Custom/Special Orders Thread.

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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:04 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Ellyssa Flamewing|RK|
Purchaser of the Order: Dasan
Item Requested: 3 custom mithril bracelets with mounted gems, 1 mithril ring, 2 mithril torcs (chokers)
Paid or Not Paid: paid
Description of the item: (exceptional sapphire stone, mithril bracelet, gift for a Servant Of The Grove) (with an exceptional lapis lazuli, other precious stones are embedded. gift for a Servant of the Grove) (exceptional moonstone, with a most intricate design to it. gift for a Servant of the Grove)
description:   http://wildspiritwol...%2F2609963&qo=56   (mithril ring, lacquered with resin, infused with diamond and haematite dusts to make it sparkle. gift for Servant of the Grove)
desc :: http://www.wulflund....r_torc_torques_b.jpg (mithril choker, made with iron pyrite enfused mithril, dual band wrap with wolf heads as the ends)

Estimated time for the order to be completed: 7 days
Price for the item or items: 1015 mhl
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Kooky on Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:31 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Spotzen Strype
Purchaser of the Order: Lexa|Aer|
Item Requested: Silver Bracelet
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item: A silver bracelet with alternating gems of three exceptional onyx and three exceptional ruby. It is engraved with simple words that hold a big meaning, "Thank you"
Estimated time for the order to be completed: 1 day
Price for the item or items: 194mhl
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Kooky on Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:33 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Spotzen Strype
Purchaser of the Order: Alren
Item Requested: Mithril Collar
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item: A thin mithril collar with an exceptional ruby in the middle of it. Engraved, it says the word, "Slut"
Estimated time for the order to be completed: 1 day
Price for the item or items: 205mhl
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Custom order for Sheyaeri

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:51 pm

Order taken by: Ellyssa Flamewing
Order Pickup date: July 15
Order: paid in full
Price: 3 mhl
Item Desc: Dark leather collar that covers the entire throat. Wider than a standard collar

Ellyssa|RK|-GS!shopitem desc leather collar8:18
Ellyssa|RK|-GS!shopitem sell Sheyaeri 229 3 mhl Dark leather collar, custom fitted to cover the entire throat. It is much wider than a standard collar.http://www.wallpaper...y_sensual_wings.html 8:23
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Leather Collar' to Sheyaeri for 3 Mhl and 0 Copper
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Tawny on Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:01 am

Order for JOE
Silver collar with small designs of a three tailed fox running around the collar
Cost...15 Mhl
Paid in full
Pick up date Aug 17th 2014
Sold by Hannah
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Naomh on Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:45 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Anaya
Purchaser of the Order: Sheyaeri
Item Requested: Mithril Anklet, Mithril belly chain
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item: Mithril Anklet with exceptional sunstone, Mithril belly chain with exceptional diamond
Estimated time for the order to be completed: Sept.2nd
Price for the item or items: 310mhl

Buyer supplied their own gems to be added to the jewelry:
(08:26:05) Sheyaeri{RK}: Exceptional Diamond (#24490) (Detail: one singular exceptional gemstone, its beauty overshadowing anything else about it. ... ond_b1.jpg), Exceptional Sunstone (#32102) - as pasted in #TLI-town.
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Special order for Poppy

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:00 pm

Purchaser of the Order: Poppy
Item Requested: Silver Bracelet with Major Jade, Silver Choker with Major Jade
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item:

Ellyssa|RK|-GS!shopitem sell Poppy 1576 24 mhl Silver Bracelet with Major Jade http://i1272.photobu...64_1_zpsb28e0d60.jpg6:50
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Silver Bracelet' to Poppy for 24 Mhl and 0 Copper6:50
Ellyssa|RK|-GS!shopitem sell Poppy 1592 24 mhl Silver Choker with Major Jade http://i1272.photobu...lver_zps44497071.jpg6:51
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Silver Choker' to Poppy for 24 Mhl and 0 Copper

Estimated time for the order to be completed: September 8th
Price for the item or item:
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Tawny on Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:40 am

