The Bazaar Hunting Logs

For workers at the bazaar. One topic per employee please

Moderators: Thunder, Amara, Kooky, Neko Nightstalker

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Abellie on Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:17 pm

Amara wrote:Paid Abby 60 mhl for 3 hours on 10/21/15

[20:00] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 30 mhl
[20:00] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 30 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby

[20:09] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 30 mhl
[20:09] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 30 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[20:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> {owed 60 for worklog, hit the wrong key so gave another 30}

Name: Abby

Date and Time:
<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-21 13:00:24 - please remember this is NOT game time

<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-21 17:00:15 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed:
Hunted down a porcupine and then had a run-in with Eolande. The meeting concluded with Eolande buying the porcupine for its quills and at the same time requesting to meet with the Damenkrieg Guild.

Paid? Yes

04[07:06] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"Bah, magic here, magic there..." grumbles one abrasive redhead as she approaches the path that would lead her to the woods. Leather covers most of her form, hugging nicely around her 5'1'' frame. Pouch bags line across her chest from her shoulder to her opposite waist, attached to a large belt that runs across the standard armor. It has definitely seen better days, what with the tough fabric showing signs of wear and tear here and there. No attempt was made on her part to make herself look 'presentable'; she wears it all and left it at that. Her hammer - which has so far been her primary weapon - hangs on her back, with the iron head sticking out from behind one shoulder. Her secondary - a pair of Knuckle Dusters - are equipped around her fists, allowing her rough hands to slightly shine from the metal plates. A sack is hung on her side, which looks like something she found possibly lying on the ground - slightly torn but still useable. The girl with the crimson hair looks to the forest for a while longer; taking a somewhat deep breath, she then enters. Time to do some hunting.

15[07:09] * +Eolande has no business in the forest, or so one would think. after all, a city elf that works doing tattoos, and practices necromancy? why would she be out there? corpses. shes hunting corpses. her, and a band of three minions, each carrying a shovel lifted from some random farmers yard, to be returned when shes finished with them. shes not even (more)
[07:12] <+Eolande> *dressed for the forest, robe of the arch magi hanging open on her nude form, her skin seeming to ooze black smoke that never leaves her. with a hand outstretched infront of her, she whispers constantly, never stopping her incantation. its sort of like radar, her spell, only working on corpses, locating them for her, leading her to them. only when she finds a grave does she stop, (more)
[07:14] <+Eolande> *standing back and letting her trio of burly barbarians start digging. theyd make quick work of the job, never tiring, slowing or stopping while the necromancer stands back, staring up at the moons through the trees. it really is a beautiful night tonight.*\

04[07:18] <+Abby-Bazaar> Unfortunately, the usually angry warrior and hunter cannot seem to find any signs of wildlife just yet. Recalling yesterday's bounty, she hopes to find the same good luck again. And so she decides to walk down the path and into her usual hunting ground. It would not be long though, until she hears some rustling coming from the bushes to the side. 14"....!" Abby, quickly crouching down and grabbing hold of the iron head of her weapon, watches and waits. Soon enough, one animal comes scurrying out: a porcupine. 14"... huh, that's a first around here..." says the redhead to herself as she looks. Slowly drawing out her hammer she waits for the animal to get within her throwing range. The handle of her hammer slides into her grasp. Carefully, she takes aim... moving the weapon back and forth. 14"....!!" And she tosses it... nailing the porcupine right on the side! The animal lets out a little sound before trying to scurry away, limping slightly from its injured leg. 14"Oh no you bloody don't...!" And she runs after it, but not before having to pick up her hammer. 14"Damn it...!" It escapes into some bushes, with Abby chasing after it. 14"Come back here...!" Of course, Abby is unaware that she is approaching a certain grave-digging.

15[07:21] * +Eolande tilts her head, the sounds of the forest all but alien to her. so its that inexperience that misleads her, the necromancers elven ears sensitive enough to hear the rustling approaching quickly. immediately, she begins her spell, fingers weaving symbols in the air while she whispers the incantation. closer the sound comes, now accompanied by a voice. (more)
[07:23] <+Eolande> *tracking the sounds, she knows theyre from two separate locations, the rustling much closer. tracking the sounds trajectory is no easy task, but she manages, and her spell is loosed, a shower of dozens of needle sized bonesharps fired off into the brush, peppering the ground, and nailing the porcupine to the ground just before it comes into view, the tiny critter (more)
[07:24] <+Eolande> *giving one last gasp just as eolandes tk spell shoves the bush aside to reveal the animal... and soon enough, Abby.*

04[07:28] <+Abby-Bazaar> Thankfully, the animal did not go far; seeing its sharp exterior moving on the ground, Abby takes aim with her hammer again - trying to pin it down like she did the fox from the day prior would be a bad idea right now, she thinks. Tightening her grip around her weapon as she sees the porcupine once again slipping into some bushes, Abby wastes no time and tosses her weapon right at it again! The sound of her hammer hitting something is heard. 14"Come on, hit, hit..." But she does not even need to step through the bushes herself... as it apparently does so on its own. 14"What...?" Even stranger is that while the porcupine is definitely dead - with Abby's hammer on its back - the animal is laying on the ground with multiple sharp objects through its body. Not long after, she spots the other people now standing in front of her, with the three of them... digging for some reason. 14"Oi... What's going on here?" She points to the porcupine. 14"Is this YOUR doing? I got to it first!"

15[07:34] * +Eolande tilts her head, immediately considering murdering this person to cover her tracks. but no, the voice in her head speaks against it, firmly. so she grins, and nods, turning violet eyes down to the porcupine, "if your after meat or pelt, you should pull those shards out... theyll dig right through the animal if you dont." her hand lifts, tk spell used (more)
[07:36] <+Eolande> *to lift the hammer from the porcupine, and bring it to Eolandes grasp. hefting the weapon, she eyes the knuckle duster on Abbys hand, "not your typical hunting weapon, is it?" letting the hammer drop down at her side, she holds it loosely, turning to look over her minions before returning her gaze to Abby. "nothing of any concern to you. and who are you?"*

04[07:41] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"No bloody kidding," says Abby, looking down at the multiple-pierced animal. She does give Eolande a cautious look though. 14"Those things skewered deep... No way you did this on your own. Unless--" And as if to confirm her suspicion, she watches as her hammer comes floating up from the carcass and even worse: it moves to the strange woman's hand. 14"Bloody hell... A spell-slinger out here of all times." And an elf at that too. 14"Oi, that's MY hammer - hand it over! It's not your business what I use to hunt around here - though if you must know I'm pressed for coin as it is. So hand me my weapon back. I don't care what the hell you're doing out here in the night with three people and frankly, I don't want to know - you can keep your weird fetish to yourselves." But Abby halts herself, and tilts her head slightly to the side as she looks over the woman's face. 14".... have we met?"

15[07:45] * +Eolande smirks, "it -is- your hammer, isnt it? hmmm i think ill hold onto it a bit longer though." ignoring the jab about fetishes, she shrugs, "doubt it. you might remember me if we had. maybe its Nephenee you met. my height, purple hair.." turning her eyes back down to the animal, she watches as each of the needles do in fact dig into the carcass, (more)
[07:46] <+Eolande> *burrowing deeper and deeper. eventually, they'll burrow straight through. "like i said... pull them out, or its a wasted kill. your Abby, right? one of those..." a small chuckle leaves her lips, "guild sisters, right? Im Eolande Keita."*

04[07:52] <+Abby-Bazaar> She watches as those 'spikes' dig deeper into the animal's body, but Abby simply watches in disgust. 14"I'm not touching any of that anymore if you've already used MAGIC on it," says the redhead, shifting her sights back towards the high elf. She is surprised though when the woman apparently knows her... but Abby cannot recall if she has met this one nor this person called 'Nephenee'. 14"No bloody idea who you are or how you know about the guild... Unless you're someone Hil recruited again, that damn trusting 'leader'. But neither of that is important right now." Abby takes a step forward, holding up her hand. 14"I said GIVE me back my hammer. Do you expect me to go hunt with just my HANDS? Now GIVE it." She is cautious, of course, considering her little meeting with Niav, an elf who actually threatened to use magic on her.

15[07:56] * +Eolande raises her brows, and smiles, "no." bending at the hips, she sets the weapon on the ground behind her foot, and straightens up again. "i certainly am not a member of your guild, though Nephenee seems quite interested. you know, your quite rude. chasing a porcupine into my little grave robbery, throwing hammers, and showing real disdain for something that (more)
[07:58] <+Eolande> *"could demolish, or rebuild your entire body." shrugging, she drops her right foot back, turning to present a smaller target as her left hand raises, and curls a finger at Abby, "come on. come take your hammer. not one spell will pass my lips, and if you can take it, then you can be on your way. if not... well... we will get to that later."*

04[08:04] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby raises an eyebrow. 14"-I'M- rude? You're the one who used magic to kill my catch AND took MY hammer. I don't give a bloody crap about whose grave you're digging - that's YOUR weird thing." She points up at him. 14"Like you could find anything valuable in ANYONE burried all the way here." It seems digging up a grave does not exactly bother her as much as Eolande's use of magic. 14"And there you all go again talking so high and mighty just because you have magic to help you out." When she is challenged to take her hammer, Abby narrows her eyes. 14"If you didn't bloody WANT it, why'd you take it in the first place?" And Abby actually moves towards her. 14"If you're thinking of just toying with me just because you're some ELF, I don't give a damn. You're probably going to show off something to impress THOSE ones back there." She motions a hand towards the barbarians digging the grave. 14"Toy with someone else. It may not be the BEST weapon but it's MINE." Eventually, Abby comes to stand not far from Eolande. 14"You're going to kick my face or kick my hammer away, aren't you?"

15[08:08] * +Eolande shrugs a little, and laughs, "them? theyre dead, gorgeous, nothing impresses them. im not toying with anyone. i took the hammer so you didnt use it on me, and yes... i might kick your face, if it gets close to my foot. id avoid that, if i were you. but your right... nothing of value out here... except the bodies themselves. now... see if you can take it. ill warn you though... (more)
[08:09] <+Eolande> *"im kinda fast. tell you what." keeping her stance, she grins, "if you can put a hand on the hammer, not only will i let you go... ill pay you for the porcupine, more than any shop would pay you. i could use the quills..."*

04[08:15] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"... we are actually doing this right now." Abby shakes her head, bringing one hand to wipe across her face. 14"You are ACTUALLY going to be that person right now. Like I'm supposed to believe a GRAVE DIGGER is going to pay me more than any shop." Abby retaliates, motioning once more to the grave the barbarians are digging. 14"If you HAD that much money, you wouldn't be digging for DEAD BODIES in the first place. If you just want the bloody porcupine, you can HAVE it, but something tells me you're not going to hand me my hammer until I... ugh... play this stupid 'game' of yours." The redhead grumbles. 14"And I just wanted to go hunting too." She is not sure if what she said about those diggers had some hidden meaning though. She eventually assumes she meant they are her slaves. 14"Fine, let's do this. Bloody damn it... I just need to grab my hammer, right?" A sigh escapes her, before Abby simply crouches down and casually reaches for it. 14"This is stupid..."

15[08:18] * +Eolande cant believe Abby would think itd be that easy, and raises her foot to nudge the womans arm, pushing it aside, "come on now... you doubt my word?" right hand dips into her pocket, a woft jingling heard as she pulls a pouch free, and drops it right next to the hammer. judging by the weight, and size, it must be at least a hundred mehrial. (more)
[08:21] <+Eolande> *shaking her head, Eolande frowns, "bodies arent for sale, girl. i need them for an army. now -try-, at least." tilting her head, she sighs, "no.. i promised no magic, and i meant it. no, Nephenee. just... shut it." shaking her head, she sighs, "sorry.. shes being nosey. now come, neither of us has all night, im sure."*

04[08:26] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby actually did not think it would be that easy - if anything, she had an inkling that the elf would want to 'play around' as they are typically known for. When the coin falls to the ground, the sound of coins hitting each other can be heard... which only confuses Abby more. Either this is a trick, or this woman is just plain mad. 14"Are you bloody serious?" asks Abby, looking at the coin and then back up at Eolande. 14"You are ACTUALLY willing to part with that much money all for a stupid game over some... quills? And who the bloody hell are you talking to?" She did not hear any of the diggers behind the woman speaking. 14"Right... 'Army'... Forget I asked." Crazy, crazy woman. Of all her damn luck. But this one knows magic and she has three others behind her - might be best to play along. 14"Fine, I'll try again." And once more she just reaches her hand out towards the hammer.

15[08:29] * +Eolande sighs, and again uses her foot to push that hand away, only this time it raises afterward, and pushes out toward Abbys shoulder, intent on pushing her over backward. "your not being much fun, Abby. the quills will be useful in spells, and believe it or not, theyre not easy to find on the market." dropping her foot back to the ground, eolande sniffles, (more)
[08:32] <+Eolande> *and sighs, "i could just take it, your hammer, my money, and you if i wanted... but wheres the -fun- in that? give it your all, Abby, come on." frowning, she tilts her head, "i may in fact be considering hiring that guild of yours, lots of coin in it... but if the rest of them are as unwilling to get physical as you are, i may have no need for them."*

04[08:37] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"....!" Abby waited for the foot to move into her body. Suddenly, she twists her body to the side, allowing said foot to slide across her body. Quickly, she lunges forward, Abby coming forth sideways and aiming herself at the direction of her weapon behind the woman's foot. Her hand, however, is quick to try and grab onto Eolande's robe, trying to yank it down and pull the woman down with it 14"I'm not about 'fun'!" says Abby, her hand reaching to grab onto her hammer. It's a gamble, especially considering how she purposely tried the exact same thing twice.

15[08:42] * +Eolande grins in surprise, Abby moving before she can shove her, the elf almost falling when her robes are tugged on. almost. instead, she rolls her shoulders, robe falling off her and pooling around her feet even as her foot launches to kick at Abbys hand again, intent on keeping her away from that hammer... at least for now. the second attempt for the hammer is exactly the same, (more)
[08:44] <+Eolande> *but Eolande is a tactician deep down, and while Abby caught her off guard once, it wont happen again. once she shoves Abbys hand away, her foot falls to the ground, keeping the hammer between her feet, standing nude over the weapon. "thats better! come on, keep it coming!"*

04[08:51] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"Ceh...!" Looks like THIS woman is not going to make things too easy either. Her hand is kicked away and as Abby stands on one knee on the ground, she gets surprised when the woman... is wearing nothing at all now. 14"Oh for BLOODY sake... SERIOUSLY?!" So not only did she come across a crazy elf, but she might actually be one of those people who actually get off from being in the nude in public. 14"Not wearing clothes... Digging up bodies... You are one fucking crazy bitch." She hops forward, swinging her leg towards Eolande's knees, but then another hop would bring Abby to twist her body around again, this time swinging her other foot at Eolande's calves. Aiming to slap both her legs around both of Eolande's, Abby will roll her body once more to the side, trying to force the elven woman to fall over forward if she succeeds on the attempt.

15[08:56] * +Eolande frowns. a bitch, she is... but shes -not- crazy. the first kick to her legs is easily hopped over, but when her feet hit the ground, the second kick lands, buckling her knees and dropping her to the ground, though she manages to stay on her knees, left hand striking out, two fingers and her thumb held together, rigid as they jab at Abbys inner thigh. (more)
[08:59] <+Eolande> *its not a well known method of attack, but the nerves that run along the bone under the meat of the thigh are quite sensitive, a strike to the bundle of nerves capable of causing spasms, severe pain, and loss of motor control in the leg for a few moments if its struck hard enough. she doesnt strike hard enough for that, though she does strike just hard enough to cause pain and spasms, her hand a blur of movement when she strikes, hoping to slow Abby down.*

04[09:10] <+Abby-Bazaar> Fortunately, the leather that covers all of Abby's body except for her hands and head resists the paralyzing attempt - though the pain is still felt. 14"The bloody hell..." Her hand on the ground clutches onto some soil on the ground. 14"... was THAT about!" And the redhead tossess all that earth right towards Eolande, allowing it to spread across Eolande's upper body. Rolling to the side again, Abby attempts to drag Eolande's feet off the ground while her own legs are entangled around them, trying to force the elf to go even further towards and into the ground. The redhead's leg in front of Eolande's own would attempt to slither and lock around one, trying to bend the leg while allowing to face the other way. If that succeeds, she thrusts her hand towards her hammer.

15[09:13] * +Eolande actually laughs when shes forced to topple face first, but she doesnt sit still long enough to get pinned down, her body rolling to free her legs. one hand plants firmly on the ground, the toes of one bare foot digging into the dirt as she shoves, lifting herself and turning as she rises to kick out with her other foot, again aiming to keep that hand away from the weapon. (more)
[09:15] <+Eolande> *chuckling as she kicks out, she licks her lips, "alright! your doing good, Abby. almost there, you -almost- got it!"*

04[09:20] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"Gh...!" But the elf manages to get the hammer out of the way just in time. 14"You bloody ELF... Stop PLAYING with me," And again, her hand shovels up some soil to toss at Eolande's general direction. Almost instantly, Abby presses her front foot down on the ground... and charges forward. By the time the dust settles, Abby is like a bull seeing red: she pushes herself forward, trying to throw her entire body towards Eolande's bare stomach. It is an attempt to tackle the elf down. 14"Just go back to grave digging and give me back my weapon...!"

15[09:25] * +Eolande laughs, her minions having never stopped their work. the dirt is a pointless tactic, eolande turning her head away in time to avoid the dirt, though it sacrifices her ability to dodge the lunge, taking the attack full on with an "oof!" and toppling backward. somehow, she manages to use it, her legs wrapping around Abbys waist, eolande throwing all her weight into the (more)
[09:29] <+Eolande> *momentum of her fall. she does land hard on her back, knocking the air out of her, but she goes on, using the speed and momentum combined with her natural grace to roll, using her shoulders to push off the ground, and turn the tables, the roll ending hopefully with abby on her back, and the necromancer straddling her lap. "well, that was fun."*

04[09:39] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"You are taking this stupid game of yours to a bloody weird level," says Abby. 14"But like I keep telling everyone else..." Making use of her shorter stature, Abby sits up and slams her fist - the one aligned with metal - right towards Eolande's side. She keeps on going, pushing that fist to knock the elf sideways. 14"I'm NOT into other WOMEN!" Her legs between Eolande's own would rise, putting her knees behind Eolande's lower back and rump, to try and prevent the elf from trying to escape by moving backwards from her position. 14"This is going far enough, ELF... Now stop making this any weirded and GIVE me back my hammer. PRetty sure I must've brushed against it a bit there from that tackle. Those men of yours are digging a hole... Don't MAKE me want to put you in there."

15[09:43] * +Eolande chuckles, her hand dropping to catch that metal wrapped fist, her palm surely bruised from the impact. "now now, your the one thinking those thoughts. you may have brushed it, possibly... but you could never put me in that hole." frowning, she shoves the fist away, "fine." quickly, she stands, and steps away from Abby, both hands extending, (morel
[09:43] <+Eolande> (more)*
[09:46] <+Eolande> *telekinesis bringing her robe, and the hammer to her hand, the weapon simply tossed over her shoulder to land with a thud next to Abbys knee. "your no fun. i hope your guild sisters can fight better than you. here..." a flick of her wrist sends the pouch of coins skidding across the ground at the woman. "there. im a woman of my word. coins, for quills." (more)
[09:50] <+Eolande> *pulling her robes back on, she turns to look at Abby, "Im not crazy. earlier, you called me a crazy bitch... im a bitch, but im not crazy... dont make that mistake again Abby." looking past the woman, she watches three shovels launch up out of the grave and land nearby, soon followed by a corpse, half rotted being tossed out as well. nodding, she turns (more)
[09:53] <+Eolande> *her attention to abby, violet eyes narrowed. "now..." stepping toward the porcupine, she stoops, and lifts it up, "tell whoever is in charge of your little sisterhood that I want to meet. at the inn, around dusk. you tell them. ill be unarmed... i dont want a fight, theres money for everyone if things go as planned."*

04[09:56] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"....!?" How? That was a punch she actually threw with a lot of her strength in it, and the elf actually stopped it with one hand! For a moment there, Abby was worried since she is currently under the elf and leaving herself open... but is surprised when her fist is merely shoved away and the elf standing back up. Abby quickly rolls back up to her knee, fists raised and ready in case the elf is going to suddenly attack her. But strangely enough, the elf tosses the hammer right next to her. 14"Doubt you could call that a fight when all there was to it was me trying to grab my weapon, elf," says Abby as she picks up her hammer, before seeing the pouch of coin being dropped to the ground next to her. 14"...." She makes no comment about the elf not being crazy, but no sane person would have wanted to do all that while a corpse was being dug out in the background. But she speaks as if the two know each other for some reason. Right then, a body is thrown out of the hole behind her! A body - one that is still rotting - lays in front of her. 14"Ugh...!" The sight almost makes Abby sick. This woman is insane... 14"Not making any promises," says Abby, still looking defiant. 14"I don't know what you think we are... but we're NOT grave diggers." A glance to the men in the hole and Abby can see the strange look in their eyes. That scent, the lifeless look in their eyes... 14"Who the hell are you...?"
04[09:57] <+Abby-Bazaar> She asks this, once again looking back up at Eolande.

