How to: Payment, Worklogs and You!

For workers at the bazaar. One topic per employee please

Moderators: Shiho, Amara, Kooky, Thunder, Neko Nightstalker

How to: Payment, Worklogs and You!

Postby Kooky on Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:00 pm

Pay Rates:

Everyone gets paid 20 mhl an hour, for a maximum of 8hrs per week; this means 4hrs of regular work and 4hrs overtime. This means you can have a maximum 32hr worklog per month.
Plus a monthly bonus of 50mhl per MASTER level of skill, up to THREE skills from the list below.

Managers and Assistant managers get separate pay for the first four hours worked.

Manger (Lumio) Pay - 340**
Assistant Manager (Amara) Pay - 280**

**This is for the first four hours.**


These are the skills that I think are relevant to the Bazaar. As odd as it is, nearly any skill is relevant due to the nature of the Bazaar. For this reason you will only get paid for up to THREE MASTERED skills from the list below from ONE category. You cannot be paid for a Consumables Skill if your focus is Crafting. The only exception to this is if skills have a good reason to be intertwined. Feel free to state your individual cases.

Metal Smith
Mithril Smith
Leather Working
Ceramics and Pottery

Metal Smith
Dancing (Please put your tag as Bazaar-D to indicate you are a dancer and not a clerk)

Hunter (Freelance Only)

The Worklogs

So here's the how-to format of the worklogs in the form of example with explanation.

Skills (Up to THREE) +20x(hours worked)= Total of Pay for the Month
HOURS TOTAL: (After each log, add your hours up and place the total here)
Place Worked: Bazaar
Name of Character: Lumio
Position: Clerk

Session Start: Thu Aug 14 01:32:31 2014
Session Ident: #TLI-town
03[01:32] * Now talking in #TLI-town
03[01:32] * Topic is '4 18+ ONLY. An adult based fantasy roleplay environment 3The town of Nanthalion close to The Lonely Inn. 4Visit #Lonely_Inn_OOC first. or Information Site is at'
03[01:32] * Set by ChanServ! on Fri Aug 01 00:43:09
Session Close: Thu Aug 14 04:26:19 2014
Time: 3hrs
Brief description of what you did.
- What you did
- Shop commands can be c/ped
- Remember, even cleaning counts as does stock rotation
- You can also get paid for working on your personal projects while manning the bazaar
- Remember to divide your worklog by WEEK now so Tawny can see it clearly!

Next worklog WEEK.. (You edit your first post and put in your hours. One post per month with the month on the top, just reply to your thread for a new month. You can update your log after you work, or post all logs at once. Just make sure to get it posted BEFORE payroll of the month is calculated!)

Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Posts: 652
Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:11 pm

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