Manager and Assistant Manager Guide

The open air bazaar in the heart of Nanthalion

Moderators: Shiho, Amara, Thunder, Kooky

Manager and Assistant Manager Guide

Postby Kooky on Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:58 am

Manager and Assistant Manager Guide

As a Manager or Assistant Manager you have more responsibilities. You also have more pay.

The Manager gets paid 340 for the first four hours, then skills + 20xhours after the initial four.
The Assistant Managers for the Bazaar are three titles:
Consumables Manager
Service Coordinator and Manager
Crafts Manager

Assistant Managers get paid 280 for the first four hours, then skills + 20xhours after the initial four.

The Manager oversees all areas of the Bazaar, and can handle any and all tasks brought to them including services, crafts, and consumables. The manager is responsible for covering the payouts that are not covered by the assistant managers and aiding in such areas, as well as the payouts for the Assistant Managers themselves.

Tasks of the Manager
- Oversee all payouts, double-checking and helping the assistant managers.
- Payouts to the Assistant Managers
- Revitalizing Bazaar business
- Revitalizing upkeep and infrastructure of the Bazaar (IC and OOC)
- Doing a job in absence of an Assistant Manager
- Approving sales, events, and functions
-Hiring Assistant Managers
- Coordinating and organizing EVERYTHING
- Selling items
- Doing everything that an Assistant Manager can do

Tasks of the Assistant Managers

Consumables Manager
- Sales of items
- Payouts to the consumables freelancers (Hunters, Farmers, Ranchers, Brewers etc..)
- Working with the Service Coordinator Manager to set events and sales themed around the consumable freelancers
- Making sure stock is fresh
- Setting limits on sales and payouts based on supply and demand
- May hire clerks and consumables-based professions
- May approve stalls for freelancing of consumables

Service Coordinator and Manager
- Sales of items
- Payouts to the services and entertainment freelancers (Masseuses, Prophets, Acrobats, Singers, Bards, Instrument players, Instrument makers/services, Carpentry services, Masonry services, Animal Training services etc..)
- Working with all Manager areas to set up events and themed celebrations and sales.
- Monitoring the "Services Thread" which will act as an area for Bazaar employees to be hired for services beyond total freelancing. Like an ad-board, only done through the Bazaar and for its workers.
- Making sure entertainers who work FOR the Bazaar are doing proper promotions of goods and items
- May hire clerks and entertainment-based and service-based professions
- May approve stalls and stage use for freelancing of entertainers and service-based professions
- Oversees the use of the market stage

Crafts Manager
- Sales of items
- Payouts to the crafting and artisan freelancers (Leatherworkers, Painters, Metal Smiths, Glassblowers, Sculptors etc..)
- Working with the Service Coordinator Manager to set events and sales themed around the crafting freelancers
- Making sure the Bazaar artisans have proper supplies and equipment for crafting Bazaar goods
- Oversees the outdoor stalls for artisan shows and work
- Setting limits on sales and payouts based on supply and demand
- Oversees quality of produced items for the Bazaar
- May hire clerks and crafting-based and artisan-based professions
- May approve stalls for freelancing of crafts

Important commands of note
(In process)

Done in Des
The "Name" must be the name that is used in the database/site, not the screen name for play. You must use quotes.
Hire: !payroll add Market "name" 0 whattheirjobis
Fire/Remove: !payroll del Market "name"
Promotion/Demotion: !payroll mod Market "Name" 0 whattheyarenow

Done in Des
Payouts: !payout name amount mhl
Remember to check logs, and post "Paid" in reply to the log.
Payout of Crafted Items: !shopitem sell CHARACTERname ITEMname 0mhl Detail [MakerName]
Remember to check logs, and post "Paid" in reply to the log.

You can do these in Des:
!shopitem find AKeyWord
ex. !shopitem find paint
!shopitem display ItemID
ex. !shopitem display 1224
Any item tagged MARKET is what we sell.
ex. <Desdaemona> ShopItem: 'Tempera Paints' (id:1224) a item found at MARKET, uses 0 slots and costs 15.00 Mhl
You can also find the price list here: (Link to be made)

In public, use either Town or Quest if Town is full of players. The purchaser must also be in Quest if done in Quest. The CHARACTERname is the screen name of the character, not the database name.

Selling an Item: !shopitem sell CHARACTERname ITEMname #mhl

If a character is selling an item back to the bazaar, have them delete it and then show you the deletion.

In Des they must:
!equip TheirCharName
!shopitem myitems ItemName
!shopitem delete #ItemIDnumber

Then they show you the deletion part in the channel, not in PM.
You type (witnessed) then can sell them their other goods, with half of the item price of the exchange removed. They cannot get mhl in exchange for their item, only have the exchange deducted from a purchase.

!shopitem myitems voucher
!shopitem delete #VoucherIDnumber

You type (witnessed) then can sell them their other goods, with the voucher value removed from the price, or sell them the item given in the voucher for 0mhl.
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:11 pm

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