15[10:00] * +Eolande turns to the corpse, stepping over and stooping next to it, examining it for a moment before shaking her head. standing again, she turns back to Abby, "we could really fight, if you want, but you -will- lose. i dont expect promises, i expect you to do as your told. I dont need grave robbers, i have those. what i need, girl, is a group of (more)
[10:04] <+Eolande> *"trained fighters, skilled as soldiers. someone with navigational skills would be nice too, but... not required." shifting her feet, she crosses her arms over her breasts. "i need a security force to guard my boats and wagons. hopefully you and your sisters can at least fight as a unit. tell your leader to bring as many of you she wants, if she feels its a setup."*

04[10:11] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby's eyes narrow as Eolande spoke of Abby being 'expected' to do as she is told. But something tells her not to say anything in retaliation for now. Was it wisdom? No, her instincts are telling her to do so. So Abby listens, but cannot help but wonder if this woman is telling her the truth or is just setting up for a trap. 14"We are NOT 'sisters', elf; the others might think they are but I don't. Even if I choose not to tell her, you'll probably come across one of the others eventually anyway." And from Abby's perspective: they might believe Eolande completely without question. Abby crouches down, picking up the pouch of coins. Untying it, her eyes widen at the sight of coins within it - they look real enough at least. 14"Bloody damn... Fine. I'll tell that you want to meet, but I'm not saying we're accepting the job just yet. Not sure why you need those boats and wagons guarded and frankly it's none of my business... but yeah, I'll them. If this is some elaborated trap though..."
15[10:20] * +Eolande frowns, and points a finger at Abby, "my name is Eolande. use it. call me 'elf'... one more time. I dare you." while she speaks, her minions roll the body back into the grave, and begin filling it back in. the body is simply too damaged for use. "sisters or not, your a part of the guild." nodding when Abby looks into the pouch, she grins, "did I lie? or is that more than any shop would pay?"

[10:23] <+Eolande> !money give Abby-Bazaar 100 mhl
[10:23] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Eolande Keita subtracted 100 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Abby

04[10:29] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby looks back down on the coins; she hates to admit it, but the elf is right. 14"Fine, yes... it looks bloody real enough," says Abby. 14"Not sure why you want those quills so badly but I suppose--" She glances to the side, watching the men burrying the body back into the ground. 14"--it's none of my business either. Like I said, I'll tell the guild that you want to meet, and if I can help it, I'll be there to hear this out too." Abby is not sure if she can trust this woman here, but she is still curious about this so-called 'job'. She looks down at the porcupine again, 14"You can keep the rest of the damn porcupine by the way."

15[10:37] * +Eolande smirks, "I planned on it. for what i paid, i should find ten more and take those too." holding onto the porcupine, she crosses her arms again, watching her minions work. "you... arent a very friendly person, Abby... this whole thing might have not happened... if you simply said please." smirking, her finger raises from her arm for a moment, tk spell tugging her hood up over her head. (more)
[10:38] <+Eolande> *she certainly is not a nice person by any standard... but manners can take one far in this world. "perhaps next time we meet youll be a little more polite, and so will I."*

04[10:41] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"Am I supposed to believe that would have actually worked?" asks Abby, crossing her arms over her own chest. 14"Especially since you were looking for a 'fight'? And if you think I'm just going to put on a smile on my face after everything that's happened here... You're going to be a tad disappointed." She turns her head slightly, glancing towards those quiet and eery men that are now patching up the hole they initially dug up. 14"...."

15[10:49] * +Eolande tilts her head, "yes. it would have worked, actually. I dont lie, Abby, ever, not even to save my life. smile... dont smile, i care little. all im saying is, be more polite, itll get you much better reactions. now... werent you hunting? maybe now you can afford a bow, or spear." once her minions are finished, she gestures toward the north, (more)
[10:50] <+Eolande> *her minions gathering their shovels, and shuffling away. "until next time, Abby."*

04[10:53] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"....." Abby does say any parting words to the woman. The fact that she mentioned about herself getting a bow is puzzling: did she actually try to 'help' from the very beginning or was it just her mocking her hammer again. She waits until the elf and her 'minions' disappear from sight, with Abby feeling rather unsettled over the whole thing. She cannot go back on her word, however, but she cannot help but be anxious: would this woman really lead them to more coin or to ruin. 14"... bloody hell, Hil... You better not mess this one up."

4<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
<@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04<+Abby-Bazaar> 4!choose fox fawn porcupine largerabbit monkey
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose fox fawn porcupine largerabbit monkey
<@Desdaemona> I choose "porcupine" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 1 damage
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 2 damage
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:55 am

Paid Abby 60 mhl for 3 hours on 10/21/15

[20:00] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 30 mhl
[20:00] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 30 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby

[20:09] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 30 mhl
[20:09] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 30 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[20:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> {owed 60 for worklog, hit the wrong key so gave another 30}
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:30 pm

Amara wrote: Paid Abby 180 mhl for worklogs totaling 9 hours on 11/1/15

[09:01] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 180 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 180 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[09:02] <+Amara|Twrl|> {9 hour hunting worklogs, given 180 mhl}

Name: Abby

Date and Time:
<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-24 15:13:48 - please remember this is NOT game time

<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-24 16:22:17 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed:
Hunted down rabbit, monkey, squirrel and duck for one hour. Could not go any further due to aching body.

Paid? Yes

4[09:18] <+Abby-Bazaar> After having fought five different people and then getting completely dominated in just a matter of two days, Abby - as adviced by Shoji - chooses not to go to the Arena for the time being, especially what happened between her and that sithian before the end of the day; but much like when her leg was injured the abrasive mercenary just cannot stay down and do nothing for too long. Believing Shoji or the sithian might be lurking around the Arena, Abby returns to the woods to return back to hunting down beasts. 14"Bloody hell..." groans the redhead. 14"My body's aching all over... And that damn sithian only made it WORSE." But in her hands she has already drawn out her crossbow and a bolt from the quiver on her back. 14"Bloody glad I bought this thing... but definitely can't run after anything if it gets too far. Better be careful here." After locking the bolt into place on her weapon, Abby ventures further into the woods. An animal is seen in the distance not long after... but as she drags her body and accidentally stepping on a twig, the animal runs off before Abby could see what it was. 14"Gh... Damn it..."
4[09:24] <+Abby-Bazaar> Sounds of wings flapping are soon heard coming from above her head. 14"....!" An owl, just minding its own business and looking for a prey, lands on a tree branch. It spots Abby, who quickly tenses her muscles so that her body does not make too many movements. The last time she found an owl, a particular wolven shot an arrow through it before her hammer could hit it. This time, however, she has her own bow to use. When the owl starts turning its head here and there, only briefly glancing at Abby's direction, Abby raises up her crossbow. 14"...." She takes very careful aime, once again stiffening her body so her aim is steady. She waits as soon as the owl looks away from her... and lets loose a bolt!
04[09:27] <+Abby-Bazaar> But she misses! The owl, alerted by Abby's poor shot, spreads its wings and takes off. Abby tries to quickly lock another bolt into her crossbow and tries to shoot it back down... but unfortunately the owl manages to fly out of the way in time, dodging any harm comepletely. 14"Damn it...! Ugh, I can't even hold my crossbow right...!"
04[09:30] <+Abby-Bazaar> Her next search didn't go so well either. Trying to find yet another animal would bring her to yet another close call, as a fox heard and saw her approaching, causing it to retreat into the bushes. 14"Gh... This is not going well..." says Abby, who curses the fact that she cannot even run properly at this time. 14"At this rate I won't be able to hunt ANYTHING... Ghh...."
04[09:44] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"There must be an easier way..." Abby wonders to herself. She cannot run in her current body condition and she definitely cannot just keep looking around or else she will tire herself. 14"..." She does, however, start to recall what the woman from the Arena told her: 'control her breathing'. But with how her body is hurting, that sort of advice might be difficult to follow. Instead, Abby slowly lowers herself to one knee... if her body remains close and tucked to the ground, her movements would be a lot more restricted. Plus, she will be out of sight from anything larger and taller than the bushes. The worse possibly encounter right now would be if a grizzly decides to enter the area. That one thought causes her to be startled, though, when she sees some bushes rustling nearby. 14"......" She remains quiet and slowly raises her loaded crossbow, pointing it at the direction. Whatever it is...
04[09:48] <+Abby-Bazaar> As soon as something pops out of the bushes, ABby presses on the trigger. Twang! The bolt shoots forward... and pierces through the rabbit's back! 14"...!" What a relief... It's just a rabbit! And it is her first catch of the day. 14"Better than bloody nothing, I suppose..." She eventually stood up to pick the dead animal up, leaving its blood trail on the floor. She wonders if it's the weather that makes it difficult to see... It's been thundering and the dark clouds have been persistent this whole time. It's so dark and yet there's no rain. But a catch is still a catch.
04[09:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> Twang! And Abby lets loose a bolt, shooting down the squirrel right before it can climb a tree and makes its escape. Even that required a lot of patience as it only turned up after a long while of waiting. The squirrel and the bolt are eventually retrieved, but of course Abby was hoping for bigger catches than these rodents. 14"One squirrel, one rabbit..." Still, it's better than nothing. But she is not done yet: piling up the dead body of the squirrel on top of the dead's rabbits, ABby decides to see if any other animal will turn up.
04[10:00] <+Abby-Bazaar> More rusting of leaves can be heard from the canopies over her head. This time, it's moving faster and whatever it is seems to be pulling on the weaker tree branches. Only when it lands on a branch, trying to approach some fruit, does Abby see what it is: a monkey! She readies her bolt and crossbow again... and soon lets the bolt loose to shoot down the animal off the tree!
04[10:03] <+Abby-Bazaar> The arrow pierces right through the monkey's side. It lets out a cry as it struggles to stand up with a sharp object sticking out of its ribs. But when the monkey looked to be trying to remove the bolt on its own, Abby quickly readies another bolt and shoots it right towards the poor little animal. The bolt strikes true: it kills the monkey instantly as the bolt pierces through its head! 14"Heh... A monkey... Never hunted those here."
04[10:10] <+Abby-Bazaar> NOw that she has hunted down a rabbit, a squirrel, and a monkey, Abby is just glad that she can at least hunt these animals down to sell off into the market for some quick, easy money. She looks the carcasses over once more before going back to waiting for other animals to show up. So far, so good; some others may have given a large sum of money to he guild to get them all started, but that does mean she is going to rely on that money alone. Even if it means getting lower pay than those actually working under the Empire... she will endure.
04[10:15] <+Abby-Bazaar> As if her luck has gotten better suddenly, more and more animals decided to pop out of their hiding places - perhaps the dark clouds in the sky are also making the animals of the woods to behave strangely. But nonetheless she waited. A duck soon comes into view, and its life ended not long after as yet another bolt comes shooting it in the chest. One more animal hunted down, whch brings her total hunt so far to a four.

4[09:15] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:15] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04[09:16] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:16] <@Desdaemona> I choose "getsaway" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:18] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:19] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04[09:19] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:19] <@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:19] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose LargeRabbit skunk raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl monkey
[09:19] <@Desdaemona> I choose "owl" from the 8 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:24] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[09:24] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!
04[09:25] <+Abby-Bazaar> !Qdice
[09:25] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
04[09:28] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:28] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04[09:28] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:28] <@Desdaemona> I choose "getsaway" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:30] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:30] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
04[09:30] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:30] <@Desdaemona> I choose "small" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:31] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose Rabbit squirrel quail duck goose
[09:31] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Rabbit" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
[09:44] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 3 damage
04[09:48] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:48] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
04[09:48] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:48] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
04[09:48] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:48] <@Desdaemona> I choose "small" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:49] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose Rabbit squirrel quail duck goose
[09:49] <@Desdaemona> I choose "squirrel" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:50] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[09:50] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 9 damage
04[09:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[09:54] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
04[09:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[09:54] <@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose LargeRabbit skunk raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl monkey
[09:54] <@Desdaemona> I choose "monkey" from the 8 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[09:58] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[09:58] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 2 damage
04[10:02] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[10:02] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 3 damage
04[10:10] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[10:10] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04[10:11] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small getsaway medium medium
[10:11] <@Desdaemona> I choose "small" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
04[10:11] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose Rabbit squirrel quail duck goose
[10:11] <@Desdaemona> I choose "duck" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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The Mercenary Abby
Posts: 475
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:58 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:03 pm

Amara wrote: Paid Abby 180 mhl for worklogs totaling 9 hours on 11/1/15

[09:01] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 180 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 180 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[09:02] <+Amara|Twrl|> {9 hour hunting worklogs, given 180 mhl}

Name: Abby

Date and Time:
<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-27 11:57:57 - please remember this is NOT game time

<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-27 16:02:33 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed:
With the help of Blood Moon, Abby hunted down a skunk, a racoon, and a coyote. Came across a moose but failed to hunt it down.

