world had witheld their breezes. Wade saved their entire ecosystem with a simple blowjob, so to speak.

But there were still many, many battles; Uendelig Rike sent his new champion across the world tree of the multiverse, granting little reprieve between missions. What time he was given was often filled with an odysseian sense of aloneness, despite being surrounded by a jubilant and celebrating crowd of locals. Wade rose and strode across the battlefield where the peoples gathered their dead; standing there propped up there was the body of a dead warrior with a cloven skull draped across a still-upright Bromäker; Wade lifts then tosses it aside, gazing upon the hammer.

Natives came, trying to gently coax Wade back to the celebration, but; gently nudging them away Wade grips the hammer and he is surrounded by a beam of rainbow light that halos the Vulpine before it, and he, vanish.

Wade would sleep when he needed, eat when he could, but abstained from drinking their spirits as he had no idea what was in half those concoctions; and in that way, Wade is still a purist. Still, clean water was his friend. And when the call came, Wade would take up Bromäker and was off to the next near-apocalypse. Wade often found himself unable to communicate even though he spoke two languages; worlds primitive and advanced beyond count he visited; yet none had magic, and there he had an edge. And, he was an anomaly.

During one of these 'skips' Wade fashioned himself a crude spear of some alien wood and it was often his first attack now, thrown before being followed by a lightning volley (having usually used Fur Armor already). He grows his hair, and beard though, with Wades already fuzzy face, it is rather hard to tell, though in one of the few repeat customers, someone -did- notice. The only real time that passes for Wade is when he is planetside, otherwise he is between time and space, although he is conscious of time passing as he travels although during this, he is actually outside of it.

Civilzations flit by, some fine or gross iteration of the last, sometimes he would find a world that used Common tongue or at least a variant, but had found no world where Vulpani was spoken... Wade had also managed to make a sort of hodge-podge sort of armor; Made from bits of strange vehicles, alien woods as hard as metal, and exotic leathers built using just the materials he can find and his armoring skills. Eventually the wooden spear broke fighting giant cockroach-like creatures and Wade replaced it with a length of thick walled steel pipe cut to an offset point that had an extra V-cut in the base giving it a fang-like look.

And it served him well, the hollow pipe let the blood from his enemies away from his body allowing him to stay relatively clean;
since baths were fewer in his travels, they were not rare. The spaces between journeys gained a balance, and Wade found a new routine that filled his mind. Wade learned and lost more in this time than one can now; years passed. Since Wade was a Vulpine this is no problem, really; as he was considered very young for his kind, after his transformation. His fur began to regain its' silver color, though mostly underneath was still a deep
sea of sable that made him look more frosted than anything.

And so, the wayward son moves forward.