General Worker Guide

The open air bazaar in the heart of Nanthalion

Moderators: Shiho, Amara, Thunder, Kooky

General Worker Guide

Postby Kooky on Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:19 am

General Worker Guide

Every worker gets paid a base pay of 20mhl per hour. Then they get paid based on their skills and that pay is ONCE per month, included in the monthly logs. You MUST seperate your worklogs by week as well, as we are now allowed a total of 8hrs a week; this means your regular 4hrs and then 4hrs overtime. Please see below at the worklog section for information on posting this.

* If you or your character clearly have no idea what they are doing despite attempts to teach you/them.
* If you're ignoring customers and just sexing others, Lumio will fire you with proof (logs) and complaints.
* If you mouth off to customers or are rude repeatedly as a clerk, you can be fired for bringing down the Bazaar's reputation. (OOC rudeness is also not allowed. Be patient with customers!) This is part of play, and the drama of play and the reason for keeping your job. If you run your own stall, you can be as much of a **** as you want. You're only hurting yourself.. but some people like that moxie! Lumio though wants respectful clerks! It's why he won't hire someone who's a dick for a sales clerk job. But they can have other jobs! Like shoveling manure from the Bazaar grounds when horses ride by or wagons pass.
* You will not be fired for sleeping or cleaning or doing menial tasks while waiting for customers.
* You will not be fired for making OOC mistakes like wrong item codes or commands. Instead, you will get help and be guided through it.
* You will not be fired for not working or logging. If you don't log or work, you don't get paid, that's all. If you miss logging a time or are on Leave of Absence, talk to Tawny and see if she can help you out on making sure you get paid after you post your missing logs. This however only lasts for so long. If you haven't posted logs in over a year and have had no contact with the manager, you may be removed from payroll.
* You will not get fired for breaking IC goods. It's for play-drama, but you may get a talking to or be forced to assist a crafter in restocking the item.
* You will not get fired if a thief escapes you.
* You will not get fired if Lumio doesn't like you. He works with many people he doesn't like.
** It takes a lot and quite a few crap jobs to get fired. Don't worry about pushing the limits for RP's sake. You won't be fired for that.

**Rape in the workplace.. See this: If YOU consent to rape, you consent to your char/you possibly getting in trouble if you have the work-tag on and are not doing your job. If your character becomes unable to do their job, you should remove your tag and not count such as work-time. The person raping you also consents to getting in trouble if caught in the workplace doing such things, not to avenge you, but because they're messing with business. Even so, it'll be moreso to boot them out, not beat or kill.

Tasks of the Workers
- Keeping the Bazaar clean
- Rotating stock of goods
- Selling items
- Attracting customers
- Organizing items
- Being respectful of the customer

Tasks of Individual Titles

Sales Clerk – This employee position is simply that… focus primarily on sales. These individual sell all products found under the umbrella of bazaar including consumables, crafts, and services offered.
- Cleaning
- Selling items
- Taking Custom Orders

Service Worker – This employee position provides a service for the bazaar. These individuals may include mentors, trainers, maintenance, etc. These individuals provide service to the bazaar and are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.
- May have own stall/kiosk free (For own items and for offered services, ex. Animal Trainer may sell trained sheep dogs)
- Selling items
- Promoting the bazaar with service shows (An animal trainer may train their animals in the bazaar at their stall for an audience.)

Tradesman - This employee perform the construction or making of products for the bazaar and are available for freelancing their services rather than just the sales of their products. These individuals may include carpenters, brewers, butchers, hunters, potters, glassblowers, etc. These individuals are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.
- May have own stall/kiosk free (For own items and for offered services, ex. A butcher may sell cuts of their meat)
- Selling items
- Promoting the bazaar with your trade (A butcher may cut their meat at their stall.)
- Manufacturing goods FOR the Bazaar to use/sell (shopitems as well as nails or metal bracers or banners)
- Repairing stalls/booths of the Bazaar (Metalmith/Carpenter/Tailor/Leatherworker)