Paid? Yes

4[06:11] <+Abby-Bazaar> Now she really needs to stay away from the Arena. After making that scene, breaking those weapons, cutting her hands, and getting thoroughly taken down by Shoji, the mercenary believes a time away from the Arena for the time being will help clear her mind. Her hands, no longer adorned by the knuckle dusters she usually equips herself with, are taped up around the palms, hiding the various cuts that lay underneath. Fortunately enough, her fingers aren't as badly hurt and thus can still work their way around the cross bow and bolts. While she was told to rest up, Abby just could not bring herseld to simply lay down on a bed and do absolutely nothing; the least she could do to honor Shoji's advice though is to simply tone down what she does. This way, she can at least earn some money by selling off either the meat or fur of the animal she hunts to the bazaar. She still looks like she had a rougher day than usual, especially in the look in her eyes: restless. 14"... well... let's see what I can get." With that, she draws out one bolt from her quiver, proceeding then to enter the deeper part of the woods.
[06:16] <+BloodMoon> thunder rolling and lightning splitting the sky as the midnight black furred wolven made his way through the forest, bow at the ready with arrow nocked. Silently, quickly like a shadow as he moves from shadow to shadow. The forest his playground and his hunting ground. Sapphire blue eyes scanning for any movement and tracks or signs of distrubances of the foliage (more)
[06:16] <+BloodMoon> while his sensetive ears twitch and seviwel slowly to pick up and noise and his nose scents the air for any prey.(done)
04[06:25] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby would stalk the forest, crouching her body close to the ground as usual and tryng to keep her steps quiet. She eventually sees something in the distance though, coming out of a hole under a tree: a skunk, and judging by its size she assumes it is an adult. 14"... not sure if people eat skunk or have any use of their fur," says Abby to herself, and then slowly and carefully raising her cross bow. She takes aim, setting her sights on the black and white critter. 14"... but I sure bloody do." And she lets the bolt fly straight... but misses! 14"D-Damn it...!" Her hands have not fully healed yet; even trying to keep the crossbow raised and steady proved difficult. She wanted to simply let the thing go... until an arrow comes flying from the side, striking the skunk in the back. Another hunter!
[06:36] <+BloodMoon> was sneaking through the forest when he spotted a skunk come out of it's hole under a tree. He aimed and fire more out of instinct than really wanting a skunk and his arrow hits the thing in the back. Well might aswell kill it now but the thing is laying on the ground so not an easy target and he shoots once, twice, thrice and only on the fourth try does he manage to hit and kill the animal.(more)
[06:37] <+BloodMoon> Makes his way to the kill and retrieves all his arrow. Spots something out of the corner of his eye as he is retrieving an arrow and nocks the retrieved arrow and pulls back as he aims....and spots it is Abby.(done)
04[06:42] <+Abby-Bazaar> An arrow comes flying after. And missed. 14"...." Another arrow follows suit. And missed. 14"...." But another arrow comes flying forth! ... and missed. 14"...." By the time another arrow finally manages to hit the the already immobile skunk, Abby stares to the side, wondering who it actually is shooting at the animal. Finally, that same wolven from many days steps forward; when Blood Moon turns to aim that bow and arrow towards her though, Abby gives him a look. 14"... the bloody hell was with that shitty aim of yours... And AGAIN you came and took the animal I actually had my sights on!" But when it looked like she was about to explode like she did last time, she merely lets out a sigh. 14"... not that I got a hit in so feel free to take it. And don't point that bloody arrow at me!"
[06:48] <+BloodMoon> relaxed and lowered the bow and leting the string slowly return to normal. "Sorry just saw something out of the corner of my eye." he explained as he looked her over. "Please take skunk I Really didn't even want it, I aimed and shot more out of instinct than anything else."he almost sounded like he would start begging. "Also once it was laying on the ground it was a hard target but still no idea why I missed so much." he shrugged.
04[06:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"But you shot at it a second time." A brief pause follows right after. 14".... actually, that might have been the fourth or fifth shot - you can't honestly tell me you don't want it after sending all those arrows flying." Seeing him finally lowering his weapon, Abby decides to approach him. 14"What, you don't like skunk meat? It's a little hard to chew but it's not THAT bad - plus you're a bloody wolven." She stops a few feet in front of him, crossing her arms over her chest. 14"Don't you have fangs that can tear through wood easily or something? So take it - it's your kill." She moves again, crouching down to pick up her bolt she shot earlier. 14"My aim's a little off today..."
[07:00] <+BloodMoon> "Well for two reasons I kept firing at it, 1. I don't injure an animal and the leave it to die or bleed out or paralized. 2. I want my arrows back." he told her as he watched her he had spotted her hands were bandaged up. "As for the skunk, like you said I am wolven, acute nose...skunks smell." he spoke as he wrinckled his nose. Then turned to her, "So what happened to your hands, you okay?"
4[07:08] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"Hm...?" She looks down at one of her own hands when the wolven asked about them. 14"Oh... Just... cut myself on some wood." Abby shakes her head. 14"But it's not like I bloody broke them so nothing for me to worry about for the time being as long as I don't try to swing any weapon too much." She turns towards the skunk again and with a shrug of your shoulders, the mercenary picks it up by its tail and holds it at her side. 14"Your loss, wolven." Looking around, hearing some rustling in the bushes in the distance, a thought comes to her. 14"Oi, wolven. Since you're here anyway... How about another hunting contest? Same rules as last time. This time though..." She holds up her crossbow. 14"... I'm a lot more ready."
[07:18] <+BloodMoon> "Okay sounds good." he smiled, and just shook his head as Abby she was more reaady. He moved on a bit with her before he stopped and went down to one knee as he searched for any tracks or signs of an animal being near here and listening for any sounds around them.
04[07:23] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby draws out a bolt to put into place to her cross bow, watching as the wolven starts looking for tracks. The last time she was the first to find the animal tracks, but she figured she would want to see what kind of animal a wolven can track down with their senses. For all she knows, it might lead to one of the bigger or more uncommon animals. 14"Remember," says Abby. 14"Whoever kills it, claims it."
[07:30] <+BloodMoon> He heard some rustling nearby and silently followed the noise while making sure to stay down wind from where the noise was coming from, Abby keeping up pretty well. It wasn't long till they spotted what he was tracking... a racoon. He pulled back on his bowstring untill he felt the fletching against his cheek as he aimed and let the arrow go and watched as it hit the raccoon but didn't kill it.
04[07:36] <+Abby-Bazaar> And not long after... *TWANG* Something flies right past the bushes in front of him, shooting the raccoon down. When the raccoon finally laying limp on the ground, he would see...that it's a bolt. 14"... you tracked one, I killed one." Abby, resting the crossbow on her shoulder, casually walks past him. She yanks the bolt out of the rodent and with the same hand holding onto the skunk, she picks it up by the tail. 14"Looks like we're tied for now, wolven." And the mercenary hunter walks off to the side. Crouching a little close to the ground again, ABby tries to search for any tracks. A sound is heard above her head. 14"...!" But by the time she drops the dead animals in her hands and ready a bolt, the animal already retreated to the skies! 14"Ceh... Damn it..."
[07:47] <+BloodMoon> managed to retrieve his arrow before Abby walked off with the raccoon. After she heard something but was too late to spot it he tried to spot some tracks and found some large coyote tracks and started following them until he spotted in as he looked from the shadow of a tree. Pulled back on the bow string fully, amimed and released...and missed, his arrow flying over the animal.
04[07:51] <+Abby-Bazaar> She followed him this time, seeing the wolven finding some tracks. Odd... Abby never saw those kind of paw prints before around these parts of the woods - though it is possible she may have gotten deeper thanks to the wolven she is following. When she finally sees the coyote, her eyes widened but the girl is quick to hide behind a tree. A coyote! And a large one that! Looks like she was not wrong about his wolven senses. But... She sees him missing his arrow shot; not willing to let this one animal run, Abby comes out of hiding and lets a bolt loose! The iron projectile plants itself in the animal's side... 14"Yes...! Ah..." But to her surprise the coyote is neither down nor trying to run away, but instead growls in her direction now. 14"Bloody hell..."
[07:57] <+BloodMoon> while the coyote is growling at Abby and preoccupied with the human he nocked another arrow and slowly aimed as he pulled back on the string and breathing in slowly and letting it out as he releases the arrow and watched as it hit this time. The bolt and the arrow causing the coyote to stagger as it looks to Blood Moon now.
15[08:01] -Desdaemona- BloodMoon (Blood Moon) has given you Coarse Fibre Rope
4[08:10] <+Abby-Bazaar> When the coyote is distracted by the wolven, Abby takes this opportunity to ready another bolt. By the time it looked to try and attack Blood Moon, however, another bolt comes flying, this time skewering through its neck! The large animal whines and falls to its side, legs twitching for a moment until they fall limp in death. 14"... phew..." She lets out a sigh, straightening herself up after having knelt down on the ground to steady her aim. 14"And that's two kills for me and two tracks for yo--" But then a rope is handed over to her, but it does not take long for her to figure out why the wolven gave it to her. 14"Heh... Good idea." There is no way for her to tie such a large animal on her waist though... and so she would tie the two previous kills on the side of her waist, while the redhead lifts the coyote onto her shoulders. 14"Well... Time to go." Abby seems to have no problem carrying it, though her body does bend over a bit. She tries to track down another animal but obviously with her neck covered in coyote blood and the coyote itself is literally drapped over her shoulders, one animal - unsees - runs away. 14"... there must be an easier way to this."
[08:18] <+BloodMoon> managed to retrieve his arrows again before Abby would take her kill. He decided to give her some of the rope he had and she caught on quickly. As it would seem the carrying of the coyote and the smell of it's blood was making tracking difficult so he decides to see if he could spot any tracks or hear anything but nothing..not even a scent.
04[08:24] <+Abby-Bazaar> In fact, as soon as Abby turns to look to the side because she hears an animal coming out of the runs away too! 14"...!" Abby cranes her body to the side, looking towards the wolven, who seems to have just as much of a hard time finding animals as she is right now. 14"... this bloody coyote is scaring the animals around. I'd... drop this large bastard down but I don't want other peope stealing it."
[08:27] <+BloodMoon> "Bigger chance of another amimal making a meal of it than people getting it." he smiled. "Do you want to call it a day and carry your kills back to the bazaar or do you just want to carry them back to the bazaar and I wait here or go with you and we continue after they have been delevired?" he asked her as he considered the options and looked at her.
04[08:34] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"... what? And make TWO trips here? No bloody change." Abby shakes her head. 14"... sides, you might get a head star--" She gets an idea, and without warning she drops the coyote down to the ground. Blood stains can be seen on her leather shoulders but she merely wipes them once and does not seem to be all bothered about it. 14"How about we DO see what kind of animal might come looking for it? An animal's carcass attracts all sorts of beasts, even if just from bloody curiosity." She points to a distance. 14"We shoot from there."
[08:48] <+BloodMoon> Intresting plan she had here. He made his way to where she had pointed out where they were to shoot from and made sure he had cover as he nocked an arrow and waited to see what would happen. It wasn't long until a moose came along, the scent of the blood must have alert the animal and it came to investigate. Blood Moon aimed and pulled back on bowstring untill fletching felt against cheek and let go, the arrow hitting deep in the animals neck
[08:49] <+BloodMoon> arrow hitting deep in the animals neck but not enough to kill it (if cut)
04[08:54] <+Abby-Bazaar> A moose...! Seeing yet another large animal come by surprised Abby, but all the more reason she feels the need to nab this one too. The wolven shoots the first arrow, nailing the large animal in the neck. It spots them in the distance; angered by the assault, the moose comes charging right at them! 14"Damn...!" Abby takes aim. A bolt goes through the moose right in the chest, which causes the beast to change its course, giving the mercenary enough time to jump out of the way. 14"Bloody hell this one's a tough bastard...!" And to Abby, who is only 5'1'' the beast can literally tower over her!
[08:59] <+BloodMoon> rolled out of the way just as Abby's bolt struck it in the chest and as soon as he had finished his roll and was on his feet again he nocked another arrow, pulled back on the bowstring wwhile he aimed and let go hitting the moose on the side. Wow...this was one crazy moose! He nocked another arrow and got ready for Abby to take her shot while he stayed clear of the moose.
04[09:03] <+Abby-Bazaar> The bolt instead hits the side of its horns. The moose, feeling it, quickly whips its head towards Abby. She quickly tries to draw out another bolt from her quiver, but the moose is too quick for her. It comes charging at her, ramming its side against Abby who tried to get out of the way. 14"Ghh....!" She could not even properly ready a bolt to her cross bow before the beast knocked it out of her hand! And with her hands hurting, falling onto the ground right on her palms definitely stung. But she has more and bigger things to worry about: such as the angry moose in front of her.
[09:10] <+BloodMoon> spot Abby hitting the moose's horn instead of the moose and it charges her, luckily only it's side struck her but she is in danger now. He quickly pulled back on the bowstring again aimed but in his haste he missed and also hit the things horns. The moose feels the impact on his horns and turn before charging at Blood Moon, luckily the beast is getitng tired and worn out from losing blood and Blood Moon can easily roll out of the way..
4[09:14] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby moves to her bolt and quiver again as the moose redirects its fury to Blood Moon. 14"...!" But the wolven is in her way! 14"Get the bloody hell out of the way, wolven...!" She lets the bolt fly as soon as the beast is visible, but misses just an inch away from hitting it. Her hands, after falling on them earlier, are starting to sting again. The moose spots her again and while its movements have slowed down, it stil manages to close the distance between thme quickly enough. It rises on its back legs, seemingly ready to stomp at the mercenary. 14".....!!"
[09:23] <+BloodMoon> growls as Abby shouts at him and then almost hits him with the bolt meant for the moose but it charges at Abby again. He nocks another arrow abs tight, stance correct as he pulls back and aims taking a deep breath in and letting it out and just as the animal rears up he let's the arrow go. The arrow flying towards the moose and strikes at the base of the skull, severing it's spine. "Move, human!" he shouted as he beast started to drop, lucky
[09:23] <+BloodMoon> beast started to drop, lucky most of it's weught was on it's back legs. (if cut)
04[09:28] <+Abby-Bazaar> Abby quickly rolls out of the way - just in time too. The beast falls on its front, finally unable to go any longer due to the blood loss and then finally that arrow on its back. Abby pants, still feeling the effects of that harsh brush earlier, but eventually calms herself down when the moose lays there limp. 14"... bloody hell, that was close," sighs Abby. 14"Didn't think it'd be that tough to take down. BUt..." She shakes her head, slowly standing back up to her feet. 14"Guess it's your win, wolven - might as bloody well: it's not like I could have carried the damn thing all the way to the bazaar."
[09:36] <+BloodMoon> retrieved his arrows. "Thank you. I know you don't trust anyone but if had asked or I would have offered, I would have helped or carried the moose if it was your kill. You already have the coyote, skunk and raccoon to carry." he told her with a smile as he looked for a thickish, traight tree branch laying about and used his sword to cut and branch off of the main branch. Used some rope to tied the moose's (more)
[09:37] <+BloodMoon> legs and head to the branch and with some effort got it onto his shoulder and back. "Read, human?" he asked Abby as he got ready to depart.(done)
04[09:41] <+Abby-Bazaar> She does not answer to his offer to carry the moose if she had killed it but she admits a loss is a loss. The coyote and her other kills would be enough for the time being to get her some good coin. After retrieving her bolts and returning them into her quiver, the blood and sweat-covered human girl returns to the dead coyote. She lifts it up again despite how her body aches from that struggle earlier, but surprisingly still has enough strength to carry such a thing. 14"Yeah, yeah..." she says, cocking her head to the side. 14"I think that's enough hunting for me too." She moves, with careful steps, towards him. 14"I'll give you back the rope once I'm done selling this bastard off."
[09:45] <+BloodMoon> laughed, "Keep it, it is 2 mhl for 20ft of coarse fibre rope at the general store, I have more than enough." he spoke after the laugh and slowly walked with her out of the forest, with the size and weight of the moose it was slow going for him.
04[09:50] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"... seriously?" asks Abby. 14"... your words, wolven - not mine; just don't go asking for it back and expect me to give it too easily. I was actually about to buy my own rope too." So technically the wolf just saved her 20 mhl from not making that purchase. 14"But next time it's going to be my bloody win, you'll see." For Abby, since she is also carrying something bigger and possibly heavier than herself, she is also walking at a slow pace. Not much is talked about through the trip across the forest path, but Abby eventually decides to break the silence with a quesion: 14"... oi, wolven, you said you know something about the katana, right? What esle do you know about the bloody thing?"
[10:03] <+BloodMoon> "You know we can work together or do you prefer the excitment of seeing whole will win?" He asked curiously, "we both take it to the baazar anyways and they don't pay for what you bring in just the time spent hunting." he added. When she asked about the katana he thought for a bit. "I had one before I got the long sword, I actually prefer the katana." he admitted, "They are made differently, I am not sure of the proccess, the blades of the tw
[10:03] <+BloodMoon> proccess, the blades of the two swords feel different." he continued.
04[10:18] <+Abby-Bazaar> 14"You're a wolven," says Abby. 14"Meaning you've got a better nose than I do. Hell, you could be leading me to some big catches like the two right here." She of course means the moose and the coyote. When the topic shifts to the sword known as the 'katana', Abby goes quiet, apparently listening with attention for once. 14"No, I mean, how else can you wield it in a fight? I mean you blabbed about why one edge is blunt than the other, what else is it good for? Starting to see a lot of people here carrying them."

[07:20] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[07:20] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[07:21] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[07:21] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[07:22] <+BloodMoon> Large Rabbit, raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl
[07:22] <+BloodMoon> !Choose "Large Rabbit" raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl
[07:22] <@Desdaemona> I choose "raccoon" from the 6 options supplied by BloodMoon
[07:22] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[07:22] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 1 damage
4[07:34] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[07:34] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
04[07:34] <+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small itgetsaway medium medium
[07:34] <@Desdaemona> I choose "itgetsaway" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
[07:38] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[07:38] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[07:38] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[07:38] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[07:38] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[07:38] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[07:40] <+BloodMoon> !choose Doe Buck wolf coyote "bear cub"
[07:40] <@Desdaemona> I choose "coyote" from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon
[07:40] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[07:40] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
4[07:47] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[07:47] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage
[07:52] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[07:52] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 6 damage
04[07:58] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[07:58] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 3 damage
4[08:19] <+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
[08:19] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[08:21] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[08:21] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[08:42] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[08:42] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[08:43] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[08:43] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Huge" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[08:44] <+BloodMoon> !choose "Big Wolf" Bear Moose Elk
[08:44] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Moose" from the 4 options supplied by BloodMoon
[08:44] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[08:44] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 9 damage
04[08:51] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[08:51] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 6 damage
[08:55] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[08:55] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage
[08:59] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[08:59] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
[08:59] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[08:59] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
[09:06] <+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
[09:06] <@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
[09:10] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[09:10] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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The Mercenary Abby
Posts: 475
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:58 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Blood Moon on Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:05 am

Amara wrote:Paind Bloodmoon 80 mhl for 4 hours on 10/29/15

[14:23] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 80 mhl
[14:23] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 80 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon

Name: Blood Moon

Date and Time:
Start: <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-27 11:57:57 - please remember this is NOT game time

Ended: <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-27 16:02:33 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed:
Blood Moon and Abby hunted a skunk, a racoon, a coyote and a moose. The moose was quiet a difficult kill.

Paid? Yes

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8

<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small itgetsaway medium medium
<@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose fox monkey largerrabbit racooon porcupine skunk
<@Desdaemona> I choose "skunk" from the 6 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar
<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!

<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 5 damage
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 3 damage

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
<BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
<@Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !Choose "Large Rabbit" raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl
<@Desdaemona> I choose "raccoon" from the 6 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 1 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 1 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small itgetsaway medium medium
<@Desdaemona> I choose "itgetsaway" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
<BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
<@Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !choose Doe Buck wolf coyote "bear cub"
<@Desdaemona> I choose "coyote" from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage

<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 6 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 3 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
<+Abby-Bazaar> !choose small small itgetsaway medium medium
<@Desdaemona> I choose "itgetsaway" from the 5 options supplied by Abby-Bazaar

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 4 Result: 4

<+Abby-Bazaar> !r 1d5
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2

<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
<BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
<@Desdaemona> I choose "Huge" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !choose "Big Wolf" Bear Moose Elk
<@Desdaemona> I choose "Moose" from the 4 options supplied by BloodMoon
<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 9 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 6 damage

<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!

<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!

<+Abby-Bazaar> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> Abby-Bazaar (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!

<BloodMoon> !qdice
<@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage

<+Abby-Bazaar> Now she really needs to stay away from the Arena. After making that scene, breaking those weapons, cutting her hands, and getting thoroughly taken down by Shoji, the mercenary believes a time away from the Arena for the time being will help clear her mind. Her hands, no longer adorned by the knuckle dusters she usually equips herself with, are taped up around the palms, hiding the various
<+Abby-Bazaar> cuts that lay underneath. Fortunately enough, her fingers aren't as badly hurt and thus can still work their way around the cross bow and bolts. While she was told to rest up, Abby just could not bring herseld to simply lay down on a bed and do absolutely nothing; the least she could do to honor Shoji's advice though is to simply tone down what she does. This way, she can at least earn some
<+Abby-Bazaar> money by selling off either the meat or fur of the animal she hunts to the bazaar. She still looks like she had a rougher day than usual, especially in the look in her eyes: restless. "... well... let's see what I can get." With that, she draws out one bolt from her quiver, proceeding then to enter the deeper part of the woods.

<BloodMoon> thunder rolling and lightning splitting the sky as the midnight black furred wolven made his way through the forest, bow at the ready with arrow nocked. Silently, quickly like a shadow as he moves from shadow to shadow. The forest his playground and his hunting ground. Sapphire blue eyes scanning for any movement and tracks or signs of distrubances of the foliage (more)
<BloodMoon> while his sensetive ears twitch and seviwel slowly to pick up and noise and his nose scents the air for any prey.(done)

<+Abby-Bazaar> Abby would stalk the forest, crouching her body close to the ground as usual and tryng to keep her steps quiet. She eventually sees something in the distance though, coming out of a hole under a tree: a skunk, and judging by its size she assumes it is an adult. "... not sure if people eat skunk or have any use of their fur," says Abby to herself, and then slowly and carefully raising
<+Abby-Bazaar> her cross bow. She takes aim, setting her sights on the black and white critter. "... but I sure bloody do." And she lets the bolt fly straight... but misses! "D-Damn it...!" Her hands have not fully healed yet; even trying to keep the crossbow raised and steady proved difficult. She wanted to simply let the thing go... until an arrow comes flying from the side, striking the skunk
<+Abby-Bazaar> in the back. Another hunter!

<BloodMoon> was sneaking through the forest when he spotted a skunk come out of it's hole under a tree. He aimed and fire more out of instinct than really wanting a skunk and his arrow hits the thing in the back. Well might aswell kill it now but the thing is laying on the ground so not an easy target and he shoots once, twice, thrice and only on the fourth try does he manage to hit and kill the animal.(more)
<BloodMoon> Makes his way to the kill and retrieves all his arrow. Spots something out of the corner of his eye as he is retrieving an arrow and nocks the retrieved arrow and pulls back as he aims....and spots it is Abby.(done)

<+Abby-Bazaar> An arrow comes flying after. And missed. "...." Another arrow follows suit. And missed. "...." But another arrow comes flying forth! ... and missed. "...." By the time another arrow finally manages to hit the the already immobile skunk, Abby stares to the side, wondering who it actually is shooting at the animal. Finally, that same wolven from many days steps forward; when Blood
<+Abby-Bazaar> Moon turns to aim that bow and arrow towards her though, Abby gives him a look. "... the bloody hell was with that shitty aim of yours... And AGAIN you came and took the animal I actually had my sights on!" But when it looked like she was about to explode like she did last time, she merely lets out a sigh. "... not that I got a hit in so feel free to take it. And don't point that
<+Abby-Bazaar> bloody arrow at me!"

<BloodMoon> relaxed and lowered the bow and leting the string slowly return to normal. "Sorry just saw something out of the corner of my eye." he explained as he looked her over. "Please take skunk I Really didn't even want it, I aimed and shot more out of instinct than anything else."he almost sounded like he would start begging. "Also once it was laying on the ground it was a hard target but still no idea why I missed so much." he shrugged.

<+Abby-Bazaar> "But you shot at it a second time." A brief pause follows right after. ".... actually, that might have been the fourth or fifth shot - you can't honestly tell me you don't want it after sending all those arrows flying." Seeing him finally lowering his weapon, Abby decides to approach him. "What, you don't like skunk meat? It's a little hard to chew but it's not THAT bad - plus
<+Abby-Bazaar> you're a bloody wolven." She stops a few feet in front of him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't you have fangs that can tear through wood easily or something? So take it - it's your kill." She moves again, crouching down to pick up her bolt she shot earlier. "My aim's a little off today..."

<BloodMoon> "Well for two reasons I kept firing at it, 1. I don't injure an animal and the leave it to die or bleed out or paralized. 2. I want my arrows back." he told her as he watched her he had spotted her hands were bandaged up. "As for the skunk, like you said I am wolven, acute nose...skunks smell." he spoke as he wrinckled his nose. Then turned to her, "So what happened to your hands, you okay?"

<+Abby-Bazaar> "Hm...?" She looks down at one of her own hands when the wolven asked about them. "Oh... Just... cut myself on some wood." Abby shakes her head. "But it's not like I bloody broke them so nothing for me to worry about for the time being as long as I don't try to swing any weapon too much." She turns towards the skunk again and with a shrug of your shoulders, the mercenary picks
<+Abby-Bazaar> it up by its tail and holds it at her side. "Your loss, wolven." Looking around, hearing some rustling in the bushes in the distance, a thought comes to her. "Oi, wolven. Since you're here anyway... How about another hunting contest? Same rules as last time. This time though..." She holds up her crossbow. "... I'm a lot more ready."

<BloodMoon> "Okay sounds good." he smiled, and just shook his head as Abby she was more reaady. He moved on a bit with her before he stopped and went down to one knee as he searched for any tracks or signs of an animal being near here and listening for any sounds around them.

<+Abby-Bazaar> Abby draws out a bolt to put into place to her cross bow, watching as the wolven starts looking for tracks. The last time she was the first to find the animal tracks, but she figured she would want to see what kind of animal a wolven can track down with their senses. For all she knows, it might lead to one of the bigger or more uncommon animals. "Remember," says Abby. "Whoever kills
<+Abby-Bazaar> it, claims it."

<BloodMoon> He heard some rustling nearby and silently followed the noise while making sure to stay down wind from where the noise was coming from, Abby keeping up pretty well. It wasn't long till they spotted what he was tracking... a racoon. He pulled back on his bowstring untill he felt the fletching against his cheek as he aimed and let the arrow go and watched as it hit the raccoon but didn't kill it.

<+Abby-Bazaar> And not long after... *TWANG* Something flies right past the bushes in front of him, shooting the raccoon down. When the raccoon finally laying limp on the ground, he would see...that it's a bolt. "... you tracked one, I killed one." Abby, resting the crossbow on her shoulder, casually walks past him. She yanks the bolt out of the rodent and with the same hand holding onto the skunk,
<+Abby-Bazaar> she picks it up by the tail. "Looks like we're tied for now, wolven." And the mercenary hunter walks off to the side. Crouching a little close to the ground again, ABby tries to search for any tracks. A sound is heard above her head. "...!" But by the time she drops the dead animals in her hands and ready a bolt, the animal already retreated to the skies! "Ceh... Damn it..."

<BloodMoon> managed to retrieve his arrow before Abby walked off with the raccoon. After she heard something but was too late to spot it he tried to spot some tracks and found some large coyote tracks and started following them until he spotted in as he looked from the shadow of a tree. Pulled back on the bow string fully, amimed and released...and missed, his arrow flying over the animal.

