Before you spill your spleen all over this nice clean forum, it is important that you understand why it was created and what it is for. It is also important that you understand what it is NOT here for (to mangle a rather extensive education which attempted to instil the rules of grammar).
This message board exists to enable discussion about the roleplay between players, admin and each other; to plan, to publish news, to seek advice, and all the other useful functions of such a facility. It doesn't exist to replace the web site. Nor does it exist to give you a soapbox.
So when the Dev Group post the news that a certain change has been made like, for example, the ongoing fleshing out of races to make them more detailed and consistent, we all welcome feedback which is polite and constructive; feedback that considers the change in terms of the whole game not just in how it affects one player. What we do not appreciate are posts along the lines of "OMG you have just destroyed the last ten years of my life, you fascist bastards, I'm going to slit my wrists and donate my body to medical science and it's all your fault". Posts like that will be deleted from the normal forums. But if you can hold off going to the shop to buy razor blades long enough, you can quite happily make that post in here instead.
When, as a player, you suggest that we could introduce a new race of aquatic beings based upon water voles and we decide they would not greatly benefit the game, we don't want to hear "But I wanna be a water vole. I've been a water vole in xxxxx furry channel for the past 2134 years and that is the only character I play. So I'm going to argue endlessly and repetitively until I get my way". Posts like that will also be deleted from the normal forums. But you can say it ad nauseum in Rants. Or at least until the other players club together to pay and have you assassinated.
You get the picture? This is the place to go when you want to stomp your feet and throw yourself onto the floor in a tantrum because of aspects of the game and the admin decision on what it is, and is not.
Now, what it is NOT:
- Firstly it is not a forum to bitch about other individuals, either Ops or players. You have your own OOC room(s) to do that, and apparently no shortage of time to devote to the topic.
- It is not a place to make useful suggestions. They are unlikely to ever be read.
- It is not a place where you can expect answers to your ranting. Other players may or may not. Who cares?
- It was never actually a place intended for saying nice things. Considers:
rave (rv)
v. raved, rav·ing, raves
1. To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently.
2. To roar; rage: The storm raved along the coast.
rant (rnt)
v. rant·ed, rant·ing, rants
To speak or write in an angry or violent manner; rave.
To utter or express with violence or extravagance: a dictator who ranted his vitriol onto a captive audience.
1. Violent or extravagant speech or writing.
Is that fairly clear? If not I'll watch this topic for a while and try to be more precise.