When we have custom orders for goods, post them here. Custom goods are any modified shopitem (like a tri-colored glass vase)
This includes large orders people bring in (if you can't handle the order then and there) and CUSTOMERS posting their orders here to get them done. As a worker, you need only reply to said post or quote it, and you'll get proper credit for it as you are essentially taking claim and responsibility for said order and the commands of said order. This assures no one else will write up commands and take the sale from you, when you've already begun the work for it.
Custom Order Post
Customer: Who's buying it?
Clerk Name: Who took the order?
Item: What is it? Comb? Figure?
Craft/Consumable/Service Appointment (Pick one)
Description of Item: Detail on the item goes here
Price: What does it cost?
Paid/Not Paid (Pick one)
Date of Delivery: When will they be by to get the item?
If you're selling someone a custom item, make a new post quoting the order post, and reply to it with Picked Up. Make sure it's paid for too!
Freelance custom items are up for pending approval.... This means that we cannot yet sell them. This does not however stop freelancers from taking orders for their own pay.
Any freelance item is a non-shopitem such as a metal keyring or taxidermied wolf.