<+Abby-Bazaar> She followed him this time, seeing the wolven finding some tracks. Odd... Abby never saw those kind of paw prints before around these parts of the woods - though it is possible she may have gotten deeper thanks to the wolven she is following. When she finally sees the coyote, her eyes widened but the girl is quick to hide behind a tree. A coyote! And a large one that! Looks like she was
<+Abby-Bazaar> not wrong about his wolven senses. But... She sees him missing his arrow shot; not willing to let this one animal run, Abby comes out of hiding and lets a bolt loose! The iron projectile plants itself in the animal's side... "Yes...! Ah..." But to her surprise the coyote is neither down nor trying to run away, but instead growls in her direction now. "Bloody hell..."

<BloodMoon> while the coyote is growling at Abby and preoccupied with the human he nocked another arrow and slowly aimed as he pulled back on the string and breathing in slowly and letting it out as he releases the arrow and watched as it hit this time. The bolt and the arrow causing the coyote to stagger as it looks to Blood Moon now.

<+Abby-Bazaar> When the coyote is distracted by the wolven, Abby takes this opportunity to ready another bolt. By the time it looked to try and attack Blood Moon, however, another bolt comes flying, this time skewering through its neck! The large animal whines and falls to its side, legs twitching for a moment until they fall limp in death. "... phew..." She lets out a sigh, straightening herself up
<+Abby-Bazaar> after having knelt down on the ground to steady her aim. "And that's two kills for me and two tracks for yo--" But then a rope is handed over to her, but it does not take long for her to figure out why the wolven gave it to her. "Heh... Good idea." There is no way for her to tie such a large animal on her waist though... and so she would tie the two previous kills on the side of
<+Abby-Bazaar> her waist, while the redhead lifts the coyote onto her shoulders. "Well... Time to go." Abby seems to have no problem carrying it, though her body does bend over a bit. She tries to track down another animal but obviously with her neck covered in coyote blood and the coyote itself is literally drapped over her shoulders, one animal - unsees - runs away. "... there must be an easier
<+Abby-Bazaar> way to this."

<BloodMoon> managed to retrieve his arrows again before Abby would take her kill. He decided to give her some of the rope he had and she caught on quickly. As it would seem the carrying of the coyote and the smell of it's blood was making tracking difficult so he decides to see if he could spot any tracks or hear anything but nothing..not even a scent.

<+Abby-Bazaar> In fact, as soon as Abby turns to look to the side because she hears an animal coming out of the runs away too! "...!" Abby cranes her body to the side, looking towards the wolven, who seems to have just as much of a hard time finding animals as she is right now. "... this bloody coyote is scaring the animals around. I'd... drop this large bastard down but I don't want
<+Abby-Bazaar> other peope stealing it."

<BloodMoon> "Bigger chance of another amimal making a meal of it than people getting it." he smiled. "Do you want to call it a day and carry your kills back to the bazaar or do you just want to carry them back to the bazaar and I wait here or go with you and we continue after they have been delevired?" he asked her as he considered the options and looked at her.

<+Abby-Bazaar> "... what? And make TWO trips here? No bloody change." Abby shakes her head. "... sides, you might get a head star--" She gets an idea, and without warning she drops the coyote down to the ground. Blood stains can be seen on her leather shoulders but she merely wipes them once and does not seem to be all bothered about it. "How about we DO see what kind of animal might come
<+Abby-Bazaar> looking for it? An animal's carcass attracts all sorts of beasts, even if just from bloody curiosity." She points to a distance. "We shoot from there."

<BloodMoon> Intresting plan she had here. He made his way to where she had pointed out where they were to shoot from and made sure he had cover as he nocked an arrow and waited to see what would happen. It wasn't long until a moose came along, the scent of the blood must have alert the animal and it came to investigate. Blood Moon aimed and pulled back on bowstring untill fletching felt against cheek and let go, the arrow hitting deep in the animals neck but not enough to kill it.

<+Abby-Bazaar> A moose...! Seeing yet another large animal come by surprised Abby, but all the more reason she feels the need to nab this one too. The wolven shoots the first arrow, nailing the large animal in the neck. It spots them in the distance; angered by the assault, the moose comes charging right at them! "Damn...!" Abby takes aim. A bolt goes through the moose right in the chest, which causes
<+Abby-Bazaar> the beast to change its course, giving the mercenary enough time to jump out of the way. "Bloody hell this one's a tough bastard...!" And to Abby, who is only 5'1'' the beast can literally tower over her!

<BloodMoon> rolled out of the way just as Abby's bolt struck it in the chest and as soon as he had finished his roll and was on his feet again he nocked another arrow, pulled back on the bowstring wwhile he aimed and let go hitting the moose on the side. Wow...this was one crazy moose! He nocked another arrow and got ready for Abby to take her shot while he stayed clear of the moose.

<+Abby-Bazaar> The bolt instead hits the side of its horns. The moose, feeling it, quickly whips its head towards Abby. She quickly tries to draw out another bolt from her quiver, but the moose is too quick for her. It comes charging at her, ramming its side against Abby who tried to get out of the way. "Ghh....!" She could not even properly ready a bolt to her cross bow before the beast knocked it
<+Abby-Bazaar> out of her hand! And with her hands hurting, falling onto the ground right on her palms definitely stung. But she has more and bigger things to worry about: such as the angry moose in front of her.

<BloodMoon> spot Abby hitting the moose's horn instead of the moose and it charges her, luckily only it's side struck her but she is in danger now. He quickly pulled back on the bowstring again aimed but in his haste he missed and also hit the things horns. The moose feels the impact on his horns and turn before charging at Blood Moon, luckily the beast is getitng tired and worn out from losing blood and Blood Moon can easily roll out of the way..

<+Abby-Bazaar> Abby moves to her bolt and quiver again as the moose redirects its fury to Blood Moon. "...!" But the wolven is in her way! "Get the bloody hell out of the way, wolven...!" She lets the bolt fly as soon as the beast is visible, but misses just an inch away from hitting it. Her hands, after falling on them earlier, are starting to sting again. The moose spots her again and while its
<+Abby-Bazaar> movements have slowed down, it stil manages to close the distance between thme quickly enough. It rises on its back legs, seemingly ready to stomp at the mercenary. ".....!!"

<BloodMoon> growls as Abby shouts at him and then almost hits him with the bolt meant for the moose but it charges at Abby again. He nocks another arrow abs tight, stance correct as he pulls back and aims taking a deep breath in and letting it out and just as the animal rears up he let's the arrow go. The arrow flying towards the moose and strikes at the base of the skull, severing it's spine. "Move, human!" he shouted as he beast started to drop, lucky most of it's weught was on it's back legs.

<+Abby-Bazaar> Abby quickly rolls out of the way - just in time too. The beast falls on its front, finally unable to go any longer due to the blood loss and then finally that arrow on its back. Abby pants, still feeling the effects of that harsh brush earlier, but eventually calms herself down when the moose lays there limp. "... bloody hell, that was close," sighs Abby. "Didn't think it'd be that
<+Abby-Bazaar> tough to take down. BUt..." She shakes her head, slowly standing back up to her feet. "Guess it's your win, wolven - might as bloody well: it's not like I could have carried the damn thing all the way to the bazaar."

<BloodMoon> retrieved his arrows. "Thank you. I know you don't trust anyone but if had asked or I would have offered, I would have helped or carried the moose if it was your kill. You already have the coyote, skunk and raccoon to carry." he told her with a smile as he looked for a thickish, traight tree branch laying about and used his sword to cut the branches off of the main branch. Used some rope to tie the moose's (more)
<BloodMoon> legs and head to the branch and with some effort got it onto his shoulder and back. "Ready, human?" he asked Abby as he got ready to depart.(done)

<+Abby-Bazaar> She does not answer to his offer to carry the moose if she had killed it but she admits a loss is a loss. The coyote and her other kills would be enough for the time being to get her some good coin. After retrieving her bolts and returning them into her quiver, the blood and sweat-covered human girl returns to the dead coyote. She lifts it up again despite how her body aches from that
<+Abby-Bazaar> struggle earlier, but surprisingly still has enough strength to carry such a thing. "Yeah, yeah..." she says, cocking her head to the side. "I think that's enough hunting for me too." She moves, with careful steps, towards him. "I'll give you back the rope once I'm done selling this bastard off."

<BloodMoon> laughed, "Keep it, it is 2 mhl for 20ft of coarse fibre rope at the general store, I have more than enough." he spoke after the laugh and slowly walked with her out of the forest, with the size and weight of the moose it was slow going for him.

<+Abby-Bazaar> "... seriously?" asks Abby. "... your words, wolven - not mine; just don't go asking for it back and expect me to give it too easily. I was actually about to buy my own rope too." So technically the wolf just saved her 20 mhl from not making that purchase. "But next time it's going to be my bloody win, you'll see." For Abby, since she is also carrying something bigger and possibly
<+Abby-Bazaar> heavier than herself, she is also walking at a slow pace. Not much is talked about through the trip across the forest path, but Abby eventually decides to break the silence with a quesion: "... oi, wolven, you said you know something about the katana, right? What esle do you know about the bloody thing?"

<BloodMoon> "You know we can work together or do you prefer the excitment of seeing whole will win?" He asked curiously, "we both take it to the baazar anyways and they don't pay for what you bring in just the time spent hunting." he added. When she asked about the katana he thought for a bit. "I had one before I got the long sword, I actually prefer the katana." he admitted, "They are made differently, I am not sure of the proccess, the blades of the two swords feel different." he continued
Blood Moon
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:25 pm

Paid Bloodmoon 80 mhl for 4 hours on 10/29/15

[14:23] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 80 mhl
[14:23] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 80 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Blood Moon on Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:14 pm

Amara wrote:Paid Bloodmoon 20 mhl on 11/1/15 for 1 hour worklog
[07:47] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 20 mhl
[07:47] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 20 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon

Name: Blood Moon

Date and Time:
Start: <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 09:15:25 - please remember this is NOT game time

Ended: <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 10:18:15 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed: Hunted for an hour

Paid? Yes

[09:14.21] <BloodMoon> !time
[09:14.23] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 09:15:25 - please remember this is NOT game time
[09:15.05] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[09:15.06] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[09:15.34] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[09:15.37] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:19.25] <BloodMoon> !choose Rabbit squirrel quail duck goose
[09:19.25] <@Desdaemona> I choose "duck" from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:20.02] <BloodMoon> !cd str int+5 +11
[09:20.04] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d15)4 + (d13 (8 modified by +5))5 +modifier +11: 9 modified by +11 producing a final result of 20
[09:31.06] * BloodMoon sneaked through the forest silently from shadow to shadow, elven warbow at the ready with mithril tipped arrow nocked. Went done to one knee he as looked for any tracks of prey or any signs that animals passed by here recently. Sensitive ears swiveled slowly as he listened for any noises...and he heard something, a flap of wings and a splash. Moved in the direction he heard it from and it wasn't look before he spotted a duck on a pond. (more)
[09:32.55] * BloodMoon Stayed in the tree line as he aimed and pulled back on the bow string untill fletching was felt against check and he took a deep breath and as he let it go he released the arrow and watched as it hit and killed the duck. He went and retrieved his arrow and his prize, tied the duck to his belt with some string before he moved on.
[09:40.20] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[09:40.21] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[09:40.24] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[09:40.26] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
[09:40.27] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[09:40.29] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
[09:40.34] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[09:40.36] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:40.43] <BloodMoon> !choose Rabbit squirrel quail duck goose
[09:40.46] <@Desdaemona> I choose "squirrel" from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:41.13] <BloodMoon> !cd str int+5 +11
[09:41.16] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d15)10 + (d13 (8 modified by +5))9 +modifier +11: 19 modified by +11 producing a final result of 30
[09:52.31] * BloodMoon made his way deeper into the forest, bow in hand and arrow nocked already as he moved silently like a shadow through the forest. After a few yards he stopped and looked around for any signs of prey but found none so move on. Hundered yards later he stopped again and tried again, listened for any sounds that would give the prey away or any scents left by animals but still nothing so he moved on again. Another few yards later and he stopped again, (more)
[09:54.31] <BloodMoon> went done to one knee and looked at the ground and under the underbrush for any signs. Suddenly he heard a noise nearby and on pure instinct he turned and let the arrow fly and pinned a squirrel to the tree, dead. Oh well atleast it is something he thought and retrieved his arrow and the squirrel and tied it to his belt also
[09:54.43] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[09:54.45] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[09:54.49] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[09:54.50] <@Desdaemona> I choose "huge" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:57.33] <BloodMoon> !choose "Big Wolf" Bear Moose Elk
[09:57.36] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Bear" from the 4 options supplied by BloodMoon
[09:58.19] <BloodMoon> !cd str int+5 +11
[09:58.20] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d15)4 + (d13 (8 modified by +5))8 +modifier +11: 12 modified by +11 producing a final result of 23
[10:04.27] <BloodMoon> !cd str int+5 +11
[10:04.30] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d15)15 + (d13 (8 modified by +5))12 +modifier +11: 27 modified by +11 producing a final result of 38
[10:14.32] <BloodMoon> was soon ons his way back out of the forest when he caught a scent. Slowly followed it, bow at the ready and arrow nocked and he spotted a full grown male bear. Aimed and pulled back on the bow string till fletching could be felt on cheek, abs tight, deep breath taken in and slowly releasing it as he released the arrow and watch as it hit it's target but didn't kill the bear. The bear roared in pain and charged at Blood Moon. (more)
[10:17.00] <BloodMoon> Blood Moon managed to roll out of the way just in time and pulled back again on the bowstring and aimed, let the arrow fly and hit it's target and this time killed the bear. He went to go get his arrows and got a branch ready as a carrier and tied the bear to it and manged to get it onto his back and shoulders and carried his prizes to the bazaar slowly.(done)
[10:17.08] <BloodMoon> !time
[10:17.10] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 10:18:15 - please remember this is NOT game time
Blood Moon
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:06 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:03 pm

Amara wrote:Paid Abby 180 mhl for worklogs totaling 9 hours on 11/1/15
[09:01] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 180 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 180 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[09:02] <+Amara|Twrl|> {9 hour hunting worklogs, given 180 mhl}

Name: Abby

Date and Time:
<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 13:29:34 - please remember this is NOT game time

<Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-10-30 17:44:24 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks Completed:
After meeting with Kalvira and accusing the elf of lying about having killed a bear with a dagger, Abby challenged her and Celia - who Abby literally ran into in the woods - to a hunting game. In the end, Abby and Kalvira tied with each other, leaving no clear winner much to Abby's dismay.

