Judy Bonnefoy: JudyArts Custom Orders

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Judy Bonnefoy: JudyArts Custom Orders

Postby CallieO on Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:34 pm

Customer: Odette
Clerk Name: Judy Bonnefoy
Item: Medium-sized custom painting
Craft/Consumable/Service Appointment: Craft
Description of Item: An oil-on-canvas painting of a white rabbit and a tabby cat, posted with the rabbit lying down and the cat snuggling against the rabbit with its arm across its leg, against the background of a grassy hill at sunset
Price: 40 mhl
Paid/Not Paid: Paid
Date of Delivery: 3/5/22. Completed and delivered in one sitting
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

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