Order for Caname
one mithril brooch of a wolf's head howling..engraved with Victor
one gold brooch of a wolf's head howling.. engraved with 2nd place
one silver brooch of a wolf's head howling..engraved with 3rd place
No charge..donated to Caname for Wulfkind Tournament

pick up date Sept 19th 2014

Clerk... Hannah
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Tawny on Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:03 am

Customer Order for Lyre
Order taken by Hannah

Custom made silver chain top and bottom and eye patch with chain
Paid in full 160 Mhl
Pick up date Sept 30th
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:45 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Ellyssa Flamewing
Purchaser of the Order: Balard
Item Requested: Silver Anklet with exceptional emerald and engraved "Bal"
Purchase Status: Paid for
Estimated Completion Date: September 29
Description of Item: Silver Anklet with mounted exceptional emerald and engraved with the letters "Bal"

Ellyssa_Flamewing-GS!shopitem sell Balard 354 89 mhl Silver anklet with exceptional emerald engraved with letters Bal http://s1272.photobu...zps06b6b79e.jpg.html 7:11
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Silver Anklet' to Balard for 89 Mhl and 0 Copper
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:29 pm

Tawny wrote:Order for Caname
one mithril brooch of a wolf's head howling..engraved with Victor
one gold brooch of a wolf's head howling.. engraved with 2nd place
one silver brooch of a wolf's head howling..engraved with 3rd place
No charge..donated to Caname for Wulfkind Tournament

pick up date Sept 19th 2014

Clerk... Hannah

Handed over to Caname on October 1st by Ellyssa Flamewing
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Kooky on Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:50 am

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Spotzen Strype
Purchaser of the Order: Traael
Item Requested: Silver Collar
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item: A silver collar with black lace lines around it and rabbit fur lining. In the center is the eye of a Dragon. The tag {TRA} is within the eye. ... 77r9z9.jpg

Estimated time for the order to be completed: 3 days (Oct 5th)
Price for the item or items: 20mhl
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:51 pm

Customer: Dark Dreamer (Colette|VC|)
Clerk: Ellyssa Flamewing
Status: Paid
Pickup: October 20
Items: Platinum wrist cuffs, glass dildo, gold wrist cuffs, good ankle cuffs

Ellyssa_Flamewing-GS!shopitem sell Colette|VC| 1535 130 mhl set with two exceptional bloodstones in each cuff14:40
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Platinum Wrist Cuffs' to DarkDreamer for 130 Mhl and 0 Copper

Ellyssa_Flamewing-GS!shopitem sell Colette|VC| 78 245 mhl Black glass dildo with 8 exceptional moonstones set in it. 14:42
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Glass Dildo' to DarkDreamer for 245 Mhl and 0 Copper

Ellyssa_Flamewing-GS!shopitem sell Colette|VC| 1532 116 mhl Gold ankle cuffs with 2 exceptional amber and 2 exceptional amethysts in a rotating pattern with 20 silver bells15:22
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Gold Ankle Cuffs' to DarkDreamer for 116 Mhl and 0 Copper

Ellyssa_Flamewing-GS!shopitem sell Colette|VC| 1531 96 mhl Gold wrist cuffs with 2 exceptional amber and 2 exceptional amethysts in a rotating pattern. 15:19
Desdaemona-- Selling ShopItem 'Gold Wrist Cuffs' to DarkDreamer for 96 Mhl and 0 Copper
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Amara on Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:57 pm

Clerk's Name that took the Order: Amara
Purchaser of the Order: Angst
Item Requested: Mithril collar
Paid or Not Paid: Paid
Description of the item: Gold bands engraved with swirls linked together by braided mithril. The tag has a spider with a skull on its back, ANG on the belly with 2 exceptional rubies for the eyes.
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Re: Custom/Special Orders Thread.

Postby Tawny on Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:45 am

Order for Bellana
Silver ring with one exceptional emerald and two exceptional diamonds and engraved with...Forever my heart.
Cost...157 Mhl
Paid in full
Pick up date Oct 6th
Sold by Hannah
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