Paid? Yes

04[07:36] <+Abby`> She should not be expecting things to look up just yet, but the recent days had been an eye-opener. What Hildegarde and Shoji - possibly even Rebecca - said are starting to sound true: she may not be able to survive this place long enough without having the advantage of others willing to watch her back. The very idea, however, that she would have to trust her life and well-being to people she truly does not know is worrying. But, she is now willing to endure it if it means avoiding things to get in the way of guild progress. She doesn't need the guild for just the money but for something else... though that is a story for another time. Equipped with her new leather armor - one that is studded with metal - and her new pair of gauntlets, Abby moves into the woods with newfound confidence, especially now that she has a mightier hammer hanging by the side of her waist in the place of her previous weapon. Her horned helm covers the majority of her head, hiding away her crimson hair. The rope given to her by the wolven not too long ago is tied around her waist, prepared for catching animals. 14"Alright..." She draws out the cross bow from her back while her other hand pulls out a single bolt from her quiver. 14"... come and get me, beasties."
[07:41] <+Kalvira> The huntress lay low hiding in a brush of leaves, her eyes were upon a deer that had been in the area but she saw the tracks had been old and so the huntress would look around before slowly crawling out, her clothing was a mix of greens and browns and the leaves were upon her clothing making her blend in well with her hunting, she needed this hunt but so far nothing had been showing up to
[07:41] <+Kalvira> actually be huntable. Kalvira would make her way further in to the forest climbing over rocks and fallen trees, the huntress decided to climb up and move through the trees this time as it might provide her with a better view and she may even spot something from up here.
15[07:43] * +Celia` is dressed in her casual attire, so her red and black armor and her assortment of weapons are left home while she only wears tight black leather pants and a simple white rag around her breasts, both garments are showing much skin and seem to only hide the most important parts. Her long silver hair flows behind her as she rushes through the forest in some kind of training to improve her stamina and the ability to move
15[07:43] * +Celia` quickly and still as silent as possible through the forest. One hand is always on her hip while she does that to keep her long katana from swaying too much. She shouldn't just focus on her training with the sword but also her abilities as a scout, especially now that she got assigned to help the thieves of the guild with a more sneaky mission and she definitely doesn't want to be the one ruining everything because she made
15[07:43] * +Celia` a noise. So breathing as steadily as she manages she keeps running through the wood, some pearls of sweat running down her body.
15[07:49] * +Kalvira moved swiftly through the trees literally bouncing between the branches and this time she comes to a clearing and she tilted her head as she spotted some small tracks, her eyes allowed her to see and spot things and so she dropped silently near the tracks and upon landing she began examining the tracks which were pointing west and they were quite fresh as-well which was good, she
15[07:49] * +Kalvira lifted her dagger from her vambraces and she would begin to edge forward carefully as she did not want to disturb anything.
04[07:53] <+Abby`> 14"...!" Eventually, the mercenary hunter spots a doe just past some bushes. Even better, the doe actually seems to be sleeping! Smirking, she moves further in, one hand already readying the bolt into her crossbow... but halfway through she stops herself. 14"Hmm..." She eyes the warhammer on her side. A thought soon comes to her: perhaps this might be a good chance to test out her new weapon? The crossbow is soon returned to her back along with the bolt sliding back into her quiver. Once the warhammer is drawn, Abby starts skirting around the area where the deer is currently resting. Slowly and carefully she closes in, keeping her body close to the ground the whole time. Then, once the target is close enough. 14"HRH--...!?" Abby charged forward, raising her war hammer up to swing down right on the defenseless animal's head! ... or at least that what she planned to do... until Celia suddenly came rushing right in front of her! 14"BLO--" The two collided with each other, alerting the doe to wake up and unfortunately make its escape! 14"No-- Damn it...!" After falling to the ground, she turns her sights towards Celia... who is currently pinned right under her after that sudden collision. 14"What's the bloody idea?!"
15[08:01] * +Celia` just slips through between two bushes to cross a clearing when her vision suddenly shifts, it had come so suprising that she hasn't seen it coming. By the moment her mind realized what happened she feels her body hurting some and in the corner of her eye she spots a doe running away but what gets her attention is the familiar cursing from Abby`, who is clearly laying ontop of her right now. A few moments later her mind has
15[08:01] * +Celia` also processed what must have happened and groaning she tries to smile innocently at Abby` "Uh..hey Abby, didn't see you there....sorry that the doe escaped."
[08:05] <+Kalvira> A rabbit shot out past the huntress and it was heading towards two people and before it got away she swiftly flicked her blade towards the rabbit striking the thing instantly and killing it and she jumped up "YES." she shouted not caring if the two heard her and she made her way over to them and grasped the rabbit and pulled the knife out of the rabbit "good for selling for now, wished i
[08:05] <+Kalvira> had tracked something bigger but still worth it." she looked to the other two and she would speak to them both "Hi..." she examined them both out of curiousity.
04[08:09] <+Abby`> That smile Celia is giving her irritates Abby, especially after letting a good doe escape like that. 14"... I swear if I didn't know you I'd pound on you so hard right now." She, of course, meant the beating kind of 'pounding' than a suggestive one. But a sigh escapes her and she moves to stand back up to her two feet, seemingly unhurt at least from the crashing. 14"The bloody hell are you doing running around for?" asks Abby as she pats some grass off of her. 14"Are you being chased by anyone?" As if on cue after that, the rabbit that Kalvira was tailing came into view. Seeing the rodent coming out of the direction from where Celia generally came from, Abby gave the fellow Damenkrieg member a look; that is, until a blade comes flying, instantly killing the rabbit. 14"....!" When the unfamiliar voice spoke up, Abby picks her war hammer back up and takes a cautious stance... only to see an elf coming out of the bushes. 14"... bloody hell...? An ELF?" She looks towards Celia. 14"... friend of yours?"
15[08:18] * +Celia` puts up her hands defensively when Abby` gets up "I'm sorry alright, i had been training my stamina and ability to run silently through the forest as that should be useful for missions. I didn't expect to stumble over someone hunting." then the sound of something hitting into a body and killing it makes her gape her eyes and spin to her feet. "Wow, what..?" she spots the rabbit and breathes out again "God, that had me
15[08:18] * +Celia` scared for nothing..." she looks at Abby` after noticing the elf herself "Nope, i wasn't chased and i see this one for the first time, i think you can lower your hammer though." next to the fully armed Abby` with her weapon at the ready she likely gives a pretty contrasting look with her quite revealing attire and the smirk on her lips.
[08:25] <+Kalvira> The huntress chuckled a little "got to be careful these days hunting animals, never know whats out here." she declared and then she says "Elf of course i am, would be a bad looking satyr if i wasn't a elf." she smiled a little "I am Kalvira the huntress."
04[08:30] <+Abby`> At first Abby did not want to comply to what Celia suggested, but recalling her own last run-in with an elf in the woods, Abby reluctantly lowers her waapon down, but it remains in her grasp just in case either the elf or something else entirely decide to attack them suddenly. 14"... fine. But if I see her digging up any corpses I'm shooting a bolt through BOTH those pointy ears of hers." When the elf introduces herself, Abby listened without saying anything much in return for once. 14"Ceh... So unlike the one we have from our guild this one actually LIKES the forest enough to hunt in it." She steps forward. 14"Oi, elf! Find some other place to hunt; this spot is mine. Would have caught a good doe too... if SOMEONE hadn't been running around the woods like some lunatic...!" She finally puts her War Hammer back to her side, soon drawing out her cross bow from her back again. 14"I'm a hunter too, elf, but unlike you..." She tilts her cross bow so it would point upwards. 14"... I'm prepared."
15[08:37] * +Celia` nods to Kalvira when she introduces herself, shaking her head slightly at Abby`s words, the redhaired warrior is the same as always. "I'm Celia and this is Abby, nice to meet you." she tries to calm the tides some, especially when seeing Abby get out that crossbow and she has no doubt that the small but tempered warrior wouldn't hesitate to use it if the elf gives her any reason to.
15[08:40] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Kalvira
[08:41] <+Kalvira> [damn it erased what i was typing lol]
04[08:42] <+Abby`> [Haha It happens]
04[08:42] <+Abby`> [Need reposts?]
15[08:44] * +Kalvira would laugh "It seems that you have run across a necromancer or two then in your travels." the huntress commented and she would then add "No need to go firing arrows when there is perfectly good game to hunt." she held the rabbit up and examined it "Of course i like the forest, i use it to live off the land." she explained and she would shake her head "I can hunt anywhere i wish
15[08:44] * +Kalvira and i was actually quiet, i have hunted a bear with just this dagger and so i am quite prepared." she would look to Celia and smile "It is a pleasure to meet you both." she leant against the tree and skillfully skinned the rabbit before tucking it in to a pouch along with the fur.
04[08:52] <+Abby`> 14"Hunted a bear with a--" She turns to face Celia` while pointing right towards Kalvira. 14"This elf is obviously LYING. Like bloody HELL she could hunt a bear with nothing more than a dagger!" She does watch her skin the rabbit, but once she is done Abby breaks the moment of silence. 14"You know what, elf? Let's make this interesting. You may be an elf but I can tell a bluff when I hear one. You and me: hunting. Let's see who the better hunter here is. 'Celery', you come too." She looks back at Celia. 14"Just in case this elf decides to use any magic to cheat her way out of it. Or... you can also go hunting. One point for tracking down an animal, elf! And another point for killing it - first one to kill off the animal gets to keep it."
15[09:00] * +Celia` looks back and forth between the two who are clearly building up some rivalry here and she smirks at Abby`s idea of a little contest. "Alright, that sounds like a good idea to me. Let's all hunt and see who is the most skilled here." she did notice that Abby again used that silly nick as her name and adds to her "Abby, i'm NOT a vegetable." poking her tongue at the warrior, Celery is better then nothing at least. She then
15[09:00] * +Celia` ponders about the hunting, she has no experience with it but as a scout she should at least be able to track some animals, if she can kill them with just her sword would be another thing.
15[09:03] * +Kalvira huffed a bit and she would say "What happens to the one that loses then, obviously its some bet and we need conditions." though the elf was already looking around for tracks to really hear anything and immediately she was off quietly and she knelt down her hand brushing over grass and sand and then to a branch and leaves that were upon it and she lifted her finger to Abby signaling
15[09:03] * +Kalvira that she had scored the first point as she moved off to hunt the animal.
04[09:09] <+Abby`> 14"They lose the animal," says Abby. 14"That's pretty much all there is to it, elf." She does watch as Kalvira starts to move on her own and seeing that signal from the elf actually surprised her. 14"What the-- Seriously, she found one already?! Damn it." She locks the bolt into her crossbow and soon follows after her, hoping that Celia would follow after. While the elf might have found the first target, Abby still has a chance to kill it if she misses.
15[09:13] * +Celia` just chuckles some while watching Kalvira get started right away and even taking a minimal amount of time to find the track of an animal, giggling at Abby`s reaction. She quietly but also leisurely follows her friend after the elf, she is simply having some fun here, seeing this competition as nothing serious, wich doesn't mean though that she doesn't want to try and score a point or two.
15[09:24] * +Kalvira would continue tracking the set of animal prints in the sand and she lifted her knife up as she aimed at a bush and not know what was on the other side of it the knife flew through the air with a flick of her wrist and it struck something, she moved silently incase it was still alive and she saw that she had nabbed a bird, she pulled the dagger out and looked to the other two and
15[09:24] * +Kalvira she held the bird up by its feet and she would add a second finger up to show two points and she smiled at them, she knew Abby would probably be annoyed but she was a skilled hunter.
[09:27] <+BloodMoon> dropped his armor and gear at the back of the cave he used when sleeping in the forest. Sapphire blue eyes slowly scanning the area as he stepped outside the cave. He picked a direction and set off, walking then jogging wasn't long till he reached a river drinking from the cool water as it spilled over rocks. After he had splashed his face with some of the cool water he looked ahead and got an almost sneer and then he was off, (more)
[09:30] <+BloodMoon> a leap over the small river. As soon as his feet touched ground he ran, fast and deeper into the forest. Spriting as fast as he can pushing himself to the limit as the wind whipped through his midnight black fur and the adrenaline pumping through him letting red bleed into those sapphire blues till they are blazing red as he
04[09:32] <+Abby`> 14"GH....!" Seeing the elf actually killing the first catch so easily pisses her off; there is no way she is going to be defeated by some ELF! 14"D, Don't get bloody cocky, elf!" says Abby, pointing right at her. 14"You just shot a BIRD! Any hunter can shoot down a bloody bird if they're lucky. Now it's my turn." SHe slaps the one end of the crossbow to her other hand before moving the other way, crouching once more so her body would be close to the ground. Her steps are quiet and purposely slow, but soon Abby finds some tracks on the soil. 14"Heh." She holds up a hand, and then cocks one finger as if to mock what Kalvira did earlier. She points them to the direction the tracks would lead to, soon spotting a lone skunk just few feet away from returning back to its litle hole of a home under a tree. Abby takes aim... and lets a bolt loose right at it. The little critter let out a cry - the bolt skewered it right in its back! 14"Yes...!" But it's still alive.
15[09:37] * +Celia` gives Kalvira a appreciating look when she holds up a dead bird after simply throwing her knife into a seemingly random bush. That woman really knows her skills. She follows Abby after she found a trail and spots the target when the warrior fires at it, but she notices that it's still alive. A grin spreads on her lips as she sees a chance for herself. She knows Abby won't like it but this is a competition after all, so she
15[09:37] * +Celia` rushes forward with her full speed, long legs accelerating her body quickly while she draws her katana in a quick swift move that directly goes over into a swing at the poor critter that after being hit by Abby has no chance of escaping. A smooth slice later the head of the skunk falls off, the animal definitely dead now. "Heh, point for me." smirking back at the other two.
15[09:43] * +Kalvira looked around as she could not find another track and she pursued back towards Celia and Abby "It is still a kill and looks like yours just got stolen." she smirked a bit as she continued to look at everything that could possibly give away a animals hiding spot "hmmm, nothing yet...BUT I HOPE THE AREA IS EMPTY." she giggled a bit as she started to climb a tree and slowly move through
15[09:43] * +Kalvira the branches once more.
[09:46] <+BloodMoon> Slowing as he spotted a cliff nearing, loped the last two steps as he stopped at the edge of the cliff. Breath raching, heart pounding, smile onhis face, adrenaline still rushing through him as he closes his eyes and throws his head back as he let's out a loud, joyful HOWL!
04[09:49] <+Abby`> 14"Now to just--" And suddenly, Celia dashes right past her. 14"... eh?" Before she knew it, Celia slashed the skunk's head clean off its shoulders! And Abby just stands there, jaw-dropping and with a slight twitch in her eye. 14"Wh-- Hey...!" And when the elf pointed out that her skill was in fact 'stolen', Abby whips her head right towards her. 14"Shut your mouth, elf! ... bloody damn it, I could have tied with the elf." She only just remembered that she herself had invited Celia to join them in this hunting contest, but to see the woman she herself recruited into the guild taking her kill just does not feel all that comfortable for her. 14"I guess that's your kill, 'Celeria'." Though, it apparently made no improvement in Abby remembering her name. The next search fell on Kalvira's shoulders but she found nothing... but then the elf decided to continue her hunting from the trees. 14"Hey! No fair using the trees to get a better view! Damn it..." But she has to admit: the elf is nimble. It would soon be Abby's turn to search for tracks, and as luck would favor her again in tracking down the animals: she spots an owl feasting on a rat on the ground, but does not see the elf anywhere in sight. Nonetheless, Abby takes careful aim.... and shoots yet another bolt! But she misses! 14"D, Damn it...!" The owl is now on alert!
15[09:56] * +Celia` takes the skunk's body and ties it to her hip while leaving the head for another animal to make use of, she gives Abby` a apologizing grin "Sorry Abby, but you gave me a chance i just had to use. Maybe you have better luck next time." following Abby again after the elf simply went up into the trees she spots the owl after Abby and gets ready. But then the bolt from her fellow guild member misses and with the owl on alert
15[09:56] * +Celia` she sees no chance to attack herself right now, sighing quietly she holds still, waiting for a better chance.
15[10:00] * +Kalvira lost track of the owl but the huntress continued on and she shook her head as this hunt was very close and it was even quite fun for her as she examined the ground and the trees, she spotted the two who seemed to be talking to each other and she jumped down into a clearing as she looked around and she moved forward slowly.
[10:08] <+BloodMoon> looked out at the forest as he stood there looking over, the size of it and smiled. He turned around and started back, running back to the river, fast as he could. As he got back to the river he drank some more of the water splashed it over his sweaty face and body before he crossed the river and slowly walked back to his cave.
04[10:08] <+Abby`> 14"Damn it, I was so close...! If that owl didn't move its head, that bolt would have cut right through its bloody skull!" She moves over towards her bolt, yanking it out from a tree. 14"But we're tied for now, elf--- Whereever you are--" Seeing the elf finally showing herself again, Abby directs a pointing finger right towards her. 14"We're tied for now, elf...! So don't get too cocky!" When it seemed like the elf couldn't find any animal around again, Abby decides to take a shot at it. 14"...!" The sound of an animal scurrying through the bushes is heard but when Abby looks over the bushes it escaped into... the mercenary lost track of it. She is so tempted to hold up another finger... but cannot bring herself to lie, especially when the animal is nowhere to be seen. 14"Nothing here."
15[10:12] * +Celia` sees the owl escaping then and shrugs "Well, that one got lucky. How many animals do you two want to hunt anyways?" she asks curiously while looking around for a track herself but she can't find anything "I think we should move further away."
15[10:16] * +Kalvira would smile at Celia "Its obvious this is pretty even anyway." she would look to Abby` "So now do you believe me?" she queried as she would lean against a chair, she would look around as there seemed to be nothing around at the moment.
04[10:19] <+Abby`> 14"No kidding," says Abby. 14"Once one animal gets away, the others tend to follow; only animal we'd find staying in this one spot for now would just be the retarded ones. And I'm not sure there's any game in trying to hunt down a beast who'd probably kill themselves on their own." When the elf asked if she beliveed her, Abby narrows her eyes. 14"All I believe right now, elf, is that you can kill a BIRD - not some BEAR. And we're not done until one of us gets at least 4 points; I only need two more to prove that I'm the better hunter today." But despite what she says, Abby just cannot seem to find any tracks from animals even when she decided to move to a different spot. 14"Killing a bear with a dagger... The hell does she think she is, a troll?"
15[10:24] * +Celia` snickers while following Abby` and listening to her rumbling "We should try to find a bear and see for ourselves, though i doubt one of you knows where to find one of those nearby?" she believes that Kalvira is a very skilled hunter but like Abby she has her doubts that the elf managed to kill a bear with only her dagger, only if she did that while the bear was hibernating and then it would be cheating.
15[10:29] * +Kalvira nodded her head "Then we shall continue hunting." she would look around and she narrowed her eyes as she called out as if she was mimicking a animal and she was trying to lure one out "Hmm the owl must have spooked them or something." she told the other two as she kept her eyes peeled.
04[10:31] <+Abby`> And still no animal where the elf decided to look. 14"Bloody damn it... Did that owl from earlier blab to every other animal in the forest that we were coming?" She growls under her breath before turning to look at Celia. 14"... as much as I hate to admit it, Celly, I haven't found a bear's cave yet either. The forest is pretty big and even -I- think it's risky to go looking for animals too deep in the woods." And with Abby's somewhat lack of a sense of direction, she could even get lost. Again, she hears the sound of an animal... only to see it flying away this time. 14"... I am NOT tying with an ELF." She looks towards Kalvira. 14"Did you whisper to the forest and insulted its mother or something, elf?"
15[10:49] * +Celia` snickers louder then she should as they are still on the hunt but Abby's words just are too amusing for her to hold back. "Whatever it is, you both seem out of luck....and i'm no better either." she looks around with a quiet tsk as she can't find any hint of animal trails.
[10:49] <+Kalvira> The huntress ran ahead and infact she found something rather interesting it was a bear track and so she would crouch low and start to head towards it, she knew this one could pose a problem but it was only a cub atleast but it would be a good hunt and she flung her blade through the air missing her target. Kalvira quickly ran and grasped it before rolling into a bush before it even noticed
[10:49] <+Kalvira> she was there.
04[10:59] <+Abby`> The fact that the elf is the one that found the next animal means that she is now one point ahead of Abby; of course, Abby does not like it, but what they found is interesting: a bear cub! 14"Bloody hell... There's a bear right there. A young one but... a bear." Then a brief pause. 14"... I could have found it if I had looked this way." She waited until the elf takes a shot at the animal; seeing that she missed with the thrown blade - though quick enough to escape detection by the cub, Abby steadies her crossbow and... *TWANG* The bolt flies and hits the bear right in the back leg! It lets out a pained cry but instead of trying to engage its attacker in a fight, it tries to turn away, letting out noise the whole time. 14"It's trying to get away...!"
15[11:03] * +Celia` gasps out silently when she spots the bear cub too, that surely is an interesting found. She spots that Kalvira is missing her attack but then Abby` hit it's leg before it can turn to flee, now it's slower and they should be able to follow it, especially as it's crying out the whole time. She nibbles on her lip, wondering if it is calling for it's mother but she still sneaks closer to it, tsking at not having brought at
15[11:03] * +Celia` least a single ranged weapon.
[11:07] <+Kalvira> "The mother could be near." she calls to the other two as she hears the cub crying from being injured by the bolt and she would fling her blade and it missed the bear by inches probably shaving a bit of fur off it, she then would move as fast as possible to pick up the dagger and she would laugh "Its fast." and the huntress was hoping she would get the kill.
04[11:11] <+Abby`> Abby sees the bear cub trying to flee and readies yet another bolt. But the bear is moving around too mcuh for Abby to get a clear shot! 14"Bloody hell..." As it tries to escape throught the bushes, Abby moves through her hiding spot, giving the bear cub chase. It is hurt, but apparently still fast enough to move. Again and again the little bear would cry out, sensing the danger it's in as it's been being stalked by bolts, a katana, and a dagger. 14"Come back here, you bloody cub...!"
15[11:14] * +Celia` follows the cub, actually ahead of the other two but with her limited range of the sword it's still insuffient to land a strike against the suprinsingly agile cub that uses the underwood again and again to escape it's death. "Come here dammit, stop running from the inevitable.
15[11:19] * +Kalvira jumped to the side as if she dived into the dirt and she flung the blade straight at the bear cub it landed straight in its ribs and was lodged there and she would plot her next move and she formulated a plan to attack it, she got back to her feet and dusted herself off as the bear came to a slow pace and she was now ready to finish the animal off if she had the chance.
04[11:27] <+Abby`> 14"Oh to bloody hell with this...!" Seeing as it would take too long for her to ready a crossbow in time, Abby puts it back behind her, only to then draw out her War Hammer. The bear cub was slowed down greatly by the elf's attack, and Abby sought to take advantage of that opening. 14"HRHH...!" The sharper back end of her weapon's head is nailed right into the bear's head and with one final cry and whine, it falls limp to the ground. Blood drips down from its wounds and its opened mouth and soon enough it draws its last breath. Abby, of course, took the brunt of getting blood splattered partially over her armor. 14"Finally got the bastard--" She tilts her head, looking behind the bear cub. 14"... girl." Pullling out her hammer from its splitted skull, Abby rests it on her shoulder before turning to fcae bth Kalvira and Celia. 14"... and even with this we're stilltied again. Damn it." She looks to Celia after. 14"... guess you should have brought those crossbows you bought yesterday."
15[11:29] * +Celia` curses when Kalvira suddenly appears right infront of her and gets her dagger in the poor cub first, though the young thing is still alive and now really slower. She smirks and lifts her katana to finish this one off aswell but then a hammer zirrs right next to her and finishes the cub off. "Oh man! I almost had it you two..." she then grins back at Abby "Good hit though." rolling her eyes at that "I definitely should have
15[11:29] * +Celia` but how should i know that i would be hunting today."

[07:45] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[07:45] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[09:26] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[09:26] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[09:26] <+Abby`> !choose small small small itgetsaway medium medium
[09:26] <@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 6 options supplied by Abby`
[09:27] <+Abby`> !choose LargeRabbit skunk raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl
[09:27] <@Desdaemona> I choose "skunk" from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
[09:27] <+Abby`> !qdice
[09:27] <@Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 7 damage
[09:32] <+Abby`> You get to roll the qdice next, Celia
[09:34] <+Celia`> !qdice
[09:34] <@Desdaemona> Celia` (Celia) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 10 damage
[09:39] <+Kalvira> !r 1d9
[09:39] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[09:46] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[09:46] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[09:46] <+Abby`> !choose small small small itgetsaway medium medium
[09:46] <@Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 6 options supplied by Abby`
[09:46] <+Abby`> !choose LargeRabbit skunk raccoon fawn fox porcupine owl
[09:46] <@Desdaemona> I choose "owl" from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
[09:46] <+Abby`> !qdice
[09:46] <@Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
[09:51] <+Celia`> !qdice
[09:51] <@Desdaemona> Celia` (Celia) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
[09:53] <+Kalvira> !qdice
[09:53] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira (Kalvira) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
[10:04] <+Kalvira> !r 1d9
[10:04] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[10:05] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[10:05] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[10:06] <+Abby`> !choose small small small itgetsaway medium medium
[10:06] <@Desdaemona> I choose "itgetsaway" from the 6 options supplied by Abby`
[10:15] <+Kalvira> !r 1d9
[10:15] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[10:17] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[10:18] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[10:19] * +Abby` shakes fist at Mr Owl
[10:26] <+Kalvira> !r 1d9
[10:26] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[10:29] <+Abby`> !r 1d5
[10:29] <@Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[10:29] <+Abby`> !choose small small small itgetsaway medium medium
[10:29] <@Desdaemona> I choose "itgetsaway" from the 6 options supplied by Abby`
[10:33] <+Celia`> !r 1d3
[10:33] <@Desdaemona> Celia` rolls for 1 dice at 3 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[10:33] <+Kalvira> !r 1d9
[10:33] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[10:34] <+Kalvira> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[10:34] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 10 options supplied by Kalvira
[10:36] <+Kalvira> !choose Doe, Buck, wolf, coyote, bear cub
[10:36] <@Desdaemona> I choose "bear" from the 6 options supplied by Kalvira
[10:37] <+Kalvira> !qdice
[10:37] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira (Kalvira) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
[10:57] <+Abby`> !qdice
[10:57] <@Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 10 damage
[11:00] <+Celia`> !qdice
[11:00] <@Desdaemona> Celia` (Celia) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
[11:01] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira (Kalvira) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!
[11:08] <+Abby`> !qdice
[11:08] <@Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
[11:12] <+Celia`> !qdice
[11:12] <@Desdaemona> Celia` (Celia) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
[11:12] <+Kalvira> !qdice
[11:12] <@Desdaemona> Kalvira (Kalvira) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 5 damage
[11:20] <+Abby`> !qdice
[11:20] <@Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 7 damage
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The Mercenary Abby
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:08 pm

Paid Bloodmoon 20 mhl on 11/1/15 for 1 hour worklog

[07:47] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 20 mhl
[07:47] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 20 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon

Paid Abby 180 mhl for worklogs totaling 9 hours on 11/1/15

[09:01] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby` 180 mhl
[09:01] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 180 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[09:02] <+Amara|Twrl|> {9 hour hunting worklogs, given 180 mhl}
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Lash on Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:14 pm

Date and Time:
<+Lash> !time
<@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 16:27:27 - please remember this is NOT game time
<+Lash> !time
<@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 18:44:35 - please remember this is NOT game time
Time Elapsed: Roughly 2hrs and 17minutes

Tasks completed: Hunted with Blood Moon, got a squirrel and a large buck, skunk got away.