Artisan/Crafter - This employee performs the creation of their wares in the bazaar at their stall. These individuals may include carpenters, potters, glassblowers, leatherworkers, blacksmiths, weavers, candle makers, sculptors, painters etc. These individuals are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted as well as to show they have made what they sell at their booth.
- May have own stall/kiosk free (For own items and for offered services, ex. A Potter may sell their cups and bowls at their booth.)
- Selling items
- Promoting the bazaar with crafting displays. (A Weaver may sit their their loom at their stall and weave while waiting for customers)
- Manufacturing goods FOR the Bazaar to use/sell (shopitems as well as nails or metal bracers or banners)
- Repairing stalls/booths of the Bazaar (Metalmith/Carpenter/Tailor/Leatherworker)

Entertainer – This employee position provides an entertainment and marketing service for the bazaar. These individuals may include jugglers, poets, singers, acrobats, fortune tellers etc. They promote the bazaar and its artists and entertain the wandering customers. These individuals provide service to the bazaar and are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.
- May have own stall/kiosk free (For own items and for offered services, ex. An entertainer may sell their old clothing or instruments, or just sit and sing at their booth.)
- Selling items
- Promoting the bazaar with entertainment shows (An acrobat may cartwheel around wearing a cape advertising the bazaar, or a juggler may juggle expensive vases on stage while speaking of the items to customers.)

Important commands of note
(In process)

Pricelist: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=13993 (Being updated!)
Worklog Guide: viewtopic.php?f=217&t=18710

You can do these in Des:
!shopitem find AKeyWord
ex. !shopitem find paint
!shopitem display ItemID
ex. !shopitem display 1224
Any item tagged MARKET is what we sell.
ex. <Desdaemona> ShopItem: 'Tempera Paints' (id:1224) a item found at MARKET, uses 0 slots and costs 15.00 Mhl

In public, use either Town or Quest if Town is full of players. The purchaser must also be in Quest if done in Quest. The CHARACTERname is the screen name of the character, not the database name.

Selling an Item: !shopitem sell CHARACTERname ItemID #mhl

Let's say someone wants an item description..
!shopitem sell CHARACTERname ItemID #mhl Detail
ex. !shopitem sell Lumio 1224 15mhl Vivid violet
This will sell Lumio a jar of tempura paint, which will show that the color is vivid violet.
Please keep your item details very basic. No special characters ( " % * [ etc..) There is a character limit and it will just cut, without telling you. Special characters can also mess up the script in the long run. More extensive details are used for special items, such as custom orders or event prizes. Event prizes are for those events only. A customer cannot be given an item that was from a past event. Use a different detail for it.

Cost affecting item detail: Size, Material, Color, Custom embellishments (engraving, embossing, personalization, etc...) You can include web links, but be sure they are shortened beforehand and a stable link hosted personally. If hosted by a shop or such, the link may break when they update items or servers and they may have a wall up to prevent such.

Do not automatically include details for items unless it affects the cost or item type, such as liquor. Some players don't like this. Don't add in words they don't request, such as "cute, pretty, shiney etc.." If they mention in the game they want a "pretty vase" then find out in game the size and material. Sell them the vase, but avoid the use of descriptive adjectives that are irrelevant or based on opinion.

Do not use the item detail option if you do not spell-check or proof before hand. Typos in shop commands are not bad, but it can annoy someone if they see such in their inventory. If you mess up too many times attempting detailing, and someone complains, you will be told to not use it anymore.

If they request a "wavy vase, a little large.. blue glass" then sell them a Large Vase with the detail as Blue glass in a wavy form

Always try to get the item detail from the customer, so it's exactly what they want. Do it OOCly to be sure, in PM. A character may be all be descriptive ICly but that doesn't mean the player wants that description popping up in their inventory all the time.

If a character is selling an item back to the bazaar, have them delete it and then show you the deletion.

In Des they must:
!equip TheirCharName
!shopitem myitems ItemName
!shopitem delete #ItemIDnumber

Then they show you the deletion part in the channel, not in PM.
You type (witnessed) then can sell them their other goods, with half of the item price of the exchange removed. They cannot get mhl in exchange for their item, only have the exchange deducted from a purchase.

!shopitem myitems voucher
!shopitem delete #VoucherIDnumber

You type (witnessed) then can sell them their other goods, with the voucher value removed from the price, or sell them the item given in the voucher for 0mhl.
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:11 pm

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