[13:55] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[13:55] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
05[13:55] <+Lash> !time
[13:55] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 16:27:27 - please remember this is NOT game time
[13:55] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[13:55] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[13:56] <+BloodMoon> !choose Rabbit, squirrel, quail, duck, goose
[13:56] <@Desdaemona> I choose "squirrel," from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon
[13:57] <+Lash> !qdice
[13:57] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
[13:57] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[13:57] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 7 damage
[14:23] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[14:23] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[14:26] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[14:26] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
[14:26] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[14:26] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
[14:27] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[14:27] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[14:28] <+BloodMoon> !choose "Large Rabbit" skunk, raccoon, fawn, fox, porcupine, ow
[14:28] <@Desdaemona> I choose "skunk," from the 7 options supplied by BloodMoon
[14:30] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[14:30] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
05[14:31] <+Lash> !qdice
[14:31] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
[14:32] <+BloodMoon> !choose run stay "tries to bite toes"
[14:32] <@Desdaemona> I choose "run" from the 3 options supplied by BloodMoon
05[15:10] <+Lash> !time
[15:10] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 17:42:33 - please remember this is NOT game time
[15:13] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[15:13] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
[15:13] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[15:13] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[15:13] <+BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[15:13] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[15:14] <+BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[15:14] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[15:14] <+BloodMoon> !choose Doe, Buck, wolf, coyote
[15:14] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Buck," from the 4 options supplied by BloodMoon
[15:18] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[15:18] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 5 damage
05[15:19] <+Lash> !qdice
[15:19] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
[15:21] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[15:21] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!
05[15:21] <+Lash> !qdice
[15:21] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
[15:21] <+BloodMoon> !qdice
[15:21] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 5 damage
05[15:21] <+Lash> !dice
05[15:21] <+Lash> !qdice
[15:21] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage
[14:00] <+BloodMoon> got his black elven warbow in hand as the neared the treeline, taking a mithril tipped black arrow from his quiver he nocked it and making sure she was close he sneaked into the forest, silent like a shadow. Sapphire blue eyes alert, sensitive ears swiveling to listen and acute nose scenting the air.
05[14:04] * +Lash close, but distance following her movements disjointed to the eye as she made her footfalls lazy, as ever, yet efficient, quiet odd with the half-step, grace of a dancer almost... A little lower to the ground, than normal as she followed him, her nose sniffling silently in the cool of the wintry breeze. Bite. It did, as she listened, sought, looked about the forest... Those golden beads following Blood's own movements, as her fingers flexed, waiting for their oppertunity.
[14:10] <+BloodMoon> could see that Lash was a ranger she was also silent with her foot falls. "So is there anything you prefer to hunt?" he asked her softly as they moved his bow at the ready. He did stop and indicate with his hand for her to also stop as he checked the ground for any tracks or signs of disturbance.
05[14:14] * +Lash she almost shrugged, shaking her head, as her fingers, tips and all, hand blurred. A knife up, spinning, her entire frame with the movement as she twisted pivoting lightly, barely taking a visible step as she set the knife whistlin' through the air, at the prey her eye's had sought, and found both~... Inches, centimetres, nothing the slightest sound, as it sunk, sudden into the wood beside a Squirrel... Miss. Failure.. Undeterred... She drew another, twisting as she swapped feet, stanced and all, just about to throw another..
[14:20] <+BloodMoon> His question ignored completely, a slight surprise as he hears the soft rustling of movement and the sound of metal, turning he spots Lash throwing a throwing knife at a squirrel. He aims, pulls fully back on the bow string and as her knife hits the tree he releases his arrow and watches as it kills the squirrel.
05[14:25] * +Lash caught, pausing, stopping her knife slippin' back into her palm, as she slips it away subtly, hooking it back into her stocking... "My, bad" she says simply, soft, short to the point as she heads over to get her knife back, footfalls same as before.. A silent curse on her lips at having missed, as she neared the critter, and her knife both.
[14:49] <+BloodMoon> went to get his arrow aswell. He would take the squirrel and tie it to his belt with some rope that he has. He would then indicate to move on again as they resummed their tracking. "So you never answered my question..." he spoke softly again as they moved together. He did stop again and look for any tracks after they had move a couple of yards but found none so they moved on.(more)
[14:51] <+BloodMoon> "So why do you like winter?" he asked her curiously as they moved. Another few yards and he stopped to see if he could see any tracks or catch somethings scent but once again found nothing. Checkked if she was okay to move on before he continued and this time when he checked he found some skunk paw prints in the snow and followed them. making sure to stay down wind untill they came upon the skunk (more)
[14:51] <+BloodMoon> and he took aim, pulled back and released the arrow but missed.(done)
05[15:06] * +Lash "It's what means to be alive, the cold, the frost, the bite of winter it's cool caress..." she said, almost poetic as her tongue truly danced for once on those syllables for more than just an idle intricatcy... Slipping away that first blade, into her stocking, snug, some sort of holster no doubt as she followed, distant and close both still in her own way... *snick, swish* couldn't be heard, none, nothing was there to be heard, as she sent, slashing, whistlin' through the air her own knife, nothing. Missing.. Again... She went to pull another, the action like before, until the beast broke away, making a run for it.
[15:26] <+BloodMoon> "Let's hope our luck improve." he said with a slight jokking tone as he retrieved his arrow. He would wait for her to get her weapon before moving on. Stalking through the forest, slinetly with her. "I have to admit I prefer summer and spring myself...although I do know that winter holds it's own beauty." he said softly as they moved. He stopped to see if he could spot any tracks again or get a scent but this time there was nothing. (more)
[15:30] <+BloodMoon> 20 Yards on and he stopped again but once again his luck was not to be had so they moved on, "So is there nothing you want to ask or find out?" he asked her as they stalked along. He decided to stop again and see, finally he found some tracks again, looked like a buck's and it wasn't too long before he found it a few feet away from them. He took aim, pulled back on the bowstring till fletching felt against cheek and let go, (more)
[15:31] <+BloodMoon> the arrow flying towards it target and hitting but not killing it. Blood Moon quicklly nocked another arrow and shot again but missed, after nocking one more arrow he aim more and pulled back and released the arrow, this one also hit but the buck was still alive. (done)
05[15:51] * +Lash *tsked* lightly, the sound soft from her lips, as she caught up her pace a little less lazy, as she was suddenly astride you, picking her own blade, impliment the like as she stood and slipped it away, the monotony of the movement bespoke clear-cut practice, even if she changed it each time, and the formless fluidity to her movements were something to speak off, it was clear it had taken her time and effort both to get this far... "I guess, there's one thing... Was that meant to be an attempt at a compliment?" she joked softly, jabbing back verbally... Sudden, lower, that centre of gravity again as she slipped a couple of knives into her hands, one, two, three.. Miss, miss, annoyance, frustration, didn't have place in her head in that moment as she twisted again, turning that svelte frame landing, netting that last one home scoring, and ending the hunt as that buck came crashing down.
[15:59] <+BloodMoon> "That was a nice kill at the end, and yes that was a compliment." he joked a little. He retreived his arrows and after casting clean on them he placed them back in his quiver. He would over to use the clean psell on her throwing knives if she wanted before he would get the buck over his shoulder and get ready to go back to town. "Thank you for the hunt, he give the kills in at the bazaar and collect the money." he told her as he waited for he
[15:59] <+BloodMoon> told her as he waited for her to be ready. (if cut)
05[16:07] * +Lash came up behind him, stalking swiftly until she broke back into that varied lazy pace, as she retrived all of her knives at a slower pace, careful... Professional, ensuring that no damage came to them, as she waggled her brows joking in reply, giving her a little bit of a cuter look, as she smiled "Thanks." she said a little simply, as she stopped to clean her knives off, slipping them into that same concealed space, as she set off to follow again, "I appreciate you taking me hunting, Blood" she said softly, simple but a first to have said his name.
[16:09] <+BloodMoon> "Thank you for joining Lash." he replied with a smile
05[16:12] <+Lash> !time
[16:12] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 18:44:35 - please remember this is NOT game time
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:21 pm

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Blood Moon on Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:20 pm

Amara wrote:Paid Bloodmoon 40 mhl for 2 hours work on 1/13/16

[08:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 40 mhl
[08:10] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 40 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon
[08:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> Bazaar hunting worklog

Name: Blood Moon

Date and Time:
<@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 16:27:27 - please remember this is NOT game time

<@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2015-12-07 18:44:35 - please remember this is NOT game time

Tasks completed: Hunted with Lash, Killed a squirrel and a large buck, a skunk got away.

Paid: yes


<BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[03:55.07] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[03:55.59] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[03:56.01] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[03:56.28] <BloodMoon> !choose Rabbit, squirrel, quail, duck, goose
[03:56.28] <@Desdaemona> I choose "squirrel," from the 5 options supplied by BloodMoon

[03:57.08] <+Lash> !qdice
[03:57.09] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!

[03:57.21] <BloodMoon> !qdice
[03:57.23] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 7 damage

[04:23.57] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[04:23.59] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[04:26.31] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[04:26.31] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
[04:26.34] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[04:26.34] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
[4:27.05] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[04:27.08] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[04:28.12] <BloodMoon> !choose "Large Rabbit" skunk, raccoon, fawn, fox, porcupine, ow
[04:28.14] <@Desdaemona> I choose "skunk," from the 7 options supplied by BloodMoon

[04:30.17] <BloodMoon> !qdice
[04:30.19] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!

[04:31.18] <+Lash> !qdice
[04:31.19] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!

[04:32.41] <BloodMoon> !choose run stay "tries to bite toes"
[04:32.43] <@Desdaemona> I choose "run" from the 3 options supplied by BloodMoon

[05:13.56] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[05:13.56] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
[05:13.58] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[05:14.00] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[05:14.02] <BloodMoon> !r 1d9
[05:14.02] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[05:14.23] <BloodMoon> !choose Small Small Small Small Huge Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
[05:14.23] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 11 options supplied by BloodMoon
[05:15.02] <BloodMoon> !choose Doe, Buck, wolf, coyote
[05:15.03] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Buck," from the 4 options supplied by BloodMoon

[05:18.43] <BloodMoon> !qdice
[05:18.46] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 5 damage

[05:19.48] <+Lash> !qdice
[05:19.49] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!

[05:21.07] <BloodMoon> !qdice
[05:21.10] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!

[05:21.14] <+Lash> !qdice
[05:21.15] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!

[05:21.23] <BloodMoon> !qdice
[05:21.25] <@Desdaemona> BloodMoon (Blood Moon) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 5 damage

[05:21.30] <+Lash> !qdice
[05:21.31] <@Desdaemona> Lash (Lash) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 8 damage

[04:00.33] <BloodMoon> got his black elven warbow in hand as the neared the treeline, taking a mithril tipped black arrow from his quiver he nocked it and making sure she was close he sneaked into the forest, silent like a shadow. Sapphire blue eyes alert, sensitive ears swiveling to listen and acute nose scenting the air.

[04:04.27] * Lash close, but distance following her movements disjointed to the eye as she made her footfalls lazy, as ever, yet efficient, quiet odd with the half-step, grace of a dancer almost... A little lower to the ground, than normal as she followed him, her nose sniffling silently in the cool of the wintry breeze. Bite. It did, as she listened, sought, looked about the forest... Those golden
[04:04.27] * Lash beads following Blood's own movements, as her fingers flexed, waiting for their oppertunity.

[04:10.04] <BloodMoon> could see that Lash was a ranger she was also silent with her foot falls. "So is there anything you prefer to hunt?" he asked her softly as they moved his bow at the ready. He did stop and indicate with his hand for her to also stop as he checked the ground for any tracks or signs of disturbance.

[04:14.58] * Lash she almost shrugged, shaking her head, as her fingers, tips and all, hand blurred. A knife up, spinning, her entire frame with the movement as she twisted pivoting lightly, barely taking a visible step as she set the knife whistlin' through the air, at the prey her eye's had sought, and found both~... Inches, centimetres, nothing the slightest sound, as it sunk, sudden into the wood
[04:14.59] * Lash beside a Squirrel... Miss. Failure.. Undeterred... She drew another, twisting as she swapped feet, stanced and all, just about to throw another...

[04:20.05] <BloodMoon> His question ignored completely, a slight surprise as he hears the soft rustling of movement and the sound of metal, turning he spots Lash throwing a throwing knife at a squirrel. He aims, pulls fully back on the bow string and as her knife hits the tree he releases his arrow and watches as it kills the squirrel.

[04:25.35] * Lash caught, pausing, stopping her knife slippin' back into her palm, as she slips it away subtly, hooking it back into her stocking... "My, bad" she says simply, soft, short to the point as she heads over to get her knife back, footfalls same as before.. A silent curse on her lips at having missed, as she neared the critter, and her knife both.

[04:49.09] <BloodMoon> went to get his arrow aswell. He would take the squirrel and tie it to his belt with some rope that he has. He would then indicate to move on again as they resummed their tracking. "So you never answered my question..." he spoke softly again as they moved together. He did stop again and look for any tracks after they had move a couple of yards but found none so they moved on.(more)
[04:51.31] <BloodMoon> "So why do you like winter?" he asked her curiously as they moved. Another few yards and he stopped to see if he could see any tracks or catch somethings scent but once again found nothing. Checkked if she was okay to move on before he continued and this time when he checked he found some skunk paw prints in the snow and followed them. making sure to stay down wind untill they came upon the skunk (more)
[04:51.39] <BloodMoon> and he took aim, pulled back and released the arrow but missed.(done)

[05:06.41] * Lash "It's what means to be alive, the cold, the frost, the bite of winter it's cool caress..." she said, almost poetic as her tongue truly danced for once on those syllables for more than just an idle intricatcy... Slipping away that first blade, into her stocking, snug, some sort of holster no doubt as she followed, distant and close both still in her own way... *snick, swish* couldn't
[05:06.42] * Lash be heard, none, nothing was there to be heard, as she sent, slashing, whistlin' through the air her own knife, nothing. Missing.. Again... She went to pull another, the action like before, until the beast broke away, making a run for it.

[05:26.47] <BloodMoon> "Let's hope our luck improve." he said with a slight jokking tone as he retrieved his arrow. He would wait for her to get her weapon before moving on. Stalking through the forest, slinetly with her. "I have to admit I prefer summer and spring myself...although I do know that winter holds it's own beauty." he said softly as they moved. He stopped to see if he could spot any tracks again or get a scent but this time there was nothing. (more)
[05:30.28] <BloodMoon> 20 Yards on and he stopped again but once again his luck was not to be had so they moved on, "So is there nothing you want to ask or find out?" he asked her as they stalked along. He decided to stop again and see, finally he found some tracks again, looked like a buck's and it wasn't too long before he found it a few feet away from them. He took aim, pulled back on the bowstring till fletching felt against cheek and let go, (more)
[05:31.37] <BloodMoon> the arrow flying towards it target and hitting but not killing it. Blood Moon quicklly nocked another arrow and shot again but missed, after nocking one more arrow he aim more and pulled back and released the arrow, this one also hit but the buck was still alive. (done)

[05:51.51] * Lash *tsked* lightly, the sound soft from her lips, as she caught up her pace a little less lazy, as she was suddenly astride you, picking her own blade, impliment the like as she stood and slipped it away, the monotony of the movement bespoke clear-cut practice, even if she changed it each time, and the formless fluidity to her movements were something to speak off, it was clear it had
[05:51.51] * Lash taken her time and effort both to get this far... "I guess, there's one thing... Was that meant to be an attempt at a compliment?" she joked softly, jabbing back verbally... Sudden, lower, that centre of gravity again as she slipped a couple of knives into her hands, one, two, three.. Miss, miss, annoyance, frustration, didn't have place in her head in that moment as she twisted again,
[05:51.51] * Lash turning that svelte frame landing, netting that last one home scoring, and ending the hunt as that buck came crashing down.

[05:59.13] <BloodMoon> "That was a nice kill at the end, and yes that was a compliment." he joked a little. He retreived his arrows and after casting clean on them he placed them back in his quiver. He would over to use the clean psell on her throwing knives if she wanted before he would get the buck over his shoulder and get ready to go back to town. "Thank you for the hunt, he give the kills in at the bazaar and collect the money." he told her as he waited for her to be ready.
[05:59.44] <BloodMoon> told her as he waited for her to be ready. (if cut)

[06:07.33] * Lash came up behind him, stalking swiftly until she broke back into that varied lazy pace, as she retrived all of her knives at a slower pace, careful... Professional, ensuring that no damage came to them, as she waggled her brows joking in reply, giving her a little bit of a cuter look, as she smiled "Thanks." she said a little simply, as she stopped to clean her knives off, slipping
[06:07.33] * Lash them into that same concealed space, as she set off to follow again, "I appreciate you taking me hunting, Blood" she said softly, simple but a first to have said his name.

[06:09.55] <BloodMoon> "Thank you for joining Lash." he replied with a smile
Blood Moon
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:06 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:33 pm

Paid Bloodmoon 40 mhl for 2 hours work on 1/13/16

[08:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout BloodMoon 40 mhl
[08:10] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 40 Mhl, 0 copper to Blood Moon
[08:10] <+Amara|Twrl|> Bazaar hunting worklog
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

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"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:42 am

Amara wrote:[22:45] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby-Bazaar 470 mhl
[22:45] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 470 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[22:46] <+Amara|Twrl|> {Bazaar Huntin' logs 23.5 hours.}

Paid Abby for 6 worklogs.
2/10/16 4 hrs = 80mhl
2/25/16 1 hr = 20mhl
5/23/16 4.5 hrs = 90mhl
7/14/16 5 hrs = 100mhl
7/15/16 6.5 hrs = 130mhl
716/16 2.5 hrs = 50mhl

Name: Abby
Skills: Hunting/Trapping - Expert

Date and Time (According to Desdaemona):
Session Start:
Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-10 02:21:01 - please remember this is NOT game time

Session Close:
Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-10 06:24:11 - please remember this is NOT game time

Total Time: 4 Hours 3 Minutes
Tasks Completed:
Since the snow was finally starting to melt all around the woods, Abby decided to go hunting once again; this time, however, she had decided to hunt alongside the drak sen Dragovar - the first drak sen she had actually talked a lot to and the first one she went hunting with. Agreeing to make this a contest between the two, Abby and Dragovar competed on who could catch and track the most. It was even game for a long while - with Dragovar tracking the most but Abby hunting the most - but Abby eventually emerged victorious after she successfully tracked and hunted down a racoon. Abby, however, wished she caught bigger game.
Catches: Goose (x1); Squirrel (x1); Rabbit (x1); Raccoon (x1)

Pay: 80 MHL (4 Hours Rounded Off x 20 MHL Per Hour)
Paid? No

01:45:13: <Abby-Hunting> !time
01:45:13: <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-10 02:21:01 - please remember this is NOT game time
01:55:00: <Abby-Hunting> The wheels of her wagon would turn and move across the still snowy path in the forest; fortunately, the snow is merely two inches deep - with that in mind, she figures she can now finally return back to hunting. Not wearing her heavy armor this time save for her gauntlets, vambrace, greaves and gambeson - for obvious reasons - the ever-so-stoic Abby would (m)
01:57:21: <Abby-Hunting> be dragging the four-wheeled but empty wagon on her own. All of her weapons remain on her, however, especially her signature weapon. She is currently not far from where her cabin and she has chosen to hunt during broad daylight. Eventually reaching her chosen hunting grounds, a sigh escapes her lips and she releases the wagon for the time being. "Been a (m)
01:57:37: <Abby-Hunting> while since i got to do this... but..."
02:03:14: Dragovar wagon that had been pulled by a very familiar looking Barbarian. He stopped hiding the sound of his boots crunching the snow after he got sight of her. He was actually in no armor at all today, the metallic sound was the last thing he needed while hunting after all. "Well if it isn't my favorite Arena Companion." That might have bugged her, he was of course teasing her, a smirk on his face.
02:03:14: Dragovar had found some decidedly odd tracks in the snow, like cart being dragged along by something.. Without hooves. This piqued his curiousity and he was in the market for some fresh game today anyway. It'd been a while since he'd caught and cooked his own meal.. Didn't want to be getting rusty in case he was thrown out of the Ranch or chased out of town for one reason or another. But he followed the tracks, eventually happening upon a
02:07:01: <Abby-Hunting> "....?" Turning her head, she lofts en eyebrow seeing Dragovar approaching. "You again...? Did you somehow 'stumble' near my cabin again? And since when am I your 'favorite'? She took it as some form of tease or mockery, but does not push about it. The belts around her form would be strapped tight so the weapons on her won't bounce around too much, but it (m)
02:08:32: <Abby-Hunting> definitely shows off more of her form than usual - if one can actually look past all of those death tools sticking out of her. But the fur-lined cloak over her shoulders and partially over her chest would still be thick enough to hide the latter. "I'm here to hunt. You're going to scare the animals away."
02:14:37: <Dragovar> Figured it was a decent day to catch something." Despite his words he only had that scimitar with him. Though it wouldn't take much to sharpen a decent stick into a spear or make five.
02:14:37: <Dragovar> "No.. I was a small distance from your cabin if my bearings are right.. I have to admit even I can get a little turned around with all this damn snow. But I found your tracks. An Odd sort of tracks.. As for since you talked me into the arena actually. You've always been my Favorite." He chuckled a little when she mentioned she was hunting. "Well actually.. That's why I'm here as well. I've not caught and cooked my own meal in a while.
02:50:03: <Abby-Hunting> "... you hunt?" asks Abby, lofting an eyebrow. "... well I've heard that dragons do hunt... though I could have sworn your lot would prey on farm animals." She looks back at the thicker woods beyond them and ponders about something; eventually deciding on it, she nods to herself. "... alright, I got a proposition. What say you to a little contest then? (m)
02:50:36: <Abby-Hunting> Curious to see if I can outhunt a dragon. Even though you're technically just... a dream. Or... something like that. You up for that?"
02:55:37: <Dragovar> "The Nethergloom aint exactly a bed and breakfast with free meals every time you get hungry. I don't think you give me enough credit there Abby." When she proposes a challenge for him he chuckles. "I don't use snares, so if that's how you hunt you might get a better haul than I will. And I'm not hunting for sport. Quite literally want enough for a meal or two. Buut.. If you're gonna hunt to sell, I can take what I want and let you sell the
02:55:38: <Dragovar> rest for half the profits." He countered.
02:58:18: <Abby-Hunting> "... well, suit yourself, drak - just means more money for me." Abby points towards the woods ahead of them. "Only did this a few times before the damn snow started falling but it's pretty simple. We see which one of us can track an animal first... That's one point. Then we'll see who can kill the catch first. That's another point." Then she grabs hold of (m)
02:59:29: <Abby-Hunting> her wagon again and starts dragging it forward. "And I don't use snares - gonna use my crossbow. Let's hope the bigger game's around... 'cause I'm as hungry too." She is hunting for both profit AND for her stomach.
03:04:37: Dragovar would listen to her rules and nod, "Sounds fair, but what's the prize?" He'd ask, walking off to her side and drawing his scimitar. Lopping a couple decent branches down, getting a total of five, then sharpening the weighted ends with a few flicks of his rist. He kept that Scimitar deadly sharp apparently.
03:07:01: <Abby-Hunting> "The catch, of course," says Abby. "It's why you're here and it's why I'm here. Not betting money over this, you sleepless reptile." Eventually Abby would come to a stop and tie the wagon to a nearby tree, keeping it secure in case anything decides to push or pull it away; just to show cautious she is: she actually ties several knots into it."... alright, (m)
03:07:58: <Abby-Hunting> this place'll do. Most of the animals are deeper down. Whatever we catch, we put in the wagon - unless -you're- willing to carry a moose on your shoulders the whole way back to... wheverer it is you're staying.
03:07:59: <Abby-Hunting> "
03:12:32: <Dragovar> "I don't believe I'm going to be getting any moose. I don't usually hunt big game. Since I only eat for me usually. Guess we'll see what we scare up." He was satisfied with his spears and sheathed his scimitar. "Catch something toss it on the wagon. Got ya."
03:17:47: <aBBy`> The barbarian gives the drak sen a nod and tightens the belts around her a little more. She sets up the crossbow around her wrist but does not load up her bolts just yet; crouching down slightly and slowing down her movements, she starts to advance, trying to keep her steps as quiet as possible. She pulls her hood over her head as she starts to look (m)
03:18:13: <aBBy`> around, paying close attention to the ground... but unfortunately finds nothing. ".." She shakes her head.
03:22:04: Dragovar isn't quite that careful about it, but he pulls his hood up, and turns, walking at an angle away from her direction so they could cover more ground, but hopefully keep in sight of eachother. A couple rows of trees over he sees a few tracks.. He holds up his hand and points out infront of him then gestures towards her direction. Tracks leading her way. Following them slowly and cocking back his arm with the a spear.
03:25:31: <aBBy`> "...?" Seeing that he found some tracks, Abby frowns a little as it means one point just went to the drak sen. Nonetheless she follows where he is pointing at. She would be the first to spot the animal: a goose just moving across a nearby lake. Trying to take advantage of this, she loads her crossbow and shoots right forward... only to miss! "...!" She (m)
03:25:51: <aBBy`> curses silently to herself and the goose is currently alerted!
03:29:53: <Dragovar> "Cripe." He pulled his arm back and launched the spear at the goose, but he also missed,it had already been in the air from her miss. Hitting a target like that with a spear.. not exactly easy. He shrugged casually and moved towards her.
03:32:21: <aBBy`> And Abby shoots yet another bolt right as soon as Dragovar missed.The goose tried to escape, but a bolt right through the base of its neck stops it quickly. The goose lets out its last cry as blood would trickle down its wound. Now laying dead, Abby approaches it. "That's one point for you... one point and one goose for me." She yanks out the bolt and (m)
03:34:24: <aBBy`> picks up the one she shot earlier. Then she leaves to put the dead animal's carcass in her wagon, making sure to cover it up after.
03:35:40: Dragovar stuck his tongue out at her. "Lucky shot." He wasn't upset and was once again teasing her. "Still means we're even oh mighty huntress." Following her back to the wagon and making sure to keep watch. It was the woods after all. Anything or anyone could come up on them.
03:39:08: <aBBy`> "Let's see if you can remain so playful when you come back with no catch and have to sleep with an empty stomach." Abby would start to search for tracks again, nodding her head to the direction she's going. She hears a sound coming from the bushes, but as soon as she rises to see over it... the animal turns to retreat behind the trees! "Gh... Damn it..." She
03:39:14: <aBBy`> didn't even get to see what it was!
03:42:17: Dragovar followed her and saw her curse as the animal darted away into the brush. , Turning to move towards her right and catching more tracks, tiny ones to be exact. He watches them bound across the ground and then to a tree. He waggles a finger at her and points about half way up the tree to a squirrel.
03:45:07: <aBBy`> "...?" Abby looks up at the tree after almost fuming over her target getting away. Seeing a squirrel, she gives him a look; she is actually picturing if he eats squirrels, or if drak sens in general eat them. Pointing her wrist crossbow at it, seeing as it seems to be occupied with looking around, she then lets the bolt loose! The bolt strikes true... and (m)
03:45:57: <aBBy`> the squirrel is shot dead right off the tree branch! "Hah. One more point for me. Ceh... We're still even though." He tracked two animals and she hunted down said two animals. 2 to 2.
03:49:30: <Dragovar> "Yep.. Doesn't seem I'm gonna have any luck.. Didn't even want to try that one.. a spear on a squirrel is a bit over kill anyway." He gave a shrug and allowed her to go get the kill, keeping an eye out. "Usually have more luck than this. Guess I'm out of practice." He didn't much mind, he could always goo into town for food after his but he really wanted his own meal today..
04:14:03: <aBBy`> "Well, considering how tall you are... I'm surprised no animal would run away from you. That and... your horns, wings and tail are scary enough as they are." But she suddenly stops when she hears a sound coming from somewhere above them.Holding up a hand to signal for him to be quiet, she points up... revealing the sound to be coming from an owl. Abby (m)
04:14:39: <aBBy`> loads another bolt as the owl looks over the dead squrrel, and lets it loose! The bolt skewers right into its side! But the owl is still moving!
04:18:36: Dragovar that different from you mortals, and I'm not that much bigger.. my horns are barely there." He said tapping the black protrusions under his hood.
04:18:36: Dragovar followed up her bolt with one of his spears, catching it dead center. The extra mass knocking the owl to the ground. If the spear hadn't killed it the shock from the impact and the fall to the ground would have. "Still even? Not bad." He said with a chuckle. He moved over to the downed owl and picked up his spear, and removed the bolt. "Guess I'll be having owl tonight.. Not something I eat often. As for me being scary.. I'm not all
04:20:45: <aBBy`> "AGH." Seeing the owl getting skewered by that spear made her cringe, but only because seeing that it killed it meant the catch is his. "Gh... Bloody hell, you did that on purpose, didn't you?" She has been doing the same thing to the animals he found afterall. She moves to the bodies, taking out her bolts and then her squirrel. "Yeah, we're still even. (m)
04:20:53: <aBBy`> Let's haul these off to the wagon first."
04:29:56: Dragovar would nod, picking up his catch, smiling. He was just glad he wasn't going home empty handed.. that would've been embarrassing. "Only fair after all. You did get everything I found. Gotta eat don't I?" He said smirking. But heard something off to their left after he set his owl in the wagon. He switched his catch to his left hand and brought up a spear, using the same one he'd hit the owl with.. maybe it was lucky? Glancing around a
04:29:56: Dragovar tree he saw a prime specimen of a rabbit, he got Abby's attention and pointed to it before rearing back his arm and launching that bloodied spear. Missing. "Shit."
04:45:32: <aBBy`> But a bolt coming off from the side would suddenly come shooting right into the rabbit's side, killing it instantly. If Dragovar is to look at Abby at the time, she would flash him a smug look. "... still even, drak. Ceh... But everything I've caught is just small fry." She moves to the dead rabbit, picking it up and then yanking her bolt out. Then in the (m)
04:45:46: <aBBy`> wagon the rabbit goes! "... that's three catches for me."
04:48:45: <Dragovar> "Better than nothing or eating snow." He said with a shrug, glad they were staying even really. Made things funner than one dominating the other. "Only one catch but at least it's a decent size."
04:52:12: <aBBy`> "Gh... Don't remind me," says Abby, looking over to the owl in the wagon before covering it up. The hunting game would continue as it becomes Abby's turn to track down an animal, but unfortunately she could not find any; a second attempt would have see nor hear any animal around either. "... bloody hell, did we scare all the animals around here...? What 'bout
04:52:13: <aBBy`> your side?"
04:54:46: Dragovar would wander off a good few feet apart, "Nothing over here unfortunately.. This might be headed back towards town. Probably need to go the other way if we're gonna get anything. But it's starting to get dark.. They might all be turning in." He suggested and shrugged. Though he figured she wanted something bigger game than what she'd caught thus far.
04:57:08: <aBBy`> "What, you worried that it's getting dark?" asks Abby, turning her head to him. "You don't even need to sleep! .. but good point. Let's see if we can get anything in a few more rounds before we head out. Well, -I- head out since I actually need to sleep. You... Well, you don't."
05:00:07: <Dragovar> "Abby I spent most of my life in caverns without light. This Darkness up here? Nothing compared to what lies beneath." He heard something and tried to get in sight of it, but a branch was buried under the snow and cracked loudly as he moved around the tree and startled whatever it was. Snow flying as it hauled off. "Sonova.. Pah."
05:02:01: <aBBy`> She heard the same sound as well, but unfortunately isn't able to catch sight of what it was or where it went. "Damn it... Animals are getting smart." She shakes her head before looking back at the drak sen. "Right, you're a drak sen that came where the moriels do... Is that...normal for your kind?" She asks this, growing rather curious since he kept bringing
05:02:04: <aBBy`> up the Nethergloom.
05:06:06: <Dragovar> "Dunno. I've not met many of my kind, and the few I have weren't children of summer. Which means a different elder created them to begin with. Lots of variables with my kind, no two the same. Just like no two dreams for you humans are the same or so i hear."
05:09:26: <aBBy`> "... I don't know about that," says Abby. "I tend to dream about the same thing over...and over again." Her expression seems to darken for some reason as she mentions this but a little ruffle from the bushes would take her attention away. A racoon eventually scurries out, sniffing curiously - perhaps looking for food. ABby signals for Dragovar to be quiet (m)
05:09:57: <aBBy`> and after getting it ready and taking aim, she shoots a bolt, but misses jsut barely from the animal! "Ch...!"
05:13:45: Dragovar noticed the signal, and then what she was aiming at. She missed and a Spear followed the bolt but didn't miss catching it in the hind leg which wold slow it down at the least. he'd noticed her expression dampen.. She did not dream of something pleasant then.. Then it was more Nightmare than dream. That was unfortunate. But considering her vehemence towards her parents and past.. It was likely.
05:18:35: <aBBy`> She draws out her dagger from her chest and suddenly rushes at the racoon after that spear caught it in the leg. She tosses the dagger quickly and the blade sinks right into the animal's back. It then falls limp once it draws its last breath. "Hah! I got one point over ya, drak. Tracked -and- hunted." She wipes the sweat off of her forehead and then moves (m)
05:19:51: <aBBy`> to the dead animal, pulling out her dagger and then picking up her bolt from earlier. "Raccoon, huh... Wonder if I should eat it... or sell it." Picking it up by its tail, she turns to show it to Dragovar before heading back towards the wagon.
05:23:37: <Dragovar> home.
05:23:37: <Dragovar> "Yeah yeah.. If you hadn't missed the first time I'd have probably nailed it more squarely instead of you spooking it." He retorted and headed back toward the cart with her. He took a seat on the back, the sun had set, and dusk was on them. "I'll let you have your victory I suppose. Think I'm gonna go get this plucked and ready to cook. Still afraid my magic my seep into your floor boards?" Asking basically if she wanted him to accompany her
05:31:01: <aBBy`> "Hah, real funny..." says Abby, glancing over to him. "I'm fine making my way home on my own - it's not far anyway and I have my own lantern. She tosses the raccoon inside before motioning towards his owl. "You gonna carry that or do you want -me- to drive my wagon all the way to twon?" As she waits, she unties the rope binding the cart to a tree.
05:38:26: <Dragovar> "Guess that's a no, still so cold to me. What's a guy got to do?" He sighed to himself and picked up his owl. Jamming the left over spears into the ground next to a tree. "See you later then Abby." With that said his wings would open wide and give a gusting flap forward to send his scent ahead of him and scare off anything in his path before he walked off into the darkness. Him and his black clothing melting into the shadows of the trees and
05:38:27: <Dragovar> out of her sight.
05:40:30: <aBBy`> !time
05:40:31: <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-10 06:24:11 - please remember this is NOT game time

03:14:47: <aBBy`> !r 1d7 (Because Expert)
03:14:49: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
03:24:14: <aBBy`> !qdice Duck, duck, gooooose!
03:24:14: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
03:27:41: <aBBy`> !qdice Shoot the goose so the dog won't laugh!
03:27:42: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 3 damage
03:34:56: <aBBy`> !r 1d7
03:34:58: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
03:36:50: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small ItGetsAway Small Medium Medium Large
03:36:51: <Desdaemona> I choose "ItGetsAway" from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
03:42:53: <aBBy`> !qdice Squirrel! Where!
03:42:54: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 10 damage
04:01:03: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
04:01:15: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small ItGetsAway Small Medium Medium Large
04:01:17: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
04:01:39: <aBBy`> !choose LargeRabbit, skunk, raccoon, fawn, fox, porcupine, owl,
04:01:41: <Desdaemona> I choose "owl," from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
04:03:25: <aBBy`> !qdice Who!
04:03:27: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 4 damage
04:42:59: <aBBy`> !qdice Hop away!
04:43:02: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 5 damage
04:47:20: <aBBy`> !r 1d7
04:47:22: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
04:49:48: <aBBy`> !r 1d7
04:49:49: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
05:05:26: <aBBy`> !r 1d7
05:05:27: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
05:05:37: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small ItGetsAway Small Medium Medium Large
05:05:39: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
05:05:55: <aBBy`> !choose LargeRabbit, skunk, raccoon, fawn, fox, porcupine, owl,
05:05:56: <Desdaemona> I choose "raccoon," from the 7 options supplied by Abby`
05:07:31: <aBBy`> !qdice Catch the forest thief!
05:07:32: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
05:10:14: <aBBy`> !qdice It's...!
05:10:16: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 8 damage
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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The Mercenary Abby
Posts: 475
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:58 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:04 am

Amara wrote:[22:45] <+Amara|Twrl|> !payout Abby-Bazaar 470 mhl
[22:45] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 470 Mhl, 0 copper to Abby
[22:46] <+Amara|Twrl|> {Bazaar Huntin' logs 23.5 hours.}

Paid Abby for 6 worklogs.
2/10/16 4 hrs = 80mhl
2/25/16 1 hr = 20mhl
5/23/16 4.5 hrs = 90mhl
7/14/16 5 hrs = 100mhl
7/15/16 6.5 hrs = 130mhl
716/16 2.5 hrs = 50mhl

Name: Abby

Date and Time (According to Des):
Session Start:
Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-25 01:39:17 - please remember this is NOT game time

Session Ident: #TLI-Forest
Session Close:
Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-02-25 02:45:04 - please remember this is NOT game time

Total Time: 1 Hour 5 Minutes

Tasks Completed:
Hoping for bigger game after hunting down the usual ducks and gooses, Abby had her wish granted in the form of a big wolf. The big wolf put up quite a fight and used its size and weight to its advantage, but Abby brutish strength would triump over the beast as the barbarian snapped its neck. That was the biggest catch she had gotten while hunting on her own so far...
Catches: Duck (x1); Fawn (x1); Goose (x2); Large Rabbit (x2); Big Wolf (x1)

Pay: 20 MHL (1 Hour Rounded Off x 20 MHL Per Hour)[/b]
Paid? No

00:54:21: <aBBy`> The wheels of her wagon would turn as she drags the empty four-wheeled carrier towards her usual hunting grounds. At the moment, Abby is foregoing her heavy armor and most of her weapons - including her great hammer, THE Great Hammer - choosing only to bring her wrist crossbow, its bolts, her dwarf-forged dagger, and her mithril bastard sword, and wearing (m)
00:56:07: <aBBy`> everything save for most of her armor except her gauntlets, vambrace, and greaves. A fur-lined cloak would be draped over her shoulders, partially covering her upper body, and her hood is pulled to hide the wild, crimson hair underneath. "Well... Time to go hunting." Ever since the snow has gotten less, Abby has returned to doing this... and has excelled (m)
00:56:53: <aBBy`> to the point that she could properly hide without scaring any beasts away. She brings her wagon further in, before tying it to a tree in a little clearing.
00:59:51: <aBBy`> Steadying her breathing, she looks around to make sure the coast is clear; then she advances into a slight crouch, quietly but steadily walking through some bushes. She extends the bows of her crossbow, hand ready to pick up one of her bolts, and soon...the sound of flapping can be heard. A stream is nearby and from there, a duck waddles about near it. A (m)
01:01:40: <aBBy`> sigh escapes her as she hoped for bigger game... but roast duck might be good for the night. Reading her bolt, she lets it loose...and the duck gets skewered right through its body, killing it almost instantly! "... damn it, bolt went through." That always ruins some good meat.
01:04:25: <aBBy`> She moves to pick it up once the other animals start to flee from seeing a fellow creature of the woods impaled by that bolt. Yanking the bolt out, she takes out a little sack tied to her side and puts the dead duck in it. "Guess that's for me." And she ties the sack back to her side.
01:06:22: <aBBy`> She would move away from the water this time, knowing full well that the other animals will want to avoid that spot - save for the predators who would catch the scent of blood. Unfortunately, Abby could not find any tracks just yet. Looking up, she measures the time of day depending on where the sun is... Perhaps an hour and a half before it gets dark.
01:09:29: <aBBy`> But some rustling can be heard from the bushes nearby. Quickly hiding behind a tree, she peeks out, waiting to see what would step out. She strikes luckier: a fawn. Looks like one lost from its mother. "...." For a moment there, she seems to tense up... but a deep breath is all it took... before she quietly shifts to the side and shoots the fawn right in (m)
01:09:47: <aBBy`> its thigh! It lets out a cry, attempting to retreat.
01:12:29: <aBBy`> It's a fast one, this one! As Abby tried to give it chase, the little fawn would continue to zig zag, causing Abby to miss her next shot. "Damn it...!" It runs into the bushes, trying to shake off the barbarian, but Abby - much like in battle - would show how relentless she is in her pursuit. She tries to throw her dagger, only for it to miss. She curses (m)
01:14:08: <aBBy`> her lack of aim, and even goes so far as to pick up a rock and throwing it at it. She misses again. Twice more. That is, until the fawn would hit itself against a tree. Struggling to stand, Abby moves to it and presses her foot on its head. "... it's you or me." Taking out her sword, she stabs it downwards. The fawn falls limp.
01:18:34: <aBBy`> "Damn it, I need to get more used to this..." So far she has attracted no goblins. And she would rather it stay that way. She lifts the fawn up by its neck... and starts to carry it over back towards the wagon. The barbarian tosses it inside, before covering it with a worn-out cloth. "... well, that's two catches."
01:21:17: <aBBy`> She wipes the blood off of her hand and goes back to hunting. At first, she finds no tracks but when she does... "....." A porcupine. A porcupine is just walking right in front of her, just stepping out of its hole of a home. But before Abby could get ready to hunt it down... "....." The last time she hunted a porcupine... that necromancer came asking (m)
01:21:50: <aBBy`> for it. So, she dos the most logical thing. "Scram, you bastard! Get out of here...!" The porcupine, startled, proceeds to do as she says.
01:23:29: <aBBy`> "Gh..." Then looking off to the side, she sees a squirrel looking down at her. Ah, one of her staple hunts from back then. "...what the bloody hell are you looking at...?" And she lets that one get away too. No, Abby is looking for better game... Squirrels and the like don't give her much.
01:27:05: <aBBy`> But eventually manages to actually track down yet another small beast, this time in the form of a goose. A simple bolt through its body would all be enough, while Abby just needs to wait for it to bleed to its last breath. "... something about hunting a duck and goose together always feels right for some reason..." They make good eating, that is for sure. (m)
01:27:43: <aBBy`> And the goose is thrown right into the wagon, joined by the dead duck. "... three. Bloody hell, where are the bigger ones..."
01:30:42: <aBBy`> As if on cue... she starts to hear something approaching her as she puts the cloth back over the animal carcasses. "...?!" Something huge suddenly lunges at her direction! Abby, thankfully, manages to roll right out of the way. Her eyes widen at what she sees is there now. A wolf. And it's a really big one. Snarling at her, she slowly starts to get up, (m)
01:34:03: <aBBy`> hand moving to grab hold of her sword on her back. Sensing the danger the big wolf tries to bite at her, but Abby is quick enough to get out of the way. "Hrhh...!" She swings her blade right into its side, cutting it. But the beast remains strong and still hoping to put up a fight. Another lunge,however, would have Abby slice it across the head. But the (m)
01:36:43: <aBBy`> big wolf manages to actually tackle her and pin her down. "D, Damn it...!" It reaches out to bite at her head, but Abby manages to put her hands up, stopping those jaws from going any further. "Ghh....." The big wolf tries to overpower her.... but Abby once again shows that brutish strength of hers. "Hregh....!" And she twists the wolf's head by its (m)
01:38:27: <aBBy`> muzzle, forcing its neck to twist and causing the bones to snap. With a gasping yelp, the big wolf tumbles sideways. Dead, with Abby laying next to it, panting for breath. ".. ha... ha... Bloody hell..." Even she herself is surprised that she actually did that. A few months ago a wolf that size would have made easy meal of her... She really doesn't know (m)
01:40:10: <aBBy`> her own strength. That is so far the biggest catch she has ever gotten on her own: the wolf is huge! Much bigger than the ones she hunted down before. But that was definitely worrying... "... alright, you bloody bastard... in... you go!" She lifts the wolf on her shoulders before tossing it right into the wagon, causing the vehicle to shake because of (m)
01:40:46: <aBBy`> the animal's weight. "... almost thought it was a fucking wolven..."
01:42:51: <aBBy`> Panting for breath, she leans against her wagon while one foot drags her dropped blade. The barbarian looks around, seeing no other wolves... Guess it hunted off on its own. Looking back up at the sky, she measures the day again.... Still time before it gets dark.
01:48:15: <aBBy`> Always out to do more than necessary, Abby pushes herself back up to stand up, and starts to go hunting; she doubts nothing can top the wolf... A goose would be her next hunt and again a simple bolt through the bolt is all it takes. And in the wagon the goose would go, joined by the other dead body. "If he was here, he wouldn't believe it..."
01:50:38: <aBBy`> She has basically mastered the art of hunting without even realizing it. The animal tracks all become clear and she can almost predict where they would be heading; her senses may not be wolven-like, but she is definitely a capable hunter as she is a capable gladiator. Another bolt is fired and this time a large rabbit is caught. White rabbit... People are (m)
01:51:29: <aBBy`> going to like it for its fur. Meat isn't bad either. And in the wagon it went... but looking back, the wagon almost looks entirely full just from the big bad wolf alone. "... alright.. one more."
01:55:10: <aBBy`> And one more is right. Another large rabbit would be spotted! A bolt through its thigh would injure and alert it, but as it tries to escape - though successful at first - Abby lunges right at it, grabbing it and stopping it in itrs tracks! "Hold still...! Hrh...!" And the dagger is driven right into its back, killing it. "... and that's it... One last catch
01:57:01: <aBBy`> for the day." She picks up the large rabbit and tosses it in the wagon with the others. "Looks like I got a lot... Heh, can't wait to tell that drak what I caught. He'll probably be so surprised... he'll puke again." And she eventually unties her wagon. Wiping the sweat off of her head, she starts to drag the wagon back out with her own hands and (m)
01:57:14: <aBBy`> feet. Always hardworking.

00:57:28: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
00:57:29: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
00:57:38: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
00:57:39: <Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
00:57:58: <aBBy`> !choose Rabbit, Squirrel, Quail, Duck, Goose
00:57:58: <Desdaemona> I choose "Duck," from the 5 options supplied by Abby`
01:00:34: <aBBy`> !qdice Duck!
01:00:37: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 10 damage
01:04:36: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:04:37: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
01:06:26: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:06:26: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
01:06:30: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:06:32: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:06:51: <aBBy`> !choose Large Rabbit, Skunk, Raccoon, Fawn, Fox, Porcupine, Owl
01:06:53: <Desdaemona> I choose "Fawn," from the 8 options supplied by Abby`
01:07:16: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 7 damage
01:07:16: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:09:52: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:09:54: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
01:10:00: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:10:02: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
01:10:13: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:10:15: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
01:10:25: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:10:26: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
01:10:28: <aBBy`> !qdice Fawn!
01:10:31: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 2 damage
01:18:56: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:18:58: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
01:19:00: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:19:01: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
01:19:05: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:19:06: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:19:18: <aBBy`> !choose Large Rabbit, Skunk, Raccoon, Fawn, Fox, Porcupine, Owl
01:19:21: <Desdaemona> I choose "Porcupine," from the 8 options supplied by Abby`
01:22:03: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:22:04: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
01:22:07: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:22:09: <Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:22:16: <aBBy`> !choose Rabbit, Squirrel, Quail, Duck, Goose
01:22:18: <Desdaemona> I choose "Squirrel," from the 5 options supplied by Abby`
01:23:36: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:23:38: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
01:23:40: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:23:42: <Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:23:45: <Desdaemona> I choose "Goose" from the 5 options supplied by Abby`
01:23:45: <aBBy`> !choose Rabbit, Squirrel, Quail, Duck, Goose
01:25:20: <aBBy`> !qdice Goose!
01:25:23: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 9 damage
01:27:59: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:28:01: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
01:28:03: <Desdaemona> I choose "Huge" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:28:04: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:28:26: <aBBy`> !choose BigWolf Bear Moose Elk
01:28:26: <Desdaemona> I choose "BigWolf" from the 4 options supplied by Abby`
01:28:51: <aBBy`> !qdice Bad wolf!
01:28:51: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 8 damage
01:32:30: <aBBy`> !qdice Bad wolf!
01:32:32: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 8 damage
01:32:34: <aBBy`> !qdice Bad wolf!
01:32:36: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 5 damage
01:32:37: <aBBy`> !qdice Bad wolf!
01:32:39: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 5 damage
01:41:04: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:41:04: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
01:43:29: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
01:43:29: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:43:34: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:43:35: <Desdaemona> I choose "Small" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:43:40: <aBBy`> !choose Rabbit, Squirrel, Quail, Duck, Goose
01:43:42: <Desdaemona> I choose "Goose" from the 5 options supplied by Abby`
01:43:56: <aBBy`> !qdice Goose!
01:43:58: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 9, hitting for 6 damage
01:48:25: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
01:48:25: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:48:27: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:48:29: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
01:48:32: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:48:35: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:48:43: <aBBy`> !choose Large Rabbit, Skunk, Raccoon, Fawn, Fox, Porcupine, Owl
01:48:45: <Desdaemona> I choose "Rabbit," from the 8 options supplied by Abby`
01:51:57: <aBBy`> !r 1d9
01:51:59: <Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 9 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
01:52:01: <aBBy`> !choose Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Large Large Huge
01:52:02: <Desdaemona> I choose "Medium" from the 10 options supplied by Abby`
01:52:05: <aBBy`> !choose Large Rabbit, Skunk, Raccoon, Fawn, Fox, Porcupine, Owl
01:52:06: <Desdaemona> I choose "Large" from the 8 options supplied by Abby`
01:52:29: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 1
01:52:30: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
01:52:32: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 1
01:52:34: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!
01:52:36: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 1
01:52:38: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 9 damage
01:52:40: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 1
01:52:42: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
01:52:43: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 1
01:52:46: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 8 damage
01:52:49: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 2
01:52:50: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
01:52:52: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 2
01:52:54: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 9 damage
01:52:55: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 2
01:52:56: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 5, missing!
01:52:57: <aBBy`> !qdice Large Rabbit 2
01:52:58: <Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 10 damage
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Dragovar on Mon May 02, 2016 1:58 am

Name: Dragovar
Date and Time: 2016-04-29 15:15:27 -> 2016-04-29 17:30:43
Total Time: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Tasks completed: Dragovar was joined by Ellyssa Flamewing for a hunt. He was in the mood for fresh venison, but unfortunately the Doe they found got away, two arrows in it's flanks not enough to bring the beast down. They did manage to bag a Fox though.
Pay 40
9:08 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> "Of course." Dragovar would beckon, glancing up to see the eagle long gone to his eyes, and whistle softly. "Fly's pretty high doesn't it?" He seemed to have a touch of envy and his wings flexed. But shook his head. "Anyway, let's move out past town so we're not on anyone's property." He'd have them walk another two and half miles or so before she could tell
9:08 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> he was paying much more attention to their surroundings.
9:17 AM ↔ •Eachern (voiced) popped in
9:20 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| follows in the Drak's wake. She has assumed her more subdued Mage robe over the bright red bra and loincloths and she follows him as quietly as she can. She is very light and has some experience in moving through wilderness, so she doesn't crash through the undergrowth like a passel of dwarves, but she's no ranger and even her best caution doesn't make her
9:20 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| noiseless. She nocks a shaft to bowstring, her fingers moving as if they at least know what they are doing.
9:26 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !time
9:26 AM <•Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2016-04-29 15:15:27 - please remember this is NOT game time
9:34 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting would notice something on the ground, the wet forest floor from all the rain leaving g very visible tracks. A light hum from his lips as he turned off their path, beckoning her to follow. Going through the brush he'd move aside a low hanging branch and get her to look. There was a Fox, eating a recent rabbit it had caught apparently.. He pointed down at his
9:34 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting crossbow and shook his head, then pointed to her bow, and turned his palm up, with a questioning expression. She could shoot if she wanted to, but it wasn't what he was looking for.
9:46 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> With an intent look in her eyes, the slender redwing focuses on the fox, and smoothly raises the bow, draws back the string and let's fly in one fluid motion. The shaft streaks through the air and sinks into the fox's flank. The creature squeals and starts to run away with a pronounced limp.
9:53 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting had begun lifting his crossbow when she pulled back her bow, nocking a bolt and crouching down. Once her arrow struck the creature in the flank, he aimed a touch ahead of it and pulled the bar, a heavy thunk coming from the string. His bolt flew true and struck it in the side just behind it's front leg and put it out if it's misery. "There we go. Nice shot
9:53 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting by the way. Guess you haven't lost your touch with the bow either."
9:54 AM ↔ •Eachern (voiced) popped in
10:05 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| had paused in a kind of shock when her arrow struck her target, confirming that she could actually use a bow, but her heart rebelled against her when she saw the little creature in pain. "Th-thank you Dragovar" she says softly. "I wouldn't have wanted to see the fox get away, knowing I had hurt it so badly. As to the bow, there's something about it that just
10:05 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| feels natural to me."
10:11 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting pat her back. "I know, wounds my heart when they get away after I've hurt them. I try to make sure they don't. Or get them in the first shot. Anyway, beautiful pelt." He'd brought a fairly hefty sack with him, just in case he found a tasty looking rabbit he couldn't pass up. He offered the bag to her and walked out to the animal, removing their projectiles
10:11 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting and held up the little guy for her. "Good news is it didn't have kits, or it would've dragged the kill back to the den." No orphans was always a nice thing.
10:17 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> As he pulls her shaft out of the limp body, it shimmers and vanishes into thin air. At almost the same instant, the arrow reappears in the sheaf of arrows in the quiver dangling from her left hip, once more leaving ten feathered arrows sticking out of it where before there had only been nine. Of course such a detail might not be readily apparent to the
10:17 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> casual observer, and Ellyssa had not been looking at the arrow, but at the fox being shoved into the game bag. She reaches out to accept the bag, tying it off on the outside of her satchel. "Do you want it?" she asks. "I'm only here to practice and to help you after all. And you're the one who brought it down."
10:39 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting would shake his head. "You slowed it down, I just wanted to finish it off quickly. But if you don't want it I can probably sell it or something." He would shrug and nod deeper into the woods. "Let's head that direction." And so the hunting began again.
10:44 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| follows the the drak deeper into the woods, arrow nocked to string, but paying more attention to where they are going. "You keep it then" she says softly. High overhead, the golden eagle sees a flicker of movement and focuses on it, sending a mental picture to Ellyssa. Very quietly, she says to the man in front of her, "Akilina sees a rabbit about thirty
10:44 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| yards to our right, just hopping out from a burrow next to a pine tree. Do you want to go after it, or keep looking for your deer?"
10:45 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> "More we kill the heavier that sack is gonna get, but if you want the practice go ahead. Something that small should only take one shot." He replied in the same hushed tones. He really wanted his deer. Everything else was kinda just in the way.
10:46 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| shivers a little. "Then we go on" she says. "I'm not ready to kill a defenseless rabbit just yet."
10:56 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting smiled and reached for her, dragging his thumb along her jaw. "Cute. But understandable.. Though big fat rabbits make good stew. Sounds like it was a little one." With that said he stalked off away from where she'd motioned the rabbit to be, no need to startle it and have it startle something else. Just before a clearing he held his hand back to stop her and
10:56 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting ducked down, crouching forward to peer through a bush. He came back with a grin on his face, pointing at her bow before loading his own. "Doe." Was mouthed up at her and once she came down to his level she'd see the beautiful creature grazing. Dragovar took his aim and waited for Elly to draw her bow back. Then fired his first shot and hauled back the string
10:56 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting to start loading his second.
11:03 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| had drawn back her bowstring and sighted down on the doe at Dragovar's command, releasing her mithril tipped arrow a fraction of a second after Dragovar had. Her shaft struck the hapless beast in the meaty part of the muscle above its foreleg. Deep enough to injure and startle, not close enough to the heart to actually drop it.
11:08 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting had missed the vitals too but they had both hit it with their first shots and that would cripple the beast if nothing else. It was already starting to run, his second arrow wasn't aimed true and missed, a curse leaving his lips as he hauled back the string again. He glanced up at the twang of Elly's bow string and stood, jumping through the brush to get a
11:08 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting better shot, though a branch scratched his eyebrows and blood dripped down into his eye as he made to fire, the bolt flying wide. "Shit." The deer out of their sight now. "Your Falcon see where it went?"
11:17 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| fires her second shaft, but she misses as the doe stumbles and the shaft creases its rump and does no injury whatsoever. She calls up to Aklina mentally to trace the deer's flight and gets a discouraging mental picture in return. "I'm sorry Dragovar, the doe is running into deeper tree cover, Akilina can't see her right now. She nocks another shaft in an
11:17 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| attempt to shoot at the closing deer once more before she disappears from sight.
11:20 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting kicks the dirt and looks down at the blood. "Damn it. Don't want to leave it suffering. Let's wander in that direction maybe we'll find it again." He hefts his crossbow back to the loaded position and pulls a bolt out, ready to slap it in and fire at a moment's notice.
11:22 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> The redwing's third shaft thunks into the ground as the doe leaps over a fallen tree and she pulls out another arrow and nocks it to the string, but the target has vanished. "Alright, I guess we'd better do that" she agrees and starts walking rapidly in that direction, calling out mentally to Akliina to keep looking.
11:29 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting followed after the blood trail but it dove into a thorn thicket. "Well.. I guess something will get a free meal tonight if it doesn't survive the wounds. We've gone a bit deeper into the woods than I care to usually. That direction is at an angle towards town." He point off, a little right of opposite way the deer went. "Crummy luck."
11:36 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| looks around and sighs, releasing the tension on her bowstring and returning the shaft to her quiver that had only six arrows left in it. But when she pulls her hand away, there are ten in it again. "I'm sorry you lost your deer Dragovar" she says sympathetically. "And I'm sorry the deer is in so much pain, but we can't track it in that mess... So, I'd say
11:36 AM — •Ellyssa|wWw| we're about four miles from town. If we head south for maybe five minutes, we'll hit the western road which will give us about an hour's fast walking to town if we turn left on the road. We're about a mile from my place if you turn right..." she adds offhandedly.
11:41 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting would sigh and unstring his crossbow, his taste for the hunt lost. "Guess I'll try again another day." He wasn't one to pray but he did hope the deer would find a quick merciful death. When he mentioned their options he'd nod to her.. His direction sense was quite good and it checked out in his head. Though when she added her place on to the list of
11:41 AM — •Dragovar-Hunting destinations.. "If that's an invitation I'd be happy to accompany you."

9:27 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !r1d7
9:27 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !r 1d7
9:27 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
9:29 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !choose small small itgetsaway small medium medium large
9:29 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "medium" from the 7 options supplied by Dragovar-Hunting
9:30 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !choose fox fawn raccoon skunk porcupine
9:30 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "fox" from the 5 options supplied by Dragovar-Hunting
9:38 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !choice softy KILLIT! practice
9:38 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "KILLIT!" from the 3 options supplied by Ellyssa|wWw|
9:38 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !qdice
9:38 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| (Ellyssa Flamewing) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for 2 damage
9:48 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !qdice
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting (Dragovar) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for 2 damage
10:37 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !r 1d5
10:37 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:39 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !choose small small itgetsaway small medium
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "small" from the 5 options supplied by Ellyssa|wWw|
10:42 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !choose rabbit squirrel duck goose quail
10:42 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "rabbit" from the 5 options supplied by Ellyssa|wWw|
10:50 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !r 1d7
10:50 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
10:51 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !choose small small itgetsaway small medium medium large
10:51 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "large" from the 7 options supplied by Dragovar-Hunting
10:52 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !choose doe buck wolf coyote
10:52 AM <•Desdaemona> I choose "doe" from the 4 options supplied by Dragovar-Hunting
10:52 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !qdice
10:52 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting (Dragovar) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 10 damage
10:53 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !qdice
10:53 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| (Ellyssa Flamewing) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 10, hitting for 5 damage
10:56 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !qdice
10:56 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting (Dragovar) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 3, missing!
10:57 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !qdice 2nd shot
10:57 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| (Ellyssa Flamewing) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 2, missing!
11:06 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !qdice
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting (Dragovar) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
11:13 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !qdice third arrow of 10
11:13 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| (Ellyssa Flamewing) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 1, missing!
11:13 AM <•Ellyssa|wWw|> !r 1d5 Birdbrain, do your stuff!
11:13 AM <•Desdaemona> Ellyssa|wWw| rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:25 AM <•Dragovar-Hunting> !r 1d7
11:25 AM <•Desdaemona> Dragovar-Hunting rolls for 1 dice at 7 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
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